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Instructions: Write the letter (A, B, or C) and/or the correct answer after the
- If Statement A and Statement B are both correct.
- If Statement A is correct and Statement B is incorrect, then underline the incorrect
statement and write the correct answer after the number.
- If Statement A is incorrect and Statement B is correct, then underline the incorrect
statement and write the correct answer after the number.
A - Nurses need to provide eye care for the comatose client whose corneal reflex is often impaired.
B - Eye care for the client should be provided as needed, every 2-4 hours.
A - Explaining the procedure always anxiety and gains client cooperation.
B - Make sure the room is free from drafts by closing windows and doors.
A - There are two ways to make a bath mitt with wash cloth: triangular method and rectangular
B - Wash the arm using a long firm stroke, proximal to distal. Give special attention to the axilla.
4. ________________________________
A - Use firm long strokes from knee to ankle and to the thigh.
B - Pay particular attention to the groin.
5. ________________________________
A - In shaving a male client, start on one side of the face, lather the chin from below the sidebum
to the jaw.
B - With an electric razor, start on one side, and work in the direction of the hair grows
6. ________________________________
A - Assemble equipment after washing hands.
B - Perineal-genital care is provided in conjunction with the bed bath and is considered as a sterile
7. ________________________________
A - Remove the gown from the arm with infusion first.
B - Slip the gown the arm with the IV and onto the tubing.
8. ________________________________
A- Keep a low center of gravity by flexing your hips and knees instead of bending at the waist.
B - Create a wide base of support by spreading your feet apart.
9. _________________________________
A - An open bed is made by leaving the top covers folded back, making it easier for the client to
get in.
B - In close bed, the rubber draw sheet are drawn up to the top of the bed and under the pillows.
10. ________________________________
A - In a low Fowlers position, head is elevated to 30. A semi-Fowlers refers to an elevation up to
B - A high Fowlers position is an elevation of 60 to 90.

11. ________________________________
A - Dorsal recumbent position is for vaginal inspection and digital examination.
B - Lateral position is for examination of bladder, vagina and rectum.
12. _____________________________
A - In sims position, the client assumes a posture halfway between the lateral and prone position.
B - The lower arm is positioned behind the client, and the upper arm is extended at the shoulder
and elbow.
13. ____________________________
A- In moving up a client up in bed, assume a narrow stance with the foot nearest the bed behind
the forward foot and the weight on the forward foot.
B - Place one arm under the clients back and shoulders and the other arm under the clients thigh.
14. ____________________________
A - One of the purpose of moving up a client to the side of the bed in segments is to prepare for
moving a client onto a stretcher.
B - Another purpose is to turn the client to the prone position or when changing the clients bed.
15. ____________________________
A - Before moving client to lateral position, move the client closer to the side of the bed opposite
the side of the client will face when turned.
B - While standing, on the side of the bed nearest of the client, place the clients arm across his/her
A - In turning a client to a prone position, the arm is abducted slightly from the side of the body.
B - The client is rolled completely onto the abdomen.
17. ____________________________
A - Logrolling is a technique used to turn a client whose body must be at all times be kept in
straight alignment.
B - This technique is commonly used to reposition patients who had a spinal or back surgery.
18. ___________________________
A - Moving a patient from bed to wheelchair helps him/her begin engaging in physical activity.
B - To prevent musculoskeletal strain and injury, tighten your leg and arm muscles only.
19. ___________________________
A - Lock the wheels of the bed and the stretcher before the client transfer in or out of them.
B - Fasten safety straps across the client on a stretcher, and raise the side rails.
20. __________________________
A - Activity is the ability to move freely and purposefully.
B - Body movement involves four basic elements: 1) posture (body alignment), 2) joint mobility, 3)
balance (stability) and 4) coordination.
21. _________________________
A - The act of walking; in the normal walking posture, the head erect, the cervical, thoracic and
lumbar vertebrae are aligned, the hips and knees have appropriate extension and the arms swing
freely in alternate with the legs.
B - Illness or trauma can reduce activity tolerance; the longer clients are on bed, the more difficult
they have walking.
22. _________________________
A - Canes provide additional support even though weight-bearing is possible.
B - Cane enhances the clients balance and gait alignment.

23. __________________________
A- The client should maintain a slouch position in the use of crutches.
B - The weight of the body should be borne by the arms rather than the axillae.
24. _________________________
A - When measuring crutches, tell client to put on shoes he/she will be wearing when using
B - The basic crutch stance is the tripod position.

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