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National Building Code (PD

1. Egress (Exit)

Section 1207. Stairs, Exits, and

Occupant Loads

a. Exits
1. Number of Exits
Above 1st storey 10
occupant 2 exits
Mezzanine 185 sq.m
area or more than
18m in dimension 2
500-999 3 exits
2. Exits if only 2 exits
required, shall be
placed distance apart
not < 1/5 of the
perimeter area.
3. Distance of Exits
w/o sprinkler 45m
from exterior exit
door, w/ sprinkler
4. Doors
a. Swing exit door
shall swing to exit
travel in
hazardous areas

Fire Code (R.A. No. 9514)

A. Permissible Exit
Components An exit
shall consist of the
approved components
that are described,
regulated, and limited as
to use by Sections through of this IRR.
Exit components shall be
constructed as an
integral part of the
building or shall be
permanently affixed
D. Occupant Load
1. The total capacity of
means of egress for any
floor, balcony, tier, or
other occupied space
shall be sufficient for the
occupant load thereof.
The occupant load in any
building or portion

BP 344

Local Ordinances


Central Business
District Zone

4.1 Wall mounted or free

standing tablets with an
embossed plan configuration
of the building which also
shows the location of the
lobby, washrooms and
emergency exits of the
building (indicated by
different textures with
corresponding meanings)
should be provided either in
front of the building or at the
main lobby. The markings of
this tablet should be
readable by both the fully
sighted and the blind

(C-4, composed of
subzones C-4A, C-4B, C4C, C-4D, C-4E, C-4F, C4G, C-4H, C-4I, C-4J, and
C-4K). This central
business district zone
shall be used primarily
for high density office
and residential
developments on a
metropolitan scale of
operations, with
miscellaneous support

4.2 Flashing light directional

signs indicating the
location(s) of fire exit shall
be provided at every change
in direction with sufficient
power provided in

The total Gross Floor

Area occupied by the
additional accessory
uses are as follows:
i. In C-4A and C-4Blots
with frontage along
Ayala Avenue/Paseo de
Roxas/Makati Avenue,
the total FAR shall not

w/ 50 or more
occupant load
b. Double acting
doors view panel
of not < 1,300
sq. cm.
c. Width and Height
not < 900mm in
width, not <
2.00m in height,
opening 90
degrees and exit
way clear width
not < 700mm
5. Door Leaf Width
max of 1.20
6. Corridors and Exterior
Exit Balconies
a. Width not <
b. Dead Ends max
6.00m in length
7. Stairways
a. Width serving an
occupant load of
more than 50
shall not be <
1.10m, occupant
load of 50 or

thereof shall be the

maximum number of
persons that may be in
the space at any time,
as determined by the
City/Municipal Fire
Marshal having
jurisdiction, but shall not
be less than the number
computed by dividing
the floor area assigned
to that use by the
occupant load factor in
accordance with the
requirements of
Divisions 8 through 17 of
this Chapter for
individual occupancies
See Table 1.2
Minimum Corridor
The minimum width of
any corridor or
passageway serving as a
required exit or means of
travel to or from

accordance with the

provisions for emergency
lighting under Section 3.410
of P.D. NO. 1185 (The Fire
Code of the Philippines)

exceedFAR 1, exclusive
of the Gross Floor Area
occupied by restaurants,
canteens, and foodserving establishments
located at and/or above
the second floor of a







less may be 90m

(900mm) wide,
stairways serving
an occupant load
of < 10 may be .
75m (750mm)
Rise and Run.
Rise max
0.20m (200mm),
Run - 0.25m
Winding Stairways
narrower side of
the thread
150mm 300mm
Circular Stairways
used as exit w/
min width of run
not < 250mm
Landings straight
run max of
1.20m, vertical
Distance bet
landings max of
3.60m vertical
distance landings.
Handrails not <
800mm nor more

required exit shall be

one hundred twelve
centimeters (112 cm) in
the clear.
Number of Exits
At least two (2) exits
shall be provided for
every floor or section,
including floors below
the floor of exit
discharge used for
industrial purposes or
uses incidental thereto.
At least one of which
shall be reached without
traversing another

Travel Distance to
1. Exits shall be as
remote from other as
practicable, so arranged
that it will not be

than 900mm.
h. Stairway to Roof
if 4 or more
storeys in height
i. Headroom
clearance 2.00m
8. Ramps width
1.10m min

necessary to travel more

than thirty one meters
(31 m) from any point to
reach the nearest exit
for buildings not
protected by a complete
automatic fire
suppression system, or
forty six meters (46 m)
in a building protected
by an approved,
supervised sprinkler
system in accordance
with Section of
this IRR. 2. From every
point there shall be at
least two (2) separate
exits accessible, so
arranged as to be
reached by different
paths of travel in
different directions.
G. Number of Means of
1. The number of means
of egress from any
balcony, mezzanine,
storey, or portion thereof

shall not be less than two

(2), except when
specifically permitted in
Division 8 through 17 of
this Chapter.
2. When the occupant load
for any storey or portion
thereof is more than five
hundred (500) but not
more than one thousand
(1000), the means of
egress shall not be less
than three (3); in excess
thereof, the means of
egress shall not be less
than four (4)
2. Parking Slot

1. In computing for
parking slots, a
fraction of 50%
and above shall be
considered as one
car parking slot.
2. In areas where
adequate public
parking lots/multifloor parking
garages are
available within
200 m of the
proposed building,

a. Parking spaces
for the disabled
should allow
enough space for
a person to
transfer to a
wheelchair from
a vehicle;
b. Accessible
parking spaces

Parking, Vehicular
Entrance and Exit, and
Service Entrance
Buildings and structures
located in R-3A, R-3B,
and C-4A, C-4B, C-4C, C4D, C-4E, C-4F, C-4G and
C-4H subzones must
comply with the
following requirements:
i. For Residential or

only 30% of
requirement need
to be provided
within their
Rule XIX Parking &
Loading Space
1.11 Office Bldgs
1 slot/125 sq.m of gross floor
1. Special Provisions
1 parking slot for the
handicapped per 50
up to 150 parking
slots & an additional
slot for every 100
slots thereafter.
Wheel chair transfer
area one between 2
spaces, directly
connect to accessible
walk of travel and bldg
Maximum distance of
accessible parking area

should be
located as close
as possible to
entrances or to

Office use: minimum 1.0

parking slot per 100
square meters (sqm) of
Vehicular Entrances and
a. In C-4A and C-4B,
vehicular entrances shall
c. Whenever and
not be allowed on the
side of the property
facing Ayala Avenue and
Paseo de Roxas.
parking spaces
However, in Block 4,
should be
(LRC) Psd-6132 and Plan
perpendicular or LRC) Pcs-1332 along
to an angle to
Paseo de Roxas and
the road or
Makati Avenue, vehicular
circulation aisles; entrances (but not exits)
may be allowed on the
d. Accessible
side of the lot facing
parking slots
Paseo de Roxas or Makati
should have a
Avenue. Vehicular exits
minimum width
of buildings in C-4A and
of 3.70 m.;
C-4B in every case must
e. A walkway from
always be along a Side
Street, the Access Road
spaces of 1.20
within each block De La
m. clear width
Rosa Street or Valero
shall be provided Street.

from facility served.

Parking areas for
handicapped shall be
w/in 60m of the facility
being served.

between the
front ends of
parked cars;
f. Provide dropped
curbs or curb
cut-outs to the
parking level
where access
walkways are
2. 1.7 Pavement
markings, signs or
other means shall be
provided to delineate
parking spaces for the
handicapped; 1.8
Parking spaces for the
disabled should never
be located at ramped
or sloping areas;

3. Setback

1. Setbacks vacant space

bet the bldg. & lot lines not

The automobile parking

slot should not be less
than 12.5 sqm in area,
measuring 2.5 meters by
5.0 meters for
perpendicular or
diagonal parking, and
2.15 meters by 6.0
meters for parallel
parking. Service
driveways should provide
unobstructed ingress and
egress to and from the
parking slot at all times.
However, tandem
parking for two (2) cars
only may be permitted.
Dropped curb
parking slots that are
directly accessed from
the street without
entering an internal
driveway shall not be
SECTION 36. Yard and

< 2.00m in width

2. See Table 1.1

Setback Regulations.
Yard and building
setback regulations of
the NBC and other
applicable laws, rules
and regulations shall be
applied in all zones
1. In C-4A and C-4B
subzones, the sides of
the building facing
boundaries of adjoining
properties or facing any
street other than Valero
and De La Rosa Streets
and the access roads
leading thereto,
must be constructed
flush with the property
lines. The building
footprint thus defined
should rise to a minimum
height of fifteen (15)
meters. However,
indentations may be
permissible on the
ground floor for the
purpose of making

display windows more

effective. In case of lots
in these areas that face
side streets, driveways
to parking areas inside
the property may be
constructed through
appropriate arcades.

5. Floor Area
1. Allowable Maximum

However, in Block 4,
(LRC) Psd-6132 and Plan
(LRC) Pcs-1332 along
Paseo de Roxas and
Makati Avenue, the
building may be set back
from any boundary of
the lot, provided that a
minimum setback of two
(2) meters from the
common boundaries with
adjoining properties is
observed. The setback
shall be measured from
the property line to the
nearest projection of the
Maximum Floor Area

Total Gross Floor Area

1. General. The
Maximum Total
Gross Floor Area
(TGFA) of any
proposed building
shall only be as
allowed under this
2. TGFA Limitation
In Table Vii.6.1. the
indicated in the 3rd
through 8th
columns are the
percentages of the
Total Lot Area
(TLA) that may be
used to determine
the Allowable
Maximum TGFA
while the
multiplier numbers
3, 5, 12, 18 and 30
represent the
number of

a. C-4A, C-4B, C-4C, and

C-4D: sixteen (16)

3. The Allowable
TGFA should not
exceed the
Maximum Volume
of Building
(AMVB). If
exceeded, the
Maximum TGFA
must be adjusted
since the AMVB
must always
See Table 1.3

4. Building Height

1. Allowed Height of
1. General. The
maximum height
and number of
storeys of
proposed building
shall be dependent
upon the character
of use or
occupancy, on the
type of
construction, on
population density,
light and
ventilation, width
of road right-ofway, building bulk,
off-street cum offsite parking
requirements and
local land use plan
and zoning
2. The Building
Height Limit (BHL)
shall only be as
allowed under this

Article V LAND USE,

SECTION 11. General
Provisions. The allowable
land uses and maximum
building densities/heights
in the zones and subzones
defined in this Ordinance
are enumerated in the
succeeding Sections.
1. Allowable land uses are
specified according to
Principal Uses and
Accessory Uses. Principal
Uses define the dominant
use of a zone/lot while
Accessory Uses support the
Principal Uses allowed in a
In Residential (R-1, R-2, R3), Commercial (C-1, C-2,
C-3), Central Business
District (C-4A, C-4B, C-4C,
C-4D, C-4E, C-4F, C-4G, C4H, C-4I, C-4J, and C-4K),
HPZ, GCZ,INS, and Sports
Club Recreational (REC-3)

Rule or under the

duly approved city
zoning ordinance,
whichever is more
restrictive (refer to
Table VII.7.1)

zones, the dominant use is

the use that occupies the
largest building Gross Floor
Area in a lot.

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