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5th/6th Grade Art

Mr. James Scott

Room 415

Goals of the Art Curriculum.

In regards to art, students will be
Generating and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
Refine and complete artistic work.
Analyze, interpret and select artistic work for presentation
Develop and refine artistic work for presentation
Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work
Perceive and analyze artistic work
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
Synthesize and retain knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
relate artistic ideas and work with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
Class Objectives
I will introduce concepts and techniques that will enhance the students knowledge of different cultures and the art that is produced from said
I will provide the students with opportunities that will test their abilities to problem solve and think critically.
I will guide each students discussion about art to ensure that they are able to articulate their views about the art that they see and make.
Parent Involvement
Check Eschool to see if your student is missing any work from me.
I will try to keep Eschool up to date as much as possible. If your child is missing an assignment, I will be more than happy to let you know which
one(s) they need to turn in.
Maintain lines of communication.
I check my emails daily. I will respond as soon as I can.
Homework Policy
I DO NOT give homework. I allow the students plenty of time to finish assignments in class. If a student wishes to take a project or an assignment
home, I will allow them to do so. However, if a project or assignment is not turned in on time, a grade of 0 will be awarded until the
project/assignment is turned in.
Course Outline
We will be using Art (Scott Foresman) as our textbook. Most of the students assignments will be given in handout form. I will notify students about
all upcoming events through a posted and distributed calendar.
Tests- I will post all test dates and topics in the classroom and on the board. Students should document and prepare in advance. If a student
misses the day of the scheduled exam, the student will be responsible for the exam when he/she returns. The student is responsible for making
arrangements with me for all makeup tests.
Projects-I will post all projects due dates in the classroom and on the board. Students should work hard throughout the assignment period to
complete each project. Projects will be given work time in class. Students are responsible for keeping up with project work and materials if the
student chooses to work on the project outside of class.If a student misses the day that the project is due, the student will be responsible for turning
it in the day he/she returns.

***If the student does not make up a test or turn in a project, a grade of 0 will be rewarded until it has been completed and turn in.***
Black (fine & ultra-fine) Sharpies
Elmers School Glue
Yarn (any color)
We will work in a variety of media: colored pencil, pastel, marker, pen and ink, watercolor etc If your student wishes to bring their own set of
colored pencils or markers to class, that is acceptable.


All students are responsible for any assignments, notes, tests, or projects missed during absences.
If you know in advance that you will be gone, talk to me to get your assignments before you leave.
All work that is not turned in results in a grade of 0 until it is turned in. Turn in your work as soon as possible.



Any test/quiz must be made up on your own time. Make an appointment to come make up those grades.
I will initial absentee forms only during the beginning of the class. It is your responsibility to bring it to me and get it back from me.
Classroom Policies
Be on time
Have all materials
Follow all directions given by the teacher
Respect everyone and everything in the classroom
No food or drink is allowed in the classroom (water is allowed in a sealed bottle)
No sleeping. If you are ill, you may call home.
No grooming
Follow all rules set out in the 2015-2016 student handbook.
Verbal warning
Note home
Call to parent/guardian
Referral to office
D Hall or Saturday School
All students will be graded according to the scale below.
Grading Scale:
A= 90-100
B= 80-89
C= 70-79
D= 60-69
F= 0-50
Grades will consist of Classwork, bellwork and participation
The seating chart will change based on the daily activity.
I reserve the right to move anyone as I feel it is needed.
Classroom Procedures
Procedures are simply ways in which things are to be done in the classroom. Students are expected to follow these procedure to the
point that each procedure becomes a routine. This will allow many different activities to take place with minimum wasted time and confusion.



Procedures for the Beginning of Class:

Enter the classroom on time, quietly and with all necessary materials.
Sharpen pencils, blow nose and go to the bathroom before the bell rings.
Place all excuse forms on my desk.
Get notebook (or artwork) out and begin working
Copy down important days and times from the board.
Procedures for the End of Class
Pack materials when instructed to do so.
Clean up your area, even if it is not your trash.
Other procedures will be discussed when the time aries.

For any questions or comments, I can be reached at school during 4th block.
School Phone: (870) 364-4712

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