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Solutions to CE2200 Exam #1

1. Choose the correct answer from the following options (20 pt: 4 points each):
(1) At boundaries, fluid particles adhere to the walls, and so their velocities are
zero relative to the wall. This characteristic is referred to as
(A) surface tension; (B) no-slip condition; (C) bulk modulus of elasticity.
(2) How many meters of water are equivalent to 760 mm Hg? SHg = 13.6.
(A) 13.60;
(B) 10.34;
(C) 0.76.

wh = Hg 0.76 h = 0.76(Hg/w) = 0.7613.6 (m)

(3) The centroid is always
(A) below;
(B) above;

the center of pressure.

(C) coincident with.

(4) The dimension of force F is

(A) ML/T2;
(B) lbf;

(C) N.

(5) Which of the following is the formula for the gage pressure within a very
small spherical droplet of water?
(A) p = /(2r);
(B) p = 2/r;
(C) p = 4/r.

2r = pr2 p = 2/r

2. (20 pt): Students are given a simple device called a rotational cylindrical viscometer,
as shown in Fig. 1, and asked to determine the viscosity of an unknown liquid. The
outer cylinder is fixed while the inner cylinder is rotating at a constant angular speed
of by applying a torque T. (A) Derive an equation for the viscosity in terms of
angular velocity, , torque, T, submerged inner cylinder height, L, inner cylinder
radius, Ri, and outer cylinder radius, Ro; (B) Calculate the viscosity value when =
55 rev/min, T = 0.9 N m, L = 0.3 m, Ri = 0.12 m and Ro = 0.13 m.
Step-1: Find the dynamic viscosity of the fluid: = ?
Step-2: Schematic as shown in the figure.

Velocity Profile of the Fluid between the Gap of the Cylinders

Step-3: Assumptions: (1) The liquid is a Newtonian fluid; (2) The gap between the
cylinders is small and the velocity profile is linear, i.e., du/dr u/r=U/(Ro - Ri); (3)
Neglect the end effects of the cylinders; and (4) the force (F) is perpendicular to its
moment arm (r), hence the torque is given by T = Fr.
Step-4: Equations
The torque is given by multiplying the force with its moment arm. That
T = Fr
The force can be expressed in terms of the shear stress and area as
F = (2rL) = /r
Rearrange terms to yield
= / 2r2L

According to Newton's law of viscosity for Newtonian fluids,

= du/dr
The negative sign is inserted to indicate that u decreases as r increases. Note that the
velocity profile is assumed to be linear, as shown in the figure. The end conditions are
known and are given by: u = Ri at r = Ri and u = 0 at r = Ro.
Equating the above two equations and integrating from
r = Ri to Ro:

Step-5: Known parameters

= 55 rev/min, T = 0.9 N m, L = 0.3 m, Ri = 0.12m and Ro = 0.13 m.
Step-6: Calculations
Substitution of the known values into the derived equation for dynamic viscosity yields
the viscosity of the liquid

Step-7: Discussion
Based on the assumptions, the dynamic viscosity can also be approximated as:

T ( Ro Ri )
= 0.480 N s/m 2

The thinner the gap layer is, the more accurate the solution is.

3. (20 pt): A U-tube manometer with mercury as the gage fluid is attached to the oil
separation tank at 1 m from the bottom, as shown in the following figure. The tank is
open to the atmosphere. Determine the depth x of the oil layer when the total depth of
the oil/water mixture is 8 m and the manometer readings are h1 = 0.04 m and h2 =
0.49 m. Take the specific weights of oil, brine and mercury to be 8.92 kN/m3, 10.1
kN/m3, and 133 kN/m3, respectively.

Step-1: Find x = ?

Step-2: Schematic as shown in the figure.


Step-3: Assumption: Oil and brine densities in

the tank are uniform.



Step-4: Equations
Starting with the pressure at point A at the air- oil 1 m
interface, moving along the tank and tube by
adding or subtracting the h terms until we reach
point F, and setting the result equal to PF gives
PA + x oil + (8m 1m x) brine + h1 brine h2 m = PF



Step-5: Known parameters

mercury = 133 kN/m3, oil = 8.92 kN/m3, brine = 10.1 kN/m3, h1 = 0.04 m, and h2 = 0.49 m.
Step-6: Calculations
Substitution of the known values into Eq. (1) yields
(8m 1m) brine + h1 brine h2 m
brine oil

(8m 1m) 10.1 + 0.04 10.1 0.49 133

= 5.03 m
10.1 8.92
x = 5.03 m


(20 pt): A gate with a circular cross section is held closed by a lever 1 m long
attached to a buoyant cylinder. The cylinder is 25 cm in diameter and weighs 200 N.
The gate is attached to a horizontal shaft so it can pivot about its center. The liquid is
water. The chain and lever attached to the gate have negligible weight. Find the
length of the chain such that the gate is just on the verge of opening when the water
depth above the gate hinge is 10 m.

See the posted solution to Problem-3.96 (3.75 in 8th edition)
in Homework Assignment #3.


(20 pt): A long solid cylinder of radius 0.8 m hinged at point A is used as an
automatic gate, as shown in the following figure. When the water level reaches 5 m,
the gate opens by turning about the hinge at point A. Find (a) the magnitude and line
of action of the hydrostatic force acting on the cylinder when the gate opens and (b)
the weight Wcyl of the cylinder per m length of the cylinder.





Step-1: Find (a) FR and xcp ycp; (b) Wcyl .

Step-2: Schematic as shown in the figure (b).
Step-3: Assumptions: (1) Friction at the hinge is negligible. (2) Atmospheric pressure
acts on both sides of the gate, and thus it cancels out.
Step-4: Equations
(a) Horizontal force on vertical surface:
FH = Fx = PA = hA
Vertical force on horizontal surface (upward):
The weight of displaced water:
W = VABC =[(R2/4)1]
Fy = FV+ W
FR = FH2 + Fy2
I xx
F ( R / 2) + W (4 R / 3 )
xcp = v
y cp = y +


(b) When the water level is 5 m high, the gate is about to open and thus the reaction
force at the bottom of the cylinder is zero. Then the forces other than those at the
hinge acting on the cylinder are its weight, acting through the center, and the
hydrostatic force exerted by water. Taking a moment about point A at the location
of the hinge and equating it to zero gives
FR R sin Wcyl R = 0
Wcyl = FRsin
Step-5: Known parameters
In Equation (1) = 9810 N/m3, h = 4.2 + 0.8/2 = 4.6 m, A = 0.81 = 0.8 m2.
In Equation (2) H = 4.2 (m), A = 0.81 = 0.8 m2.
In Equation (3) = 3.14, R = 0.8 m.
In Equation (6)y = 4.2+0.8/2 = 4.6 m, A = 0.81 = 0.8 m2,Ixx = 10.83/12 = 0.0427 m4.
Step-6: Calculations
Substitution of the known values into equations (1) (3) yields
FH = Fx = hA = 98104.60.8 = 36100.8 N = 36.10 kN
FV =hA = 98104.20.8 = 32961.6 N = 32.96 kN
W = [(R2/4)1] = 9810(0.821/4) = 4931 N = 4.93 kN
Substituting FV = 32.96 kN and W = 4.93 kN into Eq. (4) gives
Fy = FV+ W = 37.89 kN
Substituting Fy = 37.89 kN and FH = 36.10 kN into Eq. (5) results in

FR = FH2 + Fy2 = 36.10 2 + 37.89 2 = 52.34 (kN)

FR = 52.34 kN
tan = Fy/ FH = 37.89/36.10 = 1.05 = 46.4.
Substitutingy = 4.6 m, A = 0.8 m2, R = 0.8 m,Ixx = 0.0427 m4, FV = 32.96 kN, Fy =
37.89 kN, and W = 4.93 kN into Eqs. (6) and (7) gives
ycp = 4.612 m and xcp = 0.392 m
Substituting FR = 52.34 kN and = 46.4 into Eq. (8) leads to
Wcyl = 52.34 sin(46.4) = 37.90 kN

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