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JULY 3, 2016
The article is very informative and thought provoking. In inquiry class, students are
actively seeking solutions, designing investigations, and asking new question. The inquiry based
learning is indeed an approach to be adapted for 21 st century learners. Globally competitive
learners should be critical and analytical thinkers and this approach is one method that Filipino
learners need to develop.
Learners should be engaged in small group task. I am currently implementing this
learning as I divided my Grade 8 classes into groups of 8-10 with 5-6 members. Students will
then be given tasks to be the leader (harmonizer), secretary (recorder), correspondent (reporter)
and material managers. Each quarter the group will re assign their position for everyone to
experience all positions and not be overly dependent over their former leaders. Group outputs
then shows that since each member has task they work more efficient than last school years
grouping wherein some members of the group rely to a set of clique. Due to small groups all
members are able to interact and share and their thoughts or perform in their particular activity.
Teachers plays a vital role in this approach. If teachers are fully equipped on know-how,
had trainings and seminars then surely they will give the opportunity to their students. By
implementing Inquiry Based learning it is important that there is community participation and
government support. How can students construct a model or project if there is limited or no
available resources? The approach is not a one-time experiment it needs revision and
improvement of the submitted/proposed outputs. It will be very taxing to students to spend or
allocate budget for a project that needs constant remodelling until they attain their desired
outcome or solution. Students cannot sustain materials and resources in this approach. Even
with localization this is still a challenge, if students are not entrusted with funds/finances for their
materials the students will again be dependent to teachers who provides materials for every
activity or projects necessarily. How should student finance on projects when they themselves
dont have food on their plate. The Philippines as a third world nation is very considerate for
those who belong in marginalized families. It is a fast changing world, Filipino students hasnt
catch up with the worlds technology yet. A community participation is definitely a must in this
approach. Thus, the true goal of inquiry-based group work will be attained.

We all want a better future. There are ways needed to be ventured. Most of our schools
focus on teaching a set of basic skills that do not serve the needs of modern society. Perhaps,
partnerships with NGOs or with the cooperation of government agencies or design a program
for science projects within the school. Student, teachers and the community needs to sustain
this approach. The benefits of projects and students being problem-solvers and good in decision
making this the best win-win situation. This skills can be applied to future "need to know"
situations that students will encounter both at school and at work.

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