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MARCELLUS CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Gh cca nd i Se a PARKWAY, MARCELLUS: ee Be July 18, 2016 Dear Parents and Guardians: With all of the recent news about local school districts exceeding the lead limits in their drinking water, we have begun to do some research of our own to ensure that we are providing safe water for our students and staff. School districts that purchase water from an outside source (rather than getting water from a well on site) have not been required by law to do their own water testing. We fall into this category as we purchase our water from OCWA. Therefore, the entity that “sells” the water to us is required to perform regular testing. We have examined the OCWA 2015 Annual Water Quality Report, available to the public on thelr website, and find that the water we purchase falls well within the acceptable parameters. In addition, we made a decision to move forward with our own water quality testing. We contracted with OCM BOCES to draw the samples which were then analyzed by Life Science Laboratories. They were on site on May 11% and 12" to test all sources of drinking water and water used in food preparation in both the Middle School, High School and the Elementary Schoo! for the presence of lead. Due to backlog in the laboratories that examine water specimens, we have just recently received our results, We are very pleased that out of all of the water sources tested, only 8% came back at an action level. Our next steps for those futures is to replace them, Replacement will be followed up with a 3° water test called a flush test in August. That test will indicate if our remediation was in fact successful. ‘The Board of Education and school administration are committed to making certain that our staff and students have clean water to drink every day. With legislation recently passed that will require school districts to perform this testing in the near future, we had a desire to get ahead of the requirement for our own peace of mind. We will keep you apprised of our situation and any additional actions that we take going forward. Sincerely, Michelle L. Brantner

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