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Sarah Newbury

Tic Tac Toe

Menu Boards

Implementation of Choice Boards:

What choices are you willing to use?

Determine what choices are appropriate for each lesson.
Tic Tac Toe grid consists of nine cells; however, the
number of rows and cells can be adjusted.
The student picks three boxes to complete that make a
straight line either horizontally, diagonally, or vertically.
Menu boards are set up in the same format as a menu at
a restaurant.
There will be a predetermined amount of money the
student will have to spend.
They will pick different items to complete until they
have spent their allotted money.

What are choice boards?

Choices allow students to speak their

opinions at points during the day
giving them an opportunity to pick
the items or activities offered in their
preferred order. There are different
settings choices can be offered:
meals, chores, centers, and play.
Choice boards is a graphic organizer
that allows students to choose in
what order or which way they will
learn the concept.

Examples of Choice:

Tasks in any order

Student created questions
Study card
Pick 3 out of 5 homework
assignments for the week
Study buddies
Work in a different place
Complete odds or evens
Colored utensils
Self-paced work
Partner work
Marker boards
Tic Tac- Toe
Menu Boards

Why Students Benefit from Choice:

Not only do students benefit from having choice within their schoolwork, choice making is an
essential key to life. If individuals are unable to make choices, they become dependent on
others to make the decisions for them. Most people take their right to make choices in life for
granted. In the classroom, giving students a choice when it comes to their work can give them a
chance to be cooperative. Providing choice allows students to believe they have freedom and it
can motivate them to finish the work as they please. It also gives them the control to make
decisions for themselves, which will be a lesson in itself in the real world.

Kern, L., & State, T. M. (2009). Incorporating Choice and Preferred Activities Into Class wide
Instruction. Beyond Behavior, 18(2), 3-11.
Green, K.B., Mays, N. M., & Jolivette, K. (2010). Making Choices: A Proactive Way to Improve
Behaviors for Young Children With Challenging Behaviors. Beyond Behavior, 20(1), 25-31.
Stafford, A. M. (2005). Choice Making: A Strategy for Students With Severe Disabilities.
Teaching Exceptional Children, 37(6), 12-17.
Jolivette, K., Stichter, J. P., & McCormick, K. M. (2002). Making Choices--Improving Behavior--
Engaging in Learning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 34(3), 24.

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