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Preventing Wrinkles Daily


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to Prevent Wrinkles

Use a creamy, oil-free face wash to hydrate skin and whisk away impurities.Skin is
much more flexible when it is moisturized, allowing it to move and slide freely across
your face without damage. This sort of damage will compound itself over your lifetime,
leading to wrinkles, if you don't take proper care of your skin now.

Use lukewarm water, not cold or hot, to protect your skin

Lightly massage the face wash into your skin using gentle, circular motions.Use
your fingers to work the wash into your face. Get around the eyes and forehead as well,
using the tips of your fingers to work up a nice, gentle lather.

Using a warm, wet towel, pat your face dry. Don't rub or scrub with a towel, as this
will irritate your skin and lead to redness. Your wash has removed a lot of the dead skin,
oil, and dirt, so scrubbing now is just hurting the new, younger skin underneath.

Mix up or apply a collagen mask to prevent wrinkles and firm up your skin. Firm,
flexible skin is the enemy of wrinkles. Masks are a way to soak your skin in collagen (a
naturally occurring human protein) as well as essential anti-oxidants, vitamins and
minerals. Let the mask rest for 15 minutes to absorb into your skin. [1]

Some modern masks come in pre-soaked pads, which you can simply
stick to your face instead of mixing up and painting on a traditional wet mask.

When done, pat in any remaining mask essence (sold with the pads)
lightly onto your face.

Apply an anti-wrinkle cream around wrinkle-prone areas. Most of these are very
concentrated, so you only need a pea-sized amount. Focus on your outer eyes,
forehead, chin, and around your mouth. Pat the cream onto your face instead of rubbing
it on.

If you have some extra cream, don't forget about your neck -- this is one of
the wrinkle spots many people forget.

Pat in some eye concentrate to prevent wrinkles in the most common areas.Crows
feet, the wrinkles right around the eyes, are the most common and quickest wrinkles
you'll develop. Using some eye concentrate around the eyes targets these wrinkles

Make sure you get a cream that is paraben-free, as these chemicals may
hurt your skin over time.[2]

Apply an anti-wrinkly moisturizing body lotion to your body, especially your
upper chest and neckline. Your body skin needs protection too, and many of the same
principles used to prevent wrinkles on your face can be applied to your body, too. A daily
full-body moisturizing, focusing on frequently exposed areas like the arms, legs, and
upper chest, will help fight body wrinkles.

Look for moisturizing creams that aren't oil-based, which can leave you
feeling greasy.

Again, search for natural, paraben-free products for the best results.

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