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Economy of Mauritius

Mauritius has attracted US$10.98 billion in foreign direct investment inflows. Top sectors attracting
FDI inflows from Mauritius (from January 2000 to December, 2005) are electrical equipment,
telecommunications, fuels, cement and gypsum products and services sector (financial and nonfinancial).
With a well-developed legal and commercial infrastructure and a tradition of entrepreneurship and
representative government, Mauritius is one of the developing worlds most successful democracies.
The economy has shown a considerable degree of resilience, and an environment already
conducive to dynamic entrepreneurial activity has moved further toward economic freedom. The
islands institutional advantages are noticeable. A transparent and well-defined investment code and
legal system have made the foreign investment climate in Mauritius one of the best in the region.
Taxation is competitive and efficient. The economy is increasingly diversified, with significant privatesector activity in sugar, tourism, economic processing zones, and financial services, particularly in
offshore enterprises. The government is trying to modernize the sugar and textile industries, which in
the past were overly dependent on trade preferences, while promoting diversification into such areas
as information and communications technology, financial and business services, seafood processing
and exports, and free trade zones. Agriculture and industry have become less important to the
economy, and services, especially tourism, accounted for over 72 percent of GDP. The government
still owns utilities and controls imports of rice, flour, petroleum products, and cement.

High levels of equitable public investment

Mauritius has a strong human capital foundation developed through consistent and equitable
investment in human development.[4] This enabled Mauritius to exploit advantages, learn from
expertise brought in through FDI and maintain competitiveness in a fast evolving international
market. Education and health services are free and have been expanded in recent years, in order to
create further employment opportunities and ensuring inclusive growth. The educated and adaptable
workforces were essential elements of 1980s export-orientated growth. [4] Around 90%
of entrepreneur in the export processing zone (EPZ) and in the manufacturing sector were Mauritian
nationals; businesspeople had the human capital, education and knowledge needed to exploit
market opportunities.

Financial services
Mauritius provides an environment for banks, insurance and reinsurance companies, captive
insurance managers, trading companies, ship owners or managers, fund managers and
professionals to conduct their international business. The economic success achieved in the 1980s
engendered the rapid growth of the financial services sector in Mauritius. The following types of
offshore activities can be conducted in Mauritius:

Offshore Banking

Offshore Insurance

Offshore Funds Management

International Financial Services

Operational Headquarters

International Consultancy Services

Shipping and Ship Management

Aircraft Financing and Leasing

International Licensing and Franchising

International Data Processing and Information Technology Services

Offshore Pension Funds

International Trading

International Assets Management

The Mauritius GDP Annual Growth Rate is increasing as compared to the previous year. It has
increased by 0.1.

Macroeconomic Statistics

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