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Literature Review
Jennifer Buck
National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690Capstone Course
Professor Carol Shepherd



This literature review investigates classroom culture, room decorations, norms, and an
overall climate that fosters growth and pride. The teacher decorates a room and makes
seating arrangements that encourage student participation and inspire precision in work
ethic. Student supplies are easily accessible and in abundance. This is not only the
teachers room, but also the students room. The students take pride in the room they
enter each day. Every student feels emotionally stable, respected, and included. This
chapter correlates with Domain E: creating and maintaining effective environments for
student learning. The Teacher Performance Expectation (TPE) 11 of social environment
is directly targeted in this chapter. Bulletin boards are colorful, filled with student
accomplishments, and words of encouragement. The room environment is an extension
of the teachers philosophies, priorities, and passions. If effort is applauded, students will
leave their fears at the door and more willing to take risks and make mistakes to foster

Scholarly book: Ten Things New Teachers Need to Succeed
Authors: Robin Fogarty
Publisher: Skylight Professional Development
Published date: 2001
Chapter 2: A Placed Called My Room for Students to Grow, to Groom, and to Zoom!
Pages: 13-14
Reviewer: Jennifer Buck, National University
The chapter I reviewed discusses building a classroom culture that projects
beliefs, values, and the personality of the teacher. The classroom is an extension of the
teacher who occupies the space provided. The classroom resembles the teachers
training, philosophies, priorities, and, of course, the district norms. Is the room
welcoming? Are students excited to enter the room and ready to learn? Is the space
adequate for a learning environment?
The chairs and desks are arranged in a way that encourages student interaction
and collaboration. The bulletin boards are colorful and have words of inspiration that
demonstrate richness. Student supplies are accessible and in bulk so activities run
smoothly and student sharing is encouraged. Student work is displayed to show growth,
students become confident when their work is showcased, and effort is applauded. A
teaching philosophy is evident so students ask questions, have time to think deeply, and
take risks. Emotional safety is provided so students are not afraid to speak out, make
mistakes, are always included, and feels respected.


Are there students with impairments or disabilities who need modifications?

Maybe you have a student with visual impairments and they need a computer that
magnifies the print. Is this technology use on a regular basis and other students are aware
of the situation? No classroom culture should condone bullying. Verbally
communicating differences in the classroom can eliminate a fear in some students. The
classroom should inspire students to take pride in their work and learning habits. This is
not only the teachers room, but also ultimately the students room.
So, why is this important during the learning process for students? The TPEs in
Domain E discusses: creating and maintaining effective environments for student
learning, which involves instructional time and social environment. This literature
review is proof directly related to the TPEs in Domain E. An inspirational room can
encourage and inspire students to give their best effort and persevere. Student learning
happens when a class is structured every day. Students are aware of the daily schedule,
transitions, and norms of the classroom.



Fogarty, R. (2001). Ten things new teachers need to succeed. Arlington Heights, IL:
Skylight Professional Development

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