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Nutrition is a combination of processes which supply our body with

substances and the energy we need to live.

The four processes involved in nutrition are:
Digestion Respiration Circulation -Excretion


The digestive system is a group of organs working together to convert food
into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body.
In this system, the process of digestion has many stages, the first of which
starts in the mouth (oral cavity). Digestion involves the breakdown of food into
smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated
into the body.

The digestive system acts in stages to digest our food. Each stage is
important and prepares the food for the next stage. The entire length of our
digestive system is around 6 to 9 metres!

Food contains Carbohydrates ,Fats, Proteins as well as Vitamins ,Minerals
,Water and Fibre.
The Digestion consists mainly in the separation and assimilation of those
components by our body.

Here are the major stages of the digestive system:

1. Chewing - Chewing is the first stage of the digestive system. When you
chew your food it breaks up big pieces into little pieces that are easier to
digest and swallow. Also, your saliva is more than just water. It has special
enzymes in it (AMYLASE)that start to break down starchy food (potatoes,
bread) while you chew.

2. Swallowing - Swallowing may seem like a simple process to us. It just sort of
happens. But this soft already chewed food (called Bolus)doesn't just fall
down our throats into our stomach. First, our tongue helps to push food into
the back of our throat. Then there are special throat muscles that force the
food down into a long tube that leads to our stomach,
called the esophagus.
The food doesn't just fall down the pipe, muscles push
the food along until it gets to our stomach. At the
same time all this is going on, a flap blocks off our
windpipe making sure food doesn't go the wrong way.
We call this "going down the wrong pipe" and it can
make us choke. This flap is called the epiglottis and,
fortunately for us, it works automatically.

3. Stomach - The next stage is the stomach. Your stomach, a wide, pouchy
part of the digestive tube, is located on the left side of your body above your
waist and behind your ribs.
Food hangs out in the stomach
for around four hours. While
the food sits there, more
enzymes go to work on it,
breaking down things like
proteins that our bodies can
use. The stomach juices are so
acid which kill all the possible
bacteria contained in the food
The stomach stores swallowed food and liquid, mixes the food and liquid with
digestive juice it produces. The stomach juices begin the digestion of proteins
and fats into their respective bodily building blocks amino acids and fatty
acids.,Then, slowly empties its contents, called chyme, into the small intestine.
Churned(batido) by the stomach walls and degraded by the stomach juices,
what started as food apples, pears, potato chips, steak, cake, you name it
is now a thick, soupy mass called chyme (from chymos, the Greek word for
juice). The stomach's wavelike contractions push this messy but still intact
substance along to the small intestine where your body begins to pull out the
nutrients it needs.
4. Small Intestine - The first part of the small intestine works with juices
from the liver and pancreas to continue to break down our food. This part of
your digestive system has its own set of digestive juices including

Alkaline juice from the pancreas that powers special enzymes (called
amylases) to digest carbs.(carbohydrates)
Bile (the bitter, yellow liquid produced by the liver that helps to digest fat) from
the liver and gallbladder that acts as an emulsifier (a compound that
enables fats to mix with water)
Pancreatic and intestinal enzymes that complete the separation of
proteins into amino acids.

In other words when Chyme passes through the small instestine a bombing
of juices from the LIVER,GALLBLADER and PANCREAS finish the
separation and extraction of the necessary elements for us.
This process of juice bombing and absorption takes place in the three parts of
the small intestine as Chyme passes through.
The three parts of the small intestine are:

Finally the food gets absorbed from the intestine and into our body through
the blood. The leftovers and not worthy elements go to the Large intestine or
Colon (no es Cristbal)

5. Large Intestine - The last stage is the large intestine. Any food that the
body doesn't need or can't use is sent to the large intestine and later leaves
the body as waste.
The large intestine absorbs water from the chyme and
stores feces until they can be defecated out of the body
through the rectum.

'The Journey of the Digestive System'

Digestive system 3d

1. Match systems and sentences.
Digestive system

through this system blood

carries oxygen and

Respiratory system

through this system we

get the nutrients from
the food

Excretory system

through this system

we get oxygen from
the air

Circulatory system

through this system we we

clean our blood and
eliminate waste

2.-Fill in the blanks







Find the digestive

system words
below in the grid to
the left.




small intestine






large intestine











3. Label the diagram to show the process of nutrition.


1.-The job of the digestive system is to break food down so that our

bodies can use it as fuel or energy. .

2.- Food contains Carbohydrates ,Fats, Proteins as well as Vitamins.
3.- AMYLASE is an enzyme found in the saliva . .
4.-Chewed or masticated food becomes a paste known as
5.- The epiglottis is a flap made of elastic cartilage tissue covered with a

mucous membrane, attached to the entrance of the larynx which opens

or closes to let food slip down the esophagus. ..
6.-Food passes through the stomach very quickly
7.-In the stomach and due to the action of gastric juices the Bolus becomes
Chyme. ..

8.-The Bile is produced by the Liver and helps the body to absorb fats. . ..
9.- Food passing from the stomach through the small intestine would first pass
into the duodenum, then the ileum, and lastly the jejunum. .
10.- The Large Intestine is responsible for removing water from the undigested
food, turning it from a liquid paste into solid waste. ..

RESULT : / 10


TO KNOW MORE:Digestive Lab

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