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PROGRAMME PLANNING: 4thYear of Primary Education

Preparar la planificacin de una programacin es una de las tareas ms decisivas del maestro. El xito del
proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje depende de los siguientes aspectos:
Lo que el alumno debe aprender (contenidos)
En qu orden (secuencia)
Para qu (objetivos)
Cmo (metodologa)
A travs de qu medios (libros, cuadernos, otros materiales)
Anlisis de los alumnos con necesidades especiales: atencin a la diversidad.
tratamiento Cross-curricular.
Criterios de evaluacin.
La programacin, en este caso, se convierte en un mapa, una brjula, un instrumento prctico y pblico que
permite a los maestros, padres de familia, los alumnos y al resto de la comunidad educativa conocer en
cada momento, en qu punto del proceso educativo est el alumno de acuerdo con el curso previsto, que
modificaciones se deben hacer y los mecanismos para ampliar, reforzar o de adaptacin necesarios en
cada caso.
Esta programacin pretende contribuir a obtener las habilidades bsicas que son los principales objetivos del
Hoy en da, es esencial que los estudiantes aprendan Francs debido a diferentes aspectos. Los estudiantes
que aprenden una lengua extranjera tienen un poderoso medio de desarrollo personal, de integracin social,
de adquisicin cultural y de comunicacin lingstica. El trabajo de las TIC en Francs como fuente de
informacin: Internet, msica, noticias ... Tambin hay algunos aspectos a tener en cuenta: Aspectos polticos,
culturales, cientficos y econmicos.
Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de las lenguas en la sociedad actual y todas las consideraciones hechas
por el Marco Comn Europeo, el principal objetivo en el aprendizaje del Francs en Educacin Primaria es el
desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa (CC), esto es la capacidad de comunicarse en una lengua
extranjera. Por lo que la intencin de esta programacin se basa en la comunicacin y est orientada hacia la
adquisicin de la CC: de acuerdo a las tareas de los alumnos (receptivas y productivas) y de acuerdo a los
medios (orales y escritos). La alfabetizacin implica las cuatro habilidades lingsticas. Un balance de estas
cuatro proporciona a los estudiantes una gran oportunidad de comunicarse en Francs y fomenta su
autoestima, identidad y el desarrollo emocional.
En esta etapa, los estudiantes participan en el proceso de aprendizaje de una manera crtica y activa. Es
esencial proporcionarles informacin continuamente a lo largo de todo el proceso de aprendizaje, clarificar
objetivos y hacerlos conscientes de su desarrollo.
El rea FL promueve la lengua y la cultura de la conciencia. Uno de los principales objetivos de esta
planificacin es ensear a los estudiantes el mundo cultural de otros pases y los aspectos ms relevantes de la
vida cotidiana, utilizando materiales reales y actualizados. La lengua extranjera se ensea en contextos de
comunicacin real o simulada.
The curriculum of Primary Education is the expression of the purposes and contents of education which
students should acquire at this stage. It covers goals, basic competences, contents, methodology, attention
to diversity and evaluation criteria.
The present didactic unit belongs to a 4th Year Didactic Course Plan (3rd level of curricular design) which
is based on the 2nd level of curricular design (the School Curricular Project), and the 1 st level of curricular
design (legislation), and as it has been prepared for the 2009-2010 course where LOE will be implanted in the
3rd cycle. It has been done according to the following legislation: Law 2/2006, on Education, may 3rd; Royal
Decree 1513/2006, December 7th; Decree 230/ 2007, July 31st; The Order of August 10th, 2007. The Order of
July 25th and Law 17/ 2007, on Education in Andalusia, 10th December.
According to the BCD, this DU has been made considering the Educative schools features in which

English classes are given. This planning is designed for 4th Grade (2nd year, 2nd cycle, Primary Education).
It is framed in a state school, located in Ojn (Mlaga), a village with a population of 3,000 people. The
class is formed by 16 students (6 boys and 10 girls): 13 Spanish and 3 foreigners: one from Portugal, one
from Chile and one from Morocco with learning difficulties (they all 3 go to intercultural classes).
The socio-cultural, economic and educative level is medium-low. Parents work on construction (most
of them currently unemployed) or fulfilling different tasks for the community.
The school provides several plans and projects: the Accompanying Plan, the Intercultural Plan, the
Library Plan, the Quality Plan, the Coexistence Plan, Sports in the School and Films in the Classroom.
Although it is a small school, the essential facilities are provided: Dining-room, Audiovisual room,
Computer class, Logopedics room, two classrooms for students individual attention, Assembly hall,
playground and library.
As far as the students characteristics and evolution at 3rd level of Primary Education is concerned,
following Piagets Theory, this didactic unit has been designed responding to the necessities of pupils at the
concrete operational stage (7-11 years), yet it must be some differences between individual children.
At this stage they leave intuitive knowledge behind to start to develop rational activities. It is a
manipulating stage so tasks can be based on aspects like movement, effectiveness and social behaviour.
Theres an increasing curiosity by the outer world, talking about their experiences, opinions and interests
and reaching new conclusions which reinforce their concept of their selves and their self-esteem. They learn
about the world through English.
Theres an increasing maturity in its social relations which influences in the cooperative work. They can
learn through mistakes and readapt their knowledge.
Objectives are the foremost aims that uphold and determine the outline and achievement of the proposed
activities, as well as the choice and distribution of contents. The main aim is to develop the students
communicative competence. The Didactic objectives help the attainment of the Area and Stage objectives:
Royal Decree 1513/2006. Article 3.
A) To know and appreciate the values and rules of coexistence, to learn to behave accordingly to them, to
prepare oneself to become active citizens and to respect human rights as well as the pluralism of a democratic
B) To develop habits of individual and team-work, effort and responsibility towards their studies and their
attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning.
C) To acquire habits to prevent and resolve conflicts in a pacific way, which enable them to act autonomously
within the domestic and family scope as well as within their social groups.
D) To know, understand and respect different cultures and the differences among people, equal rights and
opportunities of men and women and non-discrimination towards disabled people.
E) To know and use appropriately the Castilian language and, if applicable, the co-official language of the
Autonomous Community, and to develop reading habits.
F) To acquire basic communicative competence in, at least, one Foreign Language, to enable them to express
and understand easy messages and to manage everyday situations.
G) To develop basic mathematical competences and to begin to solve problems which require elemental
arithmetical operations, geometry knowledge and estimations and to be capable of applying them to everyday
H) To know and value their natural, social and cultural environment and to become aware of the possibilities
of caring for them.
I) To begin to use the Information and Communication Technologies in the learning process and to develop
critical awareness of the sent and received messages.
J) To use different artistic representations and expressions and to start to create visual designs.
K) To value hygiene and health, accept their own body and that of others, to respect the differences and use
physical education and sports as a means of personal and social development.
L) To know and value the animals which are closest to human beings and adopt the appropriate behaviour to

favour their care.

M) To develop their affective capacities in all aspects of personality and in their relationships with others, as
well as an attitude against violence, prejudices of any type and the sexist stereotypes.
N) To promote Road Safety and attitudes of respect which contribute to prevent road accidents.
Decree 230/2007. Article 4.
a) To develop their self-confidence, critical awareness, personal initiative and enterprising spirit and their
capacity to learn, plan, evaluate risks, take decisions and assume responsibilities.
b) To know and value the natural and cultural heritage and contribute to its conservation and improvement,
understand linguistic and cultural diversity as a human value and be interested and respectful towards it.
c) To know and appreciate the linguistic peculiarities of the Andalusian Spanish in all its varieties.
d) To know and respect the Andalusian cultural reality, starting from the knowledge and understanding of
Andalusia as a meeting place of different cultures.
AREA OBJECTIVES: RD 1513 / 2006. Appendix II.
Meterle una introduccin para que cuadre tambin la pgina. Debera de ocupar dos prrafos, sigo
escribiendo para que coincida. Otro prrafo ms.
1. To listen and understand messages in different oral interactions, using the transmitted information to carry
out specific tasks related to the childrens experience.
2. To express and interact orally in easy everyday situations that have a known content and development,
using verbal and non-verbal procedures and adopting a respectful and collaborating attitude.
3. To write a variety of text with different purposes, about topics already dealt with in the classroom and with
the help of some models.
4. To read in a comprehensive way different types of texts, related to their experiences and interests,
extracting general and specific information according to a previous aim.
5. To learn how to use all the means available to them with a progressive autonomy, including New
Technologies, to obtain some information and to communicate in the Foreign Language.
6. To value the FL, and Languages in general as a means of communicating and understanding among people
from different origins and cultures and as different contents learning tool.
7. To show a receptive and confidence attitude in their own ability to learn and use the FL.
8. To use their previous knowledge and experiences in other languages to acquire the FL in a faster, more
efficient and autonomous way.
9. To identify some phonetic aspects such as rhythm, stress and intonation, as well as linguistic structures and
lexical aspects of the FL and to use them as basic elements of communication.
The targets listed for the second cycle of Primary Education are those which children are expected to know
by the end of the third cycle of Primary Education. Using general objectives we have just described, the
following aims must be attached:
1. To understand easy short oral and written texts related to topics close to the students interests helped by
visual aids if necessary.
2. To produce simple brief messages using oral and written language including the vocabulary and structures
worked in class to interact with others.
3. Communicate orally with the others in basic interactive situations.
4. Reproduce songs and poems with the right rhythm, accent and intonation.
5. Appreciate the communicative value of English language through games or any task of ludic
6. To value the FL as a tool of communication and information about different subject matters.
7. Participate in group work showing respect, tolerance, comprehension, integration and cooperation.
8. Use linguistic and non-linguistic resources to communicate with the others.
9. Read short texts related to their experiences, needs and interests.
10. Develop reading for pleasure using motivating texts that lead to games or different ludic activities.
11. Practice the specific skills to learn any language: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
12. Apply the learning strategies in pairs or groups.
13. Recognize and use the varying intonation, accent and rhythm in simple dialogues, descriptions and

14. Produce short written messages related to known topics.
15. Recognize typical cultural aspects of the English language.
16. Use previous experiences to develop autonomous learning strategies.
Key Competence is the way people use their personal resources (skills, attitudes, knowledge and
experience) to act responsibly in the construction of their personal and social lives. They are set out in RD
1513/2006, Appendix I and II and LEA art. 38. This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Contents are the answer to what to teach and what to learn. RD 1513/2006 Appendix II establishes the
minimum contents for the CSE following four thematic blocks and Order 10th of August 2007, Appendix I
proposes four core skills that must be developed:
Regarding the four thematic blocks, these are subdivided in concepts, procedures and attitudes. Contents
in the didactic planning will lead students from comprehension to progressive production in the target
language. Procedures and attitudes.
Block 1: Listening, speaking and conversing.
Block 2: Reading and Writing.
Block 3: Language awareness: Linguistic competence.
Reflection over learning.
Block 4: Sociocultural knowledge and Intercultural awareness.
Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:
What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
No me gusta mucho la traduccin de los apartados Educate means educate in values. Building a society is
not possible without the support of moral values. It is our duty as teachers to educate children not only
academically but also in values in order to become good citizens.
Curricular designs suggest that some Foreign Language classroom activities must enrich the students total
school curricular areas. This means that the English Foreign Language syllabus must provide learning
techniques, develop a variety of procedures, skills and attitudes, increase the students general knowledge,
give a store of practical information for life, develop study habits and foster understanding of other people. It
promotes an integral, personal, social and educative development of students at school that goes beyond the
purely instructive aim. The development of these contents is made through:
- The selection of suitable topics.

- The inclusion of topics of other curricular areas.

- The inclusion of no stereotyped characters.
- The promotion of the participation.
- The observation of the outer world.
Education in values is related in RD 1513/2006, Appendix 1 and LEA art. 39, 40. This unit help children
to acquire the following values:
Education for equality: In 2nd cycle, simple activities of analysis and valuation on aspects related to the
equality of opportunities, near the experiences of pupils to educate them in respect, tolerance and
comprehension towards people no matter what their sex, profession or physical aspect are. It has been
integrated in the didactic planning through the selection of characters who take part in the created situations,
avoiding the stereotypes of discrimination by sex showing respect for the others:
- The professional rolls.
- The rolls of the domestic tasks.
- The model of woman with an active role and initiative.
Moral and civic education is reflected in the project in the thematic contents of the texts, in which the
good models of behaviour through the characters are reinforced. As pupils are related in social means, in this
case the classroom and the school, this planning encourages them to identify and accept its norms. Working
in group tries to foment the respect towards the norms and the rules settled down. Some examples of positive
attitudes to develop through these contents are:
- Attitude of respect towards the members of the family: parents, brothers and grandparents.
- Attitude of welcome to a new member in a group of friends.
- Critical attitude before behaviours and habits.
Peace Education: Considering a multiracial reality in the familiar, scholastic and extra scholastic context
in all the communicative situations, without distinction of races, profession, etc. Sociocultural aspects invite
pupils to establish comparisons between Andalusian culture and others and to develop an attitude of
understanding and respect towards the differences. As far as the slope of solidarity, many activities included
(games, role plays, posters, etc) require the cooperation of pupils.
Environmental education is boarded through:
- The selection of environmental topics, e.g.: the pollution and the sweepings.
- The information on facts and problems of means: cutting of forests, sweepings pollution, recycled in "Do
you know that".
- The fomentation of respect towards the nature and the environment.
Education for health: Importance of having healthy habits and a balance diet, curiosity in discovering
nutritious habits from other cultures, knowledge of suitable habits to prevent diseases, importance of sports
and activities outdoors and respect towards the human development and the discoveries in the medicine.
Intercultural Education: Knowing different typical dishes in Different breakfasts (S2A2), Breakfasts
around the world (S3A2), Fast Food (S3A4), International Food (S4A6) and Take-away food (S5A4).
Education as a consumer: Includes topics such as mass media and public services, motivating students
to elaborate their own materials celebrations, to prepare meals, etc.
Traffic regulations appear in the units developing topics such as: means of transport, the city and the
neighbourhood. In addition some activities include in their development concepts of spatial orientation.
Andalusian Culture: Comparing the Andalusian culture with others such as: UK, Ireland, USA, South
Africa and Australia.
The classroom language becomes rich when the content of the activities worked are based on an approach
to multidisciplinarity. Starting from the students previous knowledge, the foreign language can be used to
express ideas that children are already familiarized with. This transmission of knowledge facilitates and
favours the fact that the communication is significant. This planning offers real information related to the
topic of the unit and it is always related to some other area of the scholastic planning. The objectives of this
planning go beyond the learning of the English language and allow the use of the language learnt in a real
Language: How to organize writing, parts of a newspaper article, orthography, expression and organization
in composition.
Maths: Numbers, measure, currency and surveys.

Science: Nutritional values of healthy food, environmental, pollution and water cycle.
Arts: Making flashcards, crafts, a picture dictionary and posters.
Music: Songs, jazz chants and rhymes.
Project (Final task)
UNIT 1: Hello, Im your English teacher!
Timing: 1st term:
Dar informacin personal, saludar y despedirse usando leguaje formal y no formal.
Aprender los nmeros del 1 al 30.
Revisar el alfabeto y deletrear palabras que conocen.
Introducir los objetos de la clase.
Esta unidad didctica contribuye a desarrollar:
1. Competencia en comunicacin lingstica: Expresando su propia opinin a travs de ejercicios de habla.
2. Competencia en las matemticas: El uso de reglas gramaticales, nmeros y grficos.
3. Competencia en el conocimiento e interaccin con el mundo fsico:
4. Gestin de la informacin y el uso de la competencia digital: El uso de Internet para hacer una amplia
gama de actividades en lnea (la escucha, la artesana, la cancin ...).
5. Competencia social y ciudadana: Respetar a sus compaeros Vengan De Donde Vengan.
6. Competencia cultural y artstica: Diseo de proyectos: la artesana, tarjetas de vocabulario, diccionario de
imgenes y carteles.
7. Habilidad para aprender a aprender: Conseguido escribiendo composiciones, ejercicios de vocabulario o
una cancin.
8. Autonoma e iniciativa personal: El uso de la creatividad personal en un proyecto de trabajo.
Intercambiando informacin personal con sus compaeros.
Bloque 1
Identificando y usando los nmeros en diferentes contextos.
Listening, speaking
Respeto por otras opiniones, sentimientos, actitudes y modos
and conversing.
de expresin.
Estando interesado en conocer las opiniones de los dems.
Revisando el vocabulario de la clase a travs de crucigramas.
Escribiendo una carta a un pen-friend.
Bloque 2
Desarrollando sentimientos positivos sobre la gente de color
Reading and Writing.
a travs de una historia.
Vocabulario: Informacin personal, saludos y despedidas, verbos de accin,
objetos de la clase y nmeros del 1 al 30.
Bloque 3
Estructuras: Hello, whats your name? Hi, my names... / Im... How are you?
Language awareness:
Fine thanks and you? How old are you? Im.... Whats your address? Where are
Linguistic competence. you from? Im from Mlaga. Goodbye, Do you?.
Fonologa y pronunciacinn: Cantar la cancin del abecedario con la correcta
entonacin, acento y ritmo. Practicar la pronunciacin de los nmeros a travs del
Francs en la clase: Levntate, sintate, levanta la mano, Simn dice "camina".
Bloque 3: Language


Usando diferentes tcnicas de aprendizaje.


Usando diferentes recursos con autonoma para mejorar el

awareness: Reflection
over learning.

lenguaje, entre ellos, ICT.


Bloque 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.


Reflexin sobre el propio aprendizaje y la organizacin

del trabajo.
Manifestar una actitud receptiva, interesada y de auto
confianza en la capacidad de aprendizaje y de uso de la
lengua extranjera.
Inters en conocer un Premio Nobel de la Paz y hechos
Debatir y hablar sobre las razas.
Respeto a otras razas, pases y culturas.

Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Peace Education: Acceptance of multi-racial groups within families, school and friends.
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education: Valuating good manners in others and themselves. Appreciating friendship
and the importance of welcoming their new classmates.
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture: Other races in villages like El Ejido (Song S5).
Language: How to organize a telephone number agenda: Teeny Tiny Book (S2S6). Orthography,
expression and organization in composition: My name is (S4 A5). Filling in a form: Two friends filling in
a form together (S2 A2) and This is me! (S2 A5). Abecedary: ABC Song (S2 A4) and The alphabet
(Phonology) (S4 A4).
Maths: Numbers: Numbers Bingo (S1 A4). Survey: Good manners (S3 A5).
History: Peace around the world (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), Teeny Tiny Book (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6).
Hands and doves (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Colour Race Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: Lets know each other (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class): Ice breaker to make students and
the teacher know each other. Students must ask to guess the meaning of what you've written. Ask individual
students: whats your name? How old are you? Where are you from?
S1 A2: Nancys first day (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.): Listen, label and number about Nancy
meeting their new classmates.
S1 A3: Our new classmates (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs): Practice introductions using presentation cards
(name, age, nationality, likes and dislikes).Play a song, stop the music and old students will have to use
courtesy forms to meet new students. Add 'moods' and 'topics'.
S1 A4: Numbers Bingo (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.): Identify and reproduce
cardinal numbers. Practice the pronunciation in numbers finished in -teen o -ty: fifteen-fifty, seventeenseventy and nineteen-ninety.
S1 A5: Greetings and farewells (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.): Match questions and
answers related to introductions.
S1 A6: Our flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.): Prepare the cards related to numbers and
classroom objects.

S2 A1: Revise greetings and farewells (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class)

S2 A2: Two friends filling in a form together (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.): Listen to a
conversation about how to fill a form and answer to multiple choice questions.
S2 A3: This is me (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2): Give flashcards with names and jobs. Practice
the conversation: A: Whats your name? B: Im John Smith and you? A: IM Ian White, where do you work
John? B: Im from FIAT and you? A: Im from IBM.
S2 A4: Abc song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind.): Copy the Abc on the board and the phonemes
pronunciation then read. Play the song. Encourage children to spell their names. Students ask each others:
How do you spell your name? Game: Write a word that begins with every letter of the alphabet.
S2 A5: This is me! (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.): Give children a form to fill in with personal
details. Ask questions like: Where are you from? How old are you? Are you nine? Then children ask questions
to know more about his/her classmates.
S2 A6: Teeny Tiny Book (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.): Tell them to ask their classmates the
telephone numbers and assure they write the names on the correspondent letter. Decorate the
S3 A1: Personal information vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class)
S3 A2: Four letters (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind.): Listen to 4 people descriptions and fill in the
correct name in the sentences below. Explain they should focus only on the information they need. Correct.
S3 A3: Whos who (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs): Give each child a card and place them in a
circle. In each card, theres missing information, students ask questions to find it out and write it down. Once
they have all the answer children with the same card guess who is the famous person on it.
S3 A4: Beyonce (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC): Read about this singer
and answer simple questions about her.
S3 A5: Good manners (Survey-Speaking-10-4): Survey to discover their good manners with questions such
as: Do you think its important to greet people? Do you say hi when you come into a place? Score their
politeness from 0 to 10.
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.): Use magazines and pictures to do their
picture dictionary.
S4 A1: Classroom vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class)
Revise the classroom vocabulary and introduce new words using the flashcards. Play listen and point.
S4 A2: Whats in your classroom? (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind.)
Listen and answer to the classroom objects position in the class. Wheres the pencil? Its on the desk. Colour
the pictures.
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3)
The cube game: Practice classroom and verbs .In turns, throw the cube and say a sentence using the words in
the dice and adding a preposition (in, on or under) e.g. put a pen in the cupboard. Score points.
S4 A4: Pronounce The alphabet (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind.)
Copy the Abc on the board and read. Students compare English sounds with Spanish sounds. Repeat the
sound, learn the sign and make lists.
S4 A5: My name is (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.)
Composition where students write about their personal details.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Numbers, greetings and farewells and whats in the classroom?
S5 A1: Peace Day (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class)
Students talk about peace day.
S5 A2: Colour Race Song (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind.)
Song against racism
S5 A3: Peace around the world (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4)
Read and debate about the black people rights in the 60s and Martin Luther King.
S5 A4: Peace Crossword (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.)
S5 A5: Hands and doves (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
Make different skin tone hands and peace doves.
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities: Write sentences with the vocabulary contained in the picture dictionary, revise
numbers through sentences, a crossword and a label exercise, revising numbers with games.
Extension activities: Playing Simon says to practice classroom vocabulary and action verbs, colour the
Early Finishers: Writing a text related to the vocabulary of the unit. Reading corner. Help and correct
their classmates work. Open-endings activities.
1. Ask and give information about their names, age, phone numbers
2. Use the vocabulary related to greetings and farewells.
3. Count to 1000.
4. Follow simple oral instructions.
5. Spell their names and other words.
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 2: My school
Timing: 1st term:
Ask and say what time it is
Produce and understand oral and written messages related to school subjects and timetables.
Express their daily routines.
Learn how to write simple present verbs in third person.
Learn vocabulary related to Halloween.

This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing emotions through essays.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules, the time, graphics and numbers.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do on-line activities (game
(S5 A6), craft (S2 A6) and song (S2 A4).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Demonstration of respect towards others people routines.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects).
Block 1
Listening, speaking
Asking and answering questions about the time.
and conversing.
Listening to scary sounds and talking about what they are
afraid of.
Block 2
Understanding written information with the help of comic
Reading and Writing.
Writing information from a survey in a graph.
Recognition of the fact that reading is a way of learning the
foreign language and of getting information.
Vocabulary: Numbers from 0 to 999, subjects and daily routines verbs.
Block 3
Halloween vocabulary: bat, pumpkin, skull, ghosts, witches, spiders, ghosts,
Language awareness:
witch, black cat, trick or treat, Jack-o-lantern, were Wolf, zombie, devil, grave
Linguistic competence. yard and mommy.
Structures: What time is it(Its) five past nine, ten past nine, five to tenWhat
time do you go to bed? I go to bed at ten. Do you watch TV? Do you like art? Yes I
do/No I dont. We have Maths on Friday. My favourite subject is maths. Are you
afraid of snakes? Yes, Im/ Im not afraid of snakes. What does it sound like? It
sounds like a witch.
Phonology and pronunciation: Initial /s/ + consonant: stop, school, -s of the 3rd
person singular
English classroom: Trick or treat! Go / Run away! Help!
Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to
improve the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.
Understanding the importance of planning time.
Feeling empathy for others fears.

Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.


Utilization of authentic material through an English

traditional song: This is the way.
Interest in a school day in English-speaking countries.
Curiosity about an English ITV game show: Countdown.
Showing interest in celebrating Halloween festivity.

Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:
What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health: Learning about personal hygiene through routine verbs (wash hands, comb hair,
brush teeth, have a shower)
Intercultural Education: Routines and timetables in other countries.
Moral and civic education: Valuation of the importance of having a schedule to be better organized.
Education for equality: Talking about domestic work at home.
Language: Spelling: Countdown (S5 A6), Orthography, expression and organization in composition:
Write the story (S4 A5) and Millions of footprints (S6 A5).
Maths: The time (All sessions), Survey: Your favourite subject (S3 A5) and Crossword: Having fun (S6
History: How did Halloween start? (S6 A1).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), My timetable and my clock (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters
(S4A6) and Jack-o'-lanterns, ghosts and bats (S6 A6).
Music: This is the way song (S2A4) and Five little pumpkins (S6 A2).
S1 A1: The time (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class)
Write on the board four clocks with oclock, half past, a quarter past and a quarter to hours. Explaining the
time using a big clock. Write some examples (what time is it now? at what time do you get up? At what time
do you have break time?
S1 A2: Clocks and time (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.)
Listen and label clocks with their correct time.
S1 A3: Six routines about you (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs)
Write 6 questions about daily routines, students will draw the time they do them in the clocks. Students
should find 2 classmates with the same answers: A: At what time do you get up? B: At eight oclock A: Me
too! /Not me!
S1 A4: Clocks Bingo (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.)
Identify and reproduce the time (oclock, half past and a quarter past/to).
S1 A5: Writing the time (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.)
Match clocks with the correct time.
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Prepare the cards related to time, subjects and daily routines.
S2 A1: Daily routines (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class)
Revise and introduce structures about daily routines. Ask questions.
S2 A2 When do you? (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.)
Listen to a girls daily routines and answer T/F looking at the clocks: I study at half past six (T/F). I wash my
face at half past eight (T/F).
S2 A3: Jumantis (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2)
Players take turns throwing the dice and moving. To advance take a card from the adverb cards set and make
a sentence combining the adverb and the action on the square they landed on, for example: I never wash my
clothes. Colour the frame around the actions they always do in yellow, never in green and sometimes in red.
S2 A4: This is the way song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind.)
Play the song. Fill in the gaps with daily routines. Read and write the parts of the body. Write the time.
S2 A5 Everyday I: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.)

Fill in the gaps with the time they do some daily routines: Every day I wake up at (seven oclock) and then I
have breakfast at (half past seven).
S2 A6: My timetable and my clock (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
Fill in and decorate both. When they finish do them questions about their timetable.
S3 A1: Subjects and days of the week (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class)
Revise days of the week (with capital letters and on before them). Ask them questions: Which day is today?
In which day of the week were you born? When do you have Maths?
S3 A2: Johns timetable (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind.)
Listen to an English boy and fill in the gaps with a suitable subject or time: On Tuesdays I have maths at (ten
S3 A3: Snap (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs)
Describe pictures to get a pair: She studies language on Monday.
S3 A4: My plans for tomorrow (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC)
Make a clock planner. Read out loud.
S3 A5: Your favourite subject (Survey-Speaking-10-4)
Survey about students preferences. Stand up and go around the classroom asking others about their favourite
subjects and write the results down. Elaborate a graph with the students favourite subjects. Ask questions
about the results.
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Use magazines and pictures to do their picture dictionary.
S4 A1: Routine verbs vocabulary and 3rd person verbs (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class)
S4 A2: (Free Questions-Listening-10-Ind.)
Listen to a family routine and use long answers to respond. What does the mum do at 7 oclock? The mum
has breakfast at 7 oclock.
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-6)
Give 6 family cards to each group: mum, dad, sister, brother, granny and granddad. Each student has different
routines, they must ask, answer and mime them.
S4 A4: Pronounce s+consonant (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind.)
Write on the board: school, spy, station Explain the sound. Read the rhyme: The spy and the spider and
standing on a stool. The snail and the snake are skating at school. Tell students to make lists.
S4 A5: Write the story (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.)
Looking at the pictures, write the routines this boy does using the third person.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Time, daily routines and classroom timetable.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class)
Vocabulary about time, daily routines and subjects.
S5 A2: At what time? (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind.)
Listen and answer yes/no: 9:00 (Y/N). Students use their clocks to show you the following times: 11:30,
S5 A3 What does he do?: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4)
Using the daily routines flashcards, students pick a card in turns and say what they do and at what time they
do it. I get up at seven oclock. Ask children to tell the same but changing he for I and the facts, copy
the sentences on the board.
S5 A4: At Annas house (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.)
Give some information about English routines. Read the text out loud. Work on skimming and scanning. Do
the follow-up activities. Correct.
S5 A5: Different clocks (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.)
Write the time below each clock, write their names on them, pick up the sheets, shuffle them and make them
correct their classmates work.

S5 A6: Countdown (Word Game-Reading, Writing & Spelling-10-Ind.)

Ask students in turns to choose vowel or consonant. Give students 5 minutes to create words.
Use the Internet to play games about what time is it? and daily routines:
S6 A1: How did Halloween start? (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4)
Talk about Halloween using the students previous knowledge about culture. Make them do a list with
vocabulary related to Halloween (ghosts, witches). Read out loud and answer to multiple choice questions.
S6 A2: Five little pumpkins (finger rhyme-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind.)
Have five children stand side by side in the "pumpkin patch (rug)." Each child is one of the pumpkins. Point
in turns to each pumpkin. In line 9, one child at a time can roll through the pumpkin patch like a log.
S6 A3: Scary sounds (Listen and guess, Listening-Mill Drill, Speaking- 10-Pairs)
Listening: Darken the classroom and tell students they are going to hear some scary sounds. Play the tape
and make them guess what they are. Check asking: What does number 1 sound like? It sounds like a witch or
what was number 2? It was a witch. Speaking: Students shuffle the cards and put them in a maze face down.
In turns students ask: Are you afraid of (spiders)? Yes, I am/ No, Im not afraid of spiders.
S6 A4: Having fun (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-5-Ind.)
Label the skeleton and word search about Halloween objects.
S6 A5: Millions of footprints (Composition-Writing & Reading-10-Ind.)
Make up a terror story using the beginning given. Read out loud.
S6 A6: Jack-o'-lanterns, ghosts and bats (Craft-Writing-15-Ind.)
Halloween crafts to decorate the classroom.
The methodology used will be the same in all units but flexible, being adaptable to the specific characteristics
of the unit.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner, decoration wall and working desks.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, worksheets, newspapers, magazines, books, CD Player,
DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities: Write a composition about a perfect day, choose the right picture to write the
story about daily routines, play hide and seek with the unit vocabulary cards.
Extension activities: Form sentences about daily routines with words given; complete what a child says
about his daily routines, match pictures with words about action verbs.
Early Finishers: Reading a text about a schedule and draw the timetable. Let them help and correct their
classmates work. Open-endings activities.
Additional material for Halloween: Monster Mash song, guess Halloween characters, reading the
chapter Halloween Party of Harry Potter, Halloween crossword, Shrunken head for pencil decoration (craft),
fill in the blanks with Halloween vocabulary and Halloween craft Book.
Ask and answer in oral and written form questions about the time.
Identify and use vocabulary related to subjects.
Talk about their daily routines.
Use simple present verbs in third person.
5. Express orally what he/she is afraid of.
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.

Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 3: Means of transport
Timing: 1st term:
Learn the different means of transport.
Identify countries and nationalities.
Use the most common regular and irregular verbs in the past.
Answer to free questions (Wh- and Yes/No).
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication:
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Showing a critical spirit towards
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Memorization, autonomous learning.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Use of cooperative work by means of pair group tasks.
Block 1
Expressing good wishes during a celebration (vocabulary
Listening, speaking
needed for socialization).
and conversing.
Create simple dialogues about going to work.
Listening to the Titanic story.
Linking for expressing orally in English by means of
participating in group work and pair work
Block 2
Reading and debating about the Kyoto Protocol.
Reading and Writing.
Choosing a pen friend and write a letter.
Interest in reading about the Titanic story.
Vocabulary: Means of transport, adjectives: slow, fast, countries and
Structures: How do you go to school? By (bus). What time? Does Laura go to
Block 3
go work by car? Yes, she does/No, she doesnt, she goes by bicycle. Wheres he/she
Language awareness:
from? Hes/Shes from Great Britain. What nationality are you? I'm English.
Linguistic competence.
Phonology and pronunciation: Nationalities: -sh (English), -ian (Russian) and
-an (Moroccan).
English classroom: Sit down, stand up, open your books and close your books.
Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.

Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.

Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.


Comparison of means of transport that are different in

Showing interest for foreign countries and their languages.
Showing interest in celebrating Guy Fawkes and bonfire
Night festivity.
Curiosity about establishing relationships with people from
other countries.

Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Intercultural Education: Learning about typical transports around the world.
Moral and civic education: Realize that there are others means of transport equally respected such as
bicycle, wheelchair and stroller.
Education as a consumer: Moderate the use of those means of transports that pollute the environment.
Environmental Education: Respect for the environment. Pollution.
Traffic Regulations: Means of transport. International traffic signs.
Education for equality: Public transportation drivers can be both sex.
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: Means of transport (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
Explain by sea, by land, by air, on foot.
S1 A2: What happened with the Titanic? (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD)
Listen, label and number sentences related to the Sunk of the Titanic.
S1 A3: How and when do you go to work? (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards)
Performance short dialogues using cards. Mill drill used: A: Does Laura go to go work by car? B: No, she
doesnt. She goes by bicycle. A: What time does she live home in the morning? B: At half past eight.
S1 A4: Transports Bingo (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
Identify and use the transports vocabulary.
S1 A5: Which one do you like? (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Label pictures and words about means of transports.
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Prepare the cards related to transports. Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit.
Place them stuck with a clip in their English boxes.
S2 A1: Nations and nationalities (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
Revise and introduce new lexicon.
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: Our world (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Boards)

Give each pair 2 boards of nations, a board of transports and a dice. They must visit all the countries. The
dialogue is: Where are you going? Im going to the U.K. How are you going? Im going by bus.
S2 A4: Trains and boats and planes song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: Double Decker bus, taxi & tube (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
Make transports which are different in England.
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: May I introduce you? (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-cards and question sheet)
Give each student a card (Maggie, London, British) and a copy of the Question Sheet (Who is from Boston?).
Students introduce themselves and ask questions to fill in the Question Sheet.
S3 A4: Is this Spain? (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-worksheet)
Look at the countries maps, read and write: Is this Germany? No, this is England. What is the capital of
England? The capital of England is _______.
S3 A5: How do you come to school? (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
Put the names of 3 classmates in the boxes and ask questions: How do you go to school? How long does it
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Vocabulary related to transports. Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card
and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: Travelling around London (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
Common situation when taking the public service transportation in London.
S4 A4: Nations and nationalities (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Domino)
Play a domino by matching names of countries with their stress patterns.
S4 A5: Pick a pen friend (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography. Explain the term
pen friend. Tell them to read the four short letters and decide which of the four they would best like as a
pen friend. Ask them to write a short letter as answer to the letter. Read out loud.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards. Posters: Make a poster of
transports using techniques of searching (encyclopaedia) and drawing (on Internet). Nationalities posters
using the students nations.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: Transport battleship (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Worksheet)
Review lexicon: water, touched, sank, you win, you loose. Make them draw a train, 2 lorries and 4 cars. The
rules are the same as the Battle ship.
S5 A4: The Kyoto Protocol (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
First have a talk with the students about pollution. Read and debate with the help of some questions.
S5 A5: Scrambled Words (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)

Discover the meaning of the picture in order to write the story about the London tube.
S5 A6: Play hangman (Word game-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
S5 A1: Guy Fawkes night(Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-questions)
S5 A2: Remember the 5th of November (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD)
S5 A3: The origins of Guy Fawkes Night (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-worksheet)
Read and answer to free questions about the origins of this celebration.
S5 A4: Guy Fawkes Crossword (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Guy Fawkes Night vocabulary:
S5 A5: Guy Fawkes Night animated cards (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
Choose the card, enter the message and send to a friend.
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities: Writing transport vocabulary next to their pictures using the clues given.
Drawing and writing the basic vocabulary in the picture dictionary.
Extension activities: Spotting the differences between two pictures. Gathering information about the
Titanic to make a project about it. Using the phonology cards put them in a bag pinned to the classroom
wall. Whenever learners have a few minutes to spare they can take out several cards and test themselves or
a partner.
Early Finishers: Writing where some people are from. Choosing if some statements about transports are
T/F. Let them help and correct their classmates work. Open-endings activities.
1. Identify and use means of transport vocabulary
2. Talk about countries and nationalities
3. Recognize verbs in past simple
4. Answer to Wh- questions
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.

Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 4: Our house
Timing: 1st term:
Describe location.
Talk about quantity.
Learn the rooms of the house.
Acquire vocabulary about furniture.
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
Asking to obtain information about a map of a house in order
and conversing.
to draw it.
Listening and identifying furniture in the kitchen.
Having fun listening to a song.
Block 2
Writing sentences about furniture put in the wrong place.
Reading and Writing.
Classifying words into fields.
Socialization and having fun when working in reading groups
Interest in improving communicative competence, both
expressive and comprehensive.
Vocabulary: Prepositions. Adjectives: Big, small, short, long, circle, round,
Block 3
square, triangular. Rooms of the house. Furniture.
Language awareness:
Structures: The pen is on the table. How many? There is a/are. Where is...?
Linguistic competence.
Whats this called? What are these called? It is a small blue pencil. I can see
Phonology and pronunciation: difference between /d/ and /th/
English classroom: Excellent! Good job! Well done! Try again! Wrong answer!
Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.

Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.


Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.

Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.
Learning about Thanksgiving Day through songs and
Utilization of authentic material through an English
traditional song: A Day We Give Thanks Song.
Having interest in knowing the typical England house.
Showing interest in celebrating Thanksgiving Day festivity
(26th November)

Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality: Housework should be done for all members of the family. Women with an active
Andalusian Culture: Compare the role of the women in their families.
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
Prepositions of place (in, on, under, between, next to and behind) and rooms.
S1 A2: Moving to a new home (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD)
Monicas family is moving to their new house and the movers want to put the furniture unto the correct
rooms. Use the mini-dialogue: Where was the rug? The rug was in the study.
S1 A3: Whats in the room? (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards)
Create sentences with flashcards about the location of furniture and draw it in the worksheet provided. They
have two kinds of flashcards: some with the rooms of the house and others with furniture. Explain the
difference between there is and there are. Give some examples. A: Whats in the sitting room? B: There is a
table in the sitting room.
S1 A4: Rooms of the house Bingo (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Bingo)
Identify and use the vocabulary.
S1 A5: Spot the difference (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Find and cross off 9 objects missing. Play I spy
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)

Difference between there is and there are

S2 A2: In the kitchen (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
Listen to haw many things there are in the kitchen and answer if the statement its true or false
S2 A3: Guess rooms (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
Give a map and hand out the written flashcards. Fill the information and try to get the rest of it by asking their
S2 A4: My present is a black sofa song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
To practice rhythm, pronunciation and lexicon
S2 A5: Word families (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Write 40 pictures in its correspondent room
S2 A6: My favourite room (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
In groups make 7 different room of a house, decorate the walls and make the furniture
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: There is a book on the table (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
Listen and fill in with a suitable word
S3 A3: Describing the office (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
Give 30 seconds to memorize the picture. Ask wheres the computer? Which pair got the most sentences?
S3 A4: A real adventure (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-worksheet)
Read, label and number the rooms in the tree house.
S3 A5: Hows your house? (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
Survey about the students houses characteristics http//
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Rooms, furniture and prepositions. Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card
and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Free questions- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: Working and playing flat (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
Give a flat card and a sheet to each student, ask where is and whats doing the people
S4 A4: Difference between /d/ and /th/ (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Read the rhythm
S4 A5: The house of my dreams (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Rooms, furniture and prepositions Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: Whats wrong with each picture? (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Look for mistakes in the pictures: The mouse is under the desk
S5 A6: House and furniture (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.

S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
Have a little chat about the celebration. Check previous knowledge.
S5 A2: A Day We Give Thanks Song (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
To practice rhythm and pronunciation
S5 A3: The origins of Thanksgiving Day (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
Read and answer to the questions
S5 A4: Thanksgiving crossword (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A5: Pilgrim Collage (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
Make a Pilgrim collage for Thanksgiving
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities: Give students 5 minutes to write all the vocabulary they can remember
related to furniture.
Extension activities: Train shapes and funny faces. Light Bulbs and Switches: Come up with
Early finishers: Design their houses, name and colour the furniture. Let them help and correct their
classmates work. Open-endings activities.
Produce oral and written messages about the location of objects in the house.
Acquire vocabulary related to the rooms of the house and furniture.
Know how to place different adjectives before a noun.
Classify words into family fields.
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
Timing: 1st term:

This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:

Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.

S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)

S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.


Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Using different learning techniques.

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve

the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)

S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)

S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)

S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)

S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.

7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).

S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)

S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.

S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)

S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.

Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.

What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)

S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the

classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3


Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:

English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)

S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)

S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)

S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)

S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 10:
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.

4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).

History: (S5 A3).

Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.

S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)

Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:

Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 11:
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.


Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.

Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:
What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)

S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)

S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But

always being flexible if needed.

Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 12:
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2


Reading and Writing.

Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)

Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)

Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 13:
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a

variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.

2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:

Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)

S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:

Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 14:
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1
Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.

Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)

S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)
S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students

have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
UNIT 15:
Timing: 1st term:
This didactic unit contributes to develop:
1. Competence in linguistic communication: Expressing their own opinion, experiences and emotions in a
variety of contexts through writing and speaking exercises.
2. Competence in mathematics: Using grammatical rules and U.K. currency and measure.
3. Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Working on their behavior as
consumers, protecting their own health and showing a critical spirit towards adverts.
4. Information management and use of digital competence: Using Internet to do a wide range of on-line
activities (listening, craft, song...).
5. Social and citizenship competence: Respecting other cultures and working in groups.
6. Cultural and artistic competence: Designing projects: crafts, flashcards, picture dictionary & posters.
7. Skill for learning to learn: Working in individual and grouping projects. Memorization, autonomous
learning. Working on studies techniques. Achieved by writing compositions, vocabulary exercises or a song.
8. Autonomy and personal initiative: Creating their own material (projects). Use of personal creativity and
cooperative work, worked by means of filling exercises, a project work or using the Internet.
Block 1

Listening, speaking
and conversing.
Block 2
Reading and Writing.
Block 3
Language awareness:
Linguistic competence.

Phonology and pronunciation:
English classroom:

Block 3: Language
awareness: Reflection
over learning.


Block 4: Sociocultural
knowledge and
Intercultural awareness.

Using different learning techniques.

Using different reference resources autonomously to improve
the language, among them, ICT.
Receptive and confident attitude in learning the FL.
Acceptance of errors as part of their learning process.


Regarding the four nuclei of core skills:

What to listen to it and how to listen to it? Using the CD, the DVD and the Internet.
What to say and how to say it? By means of a mini-dialogue, a role play and a debate.
What to read and how to read? Through the internet, newspaper, books and handouts.
What to write and how to write it? By asking to direct and free questions and compositions.
This unit help children to acquire the three following values:
Education for health:
Peace Education:
Intercultural Education:
Moral and civic education:
Education as a consumer:
Education for equality:
Andalusian Culture:
Language: Orthography, expression and organization in composition: (S4 A5).
Maths: Numbers: Survey: (S3 A5).
History: (S5 A3).
Arts: Making flashcards (S1A6), (S2A6), My Picture Dictionary (S3A6), posters (S4A6). (S5 A5).
Music: Abc song (S2A4) and Song (S5 A2).
S1 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S1 A2: (Label and number- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S1 A3: (Mill drill-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)

S1 A4: (Identify and reproduce words-Listening-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)

S1 A5: (Matching words-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S1 A6: Flashcards (Project-Copying and spelling-15-Ind.)
Students make their flashcards which be useful throughout the unit. Place them stuck with a clip in their
English boxes.
S2 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S2 A2: (Multiple choice questions- Listening-10-Ind.-CD DVD The Internet)
S2 A3: (Communicative Game-Speaking-10-2-Flashcards Worksheet)
S2 A4: song (Song-Stress and rhythm-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S2 A5: (Fill in-Reading & writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S2 A6: (Craft-Writing and Drawing-15-Ind.)
S3 A1: (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S3 A2: (Fill in the blanks- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S3 A3: (Describing pictures-Speaking-10-Pairs-Flashcards Worksheet)
S3 A4: (Phonology-Rhythm, accent and intonation-Reading-10-WC-Board and worksheet)
S3 A5: (Survey-Speaking-10-4-worksheet)
S3 A6: Picture Dictionary (Project-Reading and Writing-15-Ind.)
Glue the cards in their picture dictionaries. Write the word next to the card and a sentence.
S4 A1: vocabulary (Warm-up-4 skills-5-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S4 A2: (Fill in- Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S4 A3: (Role-play-Speaking-10-3-Flashcards Worksheet)
S4 A4: Pronounce (Rhythm, accent and intonation-4 skills-10-Ind. -Board and worksheet)
S4 A5: (Composition-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
Explain basic rules to write a text to improve expression, organization and orthography.
S4 A6: Posters (Project-Reading and Writing-15-4.)
Make them using the following material: magazines, scissors, glue and cards.
This session will revise the principal contents to achieve in the unit through 4 skills.
S5 A1: Revision (Warm-up-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Listen and draw-Listening-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Diologue-Speaking-10-4-Flashcards Worksheet)

S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-Board and worksheet)

S5 A5: (Copy and draw-Writing-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A6: (Crosswords-Reading & Spelling-10-Ind.)
Look for words in the crossword. Teachers role as assistant and animator.
S5 A1: (Brainstorming-4 skills-10-Whole class-board, questions, flashcards)
S5 A2: (Song-Stress & Rhythm-10-Ind. -CD DVD The Internet)
S5 A3: (Debate-Reading & Writing-10-4-Board and worksheet)
S5 A4: (Rhythm and intonation-Reading-10-Ind.-worksheet)
S5 A5: (Craft-Writing-10-Ind.)
First minutes spent on the routine: greetings, date and weather. Four skills worked on an integrated way
through a listening, a speaking and a reading and writing activity according to their level and age. Students
have a very active role. They elaborate their own material and this can be reused in other units. Their
interests, needs and experiences are taken into account. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer,
assistant, animator and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are
used. Silent periods are respected. Each activity is timed but can change depending on the student work. But
always being flexible if needed.
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks. Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects. Working desks: At the end of the
classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, Teeny Tiny Book, worksheets, newspapers, magazines,
books, CD Player, DVD and the Internet.
Pupils with learning problems: Adapt time and pace of learning. Individual attention and teaching.
Reinforce the learning techniques. Improve the procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities:
Extension activities:
Early Finishers:
Direct and systematic observation. Daily work, individual work and periodical revision of notebooks.
Participation, motivation, effort. Oral exchanges. Specific exercises in Session 5 review and self-evaluation.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes to
revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).










1st minutes spent on routines: greetings, date and weather. Students have an active role. They elaborate
their own material which can be reused in other units. Their interests, needs and experiences are taken into
account. Silent periods are respected. The teacher has different roles: organizer, informer, assistant, animator
and evaluator. Chants and games are used to motivate students. All kind of groupings are used. Each activity
is timed but can change depending on the student work, always being flexible if needed.
There are 4 sessions, in some cases, 1 more session to revise contents. There are 6 activities in each
session. According to the objectives, blocks are mentioned in each activity. 4 skills are worked on an
integrated way. The sequence is the same in every unit to make students work secure and comfortable,
achieving the contents easily: A warm-up (1) to revise and introduce the lexicon and structures used in the
session. Now students are prepared to achieve the lexicon through a listening (2) to be able to talk: speaking
(3), then phonology (4) to solve doubts and learn the right pronunciation from the beginning avoiding
possible mistakes, once they understand and speak, students are prepared to read and write with a reading and
writing activity (5) according to their level and age. Last activity is a project (6), a final task, where they can
prepare their own material to use throughout the unit and to decorate the classroom, this material will be
useful to revise contents in further units (continuous learning).
Students are able to learn tasks going from the simpler to the more complex using different techniques, this
allows the teacher to go from the old to the new, making sure that all students get involved in the activities
and feel at ease. E.g. Listening techniques: 1. Match, label and number, 2. Direct questions (Y/N, multiple
choice, T/F), 3. Fill in the blanks and 4. Free questions using the CD, DVD and The Internet.
Learning process through 3 learning stages: presentation, practice and production of language. The
sequence is the following: Warm-up, listening, speaking, rhythm, accent & intonation, reading and writing
and project (final task).


10 Listening




Brainstorming Warm-up Warm-up

Match, label Direct

Fill in the
and number
Questions blanks
10 Speaking Mill Drill
Cive game Describing
10 Phonology Bingo
10 Reading
Match words
Fill in
& Writing & pictures
15 Final task Prepare














As there is no English classroom in the school, space will be used for several finalities:
Desks in U-shape and groups of 2/4 desks.
Reading corner: With a wide range of books and activities.
Decoration wall: One fourth of the class dedicated to the unit projects.
Working desks: At the end of the classroom where they could make art crafts related to the unit.
Board, realia, teachers voice, flashcards, bingo cards, worksheets, newspapers, magazines, books, CD
Player, DVD and the Internet.
The principle of individualised attention to pupils of this stage is also contemplated in the foreign
language since the students cognitive possibilities and characteristics are different. The consideration of
the diversity of the students implies, in this area, a varied methodology treatment. In addition, to
guarantee the principle of the attention to the diversity, activities are opened and flexible. This type of
activities allows students to obtain a sense of profit and success and to progress according to their own rate
of learning.
The work in this programme planning will consist mainly in making children willing to learn.
Therefore, our planning must cover the needs and interests of every single child. We are going to set up the
diversity of our class in four groups depending of the different pupils we can find:
Pupils with learning problems: Through activities and techniques such as: adapting time and pace of
learning, individual attention and teaching, reinforcing the learning techniques and improving the
procedures, habits and attitudes.
Reinforcement activities: Used to achieve objectives through activities and techniques such as: identifying
vocabulary through flashcard, pointing the vocabulary on the posters, making lists of lexicon using simple
structures, writing and drawing the target words, etc.
Extension activities: Used to extend knowledge through activities and techniques such as: finishing
sentences with words from a given list, looking for the relevant information to complete a scheme or a graph,
describing pictures, completing the speech bubbles, etc.
Early Finishers: Used to have early finishers motivated through activities and techniques such as:: cutting
and ordering paragraphs or sentences, making up the lyrics of the unit song, writing sentences to describe the
posters, making use of the reading corner, helping and correcting their classmates work, working on openendings activities, etc.
Evaluation is used to check the teaching-learning process as a whole: Students progress, teachers
work, materials used, classroom resources, tasks carried out Talking about evaluating is talking about:
What to evaluate.
How to evaluate.
When to evaluate.
Education is concerned with a wide range of aspects of learning. It involves not only the knowledge
and skills but also attitudes, values and interests which are to be encouraged in children. Assessment
relates to all these aspects of education. Assessment will improve the quality of learning and teaching if the
information gathered has a clear purpose, is collected systematically, and is used appropriately.
Assessment is an integral and important part of the learning and teaching process. The curriculum
shows different key elements to consider when evaluating:
Understanding of oral and written messages:
a) Get global and specific information from narrative or descriptive messages they have learned (by reading
or hearing) in contextualized situations.
b) The ability of interpreting non-linguistic elements of visual or gesture kind used in discourse which makes
decoding the language easier.
c) Recognize different graphic conventions used in the discourse.
d) Participate in short conversations related to interactive situations in the classroom: Give, ask and

understand information.
e) Receptivity, collaboration, inhibited attitudes as well as curiosity about the activities and tasks must also be
kept in mind.
All these abilities will shown in: Usual classroom activities, interpreting instructions given to carry out
concrete tasks, doing listening and reading exercises carried out participatively and attentively, deductions
made form verbal and non-verbal expressions, inference of meaning and actions that derive from
interpreting signs, pictures or short sentences.
Producing messages in communicative situations:
a) Produce messages orally and written in daily communicative situations. These must be comprehensible
although they have morphosyntactic mistakes.
b) Participate in simple dialogs and games, with respect for the basic rules of communication.
c) Participate in short conversations related to interactive situations in the classroom: give, ask and
understand information.
Reading comprehension
a) Pupils reading of simple texts shows understanding. The texts used will include contextual form and
supports to make the tasks easier.
b) Children use strategies appropriately to establish meaning: prediction, anticipation or deduction of
Autonomous learning
The ability to manage, participate and value the learning process will be assessed here:
a) Transfer of knowledge and strategies from the mother tongue to the foreign language.
b) Use the knowledge they have learned in the target language to improve their own productions.
c) Participate in auto self-evaluation and auto self-correction.
Recognition and appreciation of sociocultural messages
a) Valuation of the foreign costumes and behaviour besides the respect and tolerance in general.
b) Develop respectful attitudes trough different behaviours and values in addition to different life styles.
c) Be aware that the relations with others change when a different social context is implied and that the usage
of the foreign language is affected by social and cultural realities.
Evaluation must be done through techniques or procedures and tools to evaluate. Evaluation techniques
make reference to the method used to gather information while instruments for evaluation are referred to
specific resource that has been used. The evaluation will be done taking into account several aspects:
Tests and activities to evaluate: They are designed to verify the level of attainment of the objectives
obtained by each pupil. In this Teachers planning activities in session 5 are included.
Daily Observation: The work made in class allows the observation of each pupil and the evaluation of
his/her progress with periodical revision of notebooks.
Students attitude: Participation, motivation and effort.
Individual Evaluation: Some evaluation worksheets will be used at the end of each unit to check if the
basic vocabulary and structures have been achieved.
Techniques and Tools to Evaluate the Learning Process

Daily observation


In any moment




In required situations


Observation scale
Control lists
Teachers diary
Notes at the end of a lesson
Guides and teachers
Students notebooks
records for the register
Planned questions
Other teachers opinion
Planned questions

Oral and written tests

Systematic questions


During and at the end of

the learning

Checking students


Self-evaluation, at the
end of each unit

Three phases take place:
Initial Evaluation: It is done at the beginning of the process to check the students previous knowledge and
to know their interests, possibilities and needs. The initial evaluation consists of a questionnaire where pupils
answer questions about them, and their expectations about English. Questions are in Spanish and they can
answer in both, Spanish or English. It is an anonymous exercise, once collected, they are commented.
At the start of the year it is important to spend time on establishing a positive atmosphere with each group.
This might be our most important objective over the first weeks and something that we never stop
developing. Helping children to be more involved in their learning and what happens in their classroom
means they become more interested and responsible.
Continue Evaluation: Or Formative evaluation is carried out during the process to check if students have
learnt and to solve possible problems. It also evaluates the teaching process and the main principle is the
systematic observation. It is used to provide help if necessary and to solve problems. In one hand, help
children to be aware of what they are able to do and help teachers on the other hand, by means of adjusting
their planning according to students necessities. In this project continuous evaluation is carry out during the
whole teaching-learning process. Students do a short and easy test at the end of each unit.
Diary Evaluation: evaluates the students daily work, attitude, motivation, effort and participation in the
English classroom.
Final Evaluation: Or Sumative evaluation takes place at the end of the process to check if students have
achieved the established aims at the beginning of the year. This programme planning follows the next criteria
when evaluating students through exams:
Check that every task evaluates a skill.
Prepare similar activities to the ones done in class.
Prepare the exam with different contents to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge.
Compare the marks with recent works.
Revision of activities of the unit. Scanning of the previous knowledge in the FL. Giving some minutes
to revise contents. Making a Word wheel to practice the vocabulary. Encouragement of the students
motivation: Each time they achieve an objective they receive a positive stick in their notebooks. Revision
of contents of this didactic unit in the following units (recycling learning).
Law of Education (LOE)
Order 10th August 2007 (Curriculum)
Andalusian Law on Education (LEA)
Order 10th August 2007 (Evaluation)

RD 1513/2006, December 7th.

Decree 230/2007, July 31st

Order 25th July 2008 (Cater to Diversity)

House, S. (1997).An Introduction to Teaching English to Children. Richmond Publisher.
Cant, A. (1997).Developing Resources for Primary. Richmond Publisher.
Hymes, D.On communicative competence. Penguin, 1972.
Chomsky, N. Current issues in linguistic theory. Mouton, 1964.
Krasher, S.D. Language acquisition in the classroom. Oxford, 1984.
Alburquerque, R. En el aula de ingls.Longman, 1991.
Brumfit, C. The communicative approach to language teaching. Oxford, 1979.
Gower, R. Teaching practise handbook. Heinemann, 1983.
Pozuelo Snchez, l. Didctica para la clase de idioma. Narcea. Madrid. 1985.
El Jupa. Programa de Prevencin del Juego Patolgico. Amalajer (Asociacin Malaguea de jugadores
de azar en rehabilitacin). Susana Lpez.
La Historia de Rubn. Programa de Prevencin de las Drogodependencias en el medio escolar. Asociacin
Cvica para la Prevencin. (ACP).
Survive! Oxford University Press, 2002.

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