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Section A


2. Diagram is a graph which shows the motion of a car of mass 1 200 kg. As the car approaches
a village, the driver steps on the brake pedal. The car is slowed down by friction and
decelerates gradually to a constant velocity. After passing through the village, the car
accelerates again. The car takes a longer time to pass through the village than travel on the

a) Classify the physical quantities mentioned in the above description into two groups.
Present your answers in the form of a table.

b) Answer the following questions based on the velocity-time graph in Diagram.

What is the constant velocity of the car when it is passing through the village?


How long does the car take to travel through the village?

c) Convert the constant velocity of the car stated in your answer in b(i) to km h-1


F4 Physics/Forces and Motion/JLYC/2016

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