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IDEA: Idea is the root of all manifestation. Idea draws unto itself all the forces that
are needed for demonstration. If you desire to build a home, you have to have the
perfect idea or the outlined thought of the home that you hope to have. When you
have the idea formed then you work out a plan to put it through - - you go around to
have a blue print; you gather engineers, workers, materials and the plot of ground
that you require to build your home. In other words, you gather the forces to put
your idea across. The next step is to have the house built. In time your dream comes
THE LAW: Now what is the law that operates in the whole process of manifestation?
It can be simply stated thus: First, what is essential is a creative idea. Creative
idea, if sufficiently strong and urgent in your heart, or to state the idea differently if
your dream is compelling and soulful, it will draw unto itself the forces that are
needed for the fruition of itself. These forces, however, cannot function to shape
themselves into the object of your dreams unless you put these forces into operation.
A MAGNET: Idea sufficiently thought of and contemplated upon, turns into a
magnet which draws into itself the materials and forces that it requires for its
fulfillment. Idea is bound to draw the materials and the forces. Such is the law. But
these materials and forces may be still in the unseen form. There is a big gap
between the unseen forms and actuality. Here the reward of turning the idea into
actuality depends on your taking advantage of the unseen forces by moving into
action according to the impulse of your inner idea. You have to move, act, and work
before you can actually recognize the presence of these friendly forces and materials
that you unconsciously attract by your strong idea. Now your dream, your idea,
your thought, your inner plan, or your prayer can broadly be stated as idea.
Now, why some succeed and others do not, is due to this intermediate step of
following the impulse of the idea or the prayer without any action or work. For this
reason many ideas fall through and many prayers are wasted in thin air.
In any kind of creation, the idea comes first. Then comes the appearance of the
forces, then the manifestation. This holds good even in the case of universal creation
or Genesis. This holds well in the case of any creative achievement in any line. Thus
creation is projected out of the Divine Idea. Before Creation was, idea was. The
Creative Intelligence or Divine Power first moves in idea. It is called the ideational
stage. When you form an idea of a thing, your mind is moving in the ideational
plane. So when the God-mind conceives of the idea, it moves in the ideational plane
or the first stage of the creative plane. Then as the idea moves, it materializes into
forces and energies. All the Cosmic or Universal forces are ideas of the Spirit,
moving toward manifestation as the material universe or creation. These are the
second stage of creation.
In the third stage, all the unseen universal forces, like spiritual forces, mental forces,
electronic forces, magnetic forces, cosmic rays, and the rest of them transform
themselves into electrons, protons, atoms, molecules, bodies, planets, and all
objects. In other words, all objects are ideas of God, first transformed into the
unseen forces which in their turn become transformed into material bodies and


In other words, all creation, all achievement, all manifestation, and all demonstration
pass through these three stages. Therefore, whenever you desire to achieve the
dream of your life you have to move according to this cosmic law. This law is
universal as well as individual or personal. Make your idea strong and compelling.
Make it vibrant with the blood of your soul, or the whole sagacity of your being. The
next thing that is necessary is faith in the inescapable fact that such an idea is bound
to draw the forces and materials, favorable unto itself, although superficially
everything may seem to be unfriendly and unfavorable.
FAITH: This faith is the perception of a divine law. It is not a belief or a creed. It is
knowledge verified by fact. It is a factual truth. Some perceive it and go forward and
meet success. Others do not recognize this universal law, and consequently they go
half-heartedly and fail.
NOURISH YOUR IDEA DAILY: Whatever dream, idea, or plan you have,
nourish it daily with meditation, then follow it directly toward its accomplishment just
as a horse moves on with blinders on its eyes, so it will not look either to the right or
the left, but heading straightly forward. So have blinders on your eyes; do not be
digressed by details on the way. Pin your gaze on your goal, let come what may. But
rest assured that all that happens will bring you nearer to your goal. Your idea is
bound to be the material that you dream to acquire.
(picture of Hamid Bey and Sri Nerode)

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