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Marital Unhappiness due to Conjunction of Gnatikaraka &

Today we will discuss how the Gnatikaraka when in conjunction
with the Darakaraka causes married life unhappiness &
disturbance.Lets first understand what are the significations of
the Gnatikaraka & Darakaraka.
If we take the 7 charakaraka system then,the gnati karaka
(sixth, eighth and twelfth house indicator) produces difficult
patterns in a chart. The planet with comes sixth highest degree
becomes the Gnati Karaka. Gnati means Relations. It
represents 6th house and its significations in a horoscope i.e.
Enemies,Maternal Relatives, Diseases, Debts, Disagreements,
Competitions, Legal Proceedings, Servitude etc. Similarly, we
can also examine the significations of 8th & 12th house from
GK. The seventh highest degree planet becomes the Dara
Karaka.Dara means Wife. All the significations of the 7th
House comes under the purview of DK like Spouse, BusinessPartner, Trade, Foreign Travel, Pad-Prapti, Enemies in open and
Public Image etc. If the Darakaraka planet is afflicted in the
Kundali, then a person may experience difficulties in the
subjects related to the seventh house.
When these two planets are in close conjunction within 0-5
degrees in the birth chart then,there are good chances of
bringing marital unhappiness.So,during match-making,this
should be taken as one of the factors to be judged in both the
charts of prospective bride & bridegroom.But,during our
research on this line,we have found that majority of the cases
with this conjunction have suffered but also,some charts with
this conjunction within close degrees led a happy married
life.Therefore,when both D1 & D9 charts were considered,we
found the following observations which led the person to lead a
happy married life inspite of having this conjunction:1) The Darakaraka getting Vargottama (Sign Vargottama) in
D9 chart.
2) The Darakaraka getting exalted in D9 chart & if
debilitated,it getting a good Neechbhanga Rajyoga.

3) The Darakaraka getting protection from functional benefic

Jupiter(either by rashi drishti or Graha Drishti or both) in
both D1 & D9 or atleast in D9.
4) Its better,if one of the partners in marriage dont have this
Marana Karaka Planets causing Death or Death like Suffering
I have earlier dealt with an article about Marana Karaka Sthana
& why planets in these specific positions are not able to give
good results.Today,I will be dealing with the deadly hazards
caused by these planets when in Marana Karaka Sthana.The
specific most malefic positions of planets capable of causing
death like suffering are as follows:- Sun in 12 th house,Saturn in
1st house,Mars in 7th house,Mercury in 7th house,Jupiter in 3rd
house,Venus in 6th house,Ketu in 3rd house,& Rahu in 9th
house.Such positions of the planets are called Marana Sthana
(death inflicting) & the planets become Marana Karaka (death
inflictors).When such a death inflictor is in conjunction with or
aspected by malefics or in inimical or depression signs,great
grief is sure to come.
Sun causes fire hazards,Moon indicates danger from water,Mars
causes accident & danger from weapons,Mercury indicates
trouble due to flatulence,Jupiter indicates stomach
problems,Vehicular accidents & troubles from opposite sex are
caused by Venus,venomous bites from Rahu,unidentified
disesases from Ketu.Similarly,the planet becoming Marana
karaka will not do well for its Karakatwa(significations) & will
surely tend to destroy the houses it owns.
Rape victims
For rape there are many words in Sanskrit represent the term andgive us the
simple clue of what can be called rape viz. Balatkaar,Hathasambhog, Pramath,
Abhibhav, Strisangraha, Striharan,Kanyaharana, Shilaapharan [molestation] etc.
etc. ; these namesare enough for us to imagine the range of rape meaning. But
for sure rape is an arista [misfortune or ill fate] indeed. We will not goin the word
jugglery of rape definition as available in laws of theland and generally
circumstantial, instead will concentrate on itsobvious meaning and rape word
indicated as forceful andunwished sex without proper consent of female [victim].
There are various forms of rapes and sexual abuses in our societyprevailing like
repetitive unwished sex, abuse in flesh trade or human trafficking, kidnapping

and rapes for money matter, rapesby extended relations or friends or relatives,
rapes by threatens,rapes by force by legal partner, sex trade for illicit
monies.Moreover, eventual rapes by neighbour, known members, suddenrapes
of trespass the privacy while travelling or at home etc. Everykind of these rapes
might have different house and planetary etcsignifications but here we shall deal
with the eventual rapes, wherefew come out in open. There are too many hard
facts and circumstantial considerations connected with rape cases whichnever
cum out in open or may not be relied in toto and we can notdiscern those but
few which came out openly and confessed ingeneral and culprit accused and
punished are taken here.To identify the chart prone to rape correctly and
definitely is indeeda very difficult task. As we are also under social obligation for
notto make chaos and make the people feared, we have to giveprudent guideline
for the prone cases; a word of caution may savethe victim.I-House Signification:In nutshell, for rape cases afflicted segregation of 4 th house is for distorted
satitva-shilatva [self - fidelity]. 7th is yoni sthana and is for conjugal fidelity
disrupted in equality and legality. 8th is seen for conjugal relation in inequality
with force or forgery and intrusion,and lastly 12 th house is seen for conjugal
relationship with illegalityand unsocial i.e. bed pleasure is shared with others.
Their internalrelation [by aspect or conjunction or nakstra lord] is required to
seeadverse results. Moreover, weak Venus or its affliction in addition to this by
Rahu [sudden gang attack], Saturn [painful and lastlong], Mars [violence or
military or police], Gulika/Mandi[disgusting, vulgar], Sun [threatening or fear or
politician], Ketu[violence and planned attack] etc prove fatal in female
horoscopyfor rape and sexual abuse.8th house sex is different, its more
complicated and mysterious,the natural secret zodiac sign Scorpio. This is what
Indra did to Ahlya, the wife of Gautam Rushi is the first kind of rape
[kukarma]mankind experience and Ahalya becomes lifeless and emotionless
which according to mythological story becomes stone, signifies thestatus quo
position of the victim. Here Ahlya was great sati-pativrata and this shilatva is
seen by 4th house so when we seeany house wife or daughter is raped prone we
have to see the 4th house at first.4th is the house of Satittva [self fidelity] and
Kshetra [fertile womb]and 7th is Shilatva [comjugal fidelity] in female horoscopy
and ispreserved for proposed husband or the lover or for her ownconsent to
consume. This pious ness cannot be taken away unlessand until with the consent
or otherwise it will be an abuse in the eye of the law and is a social crime too. 4 th
& 7th house is also important for sex places and implementation pleasure
[aanandsayan sukh]. Therefore, malevolence effect in the 4th 7 th house and its
lords is the first step to look forward for rape or sexualabuse. This is more so as
4th house represents mob or gang,vehicle and Rahu is karaka of sudden events
by this gang or mobs. Weak such lord may be a supportive tool to assess;
weakmeans posited in inimical sign, combust, debilitated, eclipsed andwithout
suffice shadbal etc. 7th house is 4th from 4th and is important for conjugal alliance
also. If 7th house describes sex relationshipthru equality and legality, then
through 8th house females sufferssex relationship based on inequality and
intrusion; when other withforce enter the intimate waters of 8 th house of sex
bond, we call these rape or sexual abuses in general. So malevolence to 8 th or its
lord is very important to signify the rap prone chart. So far 12 th house and its lord
in female is concerned it is suggested that if malevolence or weak effect is there
then pleasure of bed is sharedby other woman i.e. her shautan or may be shared
her bed withother person with concern and seldom with other factors

mayconclude rape incident. So while considering 12 th house we haveto be very

careful.Weak or afflicted ascendant or its lord is always important for anykind of
fatal event in general. II-Sign significationSign of sexual happiness of natural
zodiac is Cancer [sukh rasi],virginity or puberty [shil rasi] is Virgo, and their lords
Moon andMercury are important to assess the rape cases. Both the planetsare
important for nerves-mind control. Malevolence effect to thesemay cause the
chart prone to rape. We will take the virginity inbroader sense to include conjugal
fidelity consume with consent or otherwise it will fall under rape category or
sexual abuse. So, any malevolence effect to these signs and its lords may make
the chartprone to rape or abuse.III- Planetary Significations:- Venus is the core
planet if weak and afflicted heavily then the chartwill be more prone to sexual
abuse and rape. Venus is givenimportance for its delicacy, bodily fragrance of
females, discipline,lovemaking and sexual pleasure, secret connected with sex
etc.Planet is said to be weak and afflicted for various causes anddepends on the
prudent experience of the astrologer. Naturalmalefic planets are Mars, Sun,
Saturn and nodes. Affliction of Rahu is considered malevolence to cause rapes
and 4th house is seen for gang or mob i.e. gatherings of persons, andRahu is
karaka of sudden event of mobs or gang. In addition, 4 th house stands for vehicle
so gang rape in moving bus like delhi gang rape is incidental. Mars affliction
signifies harm,harassments, slaying etc. Saturn causes old personage andpainful
and long lasting abuse. Sani-Ketu in 4 th house may signifycemetery like or
desolate places. Sun indicates abuses fromauthority or fatherly figures and this
way we can count the causesand places of sexual abuse as indicated in our
classical texts andprudence of astrologer. Afflictions from 6-8-12 houses from
Venusmay also be considered bad as Venus significations may bedistorted by
this. Verification of independent navamsa chart maybe very helpful in confirming
the event. We may assess Vimsottari Dasa also as per astrological acumen.
Affliction from Gulika /Mandi may also be looked into for rape case. Gulika/Mandi
may besaid to represent all that is vulgar, base, sordid and disgusting
andtherefore, its association with any houses or planet or signs maybring out
those qualities in the relationship or situation concerned.IV- Nakstra
Significations:-The most important factor is nakstras of sex and puberty
-Punarvasu, Vishakha and Purvabhadrapada [all involves kamatrikona and moxa
trikona connected]. This nakstrasindication are Punarvasu [4 th house] pubirty or
satitva or shilatvai.e. conjugal-self fidelity, Visakha [7 th house] sex relation of
legalityand equality and also it indicates [visakha-8 th house of secret] sexby
intrusion and force or forgery or unwished sexual encounter if afflicted and
Purvabhadrapada [12th house] if afflicted indicatesdistorted bed pleasure. Here
Jupiter this nakstra lord is the onlyprotecting planet and if it is also afflicted then
fatal result maycome true. Any affliction in transit to above constellation with
thismay have to be seen precisely to conclude rape event andprofessional
astrologers can study this separately.To arrive at some concrete and conclusive
conclusions astrologers are humbly requested to check these analogy results of
rapes andsexual abuses of female on more and more charts available withthem.
It is very easy to do post-mortem but very difficult to predictrape abuse and
there is lots to be decipher.Female - Melissa Benoit [courtesy - Astrodient
Forum]Date: August 29, 1977Time: 15:12:00 PMTime Zone: 4:00:00 (West of
GMT)Place: 71 W 03' 37", 42 N 21' 30"Boston, Massachusetts, USA Ayanamsa:
23-31-46.44 ; V Dasa at birth is Jupiter upto 30-September, 1987.Sex
Victimization/Rape 15 September 1990 (Raped by neighbor)

At the age of 13, on 9/15/1990 c. 2:30 PM, her neighbor, Hank Meinholz, raped
andkilled her, then buried her in his basement. 01 Ascendant is afflicted by
Gulika/Mandi and its lord Mars in 8th house of intrusion with Mars the ascendant
lord and Jupiter thefunctional benefice indicating trouble like death at early
stage.02. 4th house lord Saturn is conjoins 7th and 12th lord Venus within30 degree
radius in inimical sign. The most important is Saturn has covered in its 30 degree
radius both Jupiter and Venus which maybe called SubhaKartari but Venus-Jupiter
are again in PaapaKartari yoga and malevolence element of Saturn does not
dilutedand it will harm Venus for sure. Venus is in Saturn naksatra the 4 th lord and
3rd lord of neighbour and again 3rd house is apsected bySaturn-Mars-Rahu with
Venus indicating sex abuse and dreadfulpremature death. 7 th house is aspected
by Rahu karka of suddenevent, the co-ruler of 4 th house and 7th lord Venus as
saidindicating breakage or self-conjugal fidelity. Retro Mercury is the 8 th lord of
intrusion and forceful sex aspects 4th house. Nexus of conjugal force by
neighbour is established in this chart. 03 [see lord of puberty sign Virgo and its
lord Mercury in priorityand then Cancer & Moon] Puberty lord Mercury is
retrograde andsign Virgo are heavily afflicted. Mercury is in acute papa kartari of
Sun-Rahu. Rahu is in MB in Virgo sign aspected by Mars & Saturnthe most pitiful
condition of the child indicated as puberty isshattered to pieces. Moon is having
purna paxabala is aspected by 8th lord Mercury.04 Nakstra lord Jupiter is in Sarpa
[Rahu] nakstra and sarpa acruel sasthyamsa conjoined with Mars the deathinflicting planet indeath house of 8th , house of forceful sex in inequality.
Protectingelement of Jupiter ceases to work. 05 Navamsa chart independently
confirm the event of rape.a. In D9 chart ascendant is afflicted by Mandi and
Saturnb.4th lord Mercury is afflicted by Mars and aspected byRahu the 12 th lord.
Saturn the old age lord afflictsdebilitated weak Venus the 3 rd [neighbour] & 8th
lord.c.Cancer sign is afflicted by sun-rahu; Mercury the `puberty lord is afflicted
as said.06 [see dasa relavence] Dasa going on is Saturn MahaDasa_Saturn
Aantar Dasa _Jupiter Pratyantar Dasa. Satrun the 4 th lord conjoins with Venus the
7th and 12th lord of final exit and Jupiter the mraka aspecting from 8 th , 4th house,
12th house andMoon. The dasa indicating is conjugal-self fidelity breakage
i.e.rape with dreadful premature death.Female - elizabeth ashley - rape victim
[courtesy - AstrodientForum]Date: August 30, 1939; Time: 3:30:00 AM; Time
Zone: 5:00:00(West of GMT); Place:82 W 08' 25", 29 N 11' 13"; Ocala,
Florida,USA; Ayanamsa:22-59-57.44; V Dasa at birth is Rahu upto 11-October,
1942. Sex Victimization/Rape 1977 in Bakersfield (Gangraped at a gas station, on
a Saturday night in spring 1977) [Whileshe was checking out the pumps, three
men came out of the darkness, very drunk. They beat her and dragged her into
the bushes where all three raped her for anightmare hour, then took her money
and left.] 01 Ascendant lord Moon in 8th house of sex with force andintrusion with
paxabala is in Rahu nakstra of 8th house co-ruler aspected by it, conjoin Gulika.
Ascendant Cancer sign is posited by 12th lord Mercury and aspected by Mars.02
4th the house of fidelity is afflicted by Saturn and Rahu both rulers of 8 th house
and 7th house is afflicted by Saturn-Mars this isvery prone case of rape by gang
[rahu, saturn-4th house], full of violence [Mars afflicted by 8 th lord] and last long
painful [Saturnretrograde in ketu nakstra]. in addition, Venus is combust in
ketunakstra which is in Mrityu Bhaga aspected by Mars is no morehelpful.03
Natural lord of shilatva and satitva is Moon and Cancer sign afflicted as said and
Mercury-Virgo sign protected by Jupiter. Buthere what I feel is that Saturn
retrogression has played it role asself-violating as 7-8 th lord, Venus minimum

benefice being combustat critical moment and retrograde Jupiter might stumble
to protector may impact negative influence in case of darn need, wherethere is a
rape prone element in the chart.04 Protecting nakstra lord Jupiter is stumble to
protect here as saidabove. It is retrograde in debilitated Saturn nakstra the 8 th
lord.Jupiter is in kaala a creul sasthyamsa so also Moon in yama andMercury in
vahni.05 Navamsa chart also tells the same story as all the planetaryposition
indicates the rape prone chart. Sani-Ketu effect on 4 th house indicates desolated
place or sani effect on 4th and 7th petrol station and sex in equality distorted, also
and Rahu in 4th and 8th house effect indicates sundden attack by gang-mobs and
forcefulsex.06 Dasa relevance is Saturn MD and Jupiter AD [Chhidra Dasa!both
way being last bhukti of Jupiter; Saturn being 22 nd dreskana lord and Jupiter 64th
navamsa lord] indicating the clear nexus of Jupiter stumble to protect and Saturn
the forceful sex, a rape tookplace. Female: Chiodini, Una-Una Susan O'Hara
[courtesy - AstrodientForum]Date: November 21, 1936; Time: 10:58:00 AMTime
Zone: 6:00:00 (West of GMT); Place: 87 W 39' 00",41 N 51' 00" ; Chicago, Illinois,
USA Ayanamsa: 22-57-38.32 ; V dasa at birth is 15-February-1939Sex
Victimization/Rape July 1946 (Raped summer of 1946) ; SexVictimization/Rape 26
April 1950 (Raped by two males) Americannumerologist, palmist and astrologer
with a dramatic private life.Place of the rape is not given by the victim unable to
discern. 01 Ascendant lord Saturn is with 7 th lord Moon indication somedisruption
in sexual relationship more to that is Saturn is inPurvabhadrapada nakstra and in
navamsa it is hampered byRahu-Mars in 4th house taking in their rage Moon the
7th lord and Sun the 5th lord and 7th and 8th house. This is the prime factor
inflicting rape.02 Saturn and Rahu afflicting 8 th house of forceful or unwished
sexand Saturn afflicting 8th lord Sun and Mercury; Rahu posited in 12 th housewith
its lord and Venus, Mars the 4th lord aspects 12th and 12th lord and also Venus, 4th
house is afflicted by Mars-Saturn-Rahu sex is dirtied by someone unknown. 03
Moon is in Yaksa, Mercury in Kaala and Venus in Kalinasacruel sasthyamsa;
Mercury is combust with 8th lord and Gulika; isitself a very adverse for sex and
puberty.04 Protecting nakstra lord Jupiter is not soothing as it is in Ketunakstra
and afflicted by nodes. Also Purvabhadrapada nakstra isoccupied by painful lord
Saturn; Saturn is rasiadhipati of thisnakstra and is carrying the influence of 7 th
and 12th lord is also oneof the reason why rape took place. 05 Navamsa chart is
confirming the event as one can see that 4th , 7th and 8th house and lords are
interconnected with maleficplanets with affliction to Venus.06 See the Vimsottari
Dasa relevance Rahu MD Saturn ADimpacting 8 th house and 8th lord carrying the
weightge of afflictedVenus and Jupiter. In the second event of rape it is Rahu MD
Ketu AD the nakstra lord of Jupiter-Venus both being protectingplanets and
afflicting them to cause the rape.Phoolan Devi [Dacoit Bandit Queen] Date:
August 10, 1963; Time: 17:30:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT); Place: 83 E
22' 00", 26N 45' 00"; Gorakhpur, India; Ayanamsa: 23-20-00.36Sex
Victimization/Rape 1981 (Gang-raped)
For office use only - [A gunfight ensued, but Vikram [lover/husband] and Phoolan,
with not asingle supporter, managed to escape in the dark. However, they were
later tracked down andVikram was shot dead. Phoolan was taken to the Thakurdominated village of Behmai, hometo Shri Ram, Lala Ram and several of the new
Thakur recruits. Phoolan was locked her up ina room in one of the houses in
Behmai. She was beaten and raped by several men over aperiod of three weeks.
Though just a teenager, Phoolan Devi had been victimized by thecaste system
her entire life, treated as either a servant or a sex object. Just after rape

onFebruary 14, 1981, 18-year-old Phoolan Devi had only one thing on her mind:
revenge.] Please note that confirmed birth time of Phoolan Devi the dacoit isnot
available so we will discuss thru Moon and Sun sign only. Thetime taken here is
as Moon enters Aries. So, we shall be brief inthis chart.4 th natural zodiac lord and
4th lord from her sign, Moon is afflictedby Mars the 8 th lord in Aries. Cancer Sign is
afflicted by Saturn,Gulik, and Sun. Pubirty lord Mercury is in acute paapa kartari
and its Virgo sign is afflicted by violent Mars. Venus in 4 th from Moonis combust
in Mercury nakstra afflicted by Sun, Gulik and Saturn;Venus is in paapa kartari of
Rahu and Sun/gulika. So, Violence-Gang-Painful lord afflicts all karakas. From Sun
Lagna, 4th house lord is Venus and from Moon Lagna 7 th house lord is
Venus.Conjugal and self fidelity is in total risk, Rahu indicates gang, andMoonVenus are afflicted by Mars-Saturn by 8th house lord fromMoon-Sun lagna
indicating violent and forceful intrusion to conjugalfidelity i.e. gang rape.If we
take navamsa chart independently from Sun 7th and 4th houses are afflicted by
Mars-Saturn; Jupiter soothing not working.From Moon sign in navamsa Venus is
7th lord afflicted by nodes and 8th lord Mars again confirms the gang rape.

Large inherited property - Jupiter & Rahu in 8 th house Boosts inheritance &
legacies Real life case study.
Earlier,I had made an article on how Jupiter & Rahu are favourable for increasing
the non-live significations of a house,especially the houses related to wealth &
property like 2nd,4th,8th,11th houses.Both Rahu & Jupiter have an expanding nature
& therefore boosts the significations of a house where they are conjunct
together,but this yoga is more beneficial for boosting the non-live significations
of a house specially the wealth related houses.The 8 th house is the house of
inherited property or legacy. For large inheritances,this combination in 8 th house
gives positive results when either or both Rahu & Jupiter are in good
dignity.Also,the aspects of Jupiter & Rahu(specially the trinal aspects) on the
houses enhances the significations & opportunities respectively of those
houses,so from 8th house(one of the most important money house),both aspect
the 2nd & 4th house thus enhancing the wealth,property & conveniencies in
life.Nakshatras also play a very important role for this conjunction to yield more
prominent results.The major wealth generating nakshatras are Revati-supports
birth in a rich & aristocratic family,Dhanishtha,[Uttarabhadrapada &
Purvaphalguni] - (Specially for money through large inheritance),Jyeshtha,Swati
& Visakha.
Today I am explaining in brief a case of large inheritance of one of my clients who
belongs from a big business family & his chart promises large inheritance.You

can refer to the image below for reference.In the D1 Chart,Leo is the rising.we
can see that Jupiter & Rahu conjunction is taking place in the 8 th house where
Jupiter is the 8th lord in 8th house itself,thus boosting the inherited wealth for the
native.Both the planets aspecting & enhancing the 2 nd & 4th houses properties
like wealth,property & conveniencies in life.Ketus placement in 2 nd house will
also make him a spensthrift. Jupiter,the 8th lord is in Revati Nakshatra & Rahu is
in Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra,both the asterisms supporting birth in a rich
family & thus,a gaining a large legacy.In addition to this,dignity of Rahu & Jupiter
in D2 & D4 charts & 2 or more Dhana Yogas in D2 & D4 Charts has also to be

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