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areting "udget "rea up

"d+et reak"pMode o* Marketin+

6 o# Total "udget
i+ital ad#ertisin+
&nline istri."tion %hannels:&TA;<S=
S & :search en+ine optimi?ation=
Social media
ill.oards@ Print Ad#ertisements
irect Mailin+@ Newsletter
P".lic Relations
Sales personal sellin+
!tra %"shion

areting "udget "rea up

The mentioned budget breaup will be applicable #or the next ? years

There will be continuous monitoring, changes will be made a#teranalysing the

maret situation

The social media budget is liely to increase which will be satis@ed bytrans#erring
budget #rom print advertising and personal selling

"rea Even Analysis

reak(e#en Anal$sis Res"ltsNo o* rooms :per da$ =Minim"m occ"panc$
re "ired :Per a$=


ProCt mar+in
Total 'ro@t (&n case o# #ull occupancy*
Total Ann"al occ"panc$
inimum annual operating charges Total operating cost (#ull occupancy*
AED27>5illion AED?=>=illion
ProEected A#+ Room rate :A =


&peratin+ %ost per room6F0

Similar to Haya Hotel - Marketing Strategy

Online Target Marketing Following segmentation analysis, marketers must select the
best potential segments for targeting. In order to pursue an online segment, the
target must be accessible through the Internet, sizable, growing, and hold great
potential for profit. 2.2.1 Targeting Strategies E-marketers can select among four
targeting strategies (Strauss, El-Ansary, & Frost, 2003, p.231): 1. Mass marketing
(undifferentiated targeting) -when the firm offers one marketing mix for the entire
market. 2. Multi-segment marketing - when a firm selects two or more segments
and designs marketing mix strategies specifically for each. Most firms use a multisegment strategy. 3. Niche marketing - when a firm selects one segment and
develops one or more marketing mixes to meet the needs of that segment. 4.
Micromarketing (individualized targeting) -when a firm tailors all or part of the
marketing mix to a very small number of people. In the case of eLegalDoc, the best
e-marketing strategy will be to pursue niche marketing, by selecting one of the
target customers as the primary online segment. 2.2.2 Niche Market - Small
Business Based on the above market segmentation analysis, Small Business owners
would be the most suitable targets for the online segment, following the niche
marketing strategy. This target segment is accessible through the Internet, is sizable
and growing, and has the highest potential for profit.
!ec"ti#e S"mmar$

Targeting the Dubai Expo 2020, we have come up with a new premium4-star hotel product

Analyses and assessed the industry, internal and competitiveenvironment to devise a mar eting plan

!ecommendations are made based on the industry assessment and datacollected through
various sources




ospitality industry on an average dedicates 56-706 o# their totalbudget on mareting and sales () /
%'E8D %9!.E:, 207;*,

<umeirah group has dedicated =>;6 o# its total budget on mar eting andsales

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