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Hardness: The Hardness is a physical property of the materials that it consists

basically of the firm union of the molecules that shape it, preventing so any other
object or substance divides it, penetrate it, or compromise it.
Maximum Horsepower: Potencia mxima.
Maximum allowed takeoff: Peso mximo autorizado al despegue.
Countersink: It is known like nutbrown and also like chaflanado or chamfered to
an operation of mechanized that carries out both in the holes and in the axes that
they fit with the same ones, and that consists of doing a starting taper in the ends
of the hole and of the axis to allow a better adjustment.
Lift: Fuerza de elevacin o de sustentacin.
Propellers: a device having blades radiating from a central hub that is rotated to
produce thrust to propel a ship, aircraft, etc.
Cranksshaft: A crankshaft or cigoal1 2 it is a leaned axis, with elbows and
counterweights present in certain machines that, applying the beginning of the
mechanism of connecting-rod - crank, there transforms the rectilinear alternative
movement into uniform circular letter.

Thrust: This force is obtained accelerating an air mass to a major speed that that
of the airplane. The reaction, of equal intensity but of opposite sense (3 law of
Newton's movement), moves the plane ahead (forward). In planes of propeller, the
force of propulsion generates the rotation of the propeller, moved by the engine; in
reactors, the propulsion is achieved by the violent expulsion of the gases burned
by the turbine.

Fuel: Fuel is any material capable of liberating energy when it oxidizes of violent
form with heat production. He supposes the liberation of an energy of his potential
form (binding energy) to a usable form it is directly or mechanical energy (thermal
engines) leaving as residue heat, carbon dioxide and some another chemical
Mayday: Seal internacional de socorro por radiotelefona.
Radial engine: The radial or motive major engine is a type of disposition of the
internal combustion engine in which the cylinders are located radial respect of the
crankshaft, forming a star as in the figure. This configuration was very used in
aviation, especially in big civil and military planes, up to the appearance of the jet

Check valve: They have for aim block completely the way of a fluid in traffic - good
is gaseous or liquid - in a sense and to leave free access in the contrario. It has the
advantage of a minimal tour of the disc or throttler to the position of total opening
Carburetor: The carburetor is the device that takes charge preparing the air-fuel
mixture to be delivered of controlled form and to be necessary towards the engine.

Lubrication: The lubrication is the process or technology used to reduce the

rubbing between(among) two surfaces that are very next.
Ignition: It is the process of ignition of a combustible substance across a spark
that ranges between 12 KV 24 KV
Oil: Oily, liquid, insoluble substance of mineral, vegetable or animal origin in water,
fuel and generally less dense than the water, that is constituted for steres of oily
acids or for hydrocarbons derived from the oil.
Overload valve: Vlvula de sobrepresin
Operation weight: Peso de operacin.
Pump: Component used to extract, to raise or to stimulate a fluid already is
combustible, oil or a hydraulic fluid
Jettison valve: Valvula de vaciado rpido de los tanques de combustible.

Lubricant: A lubricant is a substance that, placed between two mobile pieces,

does not degenerate, and forms likewise a cap that prevents his contact, allowing
his enclosed movement high temperatures and pressures.
Friction: It is known as force of friction the one that realizes an opposition to the
displacement of a surface on other one, or to that one objected to the beginning of
a movement.
Relief valve: They are designed to relieve the pressure when a fluid overcomes a
pre-established limit. His mission is to avoid the explosion of the protected system
or the failure of an equipment or pipeline for an excess of pressure.
Viscosity: The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of his resistance to the gradual
deformations produced by cutting tensions or tensions of traction.
Turbocharged: A turbocharged loader is a radial bomb of ventilation driven by the
energy of the gases of leak of an engine. The turbocharged uses the gases of leak
of the engine to move the wheel turbine to speeds up to(even) of 280,000 rpm
depending on the model and application.
NDT: (NON DESTUCTIVE TESTING). Prueba no destructiva.
Acceleration: The acceleration is a vectorial magnitude that indicates the speed
variation to us for unit of time.
Spar: Larguerillo.

Pressure: The pressure is a physical magnitude that measures the projection of

the force in perpendicular direction for surface unit.
Impeller: One to drive is a rotor placed inside a pipe or conduit to increase the
pressure and the traffic of the fluid that circulates along him.








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