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April Olorunfemi

MEDT 7476
Assessment Plan
Performance Task Title

European Countries



April Olorunfemi

Performance Task Annotation

Students will be able to use a world and regional political-physical or physical

map to locate listed physical and political features in Europe.
Students will able to locate on a world and regional political- physical map:
the Danube River, Rhine River, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, European
Plain, the Alps, Pyrenees, Ural Mountains, Iberian Peninsula, and Scandinavian
Students will also be able to locate on a world and regional political-physical
map the countries of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain,
Ukraine, and United Kingdom.


Social Studies (Social Science)

Approximate Duration of
Performance Task

1 hour

Focus Standards

SS6G8 The student will locate selected features of Europe.

a. Locate on a world and regional political- physical map: the Danube River,

Rhine River, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, European Plain, the Alps,
Pyrenees, Ural Mountains, Iberian Peninsula, and Scandinavian Peninsula.
b. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of
Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and United
SS6G9 The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe.
a. Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid
rain in Germany, air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster
in Chernobyl, Ukraine.
SS6G10 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural
resources, and population distribution on Europe.
a. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of the United
Kingdom and Russia affect where people live and how they trade.
b. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Germany and
Italy affect where people live and how they trade.
SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe.
a. Explain the diversity of European languages as seen in a comparison of
German, English, Russian, French, and Italian.
b. Describe the major religions in Europe; include Judaism, Christianity, and
c. Explain how the literacy rate affects the standard of living in Europe.
National Standards

1. Creativity and innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
2. Communication and collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work

collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and

contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a
variety of digital environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using
a variety of media and formats
6. Technology Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts,
systems, and operations
Description and Teacher

Lesson Launch: The students will play a game to search for the correct country using the
Europe map from the book (Pgs. 4A & 5A) (TGT Strategy). The student that is the first student to
find the correct country called will stand up (or raise their hand) and give the absolute location for
that country using the Latitude and Longitude coordinates (degrees).
1. The students will take notes from the European countries PPT. and the Geography of Europe.
2. Next students will (3-2-1) List: 3 main points (or 3 somethings that they did not know from
before), 2 controversial ideas (or two things they will share with their parents @ home), and 1
question related to the key concept or learning
3. After successfully completing first steps, The students will create a vocabulary foldable using
the vocabulary from the list above. The students will be able to use this foldable to review for
4. The students must choose 5 vocabulary words to create a mnemonic device. The students will
share their mnemonic device.
5. Next, students will complete a blank map of Western Europe using a political map of Europe
and watching the United Streaming Video entitled World Geography: Europe.
6. The students will complete a blank map of Eastern Europe using a political map of Europe and
watching the United Streaming Video entitled World Geography: Europe.

7. Using the class laptop, students will individually create an eBooks using website,
demonstrating their knowledge of the characteristics of European countries
8. eBook links will be uploaded to the class cloud in student portfolios
Rubric Title

Rubric Description

Europe Countries Booklet Project Rubric

This is a formative guideline and rubric that will enable students to

understand required components of their eBook project as well as allow for
the teacher to provide authentic and constructive feedback for next steps or
improvements that may need to be added on future eBooks or similar
presentation type projects.

Rubric or Other
Performance Evaluation
Tool: Rubric and Guidelines
Content and

Responses are
All responses
incomplete and
Not all questions are
provide more than
All questions are
answered correctly
just an answer.
inaccurate. Only
answered correctly.
and completely.
Extra details are
some correct
information is

Many prompts are

All prompts are
Most prompts are
missing. Font
present. All
missing. Font
A readable font is
choice makes
prompts are under
choice interferes
used. Responses
and Layout
legibility difficult.
or near the prompt.
with readability.
are bulleted.
Some bullets are
A legible font is
Bullets are absent.
There are no
There are many
Answers are in
mistakes in
mistakes in
There are several
grammar and/or
sentences. Minor
mistakes in
spelling, and/or
errors in mechanics
mechanics and/or
sentence structure.
and Writing
Incomplete or
and or spelling that
poorly constructed
do not detract from
punctuation (.,?!)
the product.
Only some relevant All relevant and
There are no
A few graphics
and appropriate
graphics used.
graphics used.
graphics used.
Layout is balanced
Layout is
and pleasing and
Layout is balanced
Poor presentation unbalanced and
makes the reader
and pleasing to the
of project. No awkward. Graphics
curious about the
eye. Graphics are
graphics included. are too small or too
contents. All seven
appropriate size.
Three of seven
large and lack
pieces of info are
One of seven
pieces of info are relevancy. Two of
provided. Graphics
pieces of info are
seven pieces of info
are colorful and
are missing.
appropriate to the

Teacher Commentary

Example of Student Work

with Teacher Commentary


Great attention to detail. Very thorough.

Materials and Equipment


What 21 Century
Technology was used in this
performance task?
Differentiated Instruction

Internet connected student laptops/computers with access to create using
Students will also need basic search engine functions for graphics and images
for the purpose of book illustration.
Google Images
*Student choice of infographic, eBook or poster options
* Flexible Grouping/ Small group Review Implemented during task planning and production to
remediate accelerate students based on their individual needs
*Pre-labeled Map for lower functioning students

Web Resources
Google Images
Discovery Education- World Geography: Europe
Geographical Map:

The setting of this lesson will take place in the 6th grade Social Studies classroom. This lesson is a
collaborative effort between the regular education teacher of record and the Media Specialist in the Title 1
suburban school district. The classroom consists of 30 student desks and a C.O.W. (computers on wheels)
cart. Each student has been assigned a laptop computer from the C.O.W. cart.

Student learners participating in the assessment and performance task are 27 6th grade students with
ages ranging from 10-13 years old. This is a group of mixed ability consisting of both male and female
students. 2 students are currently in the SST process for potential special education testing. 5 students are
considered advanced, 3 are gifted, and 4 are English Language Learners, and 13 are considered average to
high average in terms of academic ability and progress. The ethnic demographic represented is White,
African American, Pacific Islander and Hispanic.

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