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Corinne Elvis Carlos

Nutrient Cycles
Water Cycle
1. Water
2. Atmosphere, surface water, groundwater, and oceans
3. In the aquifer
4. Evaporation and transpiration
5. Surface runoff and groundwater flow
6. Precipitation
7. As water vapor condenses, pollutants could be brought down to
contaminate rivers, streams, lakes and oceans
8. Precipitation and runoff would be the most responsible processes.
Precipitation carries air pollutants into water, while runoff collects any
pollutants that are in our ground into the water supply. The action of
percolation and transpiration can filter and clean the water.
Evaporation and transpiration produce water vapor, which is probably
the cleanest water on earth at this point.
9. Absorption and transpiration by plants and percolation
If the water on Earth is polluted anywhere in the cycle, it affects
the water system in general. Percolation and plant use limited in what
they can do to clean the water. If our atmosphere is polluted, it will the
pollute the water. If there is pollution ion the ground, runoff will take it
to the lakes, rivers and oceans. The water that is on Earth today is the
same water that has been there from the beginning and will continue
to be the water that is available to us.
Carbon cycle
Respiration from animals and plants, and combustion
a. photosynthesis
b. plants and other photosynthetic organisms
a. decomposing fungi, bacteria and worms
b. the carbon would not be recycled into the atmosphere; it would
be locked in the waste and dead matter, leaving less and less
carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, Meanwhile, the wastes and
dead organisms would pile up
a. coal, oil, peat and natural gas
b. fossil fuels
c. we burn them as energy sources
d. combustion

Using a gas stove, driving in a car, flying on an airplane, riding
the bus to school, using an outdoor grill, using any electrical appliance
when the electricity is made from power plants that burn fossil fuels
Nearly half of the electricity in the US is generated from the
combustion of coal
Oil, natural gas, and coal. Some may include peat, although it
takes much less time to form
WE are releasing the stored carbon into the atmosphere, thsu
increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. WE are releasing the
carbon stores faster than they can be replenished by nature. The
balance that had been in place by storing some of the carbon in the
carob sinks has been thrown off by human used of fossil fuels.
We are increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by
reduction the mass of photosynthetic organisms with deforestation and
ocean pollution. Increases in greenhouse gases have been linked to
global warming. This can melt ice caps, causes flooding and drastically
affect weather patterns, as well as change the temperature of
environments and affect the survival of organisms.
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen- fixing bacteria, decomposing bacteria, nitrifying
bacteria, and denitrifying bacteria
Nitrogen fixation by N-fixing bacteria in the soil and in the root
nodules of legumes
By conversion to ammonia and ammonium compounds
They convert nitrates, which are what plants need, back to
atmospheric nitrogen
The nitrogen cycle would be unbalanced. The nitrates would not
be converted to nitrates and the ammonia compound would

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