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San Miguel Dark Lager - San Miguel Brewery Inc.





191 Ratings

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rAvg: 3.46
pDev: 15.61%
Reviews: 150
Hads: 41
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Brewed by:
San Miguel Brewery Inc.
Style | ABV
Euro Dark Lager | 5.00% ABV
Availability: Year-round. bottle (150).


rDev -1.7%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.75
A: Pours a reddish-brown color with a decent tan head that fades to some lacing.
S: Aroma of roasted malt and some grain.
T: Taste of roasted malt with a mild sweetness and a bit of grain. Nice bitterness and a clean finish.
F: Fairly medium beer, smooth and somewhat creamy. Nice balance.
First had this years ago when it was known as Creveca Negra. Enjoyable beer.
Serving type: bottle
06-04-2013 01:32:04 | More by soju6



rDev +15.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Pours dark brown with a big tan head. Splashy lace and a skim retention.
Big molasses aroma, coupled with some dark brown sugar and nice toasted malt.
Smooth and drinkable, the balance of flavors is what makes this brew shine. Up front you get blackstrap molasses, but without the

sweetness (wrap your head around that). Brown bread, some nuts, and an even bitterness throughout. Your nose and mind play
tricks with you, as you smell all of this stuff and expect there to be sweetness. There's a hint of it at best. Where the brewer hits it
right is that they don't kill it with bitterness.Moderate malty bitterness at the finish. I could drink these all day, any season.
Medium bodied, finishes with alot of flavor, and a little crispness.
I dug this a lot. Not what I expected it to be. A nice rich, flavorful beer.
Serving type: bottle
05-25-2013 21:51:30 | More by OtherShoe2



rDev +1.4%
look: 4.25 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.5
Saving grace when I was in the philippines for a month.
Pours an opaque deep brown with garnet highlights visible when held to light. A solid one inch, frothy tan head lingers, eventually
leaving thick lacing.
Nutty, toasted bready malt and a hint of fruitiness form the initial aroma. There's a touch of roast and a hint of chocolate, along with
tar. It's decidedly doughy.
Flavor reveals more roast character initially, becoming more toasty mid palate, and finishing a bit acrid and dry. There's a bit if a
vinous character that is slightly offputting. Dark berries emerge as it warms. There's a subtle chocolatey sweetness.
Body is a bit light, with moderate carbonation and a touch of alcohol warmth.
Great toasted malt character, fairly nutty, with just enough roast to not overwhelm. Some off flavors, but not am offensive beer.
Serving type: bottle
05-22-2013 01:07:11 | More by barczar



rDev +5.8%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
I got a bottle of this (under the cerveza negra alias) as a part of a mix and match 6 pack. I included it on a whim, as a generally
enjoy dark lagers and had never heard of this beer. I was very pleasantly surprised. Even drinking it straight from the bottle, the
roasted malts and caramel tones were very evident. It was an extremely smooth lager witha great mouthfeel. Thick, but not porter
thick, it was exactly what a dark lager should feel like. This may become my new go to session beer.
Serving type: bottle
02-27-2013 19:26:02 | More by JeanPaulValley



rDev +5.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.75
Dark brown, mahogany...1/2" beige head - decent retention before falling to a sparse cap.
Sweet malts, molasses, light roasted notes.
Roasted with cream. Toffee, burnt or brown sugar. Simple but enough there to make it interesting.
Medium weight, low to mid-carbonation....doesn't finish too sweet - plus for that.
Pleasantly surprised...I would pick this over Negra Modelo all day long.
Serving type: bottle
02-24-2013 03:14:08 | More by MUSHROOMCLOUD

South Carolina


rDev +5.2%
look: 3.25 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.75
Undated 355ml bottle served in a snifter. Poured very dark brown, topped by a tan head that quickly disappears, leaving little lacing.
A thin coat of sediment is left on the bottom of the bottle.
The aroma is pleasant, but so sweet that I worry about the flavor. Hints of toffee and caramel.
Flavor is more like a sweet stout than expected, coming close to being too sweet. Of course, compared to a stout the malt load here
is mild, but respectable for style. Traces of hops in both the aroma and flavor.
O: enjoyable and better than expected. At least average even by European standards.
Serving type: bottle
01-13-2013 00:36:39 | More by chinchill

United Arab Emirates


rDev -8.1%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3
This and Golden Eagle are the beers from San Miguel worth drinking. Unfortunately, the Philippines does not have much choice. You
will most likely only see San Miguel. Once in a while, you may run across something worse (Colt 45) or something in the same
category (Coors), but otherwise everyone serves San Miguel.
A - Bottle showed as Cerveza Negra... Poured out dark with very little head.
S - Not much there, possible nut and chocolate.
T - Not too bad, based on the past 2 weeks in the Philippines only option for SM & SM Light. Picking up some chocolate and maybe
toffee. A little sweet, but enjoyable enough.

M - thin, but suitable.

From your options in the P.I. if you are unable to get the Golden eagle, this is your best bet. Each of them are ok though. There are
far worse options in the world and especially in the Philippines.
Serving type: bottle
01-02-2013 17:43:12 | More by beeroclock



rDev +12.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Dark, ruby-red body that started with a thick, fizzy head which quickly dissipated to a wispy remnant. Roasted grain; a hint of
chocolate and raisin in the aroma. Rich taste full of roasted grains and cocoa with a soothing bitterness towards the finish. Smooth,
medium-bodied, buttery with a sugary underpinning.
A very nice dark beer with some bold, delicious presence. Rich and satisfying.
Serving type: bottle
12-25-2012 00:50:57 | More by beergoot

New Mexico


rDev -13.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3
Poured into a pokal glass.
It poured a nice thick tan head that dissipated into a nice ring around the edges. Smelled like roasted and caramel malt, period!
Tasted like roasted and caramel malt. High carbonation, full-bodied. A little sour tastiing at first, but the aftertaste was sweet and
wet. An average dark lager that is good to drink during the winter. Not my favorite beer overall.
Serving type: bottle
12-20-2012 04:56:47 | More by Jsteez



rDev -8.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
Appearance - Pours an almost-pure black color with a half-inch thick head that dissipates instantly. Leaves a very nice lacing.

Smell - Toasted malts are very heavy.. Along with caramel and coffee.
Taste - Very sweet with toasted malts, caramel, and light chocolate and coffee flavors.
Mouthfeel - Medium bodied with high carbonation.
Overall - This is the first dark lager I've ever tried. It's ok.. It's like a brown ale with just heavier flavors.
Serving type: bottle
12-08-2012 01:40:39 | More by jsisko01



rDev -11%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
not a bad brew really, especially for this part of the world. it pours quite dark from the bottle, chocolate syrup looking, with a one
inch mocha colored head with surprisingly good retention. the nose is real malty, german in origin, like an extract though, a little bit
off and not totally fresh, but some cocoa powder aroma wakes it up a bit. the flavor doesnt carry as much chocolate as the nose, but
it is yummy all the same. a little bitterness turns metallic in the finish, my main critique. plenty drinkable, fuller bodied but well
carbonated. fairly priced and down easy, not so nice when it warms up, but if you drink it quickly, this is a pretty good euro style
dark lager.
Serving type: bottle
11-14-2012 01:46:33 | More by StonedTrippin



rDev +35.8%
look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 5 | feel: 4 | overall: 5
wow what a great beer always wanted to try it they have new bottles a now im sorry i wanted so long a dark pour which makes your
mouth water a taste that goes smooths a tasty bit of malts and carmel that will make a enjoy night for anybody only 5.0 so drink
drink drink
Serving type: bottle
09-29-2012 00:19:07 | More by wac9

New York


rDev -0.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
A: Although the beer is quite dark, it is clear and very dark ruby red in color when held up to a bright light and exhibits a light to

moderate amount of visible carbonation. It poured with a finger high light beige head that died down but has good retention
properties and consistently left a thin head covering the surface and a large collar around the edge of the glass.
S: There are sweet aromas of nutty malts in the nose along with some hints of dark fruitsraisins seem to stand out in particular.
T: The taste is similar to the smell and has sweet flavors of dark fruits and nutty malts plus hints of molasses.
M: It feels light-bodied and somewhat thin and watery on the palate with a moderate amount of carbonation.
O: This beer seems to taste like a sweeter and fruitier version of a schwartzbier. Its not a bad choice if you are looking for
something thats dark but still extremely drinkable.
Serving type: bottle
09-21-2012 00:00:05 | More by metter98



rDev +37.6%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 5 | overall: 4.75
Pours a dark brown, substantial tan head that dissipates quickly. Very smooth extremely malty, roasty sweetness with a unique
buttery note. As a huge fan of dark beers and in particular schwarzbiers/dark lagers I would have to rate this beer as one of the best.
More flavorful than Kostritzer, very sessionable, pairs well with mexican and spicy asian food and is never harsh or bitter. Perfectly
Serving type: bottle
09-12-2012 01:11:05 | More by wattoclone



rDev +6.4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
Poured into a pint glass. A finger of tan head. Dark brown body.
Roasted malt smell is strong here. There's a background metallic smell too.
Roasted malt taste, sweet malt and milk. Actually a tasty dark lager.
Creamy and light texture. Moderation carbonation.
I enjoyed it, much to my surprise.
Serving type: bottle
06-25-2012 00:31:53 | More by Fatehunter

New Mexico


rDev -6.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Poured from half an inch or so above the glass gave this beer a medium sized light brown head above a clear dark reddish brown
colored beer.
Dark caramel roasted malt aroma with light dark fruits hints, such a apricot or prune.
The taste is similar to the aroma except the dark fruits are a little more pronounced almost equal between those and the dark
roasted malts.
A dry aftertaste that hold some of the roasted qualities of the taste on this medium bodied beer.
A little more caramel then I like in a beer, as I do prefer the beers that have more hops presence.
Serving type: bottle
06-08-2012 21:50:02 | More by LXIXME



rDev +0.6%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
A - purplish black with 1 finger head quickly disappears.
S - non existant some caramel hints in the flavor
Taste - heavy and bock like. Sweet and caramel
M - ok somewhat full filling
Overall - strange beer with lots of caramel overpowering all other flavoros.
Serving type: bottle
05-06-2012 00:20:44 | More by bubseymour



rDev -1.7%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Found this while back in the states
Consumed at Solea in Waltham, 4/7
Poured in to a pint glass
A: This beer pours a nice dark brown, with mahogany hues when held to the light. A one finger of khaki head disappears at a quickly
pace leaving minor spots of wispy lacing.
S: Nose is sweet - caramel malts, sweet bready notes, and a bit of raisin.
T: Taste starts with a toffee malt sweetness. Raising and breadiness come in and fill out the middle. Raisin flavoring holds through
with a caramel malt presence. Sweetness is a touch cloying.
M: Lighter side of medium body, medium carbonation, light, slick feel.

O: Goes down pretty easy, somewhat tasty, not too filling, mild kick, ok representation of style. If the sweetness didn't hold in the
aftertaste so much, this would be a much more enjoyable beer.
Serving type: bottle
04-30-2012 15:46:00 | More by Jayli



rDev -0.9%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Pours a dark reddish brown with a decent brown head into my glass. Not a bad start.
Sweet, pleasant aromas greet the nose. Close to a schwarzbier but not quite. Just tolerable enough.
Lots of caramel and sweet malt. Not horrible. Like soy sauce actually. Goes down easy.
Lingering caramel. Not much else.
Tolerable. More so than their "pils" and light lager.
Serving type: bottle
04-27-2012 00:53:23 | More by Brad007

New Hampshire


rDev -0.9%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
From the 355 ml. bottle. It pours dark brown with reddish highlights when held to the light. A decent enough head that lingers and
settles into a ring. The aroma is of dark, sweet roasted malts, yeast, and sugar. The hops are more in the background. While the
body is nice and smooth it does not have a lot of texture to it. I would put it at light to medium. The taste is overly sweet and malty
with moderate bitterness and a clean finish. It brings me back to my early days of beer drinking when I would drink Heineken Dark,
Michelob Dark, or Beck's Dark.
Serving type: bottle
04-20-2012 23:51:52 | More by puboflyons



rDev +9.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5

Poured into a snifter.

Looks black in the glass, but a clear and brilliant smoky ruby hue is revealed when this is held up to light. A moderate pour yields
three finger of thick smooth looking head that falls slowly and looks impressive. Above average for this class of beer for sure.
Smells of sweet grain, lightly roasted malts, and possibly some corn or other non-barley adjuncts. The hops are mellow and mildly
fruity, and seem to be either of the noble variety or akin to them.
The flavor is surprisingly balanced, and starts with an almost porter-like roasty sweetness, but this veers away from any major
elements of chocolate or coffee in favor of a light, slightly sweet brown malt and light hop balance. There is a mild note of dark
bread or maybe a hint of chocolate, but all remains on the easy side. Mild hop bitterness and enough dryness sticks around to keep
this beer in the middle.
The mouthfeel is smoother than expected, which I find to be quite pleasing. Medium bodied but feels refreshingly mild.
Conclusion: Without doubt this is the best Euro Dark Lager I have tasted. It far exceeded my expectations, and is surprisingly
smooth and balanced. The flavors are not as excellent as one might expect from a small established craft brewery, but they are
outstanding for a large macro-type brewing operation.
Serving type: bottle
02-05-2012 04:53:47 | More by allforbetterbeer

District of Columbia


rDev +9.2%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Bottle shared by jayhawk73. Thanks Jeff!
The beer appears a deep, dark brown hue with beige cap that fades rapidly, leaving random traces of lacing on the glass. The aroma
offers a heavy dose of brown bread, pumpernickel, malt, fruit. Smells good. The flavor is ok. I like the aroma better. A bit sweet,
slightly dry in the finish. A solid example of the style. Folks seem to rate lagers a bit low, in my opinion. While this beer is not stellar,
it's a nice example of the style, offering balance and complexity in both the aroma and flavor. I would have this again.
Serving type: bottle
12-04-2011 03:55:52 | More by Huhzubendah



rDev -6.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Pours a dark, chestnut brown color w/ a thin cocoa head. Average lacing on my snifter glass. Very dark. Nose is toffee, dark fruit, and
roasted malt. Taste is actually not that bad- toffee, malt, dark fruit and slight hops. Maybe some coffee in the background. Feel is
medium, a little flat, w/ a toffee/coffee aftertaste. Probably the weakest point of this beer. Overall, this isn't bad at all- especially for
the style. Cheers.
Serving type: bottle
12-04-2011 03:40:59 | More by jayhawk73



rDev +15%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
A: Good very dark looking, the body seems a little over medium due to the too dark color, the carbonation is present but almost
cannot be seen. The head is nos as big as it should but is present and dissipates a little fast.
S: This one has a special aroma, instantly can be sensed toasted malts with some fruity aroma, specifically dark fruits such as
prunes are present and some caramel is in there.
T: Again very clear tasting: toasted malts and dark fruits, specifically at the end you can identify the dark fruits, the prunes.
M: The sensation is pretty good, there is a balanced flavor and aroma, it is pleasant and last medium to long for a nice bittersweet
ending more sweet than bitter.
Serving type: bottle
11-07-2011 04:07:18 | More by karait95

New Jersey


rDev -19.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
12oz bottle. Pours a dark reddish brown with a lasting tan head. Aroma and taste is sweet dark lightly toasted malts, barley and
grains with some light hops. Palate is medium body with light carbonation. Finish is sweet dark malts, some very light fruitiness and
light hops. Flavor is lacking and becomes bland, carbonation turns flat and ends overly sweet. Overall not my favorite and would not
buy again.
Serving type: bottle

Alberta (Canada)


rDev +5.5%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
355ml bottle poured into a 16oz pint glass.
A - Two and a half fingers of bubbly mocha head. Near opaque brown-black with some ruby highlights. The head had rather poor
retention, and there was no lacing to be seen, but despite this it looked pretty good to me.
S - Semi-sweet dark malt, molasses, canned yellow-beans and roasted malt. A touch a roasty bitterness.
T - A lot of roasted malt, and a strong undertone of brown sugar sweetness. There's also a generous hint of grassy sweetness. The
more I sip, the more I begin to detect toffee and caramel here as well. There's a light hoppy character here, but it feels really muted.
I also detect something smokey in the finish. Overall, this is easy to drink and easy to enjoy.
M - Decent carbonation with body on the heavier side. Leaves my mouth feeling wet and refreshed.
D - An all around solid brew. It boasts an interesting flavor profile without trying to do too much. Didn't expect much coming in, but
this beer certainly exceeded expectations.

Serving type: bottle

08-16-2011 23:30:17 | More by Converge



rDev -5.2%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
My dad bought me this because it is made by the brewery whose beer he used to drink while in the navy in the phillipines during
appearance: initially looked good, nice and dark reddish brown with a good tan head....head dissipated quickly with no lacing or
foam. i'm willing to blame the glass on this one as it was recently washed with soap after a big dinner party and may not have been
rinsed well.
smell: lots of sweet malts with a nice roatiness...smells like a good brown ale....or the nice roasty dark lager that it is.
taste: sweet malts. nothing fancy, but overall quite sweet and tasty. i need to be in the mood for this, but it's alright for sure. slightly
odd aftertaste...a little cloying.
mouthfeel: a little slick. full but light like a lager but with the coating you get from a brown ale.
overall: this is fun to drink because my dad has plenty of stories involving being too young, too far from home, and having this beer
be far too accessible during a scary time long ago...(not that now isn't scary as well, but that's another topic for another website).
Serving type: bottle
08-16-2011 20:59:41 | More by corcoranjc



rDev +14.2%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Pours an almost opaque super dark amber-brown with a 2 inch tan head that settles to a small cap. Nice foamy rings of lace mark
the drink down. Smell is of dark malt, caramel, and malted milk. Taste is of roasty dark malt, malted milk powder, with a
caramel/toffee finish. There is a nice roasty bitterness on the palate after each sip. This beer has a lower level of carbonation with a
medium body and smooth mouthfeel. Overall, this is a good dark lager and my first beer from the Philippines. I would definitely get
this one again in the future.
Serving type: bottle
08-06-2011 22:27:38 | More by UCLABrewN84



rDev +3.5%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
San Miguel Dark Lager
Appearance: dark brown, large head, and some good lacing.
Smell: sweet malts, grain, and honey.
Taste: slightly roasted malts, honey, and some grain.
Mouthfeel: medium and slightly flat.
This isn't a bad brew. The flavors are nice.
Serving type: bottle
08-05-2011 18:21:51 | More by megahurts4

Alberta (Canada)


rDev +10.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Surprising find in a Mexican restaurant. Poured from a bottle into a schooner. No obvious best before date.
A - dark brown, clear, no head, thin lacing.
S - caramel with just a hint of grassy hops
T - slight hops bitterness resolving into a strong caramel finish.
M - light with moderate carbonation
D - really goes down easy - could drink a ton of these
Very tasty beer - great surprise.
Serving type: bottle
07-29-2011 01:45:14 | More by DoktorZee



rDev +0.6%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
Darker than expected the pour is deep brown with a nice topping of foam and lace. Raw barley husk, cocoa powder, and a
sourdough tang form the main flavor components with grape skin and sulfur in the back. Clean and fairly full for the style, better
than the usual lagers imported from tropical locales. Nice for the style, but I'm sure it's main appeal in the States is the stubby
"fancy import" bottle.
Serving type: bottle
07-26-2011 01:03:51 | More by bump8628



rDev -3.2%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
A: a deep copper almoust brown in color, ruby highlights, a sand color 1 finger head, which dissipates but remians a layer on the top
S: a nice caramel, roast aroma
T: a light body, not a very nice flavour is so flat, just a little roast, no end at all
Serving type: bottle
07-07-2011 01:00:27 | More by treque



rDev -22%
look: 3.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Look: Dark Brown with a slightly lighter brown top when held to the light. Tan 1 inch head with decent retention. Very nice
Smell: Very sweet on the nose. Definitely tell it's an asian beer by the sweet yeast smell and malt. Hint of hoppy notes come through
Taste: Very similar to the smell. Very sweet and malty with a hint of hops
Mouthfeel: Light body and medium carbonation
Overall Very typical asian dark lager. Not all that easy to drink, its a bit to sweet for me
Serving type: bottle
06-26-2011 03:55:04 | More by DarthKostrizer

Alberta (Canada)


rDev +2.6%
look: 4.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
355ml squat bottle.
This beer pours a clear, very dark setting sun, blood red hue, with three fingers of dense, foamy pale beige head, which leaves some
arched cloud lace around the glass as it passes on. It smells of musty caramel apple puree, a bit of roasted malt, brown sugar, and
earthy hops. The taste is lightly roasted caramel malt, a wilted orchard fruitiness, more brown sugar, which delves into edgy
molasses territory, and a drying earthy hop/metallic booziness. The carbonation is there, but fairly unassuming, the body medium
weight, and smooth in a blase manner. It finishes off-dry, the fruitiness and mild roasted malt carrying the day.
A pretty decent dark lager, the drawbacks ever so slight. Quite drinkable.

Serving type: bottle

06-05-2011 03:16:12 | More by biboergosum



rDev +25.7%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
San Miguel Dark Lager has a thick, beige head and a clear, ruby red (under light) appearance, with some lacing left behind. The
aroma is of dark toast, dark-roasted coffee, bread, and sweetness. Taste is of sweet bread, dark-roast coffee, dark-toasted barley
malt, some hop bitterness, and even a trace of lactose. Mouthfeel is light to medium, and San Miguel Dark Lager finishes crisp,
clean, mostly dry, and highly drinkable. I really like this one, and I recommend you seek it out!
Serving type: bottle
05-15-2011 23:22:55 | More by RonaldTheriot

South Carolina


rDev +9.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
Poured from the 12oz bottle into a pint glass.
A: The beer is a cola brown color with a nice dark tan foamy head that has pretty good retention.
S: Brown sugar, a bit of roasted and molasses. Caramel floating around in there for a bit as well and a buttery note.
T: Big malty character that reminds me somewhat of a dumbed-down doppelbock. Toased notes, a bit of roasted and a lot of brown
sugar and caramel. A bit of molasses. Despite all this it's pretty crisp and somewhat light bodied.
Overall: I could drink something like this all day. Great taste. Less filling. A good surprise from the Philippines. Well done.
Serving type: bottle
04-22-2011 04:43:34 | More by BucBasil



rDev +21.4%
look: 5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4
A - Great looking beer. Poured very dark, black with just a hint of brown. Great lacing, great head.

S - Malty, almost toasty.

T - Very nice, tastes exactly like it smells, good aftertaste/
M - Definitely medium to heavy bodied beer, with great thickness to it.
O - I would buy again, overall nice thick lager with great malty flavor.
Serving type: bottle
04-13-2011 22:30:29 | More by NaLoGra



rDev +4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Pours deep chestnut brown into a perfect pint glass. A robust cream cap slowly falls to a patchy quilt of foam. Leaves bits of lace.
Molasses, chocolate and straw dominate the beer's profile. The molasses and chocolate ride on top of the straw flavors. Bitterness
has just enough bite to keep the sweeter flavors from getting too cloying, but lacks much flavor. In the mouth, the body is quite
dense for the low ABV. The vigorous carbonation helps aid the beer's bitterness. The beer finishes with a lingering chocolate liqueur
This beer is pretty nice, to be honest. It has nice complexity and good heft. A solid pickup overall.
Serving type: bottle
04-05-2011 04:17:43 | More by Rayek



rDev -37.9%
look: 3 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | overall: 2
This brew gives off the appearance of a Nut Brown Ale, It's darker in color but still transluscent enough to see through it. It's got a
roasted aroma to it but it's not strong. The flavor also plays the same role. It's more full flavored than most beers from this area but
still doesn't compare to a stout. It's got more of a lager taste than a roasted flavor to it.
Serving type: bottle
03-30-2011 23:34:47 | More by Knapp85



rDev -3.2%

look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5

I got this brew from a "10 Best Beers of the World" pack from World Market in Claremont, FL.
Appearance: Poured a nice amber color with a two finger head with light/mod lacing.
Smell: The nose smells of molasses and sweetness, perhaps a tinge of alcohol.
Taste: The flavor is sweet with an underlying bitterness with flavors of dark sugar and toasty malts, with a hint of sweetness and
fruit. Much better than expected.
Mouthfeel: Smooth and refreshing.
Drinkability: It's light yet flavorful body makes for a great drinkability but there is always something better out there. Still a good
Serving type: bottle
01-17-2011 18:30:12 | More by dotsonjamesg



rDev +25.1%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Poured from 330mL bottle into a Pilsner glass.
Appearance: rich, deep amber-brown hue with a crystal clear body and two thick fingers of frothy tan head. Head seems to dissipate
somewhat rapidly but the color is just great.
Smell: aroma is rich with a slight fruitiness; caramel malt notes also come through and beneath all of that just a hint of roasted
grains. Complex and fulfilling.
Taste: everything you'd expect based on the aroma: a good, light fruitiness, followed by a caramel character and just a hint of
roasted grain. Really, quite tasty; possibly my favorite dark lager out there.
Mouthfeel: light-medium body with a good carbonation. This beer manages to be pretty creamy despite not having tons of body; I
like it quite a lot.
Drinkability: a richly tasty and ever-so-drinkable beer. It reminds me of the flavors of a mild ale, except with a fruity lager kick. I can
really dig it; San Miguel Dark has caused me to raise my opinion of the whole Philippine archipelago.
Serving type: bottle
11-16-2010 02:16:13 | More by flagmantho



rDev -2.3%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
12 oz. stubby bottle, poured into pint glass. really dark brown in color, with red highlights. thin white head.
smell is sweet, very buttery. nice mild balanced taste.
medium body, medium to high carbonation.
decent drinkability. decent, but unspectactular.

Serving type: bottle

09-22-2010 03:47:53 | More by jmdrpi



rDev +25.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5
Pours a very dark brown with a touch of red at the edges. Caramel colored head drops evenly and slowly.
Smell is malt, hops, caramel, hints of peat and smoke.
Taste is malt, caramel, vanilla, hops, peat, smoke and light alcohol.
Fairly smooth with light effervescence at tip of tongue. Medium body (leans towards light). Malt/caramel/vanilla aftertaste lingers
and tapers off nicely. Very good brew, I highly recommend it.
Serving type: bottle
09-16-2010 03:20:48 | More by PorterLambic



rDev +3.5%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
Poured from a 12oz bottle into a clear pint glass. No bottle dating apparent. Single purchased at John's Market for $1.59.
A-Poured a chestnut-amber hue with a very uniform two finger head that receded into modest lacing.
S-Nose is malty sweeteners like black strap molasses or dark corn syrup. Slight yeast aroma too.
T-Malt sweetness that is reminiscent of molasses and fruit.
M-Very smooth, crisp, and refreshing.
D-Very drinkable lager, but not one I will reach for often since there are plenty of better ales available.
San Miguel was my favorite import for as long as I can remember, long before I became a BA. This is very much as I remember it
and it is much better than any BMC or the most ubiquitous import swill.
Serving type: bottle
09-15-2010 02:30:49 | More by velosuds



rDev +15.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

This one's a pleasant surprise to me. We got a dark lager with a sweet, malty aroma. Much sweet, malty goodness with each sip.
Sooo drinkable and good! I'll be having more of this one!!!
Serving type: bottle
08-24-2010 18:53:09 | More by industrialswill



rDev -41.3%
look: 4 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2
A- deep dark brown with a red hue when back lit. quite viscous when poured. creates a dense brown head that thins out and sticks
around. a little swirl fluffs up the head nicely.
S- all malt. sweet caramel and raisin. little hint of yeasty breadiness.
T- very malty sweet. tastes just like it smells. no surprises. next to no hops character. in my opinion, a little unbalanced.
M- thick slippery feel.
D- in my opinion a little too sweet to drink more than one in a session.
Serving type: bottle
07-03-2010 23:13:52 | More by sm007thie



rDev +4.9%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
The beer pours a hazy medium to dark brown color with a white head. For an aroma I get earthy hops, dark malt, caramel, toffee
and bread. The flavor is very malty with some toffee and bready malts as well as some earthy hops to keep the beer somewhat
balanced. Medium carbonation and medium mouthfeel.
Serving type: bottle
06-29-2010 05:16:32 | More by Mora2000

Alberta (Canada)


rDev -13.3%
look: 4 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
355ml bottle poured into pint glass may27 2010
A dark brown until it's held to the light where it has a reddish glow, light beige head has decent retention leaving a few patches of
S sour apple and molasses not what I was looking for
T a little better then the smell with some mild chocolate but still nothing special
M thick enough to keep it from having a watery feel and the carbonation helps keep it alive in your mouth
D other then the smell this ones neither good or bad just another beer stuck in the middle
looked promising but never really wowed me in any area, don't go looking for this but drink it before the water if your ever in Manila
Serving type: bottle
05-28-2010 06:54:59 | More by wordemupg



rDev +20.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4
I had this one a long time ago when I was first getting into beer and remember enjoying it so I wanted to give it another go and see
what I would think now that my palate is more 'mature'.
The first thing you would probably notice is that the bottle is pretty nice for a macro. The label, on the other had, is kinda ghettofabulous and resembles malt liquor!
Poured out San Miguel Dark looks like an English porter, that, being very dark reddish-brown rather than black. The head is nice, big,
airy and mocha-colored. There is much retention and lacing of the foam which was unexpected for a lower-priced beer like this. This
is a highly filtered beer as there is absolutely no sediment at the bottom of the bottle or visibly suspended in the body.
The smell is definitely lager-like; light, hoppy, and watery. There is a bit of sweet and roasty aromas too. Smells like a mild winter
warmer, overall.
The taste is very nice and surprisingly full bodied. Ahhh. Good stuff. Overall I would say it tastes like an English/European porter or
even a mild double bock, not a lager. It is very smooth, bittersweet, slightly chocolaty, and slightly hoppy.
I'm very impressed with this beer. It's given me hope that there is actually good Asian beer out there.
Serving type: bottle
05-18-2010 18:59:45 | More by MadeInOregon



rDev +2%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
Appears deep cola in color. Tan head goes to skim and ring. Smell is rich dark malt, hops, caramel. Taste is caramel, dark malt, some
lite hops bite. A touch of black licorice. Dry slightly bitter aftertaste. Mouithfeel is active carbonation - a touch harsh in my opinion.
Light/medium body not especially smooth but OK. I drank this years ago before BA and enjoyed it. Now - it's just a decent dark euro things have changed int he beer world.



rDev -6.1%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
Poured from a twelve ounce bottle into a standard pint glass
Dark brown in color with tinges of ruby-big, fluffy off-white head of foam
Aroma-Faint roasted malts
Taste-Roasted malt notes, caramel, slight citric "tang" in the finish.
Overall,Sessionable, drinkable if a bit underpowered
Serving type: bottle
04-04-2010 22:28:53 | More by hosehead83



rDev -5.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Served in a Budweiser pokal.
Pours a dark ruby-brown that wants to be cloudily opaque, but doesn't quite get there. The frothy tan head starts out as a thick
mass, but dissipates fairly quickly, leaving almost no lacing behind. The nose holds notes of dark malts, dark coffee, and toasted
wheat. The taste basically follows, with the harsher aspects of coffee pushed to the fore, along with a kind of overly smoked
influence. All told, it's as though the smell was peat smoked and soured, but in a bad way, leading to a partly objectionable flavor.
The body is lightly moderate, with a moderate carbonation and a thick but slippery feel. Overall, this is almost a pretty good brew,
but the flavor misses the mark, leading to a feeling of "if only..."; nonetheless, it spitefully maintains a decently high level of
drinkability (...just not as high as it could be).
Serving type: bottle
03-12-2010 19:18:17 | More by TMoney2591



rDev +6.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
San Miguel Dark Lager is a dark brown in color with a one finger, tan head that fades to a collar.
A pleasant surprise, San Mig dark smells appealing. Nothing special, just malty sweet and molasses, but a couple of steps up from
most lagers.

The taste is a little bit sweet and a little bit bitter (or is that just the carbonation talking). Normally that sounds like a good balance,
but there is very little flavor that goes along with the sweet and bitter/carb.
The mouth feel is medium bodied, oily and well carbonated, pretty good for a dark lager.
Drinkability is good, I could easily drink a half dozen if I didn't have so many other options.
The major downfall of this beer is that the taste is only fair, not great, but at least it is inoffensive. In other areas, San Mig dark rates
fairly high for its style.
Serving type: bottle
12-29-2009 18:22:17 | More by kegger22



rDev +6.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Poured from a brown 12 oz. bottle. Has a black color with a small head. Smell is sweet, malts and molasses. Taste is good, mostly of
chocolate malts, a degree of sweetness. Feels creamy in the mouth and has good drinkability. Overall this is a good quality beer.
Serving type: bottle
11-12-2009 23:43:36 | More by tone77



rDev -15.3%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Reviewed 7/25/2009 (bottle):
Pours a pretty dark reddish color body, with a huge tan colored head, lasting. Very strong malty aroma, some nuttiness, and lots of
earthiness. Some funkiness too, like ripe bananas. Somewhat watery mouthfeel, somewhat creamy too. Malty earthy aftertaste.
Some bananas in the taste. Some roasted notes. Not too shabby. Carbonated, but not harsh. A little sweet after a while.
Serving type: bottle
11-01-2009 13:54:32 | More by jujubeast6000



rDev +0.6%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
DARK! This prominently emblazoned on the front label in a grandly large-sized font easily caught my eye, as I was hunkered down at

the bar parallel to the row of beer coolers at Taco Mac (Perimeter). San Miguel well well, what have we here? I made the purchase
almost entirely for the treat of getting to say that again.
Appearance: Pours out a clearish, dark brown body capped by a two inch high, fizzed, light beige head.
Smell: Sweetish, dark bready maltiness slathered with sugary additions of molasses and dark honey and garnished with some
sultana raisins.
Taste: Darkish malts display a nice amount of dark breadiness along with sweet touches of light molasses and Buckwheat honey.
Toss in a generous handful of raisins for added fruitiness. The hop flavor and bitter is especially small. Sadly, I'm picking up some
minute metallic hints but, with a little extra mental focus and gracious good will, perhaps I can look past them. Just this one time!
Finishes as bready as it rolled in and still fairly sweet, and, yes, with some metallic hints (which I'm still trying to forgive).
Mouthfeel: Medium-thin body. Medium carbonation.
Drinkability: Not so bad, really, and a nice surprise after the poor showing of their unwelcome flagship lager.
Serving type: bottle
08-27-2009 17:14:22 | More by ChainGangGuy



rDev +7.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
I liked San Miguel so I figured I'd try the Dark Lager. Not dissappointed, but I'm not a huge fan either. Lets say if I were chillin' in
Zamboanga, I'd down a few.
A - Pours dark (no surprise) and brown. Surprising head retention, still has a good ring after 10 minutes. Bubbles diffusing well
througout; no lace on the glass.
S - Smells fruity to me - bananas mostly, and apples. Not much in the way of a bouquet or profile though, just faint fruit scents to
T - Similar to the smell, fruity, dry, figgy. Grains and malts towards the end, light alcohol along the top. Not extremely complex.
M - just like an adjunct lager or macro. Not much to comment on here.
D - It's drinkable, but I'd probably switch to something else after one or two.
Serving type: bottle
08-18-2009 04:35:54 | More by BrewsCrewSA



rDev -2.3%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
A dark cola color pour with a thick foamy , lasting light brown head. Aroma is braedy , malty , with some cinnamon and caramel
notes . Flavor is sweet like molasses , with caramel ,plums and some spice , light hop flavor . Crisp clean mouthfeel , medium body ,
high carbonation . A light earthy hop flavor in the finish ,Quite sessionable . Not too bad.
Serving type: bottle

08-12-2009 00:35:25 | More by WakeandBake



rDev +5.5%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
A - It pours a dark auburn color with a nice foamy dark tan head. Head retention is ok, and lacing is good. Carbonation is present.
S - The aroma I am picking up is of sweet molasses. I pick up the scent of some kind of burnt candy but can't pick the words at the
moment...maybe caramel?
T - Surpisingly, it doesn't taste as heavy as it would appear. It does have a molasses taste to it and something carmilish.
M - It's smooth sitting on the pallete but doesn't have much bite. There is somewhat of a bite on the aftertaste.
D - I could see heart burn happening after a few of these, but nonetheless, it goes down good but probably isn't the beer you would
want to chug and finish the night off with.
Serving type: bottle
05-22-2009 22:53:58 | More by veachster



rDev +11.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Pours a hazy dark brown color with a pretty nice dark tan foam that exhibits decent head retention. No lacing is evident.
Nose is mainly dark fruits and sweet maltiness reminiscent of corn syrup. Has a nice strong aroma hinting on tobacco and chocolate
covered raisins.
Flavor, unfortunately, is very muted compared to the scent. Still a heck of a beer that if I had to classify would be a Schwarzbier.
Nice roasty malt character with a hint of ale fruitiness. I actually like this beer quite a bit and would be more than happy to kick it in
the Philippines with this tasty lager.
Serving type: bottle
04-04-2009 01:19:34 | More by twiggamortis420



rDev +5.5%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5

Appearance: Deep soy sauce color with a beige head. Head is made of fine bubbles, but not thick.
Smell: Smell of soy sauce, honey, dark fruit sweetness
Taste:Sweet,dark flavor, plum jam hints. After aroma of honey and grain.
Mouthfeel: Very smooth on the swallow. Creamy mouthfeel, but not thick. Fine fizz in the front of the mouth, not aggressive.
Drinkability: Easy to drink, not overpowering.
Serving type: bottle
04-01-2009 04:16:30 | More by pijiu



rDev -13.3%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
This beer was somewhat bland for my tastes.
Appearance- was a very dark brown, not quite black.
Aroma - was sweet.
Taste - was slightly watery with a hint of toasted or roasted malts.
Mouthfeel - was just fine, smooth with some carbonation at the end.
Drinkablity - I think I would have another.
Serving type: bottle
02-28-2009 14:25:01 | More by ImHereForTheBeer



rDev -23.4%
look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | overall: 2.5
A - Extremely dark brown body with a dark brown head to go along with it. The thick and frothy head started out at about 4 inches
and ever so slowly faded down leaving a thick humocky topography.
S - Hints of molasses and anise over a mild malt.
T - The flavors are relatively mild. There are subtle black licorice and clove flavors over a base of molasses.
M - Watery feel throughout. The finish does have a back up of texture but nothing that assists with the flavor.
~ This is an interesting brew. I really appreciate the look and aroma offered but find the flavors to be sub par. I think this brew to be
at best average concerning the overall drinkability. However, I must admit this beer does get better as is goes down.
Serving type: bottle
01-25-2009 23:24:06 | More by cdkrenz



rDev -18.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 2 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 4.5
The beer pours a semi-dark brown color with a very good head, which is a light brown color. Head retention is lacking, but it does
appear to be a lighter bodied beer, therefore this would be expected.
Malts smell sweet and roasted and very much of caramel.
The beer is moderately lightly flavored. The flavor is not well established. I'm a hop head and would thus recommend more hops. I
can't taste any at all. Also, the beer is pretty flat. More carbonation and bite is necessary.
It tastes very light and borderline watery.
Overall, I would not purchase this beer again. There is too much to be desired. However, it is easy to drink I would say simply
because it is so light.
Serving type: bottle
12-29-2008 03:49:33 | More by nicktay



rDev -5.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Pours a deep and clear ruby brown in color from a 12 oz. Trader Joe's single. An off white half inch head settles to a surface film
within a few minutes and yields some spotty lacing.
Toasted light malts on the nose. Not very complex but rather welcoming. Touch of hops on the nose as well. Definitely Euro in style
with light bock notes.
Tastes of light malts, a bit creamy, and with an unexpected lingering finish. Offers good carbonation and a decent feel and drink.
Fairly decent with a light malt structure one would expect from the latitude of origin, yet far from the hot weather styles typical
Serving type: bottle
12-19-2008 05:33:26 | More by HalfFull



rDev +3.5%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
12 oz bottle from Trader Joes. Translucent dark brown pour with amber highlights. The head was khaki colored, sudsy, left some
lacing and had fair retention.

The aroma was strong and fairly simple with molasses and brown sugar.
The taste is rich and distinct with anise, molasses, brown sugar and roasted grains. Definitely a sweet beer.
The palate was a bit light and thin, and the finish was long and sweet.
A very robust, sweet quaff, but I'm not so sure that I'd call it a Euro dark lager. Perhaps an Asian dark lager.
Serving type: bottle
11-15-2008 19:51:05 | More by likestoswallow



rDev -4.6%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
Poured from the bottle into a pint glass. The beer is dark burnt amber with red hues. The head is caramel and quickly diminishes to a
very light lace. The nose is very sweet, and you get the malts and spiciness in the background. The taste is ok, sweet malt forward,
a little out of balance due to the sweetness. This is an ok session beer, probably would not purchase it, but would drink many if they
were free and the company was good.
Serving type: bottle
11-14-2008 01:37:20 | More by aquaderek



rDev +12.7%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Pours a deep, dark red with a light tan head. Good head retention.
Sweet malt characteristics and slightly grainy scent.
Sweet taste that's almost like honey at first, but then has a dry finish.
Goes down easily. Get the most stimulation on the roof of my mouth.
A nice dark lager. Would certainly revisit this beer.
Serving type: bottle
11-13-2008 04:47:00 | More by toolbrew



rDev -0.9%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Bottle thanks to mmm///beer. Pours a dark black color which is reddish when held up to a light source. A small white head. A
pleasant nutty and fruity aroma, some malt too. The flavor is quite nice; tons of dark fruits; plums and prune, but also something
quite sweet, berries perhaps. A toasted malt and a bit of light milk chocolates. I like this beer, it is full of flavor and well made.
Serving type: bottle
11-13-2008 01:56:49 | More by Douglas88



rDev -23.4%
look: 2.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2 | overall: 2.5
A - Chestnut brown....the hue of root beer and wood varnish. This is actually quite a bit darker than I guessed it would be. The head
is initially three roiling fingers of tan suds before settling and remaining for a good while at a nice medium sized cap. Some sudsy
lace is left on the glass, but it doesn't look very sticky or crusty...more like soda suds.
S - Pleasantly nutty with some root beer aspects. Caramel and toffee. Smells like a confectioner's taffy puller with lots of caramel on
the menu. Not terribly complex, but very fresh and pleasing.
T - Sweet and toffee flavored. Really pretty one dimensional, though that one dimension is done well. Some maple syrup and nut
flavors are there too. No hops at all are to be tasted in this's sort of like malt water.
M - Thin and a bit undercarbonated with a nice sweet and toffee lingering finish.
D - This reminds me of Newcastle. Like that omnipresent brew, there is nothing wrong with some watery nutty flavors and easy
drinkability. Boring, but unoffensive. Sort of a wallflower really.
Serving type: bottle
08-24-2008 15:45:06 | More by pmcadamis

New Jersey


rDev +9.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
A: Poured a really nice dark chestnut brown with dark plum highlights when held up to the light which was accompanied by a thin,
and quick to disappear, dark beige head which left no lacing or trace after the first minute.
S: sweet toffee, caramel, raisins and dark malt sugars. There was a ever so light touch of sweet alcohol lingering about as well.
T: sweet, with loads of ripe fruit (raisins, plums) and some sweet dark boozy caramel. There was a light buttery toasted malting,
honey, and butterscotch sweetness noted as well. Overall the flavor was sweet with some dark caramelized sugars that was
accompanied by a nice dosage of ripe fruit.
M: slick, with a light syrupy feel, medium body and a near flat carbonation. A nice feeling that left a lingering finish of dark malt
D: A good drink overall, sweet and very smooth to consume. A six pack wouldn't go to waste and you can easily drink 3 or 4 no
problem despite its sweet nature.
Serving type: bottle

08-23-2008 17:12:06 | More by beerthulhu



rDev -12.4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Poured into a pint glass this brew was a very dark, almost black color with a minimal tan head leaving light lacing. The smell was
slightly sweet with some caramel and fig notes. The taste was of raisin and roasted malts. This brew has an alcohol finish that is
unusual. Not the best flavor brew. Nothing I was really looking for in a session. Not very impressed.
Serving type: bottle
08-17-2008 03:28:27 | More by WJVII



rDev +6.4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
This beer poured a brownish almost black color, but when I held my glass up to the light it showed a dark amber color and looked
thin. The head was 3/4 inch thick with a brown color which dissapeared after a few minutes. Beer smelled of sweet roasted grains
with hints of caramel and toffee w/ a slight pungent smell that creeps through. As the beer warms up, I could smell some raisens.
The beer has a sweet malt taste of butterscotch, caramel. There is bitterness present w/ a slight burnt aftertaste. SMD is a light to
medium body beer and the carbonation is good. I would like to try this beer with some filipino food , like adobo or kare kare. Good
beer overall.
Serving type: bottle
07-18-2008 22:38:21 | More by steadydose



rDev +25.1%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 5 | overall: 4
This is a fairly unusual thing for me: a basic dark lager that I actually love and find really interesting, complex, and yet highly
drinkable; in short, wonderful.
This is almost black, dark red-brown, with a big tan head that shrinks only slowly and leaves some lacing.
The aroma is very pleasant, full-bodied, a little sweet, with toasted grain, and hints of leaves and chocolate.
The taste is very smooth, with a great sweet-bitter balance, light tartness, and a lot going on. It is constantly interesting, tantalizing,
yet pleasant, with toasted grain, licorice, chocolate, fruit, whisky, and leaves. Despite a full flavour and palate, it is light in body with
a very lively, engaging palate.

Serving type: bottle

05-06-2008 20:11:18 | More by Offa



rDev +10.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Appearance: Dark brown brew with a frothy, multi-layered tan head.
Smell: Caramel and sweet malt with a touch of hops.
Taste: Smoky malt flavor with sweet accents. Nice level of bitterness throughout.
Mouthfeel: Light-medium body. Slightly oily and sticky.
Drinkablity: During all the time I have spent in the Philippines, I have never seen this brew there. I will be on the lookout for it next
time though. It would be a tasty alternative to San Miguel's other brews.



rDev +10.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Pours a rich dark brown. Head is slight and disappears quickly.
Aroma is smokey dark grain with an underlying dark fruit sweetness.
Taste is dark bready malt up front, with hints of molasses. Dark fruit and a porter like smokiness. Mild earthy hop allows a clean
Mouthfeel is full and creamy.
Surprisingly good. Honestly, I hadn't expected much in the way of flavor due to the style. I really enjoyed the combination of smokey
dark grain and sweet dark fruit. Flavor is unified, and has enough depth of character to be interesting. I would definitely get this
Serving type: bottle
03-08-2008 02:09:28 | More by Blakaeris



rDev -6.6%
look: 3 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Had a bottle of this while in the Philippines. It is not that common, I found just two on a supermarket shelf, and was glad I did. A
welcome break from San Miguel Pale Pilsen & Red Horse.
App: Dark brown with tan head that quickly collapses. Ruby through the middle, clear.

Aroma: Mild sweet caramel notes, no hop or yeast character at all. No roast character, like a caramel colorant has benn added (think
Sinimar or Portertine).
Flavor: A nice mellow, sweet caramel flavor that is not roasty or burnt. Could use some balancing bitterness but this beer has 3x the
character of the remaining San Miguel line. Just a bit cloying in the finish. Some tartness, big adjunct contribution thining things out.
Mouth: Light bodied with medium CO2 that leaves quickly.
Drinkablility: Med-high, the best of the San Miguel lot.
During a brewery tour I was told they had produced an all malt product in the past. It was discontinued due to cost - malted barley is
imported mostly from Australia. When the average beer here sells for about $0.50 USD, you can see where it would be hard to make
an all malt beer that would have to sell at twice the price.
Serving type: bottle
03-06-2008 11:57:59 | More by BrewnZ

Alberta (Canada)


rDev -13.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3
hopefully a better experience than their premium 'macro' lager.
Certainly fits the darj billing as this beer is like a very dark cola with a tan, sticky-almost-frothy head. Retains said head for about 2
minutes before if finally dies and becomes a tan ring.
Similar to another euro dark 'Efes' in it's aroma, maybe not a rich though. Certainly can smell the rum-raisin/roasted malts here, but
nothing really over powers or grabs you abd says "hey...this is great, drink me now fool".
Sweet date like taste at first followed by a big blast of roasted malts. Goes kind of watery afterward, with just the briefest
appearance by Mr. Hop, before there is a second big, bold blast of that date/roasted malt. Finishes rather sweet and sticky.
Comes off a tad watery, yet surprisingly boozy given the average ABV of 5%.
Given g=how disappointing San Miguel lager was, I was pleasntly surprised by this. Efes dark is a better valuie where I live so not
sure when I'll be paying Saint Micheal another visit
Serving type: bottle
02-20-2008 01:39:47 | More by Shadman



rDev -26.3%
look: 2.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 2.5
some roasting aromas ... looks like hour old coca cola ... some decent flavours in this dark lager, but a quite thin, i guess the hotter
weather is made for this one ... smooth but needs more cowbell!.. there are many better dark lagers out there but who really cares...
Serving type: bottle
02-10-2008 15:41:40 | More by Onslow



rDev -2.3%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
a- very dark, some see through ability, i did a horrible pour so a lot of head, which stays for awhile put once it settles little to none.
s-a roasted coffee flavor with hints of coca, I like the smell
t-very smooth, nice amount of alc. not to much slight after taste of roasted coffee, but if your looking for a coffee beer, this is def not
the one.
m- very smooth, i think this is a mexican beer, and i enjoy dark beer, and this is so far my fav mexican dark beer if it is from mexico
d- very smooth I could drink a bunch of these, i am sure it taste better in the country that it is made in.
Serving type: bottle
01-09-2008 03:45:56 | More by getch



rDev +11.3%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
12 oz. bottle.
Wasn't expecting much for a beer labeled 'dark lager,' but hey, what do I know? Beer was dark with a bit of tan head. Taste was
roasty maltiness, that wasn't too bad. Mouth feel was even better. I had two of these the other night at a harvest celebration. A good
beer that is very drinkable.
Serving type: bottle
10-25-2007 23:54:26 | More by baos



rDev +11.3%
look: 3 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
Serving Type: 12 oz Bottle
Appearance: A dark almost black colour w/ reddish hues mixed throughout. No head though
Smell: Molasses, caramel, dark fruit...a touch of hops makes for a sweet smelling beer
Taste/Mouthfeel: Malt sweetness, molasses, a light layer of dark fruit comes through. A touch of spice and clean. Very nice feeling
and it goes down easy. It does leave a light, almost syrup, coating on the mouth

Drinkability: A good sweet beer, not what I was expecting in a very good way.
Serving type: bottle
09-05-2007 19:59:13 | More by livingregret



rDev +4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
I consumed a lot of San Miguel when I was in Hong Kong, so when I found myself missing HK back in the US, but with a better
selection of beer available, I picked up this San Miguel Dark.
Appearance: A little bit redder than coca cola in the glass, pretty clear, good sized off-white head, decent retention, a little lacing.
Smell: Surprisingly spicy aroma, almost like a dubbel, over a sweet caramel/toffee base. Clean.
Taste: Mostly malt sweetness: caramel, molasses, but with a layer of dark fruit, and a bit of spice on the tongue. Not bad.
Mouthfeel: Light-medium body, good carbonation.
Drinkability: Tasty and drinkable, good for the style.
Serving type: bottle
08-24-2007 18:28:46 | More by hunteraw



rDev -0.9%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Appearance: Pours a clear brown-red. The fluffy, beige head retains well leaving patchy lace.
Smell: Very malty: caramel, dark fruit, with a light neutral graininess.
Taste: Sweet, bready maltiness upfront. Center is some date-like dark fruit notes with a hint of spiciness. The finish is mildly roasty
with a faint bitterness. Flavorful, but too sweet. There's also a metallic character.
Mouthfeel: Low carbonation, medium-bodied, smooth.
Drinkability: Flavorful, but a bit too sweet.
Serving type: bottle
08-08-2007 21:57:31 | More by EPICAC



rDev +21.4%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
San Miguel dark lager - 12 oz brown semi-stubby bottle. No freshness dating.
Served in a glass, the beer is dark brown with a tan head. Decent lacing.
The aroma is of toasted malts, brown sugar and plums. Nice!
The taste tracks close to the smell. It is sweet with coffee undertones. Bakers chocolate and grains add to the complexity.
The mouth is sturdy and yummy. This is a great dark lager. I can see why it was so popular with GIs that were stationed in the
I will be searching for this one again. I would love to see this on tap.
Serving type: bottle
07-30-2007 18:10:05 | More by Redrover



rDev +10.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Poured to a pint glass, from a 355ml/12 oz. bottle. Picked this up on a whim at By the Bottle, Vancouver WA - recommended. My first
Philippino beer; label says this brewery has been around since 1890 and the beer is "expertly brewed from the finest ingredients"
A: VERY fizzy, looks like bubbly soda - I've never seen a more cola-like appearance in a beer. Caramel-brown, loads of carbonation,
noisy (very fizzy) head. Fizzing dies down within a minute or two, virtually no head or lace, just lots of rising carbonation.
S: Semi-sweet malty aroma, caramel, toasted grain, metallic-smelling lager yeast. Spiced like cinnamon toast, a little butter. Simple,
but pretty appealing.
T: Ample roasted malts and reasonable caramel sugars. Roast is dark, almost smoky. Tobacco essences, also butterscotch.
Bittersweetness, light spiciness, just enough sweetness. Nice.
M: Crisp carbonation (there better be with all that visible bubbling). Lingering dark maltiness and some sweet caramel stick on the
tongue. Medium mouthfeel overall.
D: A good beer, a nice surprise. Drinkable, and at 5% the type of beer I would gladly have a couple of. Definitely worth trying.
Serving type: bottle
06-29-2007 04:53:53 | More by msubulldog25



rDev +18.5%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5

Pours a deep mahogany/dark brown with a full light brown head. Leaves a nice thin lace on the glass.
Toasty malt in the nose. Hints of caramel and a nice roasted smell.
That roasted smell comes through in the taste. Nicely roasted with a bit of a metallic taste.
Very smooth in the mouth, more so than I was expecting. Lightly carbonated, just the right amount of carbonation.
A very drinkable beer, I love the way this feels in the mouth, so smooth.
Serving type: bottle
06-06-2007 18:58:33 | More by dstc



rDev +15.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Pours a chestnut brown with dark tan head which settles to a nice light tan. More carbonated than I would like and it has little malt
or hops aroma coming through. Tast is slightly toasty with a hint of carmel-and hops bit in the finish.
Mouth feel is light and refreshing and I think would be a good pairning with Mexican food or Thai-pour me another
Serving type: bottle
03-28-2007 23:37:54 | More by bradybeer

West Virginia


rDev +17.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
poured into a nonic glass from a stubby brown Belgium looking bottle with San Miguel in raised letters with a crimped on cap
Clear,deep mahogany color,creamy off white head with fair retention,leaving some curtians at the top of the glass. Finishing with a
slight ring of foam around the glass.
Good roasty aroma,a bit metallic with some dark fruit aromas,figs, and a bit vinious. Good inviting aroma.
Roasty.dark fruity tastes,vinious,nutty,with a smooth clean finish.Just a bit watery but still enjoyable.
Light mouthfeel,some creamyness and a grainy texture. Goes down very smooth. A good refreshing taste could session this one.
Reminded me of Samuel Smith,if you like those beers you'll like this one.
Serving type: bottle
03-26-2007 03:34:30 | More by jcdiflorio



rDev +4.9%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
12oz bottle into pint glass.
Clear dark and nearly opaque. When held up to the light, ruby red highlights come through. A thick tan colored head holds well as it
settles to a thin bubbly cap. Smooth solid lacing along the glass.
Creamy aromas mix with the dark malts, giving off caramalized sugar and sweet caramel.
Smooth roasty malts mixed with some caramel and some balancing bittering hops. Medium bodied with good carbonation, and a
little bit of an acidic feel. The finish is somewhat of a dissapointment, giving off some metallic flavors, that seem to be a standard
part of Euro Dark Lagers, for whatever reasons. It's not overwhelming though.
Although it's classified as a Euro Dark Lager, it's very similar to a Schwarzbier. It's very drinkable, however I found that the aftertaste
is a little bit of a dissapointment. It doesn't ruin the beer, but I feel it shouldn't be there. It's definately worth a try, especially if it's
Serving type: bottle
02-12-2007 00:26:31 | More by BeerSox



rDev +1.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3.5
A purply dark pour, some light peeks through at at the edges and a small white head with high carbonation. The smell arrives
shortly after the bottle is opened, a little coffee and light malt. The taste is similar but is thinner than expected considering the
strength of the aroma. The body is simply too light. This one is oh so close to being a nice sessionable alternative to American
lagers. Drinkable, but the subpar mouthfeel and overall bubbliness detract.
Serving type: bottle
02-03-2007 04:39:26 | More by pentathlete



rDev -6.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Pours a very dark mahogany color with a tall bubbly tan head that quickly fades into a thin lace. Nose is sweet roasted malts and, as
another reviewer mentioned, saltwater taffy. Taste is sweet malt along with some molasses and dark buttery toffee. Mildly bitter
hops are present towards the end. The carbonation level seems a bit high. Fairly unremarkable overall except for the odd, if
somewhat interesting, taffy-like aroma.
Serving type: bottle
01-27-2007 01:52:04 | More by Morris729



rDev -26.9%
look: 3 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2.5
Pours a dark ruby amber color with an average head. Smell is an average malty flavor and maybe some coffee tones. Taste is a
mess without any direction to it. Just a lot of roasted malt flavors. Yes it's dark. Yes it's a lager. I just wish there were more here. No
hoppiness to speak of either. Mouthfeel is watery and thin. The aftertaste is acidic and annoying. Not much body to it. I wouldn't
recommend this to anyone unless they were stuck on an island in the Philippeans
Serving type: bottle
01-23-2007 21:41:08 | More by treedoctor5002



rDev -6.6%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Pours a dark shade of brown with some deep red tones in the outer shell. Loose tan head falls to a thin cover with ring lace left
Kind of an oddball as far as smell is concerned. It comes across grassy and light'ish in the nose. Thankfully it doesn't translate across
the board into the taste. This has some toffee and chocolate wrapped up in the malt bill. This has a soft mouthfeel thats ruined by
an overagressive carbonation bill. There is a touch of bitterness from the charred malts but in the end its more of a sweet malty beer
than anything else. Nothing overbearing. The finish could use some work as its ever so slightly tart and kind of annoying
Notes: It was just alright to me. Average would sum it up.
Serving type: bottle
01-07-2007 19:46:43 | More by DogFood11



rDev +17.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
What an odd and interesting beer. It certainly doesnt fit the typical Euro Dark style but it is very tasty.
Appearance: Pours an opaque red/brown with a tan head and no notable lacing.
Smell: Caramel cocoa nuts wood and butter malted milk balls tempt the nose and increase the anticipation for the first sip.
Taste: Burnt caramel with maple syrup drizzled on top, molasses and a bunch of spices thrown in the mix. A buttery cream malt
character is balanced by a splash of earthy hops. Finally after a bit of alcohol pinches the cheeks the toffee and cocoa show up to

Mouthfeel: Thick chewy mouthfeel that is syrupy and viscous to start but runs out half way through and goes limp supported only by
the carbonation and spices. Not bad though.
Drinkability: My first beer from the Philippines is quite pleasing. As it appears there is only one brewery, I guess my next beer from
the area will also be a San Miguel product. That said. I enjoy sweet beers and roasty beers and this was both. Simple and tasty, and I
will buy from them again sometime.
Hope this is helpful.
Serving type: bottle
10-14-2006 07:40:38 | More by Phatz



rDev +4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Presentation: 355ml brown glass bottle, whose shape reminded me of a stretched upwards Duvel bottle. The words San Miguel
and the SM crest are embossed on the shoulder of the bottle in two places. Sealed with a brass colored crown cap which has a San
Miguel logo on it and an inkjet code of 31LUUM. The main label looks just like the one in the BA Database which has the words
San Miguel Dark Lager emblazoned across it.
It is interesting to note that as recent as March this year I tried the San Miguel Cerveza Negra which was brought back from the
Philippines by a friend. Im not sure if the Dark Lager is the same beer or different to that, they are both listed as products of the
Philippines, have different bottles and labels, so it appears at first glance that they are different. It could be however that the
Cerveza Negra is the home grown packaging and that the Dark lager is for export maybe?! Who knows, figure Ill give this a
whirl regardless.

Appearance: Mahogany front when backlit, dark urban brown body when resting in the shadows. Massive tan colored head on the
pour and rises high in the glass; it drops down to thick, but lasts the life of the beer. A seasoned appearance with a sold
Nose: Equitable nose but nothing outstanding, molasses and burnt sugar with a light sweetness and some caramel. Simple but
decent enough.
Taste: Cant help but think of Bonfire Toffee as I did with the San Miguel Cerveza Negra. Backdrop is of dark malts, a toasty-roasty
but thin finish with some caramel sweetness. Ruddy and rustic Earthy feel, soil and dirt mingle in and amongst the dark toffee.
Strange but effective and affable.
Mouthfeel: Suffers from a thin feel at times, the brunt sugar comes through all too easily. That said, the carbonation is supportive
and the body has a smooth feel.
Drinkability: This isnt all that bad, I managed two bottles from the six-pack with very little effort and it doesnt tax the beer brain
too much. Goes nicely with salted pretzels too.
Overall: Trouble-free and uncomplicated but far from boring, a social beer that has an acceptable profile for lovers of Dark Lagers. A
reasonable effort which doesnt disappoint. Above average!
Serving type: bottle
08-30-2006 05:46:32 | More by TheLongBeachBum

New Jersey


rDev +17.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Pours dark brown - almost black - with a fizzy head that soon fizzles to nothing. Nice color - disappointing head.
The smell is of sweet molasass and dark fruit. A very inviting, pleasant aroma.
The taste was of upfront maltiness- sweet molassas with hints of dark fruits. Slight bitter notes balance out the sweetness pretty
well. Some breadiness emerges as the drink progresses. A tinge of an alcoholic taste finishes it out.
It thins a bit in the mouth, but the flavors hold. Smooth and pretty well-balanced.
Overall, a good example of the style. A solid lager with deep, dark flavors. A good year-round choice.
Serving type: bottle
08-23-2006 16:19:12 | More by jwc215



rDev +6.4%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
Cleary mahogany. Speckled carbonation. Thin, yet bubbly light brown cap. Chocolate and roast tones mingle with sweet malt on the
nose. This all translates to the palate pretty nicely. Chocolate and roast and caramel are the main players. Nice smoothness about
the whole experience. Mouthfeel is quite agreeable. Meets halfway on the spectrum with creamy on one side and spritzy on the
other. Good beer.
Thanks for the Phillipine beer Darren.
Serving type: bottle
07-18-2006 03:23:18 | More by Bighuge



rDev +15.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
San Miguel Dark Lager comes in a twelve ounce stubby (I like the retro look, although I'm not sure they've ever changed their
bottle). It pours a dark brown color, as advertised, with a tan head. I've got to say, the aroma is much more interesting than I had
anticipated, it consists primarily of sweet malt. Nice, sweet malty flavor, hops aren't a player in this beer. Frankly, much better than I
anticpated, definitely worth a try.
Serving type: bottle
07-11-2006 00:09:42 | More by Drew966



rDev +17.1%
look: 3 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Pours deep burgudy with mahogany highlights and good clarity. Soapy, dark tan head shows poor lacing and no lacing whatsoever.
Roasted barley with a hint of coffee in the nose, background crystal malt and very faint fruitiness. The taste is crystal sweet with a
good roasted bitterness and a faint raisin flavor. Semi-dry aftertaste with very low english hop profile. The roasted character takes
care of the bitterness and the flavor is well-balanced. The Smooth, light body has medium carbonation and finishes mellow with a
hint of licorice. Quaffable with a pleasent sweet/roasted flavor.



rDev +4.9%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
The color is a dark brown with a ruby glow. Aroma is of dark sweet malts with a distinct aroma of fresh, dark bread. Taste is more of
the sweet dark malt with an element of breadiness. Middle of the sip becomes more bittersweet and is reminiscent of toffee or
molasses. The only disappointment here is a weak, abrupt finish. Wow, this is surprisingly very good, with plenty of flavor and
enough complexity. This gives most euro dark lagers a run for their money, I did not expect this good of a beer from a macro
brewery from the Philippines.
Serving type: bottle
05-21-2006 21:18:46 | More by Gagnonsux



rDev -13.3%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 2.5
Part of a "Beers of the World" sampler received for my birthday a few months back.
Pours a dark mahogany with a finger or so of off-white head. Nose is a quirky mix of molasses, caramel, and bready malt. Taste is
rather...unique as well - gobs of molasses and caramel, bready malt, lactose, with a hint of dark fruit and a metallic finish. Mouthfeel
is medium and smooth. Hard to get a hold on this one. Sweet, milky, bready, metallic, cloying. I can't imagine drinking too many of
these in the humid tropics in the Philippines. There's a lot going on but it doesn't quite mesh. One and done for me, not that I could
easily get ahold of more
Serving type: bottle
04-22-2006 18:40:35 | More by Golden2wenty1



rDev -11.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Poured from 12oz bottle a deep brown with a large head of foam.

The smell has a malty nose...kind of sweetish malty.

The taste has a sweet, almost molasses malt taste with just a touch of roastiness and it's all up front....midway through and the
finish are pretty devoid of flavour and that's a pity. Still, on a hot summer day, this would be a good brew to revisit.
Bottom line: This dark lager falls a little short in flavour but it's worth a try.
Serving type: bottle
04-13-2006 22:19:43 | More by Bitterbill



rDev -38.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 1.5
Pours out a brown amber, little light gets throught. Nice tan head. Smell is sharp and roasted malt, is slightly sweet. I really dont like
the taste, its just an off roasted maltiness, slightly sweet. It has good carbonation, but the balance sucks.
Overall, avoid.
Serving type: bottle
04-05-2006 01:16:34 | More by acrawf6



rDev -0.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Pours a deep brown into my Carlsberg imperial pint glass. A bit of bubly making its way to the surface to help form a slight ring
around the beer foam. Smells very bland, but promising of roasted malts to be enjoyed. Flavor profile was a little roasted and rye
bredy, but for the most part, very country kitchen. Pretty refreshing though. Something I could drink all night at a bar if the price is
right. Plus the second beer I've ever had from the Phillipines and the first one I've reviewed.
Serving type: bottle
03-21-2006 04:27:09 | More by scruffwhor



rDev +9.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Sweet malty/cola-like aroma. Dark brown color with a thumb thick, bubbly, tan head. Fairly decent looking brew. Lots of raisin in the
fore. Quite sweet. Some stewed prunes, caramel, dates and some mild roasty notes. I think they were obvioulst going for a

Schwarzbier here and that is mostly what it tastes like. I think it should be classified as such rather than as a Dark larger. Its a
pretty tasty brew if you are into Schwarzbiers, which I am.
Serving type: bottle
02-25-2006 21:07:38 | More by Jredner



rDev -3.8%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Reminescent of an Irish Red and a weaker German Bock. A solid lager with toasted, bready, yeasty, malty, and moderatly grainy
characteristics in the nose and flavor. Appears clear and mohogany / ruby / brown. Quickly fading head and little protein. Finsihes a
bit sugary and, again, grain like. Better than most south-of-the-boarder beers, but still not my favorite.
Serving type: bottle
02-02-2006 22:24:13 | More by BEERchitect



rDev +7.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
pours a deep mohogany with a thin head that fell into some fuzz around the rim. the aroma is fig like with a hint of chocolate, clean
and malty.
the flavor clean, bit of fig, some spicyness, bit of chocolate, malt.
the mouthfeel was very watery when i first poured it, but as it warmed up it became more substantial.
Serving type: bottle
01-29-2006 04:39:02 | More by plaztikjezuz



rDev +1.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
The pour is dark brown with red hues and a frothy tan head that fades into memory. The nose is roasty, with sweet toffee and
caramel malts. The taste is right along those lines. Burnt malt, molasses, toffee, caramel, a dash of chocolate and a lactose-like
sweetness with a mild, tangy hop finish. Mouthfeel is a little thin, but highly carbonated. I won't be rushing out to buy more of this,
but I won't pass it up it if I should ever see it at a party.
Serving type: bottle
12-29-2005 10:01:59 | More by goschool



rDev +1.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
I used to drink this stuff a lot during the '80's when I was in the military, because they seemed to always have great prices and a
good supply at the on-post/on-base liquor stores. I'd first tried the lighter version, and enjoyed it. Both have a bit of a slightly sweet
taste, not in my interest-zone any longer, but it was very enjoyable. I was a bit shocked when I was in Spain recently, to see so many
San Miguel signs, but I then discovered that Spain has its own San Miguel-- I'm not sure if they're connected or totally unrelated.
This is a good overall dark beer, fine with meals and steak cookouts etc.
Serving type: bottle
12-07-2005 11:49:12 | More by therica



rDev +19.4%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Pours a black, but when held near light it has a dark red hue. It has a foamy head and is existent until the end. I sense some sweet
malty and scotch aromas. Scotch is apparent in the taste a and maybe a little bourbon too. Goes down quite smooth even though it
is quite carbonated. Has a slightly bitter aftertaste. This happens to be a tasty full-bodied brew and enjoyed this better than the
regular San Miguel.
Serving type: bottle
11-19-2005 05:01:35 | More by DrainBamage



rDev +19.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4.5
In all respects this is an excellent beer. Although being quite dark it doesnt have the creamy texture of many darks, but the texture
certainly had nothing wrong with it. Smell and appearance are slightly above average.
Very nice flavor with a little bit of a carmel taste and hints of coffee. Its also not bitter in the least. All in all, one of my favorite beers
to drink both at home and at the pubs.
Serving type: bottle
11-17-2005 06:38:32 | More by DrZarkov



rDev +11.3%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Pours a dark brown with a large tan head. Aroma is sorghum, sweet and intense with a slight tang.
Taste is dark and rich. Black patent malt, dark roast coffee, some chocolate flavors. Tiny bit of a hoppy bitterness, overlaps with the
bitter coffee elements. Bit of a lactic sweetness, almost like a lighter milk stout.
Mouthfeel is medium, lighter than a stout but not quite as light as typical schwartzbiers. Finishes clean, very robust, holds my
interest. I could session this.
Serving type: bottle
10-03-2005 01:53:18 | More by assurbanipaul

Ontario (Canada)


rDev -6.1%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
Deep tan head settles over clear brownish-red liquid, very dark in appearance. Nose is heavy on earthy and sweet maltiness, hint of
light smokiness, some hints of light chocolate. Decent mouthfeel, taste is heavy on sweetness...almost too much there, some more
chocolate notes, barely any hoppiness to report. Finishes quite malty and sweet, that's about it. Not nearly as good as I remember it
being years ago when I last drank it.
Serving type: bottle
09-05-2005 22:19:43 | More by beerluvr



rDev -3.2%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
Cherry cola colored with a nice dense 1/2" head that stays a while.
Rich and sharp malty nose, nice roastness. Seems as though this lager is trying with all its might to smell like a dopplebock. Kinda,
but not quite.
Fleeting and attenuated flavors that replicate the scent. Slightly sour, maybe it's a bit oxidized?
Mouthfeel is fantastic. Super fine carbonation at just the right level. Light body with a lightning fast finish.
Drinkability is good. Probably one the very few beers I wouldnt feel bad about drinking right from the bottle.
Overall a good, non-thinking lager for the summertime paired with some picnic/bbq. Appearance is awesome, same with the

mouthfeel. Everything else is just average.

Serving type: bottle
08-27-2005 20:20:35 | More by malty

North Carolina


rDev +7.8%
look: 4.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Appearance: Pours a nice coffee-colored clear body with a towering tan head that leaves lots of lacing as the liquid is consumed; a
great looker
Smell: Toffee sweet and buttery; diaceytl, anyone?
Taste: Very sweet toffee start that lasts all the way through to the finish; doesn't really build from there and pick up any complexity,
but, hey, this is a dark Euro lager, not a doppelbock; finishes somewhat flat
Mouthfeel: A bit thin with a healthy dose of carbonation
Drinkability: Much better than what I was expecting; I could see drinking a few of these with a pizza
Serving type: bottle
07-27-2005 21:57:23 | More by brentk56



rDev +10.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Hey now, pretty nice find (on Beergeek). Solid dark lager, pour was dark brown with a smallish tan head, minimal lacing. Nice malt
and light chocolate aroma, and in the taste which also was tangy, slightly sweet. Typical dark lager, low in hops, high in malts
good deal. Thin to medium bodied and carbed a good dark brew for long haul drinking (5%).
Serving type: bottle
07-12-2005 12:51:46 | More by Vancer

New York


rDev +1.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Small, tan, flat, still head. Some popping bubbles. Clear, dark brown beer with red highlights. The nose is sugary sweet, malty with
burnt caramel and molasses. Burnt sugar/caramel up front. A fullish, milky middle bursting with molasses. A tangy, sourish finish.

More caramel and molasses, a little bitter. Not bad. Fairly flavorful.
Serving type: bottle
04-20-2005 15:13:37 | More by kbub6f

New York


rDev +4.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
The beer pours a translucent dark brown color with a 1/4" tan head that fades to lacing. The aroma is good. It has a nice malty scent
that boasts of pale and crystal malts with a creamy, yet slightly dry lager yeast aroma. It is sweet with caramel malts. The taste is
decent. It has a very sweet crystal malt flavor that is a little bland and dry on the finish. It has a nice roasted quality to it. The
mouthfeel is fine. It is a medium bodied beer with adequate/good carbonation. This is a decent dark lager. It has good aroma and
decent flavor. It's not the best I've had, but I would drink it again if it was in the fridge.
Serving type: bottle
03-27-2005 02:15:53 | More by WesWes



rDev -0.9%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Custom brown stubby-like bottle with undecipherable date code on cap and no abv
Aroma: Chocolate malt, chocolate, dark malt; rather inviting
Appearance: Deep ruby brown glass with a brown head that settled to a good coat leaving spots of lace as it dropped, but not
Flavor: A very nutty flavor with good balance between dark malt and hop. Some of the chocolate flavor comes through and some
dark fruit tastes as well. Oddly, all the flaws came out with the second taste. A papery stale flavor may indicate an older bottle.
While at first blush the tastes were rich and interesting, as I worked my way down they really didnt show any depth. This is unfair,
but it is like a very watered down RIS.
Mouthfeel: Full carbonation level, lingering bitter pucker.
Overall Impression: This one started strong and faded. Its not offensive and shows glimmers of greatness, but it just cant go the
distance. For a lager its rather interesting and enjoyable. Im not driven to a session, but Im not against another either. Im
waffling like a Belgian on this one. Not bad, not great, worth a try, dont kill yourself looking.
Serving type: bottle
03-02-2005 00:38:38 | More by HardTarget



rDev -9%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3

Appearance: Clear dark amber in color with a lavish tan cloudtop head, which retains particularly well. The lacing is abundant and
broken; there are small streams of slow rising bubbles.
Aroma: Quite sweet toffee and molasses aroma, very distinct, almost cloying.
Taste: Opens wiith a very sweet brown sugar and toffee note, followed by some dark fruit and butter flavors, finishes slightly dry
with a burnt caramel and bitter metallic hop note, which lingers on well past the end of the taste.
Mouth feel: Slight stinging carbonation at the start of the taste, overall, seems a little thin.
Drinkability/notes: Nothing notable, I am afraid, a mediocre dark lager.
Presenation: Packaged in a twelve ounce custom brown glass poptop, served in a standard pint tapglass.
Serving type: bottle
02-06-2005 05:20:55 | More by Pegasus



rDev -4.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3.5
This dark lager gets an ok mark for color. It's...dark...kind of like a dark Dr. Pepper.
The smell is the best thing about this beer. After a little swirl I get a bunch of mollasses, raisin, plum...definitely a strong sense of
those dried fruits. It smells very bitter-sweet.
Then you taste it...and its just not the same. The mollasses is still there, as are the dried fruits, but it finishes a little too sour for my
taste, also you taste the alcohol, which may be good for some and not so good for others.
The other problem with this beer is that it's also not the consistency that I would have expected from a dark lager...a little too
Overall the aroma is worth the go around, but the taste just did not hit the spot...and thats the most important part.
Serving type: bottle
01-29-2005 23:55:19 | More by shalowlou



rDev -24.9%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3
deep brown/chocolate lab color with hints of mahogany as the light hits it. khaki colored head that ran away as soon as i stopped
pouring, had it lingered it would of been nice. smells of almond, and booze, though it isnt a big beer. definatley sweet smelling but
not overly pungent. bland! holly crap i was expecting more, dont know why but what a let down when it hits the toungue. as it
warms it gets a bit better with the almond smell coming through in the taste. not as sweet as it smelled. light body, not much to it.
don't bother, i'm sure you have had this beer before with different packaging.
edit: so after reviewing i noticed it was euro dark lager, not the style i expected perhaps this is more to its style then i let on. i
beleive this is the first of this style i have ahd so perhaps it is my lack of knowledge not the beers lack of personality. still say skip it.
Serving type: bottle

12-30-2004 03:16:09 | More by MediocreatBest



rDev -12.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3
served in stubby 12 oz. brown bottle...
pours a nice black color. no light gets through. this is almost stout-like in appearance. smells of raisins, molasses and slight
tastes moderately sweet and raisin. no bready, malty backbone to this one. the mouthfeel is much thicker than i expected. really,
it's a thick beer! but don't expect a stout -- there's no roasted malt/coffee/chocolate flavors here. the flavor just kind of drops off a
Serving type: bottle
12-20-2004 22:14:44 | More by vitesse

Rhode Island


rDev -23.4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2.5
This beer pours out dark brown with some ruby highlights. Has a nice light brown head. There is a strong malty aroma with serious
molasses overtones and a coffee background. The flavor is very sweet at first but disappears quickly with a hint of coffee bitterness
on the finish Has a very watery mouthfeel.



rDev -27.7%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | overall: 3
I shuddered when I picked this bottle up the name brought back bad memories from when I was in viet nam in 68, san miguel is one
of the few beers that we could get and most of the time had to drink in warm, it was one of the worst beers over there and it was
not dark I thought I would give this 1 a go. poured dark amber, with a light tan head. aroma malty, caramel, brown sugar,
metallic, cherry coke. flavor, weak could hardly pull anything out faint hints of chocolate, Toffee, and some cherry, but had to let it
stay in my mouth for a while. watery it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be
Serving type: bottle
11-06-2004 20:57:43 | More by walleye



rDev -0.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Euro Dark Lager? I'm pretty good at keeping up on world events, but I must have missed the admission of the Philippines to the E.U.
Does France know about this?
Clear ruby-chestnut with ruby-amber accents. The medium beige cap is as frothy and as soft as whipped cream and has decent
staying power as a result of its initial size after my high altitude pour. The lightly malty nose reminds me of dark Karo syrup,
although it isn't nearly as sweet. There's a molasses-like character to the aroma that, though it isn't overly strong, is actually quite
Not bad on the palate given my relatively low expectations. The malt backbone isn't all that sturdy--with a correspondingly light
body--but then this is a lager. As in the nose, I can appreciate mild molasses notes along with subtle flavors of fruit and nuts. Clean,
short finish. The flavor isn't quite as good as I might have made it sound, but this stuff is actually moderately enjoyable.
San Miguel Dark Lager is a much better beer than is San Miguel Premium Lager. It's better than decent solo and would probably go
well with a wide variety of foods. Now if I could only find a Filipino restaurant in Des Moines.
Serving type: bottle
11-05-2004 00:52:16 | More by BuckeyeNation

New Hampshire


rDev -22.5%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2.5
Pours with a two-finger light brown head that leaves some lace. Deep, clear amber color. Light bodied and medium carbonation.
Malty and slightly metallic nose. Starts malty, finishes with some roasted coffee but not much; still it is much better than say, Becks
Dark. $1.94 for a 12oz. bottle from Olivers Beverage Albany, NY.
Serving type: bottle
09-27-2004 00:09:28 | More by jdhilt



rDev -13.3%
look: 4 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3.5
Glowing brown color with a burgundy highlight that comes through when held up to the light. Small tan head floats above. The beer
gives off sour dark notes. Leathery and almost rubbery. Rawhide? Actually reminds me of a pencil eraser. The taste is light and semi
malty. Some caramel notes are evident. Light, almost watery body. Overall, this is a smooth, easy to drink lager that has an
interesting and satisfying roasted character about it. Not much depth to it, but enjoyable.
Serving type: bottle
09-19-2004 22:29:33 | More by pezoids

North Carolina


rDev -9%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
This beer poured very dark and with barely any head to speak of. Nose was somewhat abrasive sweet caramel malts. Taste matched
the smell, sweet with caramel. It reminded me of some sort of weak version of Coke. Faint hop dryness. Creamy in the mouth and
low carbonation I think helped this beer to be a little bit drinkable for me.
Serving type: bottle
07-20-2004 19:32:28 | More by donnebaby

Alberta (Canada)


rDev -31.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | overall: 2
Poured from that 330 ml brown uber-stubbie bottle, no freshness date to be found. A quick fizzle of head that disappears almost
sooner than it appeared, it almost looks like I poured a glass of Dr. Pepper. Mahogany-toned body, it gets that cherry red cola
appearance when held up to the light. Right off the start I pick up dried date and fig aromas on the nose, while a sort of sweet malty
molasses shows up after that, and then notes of black current as well. Curious. I'm not sure if the flavour has decided upon where it
wants to stand, I have the dried fruit, toasted malt and molasses kind of thrown at me all at once. However it's not a very strong
throw, it falls a bit short due to the watery mouthfeel which also affects the strength of the flavour as well, which is rather weak. No
sir, I'm not impressed with this at all. However, to end on a positive note, how about 3 cheers for uber-stubbies!
Serving type: bottle
06-28-2004 01:00:41 | More by IronDjinn



rDev -0.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
I was really surprised by this beer. Not a whole lot to write about. This beer was really malty, no hops were distinguished by this
drinker. Chocalate notes, raisins, and plum flavors came through. Had a nice pillowy, but short lived head, and left a very nice lace
on the glass as this drinker finished this decent brew.
Not a bad beer.
Serving type: bottle
05-17-2004 17:30:51 | More by andyo



rDev -3.2%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Pours a dark brown with amber highlights and has a modest tan head that leaves a thin layer capping the brew. The aroma reveals a
nice lightly sweetened malt with a nutty blend and with a slight floral tone. It smells great! Unfortunately the taste is a bit on the
watery side revealing a roasted malt with an earthy grain, light hops, and a slight chocolate end with a small carb bite. This is a light
bodied beer that finishes lightly sweet.
Notes: The smell pumps you up and the taste brings you back down. It's not bad and it has it's strong points but lacks in the most
important which is taste. Just a little too watery and thin. Mabuhay!
Serving type: bottle
04-02-2004 05:39:42 | More by BeerAngel



rDev +11.3%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Presented in a stubby brown 12oz bottle with no freshness date listed. This dark lager had a dark brownish tint and a large, frothy
and surprisingly durable off-white head. Small amounts of spotty lace were left behind.
Hey, this didn't smell bad at all! The nose had a fruity aroma, plum-like, and a nice sweet caramel maltiness. Got a touch of a
chocolate note, too. Not much in the way of hops, though. Hey, this tasted pretty good, too! Crisp, clean malts, a smooth plum- and
raisin flavor up front, some light nutty flavor mid-palate along with a dash of coffee, and a modest herbal hoppiness in the finish. Not
bad at all.
This was a real surprising beer from San Miguel. After the experiences drinking San Miguels (not the dark lager) in the P.I. back in the
day, I wasn't too sure I'd be getting anything very good with this one. This is one easy-drinking brew and worth picking up if you see
it on the shelf.
Serving type: bottle
03-11-2004 19:41:30 | More by Boilermaker88



rDev +9.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
Pours a dark brown brew, it is clear and red when held up to a strong light.
Smell is malty and sweet with a banana smell, almost smells like a Bock beer.
Taste is tamed malt and fruit with a bit of chocolate malt flavor. Fruit flavors show up with the dark roasted malt finishing the taste.
Mouthfeel is average.

Tasty drinkable brew, almost could be a bock beer.

Serving type: bottle
02-28-2004 04:36:20 | More by Zorro



rDev -11%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3.5
The beer disembogues the bottle a deep sanguineous color, the head Bunyanesque in size and a light brown color, the texture is
frothy and the lace a thick and clinging sheet. Nose is sweet malt, molasses like, fresh crisp and clean to the senses, start is lightly
sweet, nicely malted, top a bit thin. Finish is mild in its acidity, the hops mild and pleasing to the palate, aftertaste very dry and
long-lasting, drinkable, but a much better beer on July 4, 1962 when I pulled my first liberty in Subic Bay, Philippines and sampled
my first foreign beer, geez that more than 40 years ago, time sure flies when youre having fun.
Serving type: bottle
02-08-2004 21:00:59 | More by Gusler

Ontario (Canada)


rDev -6.1%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Begins with a creamy but receding beige head with an average amount of lace. The aroma is a surprisingly interesting mixture of
roasted coffee, chocolate or mollasses and even a hint of raisins. There is a sourness and bitterness to this beer. Initally, it has a
stout-like flavour and there is a suggestion of soapiness. You can taste the alcohol in the finish. On the palate, San Miguel Dark is
softly carbonated, dry and a bit thin. Not a bad brew.
Serving type: bottle
12-31-2003 12:44:51 | More by mwrseeley

District of Columbia


rDev -8.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3
Presentation: Stubby, 12oz. brown bottle; self-aggrandizing label with no "bottled on" or "best before" warning; purchased from
Trader Joe's as a "busted" single for, I belive, $0.83.
Appearance: Pours a clear, garnet-tinged chocolate hue; good-sized, cocoa-brown head; a fair amount of sheet style lacing; fair to
decent head retention.

Aroma: Primarily of sweet chocolate and not much else.

Taste: Lightly sweet upfront with firm notes of chocolate and grain throughout; a tad roasty; off-putting, soapy, sour bitter quality
defines the finish; hints of butter in there too; medium bodied; something of a foamy, dull mouthfeel.
Notes: Middling dark lager.
Serving type: bottle
12-02-2003 08:26:21 | More by Mustard

New Jersey


rDev +1.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 4
San Miguel Dark continues on where their regular lager left off in a sense that I found it to be a very drinkable beer. The regular
lager was a simple but refreshing pale lager, and this one is a nice dark and malty beer that at the same time isn't too complex but
still retains a high drinkability.
San Miguel Dark pours a nice darkish-brown color that is only slightly translucent. A decent tan foam head forms and lasts for under
45 seconds. The smell is quite malty and has a fruity essence to it. Dark malts, caramel, and coffee are present in the nose. The
mouthfeel is a little on the watery side and is lightly carbonated. The flavor, in general, reminds me of Kahlua liqueur for some
reason. Nice malty sweetness that has a coffee-liqueur quality to it. There is some nuttiness to it as well. The hops aren't the strong
point here and are only lightly detected in the finish. There is an alcohol flavor in the finish that adds to the Kahlua aspect of this
beer. The aftertaste is mostly clean, with some coffee/liqueur flavors and nuttiness continuing. This finishes out with some alcoholic
This is a nice beer from the Philippines, I must say. Perhaps a bit one dimensional due to the malt being the focal point, but it is quite
easy to drink, and I can imagine having this with some dark poultry, like duck for instance. It isn't a grounbreaking beer in anyway,
but is a good old easy to drink dark lager.
Serving type: bottle
11-21-2003 04:01:08 | More by Beastdog75



rDev +11.3%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
poured a dark brownish color, sweet malt aroma on the first sniff, first taste was surprisingly great . I was hit by a blast of sweet
chocolate roastedness, which leveled out as the glass went down but I savored it to the end.Tasty refreshing all a beer should be. It
reminded me of Xingu, but I thought this was better
Serving type: bottle
10-30-2003 11:13:40 | More by grynder33



rDev -11.8%
look: 4 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 4 | overall: 3
Dark brown color, large head. Aroma is roasted malts/ Dark roasted malts, slightly sweet. Hops are subdued. Mild taste and flavor.
Well balanced, but a little thin tasting. Not a bad beer, but nothing special. Better than I expected. Mouthfeel is full and round. Finish
is clean and smooth. Aftertaste is slightly sweet.
Serving type: bottle
09-21-2003 02:15:45 | More by beerguy101



rDev -38.4%
look: 4.5 | smell: 2 | taste: 2 | feel: 3 | overall: 1.5
Appearance Nice dunkel body with a tight, firm head that held on well and laced the glass a little.
Smell This is a bizarre aroma. It smells like saltwater taffy. Ive had many dunkel lagers over the years, but never one that smelled
like taffy.
Taste The taffy is back. It leads this one off then goes into a fairly decent malt flavoring. The finish is . . . yes, more taffy. I feel like
Im at a carnival drinking this stuff.
Mouthfeel Light carbonation in accordance with the style.
Drinkability This goes great with cotton candy, giant swirly lollipops, and pier fries.
Serving type: bottle
09-06-2003 00:20:58 | More by RoyalT



rDev +10.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
A clear, very deep mahogany body rests beneath a creamy head of light tan foam that slowly receeds to a solid collar and leaves
some very nice transient lace. The nose offers a sweetish toffee malt that's clean and welcoming. It's smooth and creamy across the
palate with a medium body and delicate, somewhat restrained carbonation. The flavor delivers a mild fruity note and a dollop of
gentle, sweet buttery caramel that's just enough to keep it interesting. The underlying bitterness balances very nicely in the mouth,
and emerges a bit in a short-lived finish that expresses some light nuttiness. A well-brewed beer with some interesting character.
Very nice!
Serving type: bottle
08-12-2003 21:59:17 | More by NeroFiddled



rDev -9.5%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
This is a very nice Dunkel from the Phillipines. It pours a very dark amber with some retention in the cream colored head. A small
level of lace was observed through most of the glass. A very nice nose gives a bit of floral and caramel malt sense and the flavor is
sweet, but not over the top as with many heavy Dunkels. There apears to be only a moderate ABV for this beer, though none is
listed. Overall, this is a nicely drinkable Dunkel at moderate price levels.
Serving type: bottle
07-11-2003 15:43:06 | More by AtLagerHeads



rDev -22%
look: 3.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
On my 21st birthday, a friend bought me a bottle of this at a bar in Richland, WA. He'd picked up on it in some beer of the world set.
As I was one of those odd individuals who didn't really start drinking until my mid 20s, I thought I'd try one again when I spied it in a
grocery store. Nine and a half years after my first taste I found San Miguel ... absolutely unremarkable.
Drinkability:If you are looking for an average beer for a hot day that won't weigh you down as much as something darker, it could
work. Otherwise there's no real point, as there are plenty of better beers that are cheaper (I paid $1.09 for 1 bottle) and easier to
Appearance: As noted by others, very cola-like in color. Starts off with a halfway decent head, few traces of which remain a few
minutes later.
Smell: Fairly non-descript odor, described by a friend earlier tonight as "generic".
Mouthfeel: Slightly foamy, not too watery. More substance than the bottom dregs of the beer world, but nothing great.
Taste: I'm not that familiar with dark lagers. I really felt like this tasted like an unfinished beer, if that makes any sense. There is a
slightly hoppy taste to it, but I'm left, considering the dark color, expecting a richness that just wasn't there.
Serving type: bottle
06-08-2003 21:09:08 | More by woemad



rDev -17.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3
Appearance: color, a chestnut brown, reddish at the sides, with a solid, fluffy tan head, though quick to dwindle down.
Aroma: quite nice right off, notes of nuts and cocoa, cream,wood, a touch of spiciness,grapes and pepper, maybe, and a hint of cola,

rather soft and sweet at first, but the full bloom does not linger long.
Taste: A decent peppery drizzling of hops, rich, chewy malt, and a bit too much carbonation.
This beer's failing is that it's initial promise fades swiftly, and we are left with a flat, dull Mr. Pibbish brew, with returning notes of
cherries and grapes that have nowhere to play.
Rings rather hollow, like a can of Dr. Pepper left out overnight.
Serving type: bottle
06-04-2003 17:15:15 | More by feloniousmonk

North Carolina


rDev -6.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Well I heard good things about this one but I didnt think to highly of it.Not as dark as I thought it would be almost a chesnut brown
color,did have a nice head wich stayed for awhile.Smell was spicey,and malty.The flavor was a little dry for me I was hoping it would
be a little sweeter,real light texture wich made kind easy to drink but didnt feel great in the mouth.Nothing to write home about but
Serving type: bottle
03-15-2003 06:15:45 | More by oberon



rDev +6.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
North American label reads as the translated "Dark Lager"...
Clear dark brown with a nice big and cottony head. Very caramel aroma, malty to be sure. Nice chocolate and toffee early flavor,
minimal hops, but the early flavor is taken to the close by a medium-bodied mouthfeel. Slight sense of papery notes, but not
pronounced. Not a huge impression but unexpectedly good, tasty, and drinkable. One of the best darker Lagers I've had from an
equatorial country.
Serving type: bottle
10-04-2002 07:55:02 | More by ADR

United Kingdom (England)


rDev -39.3%
look: 2 | smell: 2 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | overall: 2.5
i don't know about this one, it looks a hell of a lot better than the regular San Miguel, but in the end, there was nothing happening,
very thin body, watery texture, quite sweet, and very bland.

Serving type: bottle

08-09-2002 00:32:11 | More by rastaman



rDev +28.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 5
Cerveza Negra is the taste of a robust spirit. Full of flavor with caramel tones that tease the palate. when poured, it is rich and
creamy. A surprising favorite of mine from the philippines.

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