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11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 Phone (858) 642-8320 Fax (858) 642-8724

Lesson Plan Design


Spanish 3

Lesson Topic

El arte de la blogosfera

Candidates Name:
Site Supervisor:


(The art of blogosphere) and Lesson Review

Cristina Ulloa
Mrs. Pardo

10th 12th

ID #
NU Supervisor:

Dr. Barner


1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner,
create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations

World Language Content Standards
1.1 Engage in oral, written, or signed conversations.
1.2 Present to an audience of listeners, readers, or
2.1 Demonstrate understanding of the roles that
products, practices, and perspectives play in the
2.2 State similarities and differences in the target
cultures and between students own cultures.
3.1 Use paragraph level discourse to produce formal
3.2 Identify similarities and differences in the
paragraph level discourse of the languages the
students know.
4.2 Identify similarities and differences in the extended
discourse of the languages the students know.

Acquiring knowledge about the

element of blogosphere will allow
students to understand why various
authors are now using blogs to public
their literary work on line, instead of
publishing a real book. Compare and
contrast how technology has changed
the way we acquire information.
Expectations will be reviewed with
students before the lesson begins.
Lessons are geared toward all learning
levels and are set up to allow for a
variety of learning styles.
Length of assignments and time
allotted for each assignment will vary
depending on student comprehension
on the new era of blogosphere.

Purpose: Learning about how blogs work and how

theyve become a new trend to publish literary work
will allow students to identify the different types of
ways authors use to attract readers to read their work.
Bridge: This is day 2 of the lesson and we are
discussing what we read about the day before (we
began a reading an article about blogosphere) and how
technology has changed the way we acquire
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information. Students will discuss the differences and

the similarities between the authors before the internet
era and the authors of today. This will hopefully bring
up the fact that the authors (bloggers) of today
incorporate more images in their literary work to attract
more readers, instead of writing more descriptively so
that the readers can picture the scene in their mind.
2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)

Vocabulary: Students will use vocabulary

related to La tecnologa y la ciencia
(science and technology) from Unit 7.

Grammar: Students will review the

present Indicative tense, conveys a sense
of certainty that the action will occur.

Grammar: students will practice using the

perfect tense (haber + past participle) with
the function of talking about past actions
that relate to the present time. The present
perfect is formed with the present tense of
the verb haber and the past participle.
Students will review how regular past
participles are formed by adding ado to the
stem of ar verbs, and ido to the stem of
er and ir verbs. Then, will go over how we
use the Past Perfect.

Grammar: Students will briefly go over

diminutives and augmentatives. Review
how they emphasize size to express shades
of meaning like affection, amazement, scorn
or ridicule.
Culture and Literature: Students read
about Argentinian author and blogger
Hernn Casciari, famous for writing the first
blogonovela Weblog de una mujer gorda
(weblog of a fat woman) his blog became so
famous, that it was made into a movie, Ms
respeto que soy tu madre (More respect,
Im your mother). We will briefly go over

The Learner Outcomes address the stateadopted academic content standards.
Some of the vocabulary and grammar
review has been included into the
beginning of the period as a daily routine
(Reviewing yesterdays lesson by going
over homework). We will also be
reviewing yesterdays reading about
technology and communication, El arte
de la blogosfera.
Vocabulary related to science and
technology will be incorporated into the
lessons activities so that students are able
to practice and memorize the words.
Grammar focus in this lesson will be a
little about every grammar point included
in this unit on science and technology.
Present and past participle, the perfect
present, and about diminutives and
The blognovela is about Mirta Bertotti, a
woman with very little education, but who
enjoys the use of technology and has
excellent communication skills. She was a
mother who was struggling because of
menopause, her unemployed husband,
three hard to handle teenagers, and a
father in law who was a drug addict. She
had a very dysfunctional family, but
somehow managed to stay optimistic
about everything that happened around her
and decided to start a blog about her life
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the reading and share opinions about how

technology has changed our lives.
Culture: We will also be watching a short video
Look Up by Garry Turk, which expresses the
effects of technology and our daily lives.

that later made her famous around the

Going over the fotonovela will help
students analyze the different ways we use
technology to escape from our daily
struggles. The use of social media to
publish things about ourselves.
Look Up by Garry Turk is a lesson
taught to us through a love story, in a
world where we continue to find ways to
make it easier for us to connect with one
another, but always results in us spending
more time alone. This short film will
hopefully allow students to analyze about
how much time they spend on their cell
phones instead of talking to their friends
and family face to face. Video helps
connect the lesson with the rest of the unit
about how technology has changed our

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )

In order to assess what knowledge the students have
regarding the lesson, we will have a brief discussion on
the use of technology as a tool to socialize with others.
Students will share the type of media they use to
socialize with others and how they feel about using
online sources to communicate with others. We will
also go over the use of cellphones and how theyve
changed the way we communicate with our friends and
For example: How more and more people are now
sending a text message, instead of making a phone call.

Reviewing what we already know

about science and technology, we will
briefly discuss how the internet has
changed the way we interact with other
people. We will go over how cell
phones and social media have changed
our lives.
Following our discussion on
technology and communication, we
will go over how authors have also
began to use social media to
communicate with their audience. How
they now prefer to write a blog instead
of writing a book because it attracts
more readers and they become more

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify

Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)

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In order to adapt this lesson for the lower level

students, they will be provided with more time to
complete assignments. Visuals will also be provided
(PowerPoint and handouts) to aid them with the
vocabulary being used in this lesson. Our daily review
will also be presented via PowerPoint to allow my
lower level and English Language Learners be better
prepared to todays lesson and have the opportunity to
ask for any type of clarification in order to continue the
Providing visuals and going over the previous lesson
will hopefully help my lower level learners ease some
of the misunderstandings from the previous lesson.
Providing students with plenty of examples of how we
use the internet for almost everything in our lives.

Since our class is made up of students

with different learning styles, needs,
and abilities, differentiation is needed.
With the strategies noted and with the
help of visuals by using technology,
this will certainly allow the different
level learners a better opportunity to
understand and learn the lesson.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill level)


White board
Dry erase markers
PowerPoint presentation (Homework review)
Look Up video
Blue/black pen
Red pen (used to correct papers)
Readings from textbook

By using the projector, we will be able

to present the PowerPoint for todays
lesson. We will be correcting and going
over our homework from the day
before, Arte en la blogosfera.
Students were to answer a few
questions regarding reading.
We will also be watching the video
Look Up and students will take notes
on it and share their findings. Students
will hopefully share their opinions on
how technology has changed the way
they communicate with the world.
Textbooks will be used for our readings
and for our lesson review exercises.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check for

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Check for Understanding:


Daily Review:
Revise Homework via PowerPoint presentation.
Students will revise their homework daily and check
for understanding on the lesson from the day before.
Today we are reviewing yesterdays reading about
blogosphere and how it has changed the way authors
publish their literary work and how weve changed the
way we acquire information by using the internet.

Having students do daily reviews by

revising their assignments from
yesterdays lesson helps establish a
routine that provides learning stability
to the students. It also provides me
with the opportunity to take role, go
over any missed concepts and check
for understanding of the previous
Reviewing the homework -Grammar
Exercises- allows me to go over
anything that the students might have
missed and are having trouble with.
Allows the students the opportunity to
ask for clarification on anything that
they might be having trouble with. It
also allows me to go over and practice
the units vocabulary.
Since our lesson on blogosphere began
the day before, reviewing what they
learned yesterday will be a nice way to
warm up for todays lesson and

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Grammar and vocabulary will be practiced during
group and writing activities. Students are to review the
three grammar points learned in this unit on science and
technology. Students will be completing a few grammar
exercises on the Present Perfect, Past participle, and
diminutives and augmentatives.
Check for Understanding:
Teacher will monitor participation by going around the
groups as they work collaboratively and ask them
questions regarding the grammar points mentioned
Cooperative learning:
After reviewing yesterdays homework assignment,
students will be placed in groups and work on some
grammar exercises.
Watch video: Look Up by Garry Turk
Students will watch a three minute video on how
technology has taken over our live and how we spend
too much time using this technology
Check for Understanding:
Teacher will monitor students while working in their
groups and check for understanding and make sure that
cooperative learning is taking place during this activity.
Teacher will walk to each group and randomly ask
questions related to the grammar pints mentioned above
and ensure that students understand the lesson.
Writing Activity: students will be completing this
assignment independently in their notebooks, which
will be stamped (checked) and reviewed the following

Cooperative learning:
Students will be working in groups of
three or four on a grammar exercises
provided by the teacher. Students are to
work cooperatively and respectfully.
As I walk around and monitor the
groups, I will ask questions regarding
any of the grammar points mentioned
Video: Students will watch Look Up

by Garry Turk is a lesson taught to us

through a love story, in a world where
we continue to find ways to make it
easier for us to connect with one
another, but always results in us
spending more time alone. This short
film will hopefully allow students to
analyze about how much time they
spend on their cell phones instead of
talking to their friends and family face
to face. Video helps connect the lesson
with the rest of the unit about how
technology has changed our lives.
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Writing Activity:
This writing activity will not only
allow students to practice their Spanish
writing skills, but it will also allow
them to express their opinions on how
technology has changed the world and
the way we communicate with each
other, but will also serve as writing
practice and go over a few grammar
points in the Spanish language.
7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)

Check for Understanding:


Daily Routine:
Revising Homework via PowerPoint presentation as a
daily review helps students with comprehension and
check for understanding on the lesson from the day
before. While revising their papers, students will be
constantly reminded to check for spelling and grammar.

This daily review provides students

with an opportunity to go over the
previous lesson and assure that they are
ready for the lesson that follows.
Allowing them to revise their work
daily will them master and improve
their vocabulary and grammar skills. It
will also allow them clarify any
concepts that they didnt understand
before. This will also give them the
opportunity to analyze progress and
Collaborative practice will allow
students to practice their writing skills
in the Spanish language and help
improve their grammar skills as well.

Check for understanding:

They will need to demonstrate understanding by
earning a minimum score of a 4 (5 being the highest
score) on their assignment.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note: Independent
activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to work on their

Independent learning opportunity during this lesson

will be their writing assignment regarding technology
and how it has changed the arts.
Check for Understanding:
Answers will be shared with the class and will be
reviewed on and discussed the following day.

Their writing assignment will be their
ticket out the door. It will surely
promote and encourage independent
learning. They will have to write half a
page regarding technology and how its
changed the art and how weve dealt
with it. Students will be encouraged to
provide examples.
Page 6

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students learning.
Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly
achieving students and low achieving students.)

During the daily class activities, the grammar review, I

will randomly ask questions regarding the lesson to
ensure that students have understood the objective. I
will also be asking questions to the students during the
group activities to make sure that they understood the
Students will be graded on their group assignment by
completing the activity together. Answers will be
checked the following day during our daily review
(first 10 minutes of class). Their score on the
assignment will allow me to identify which students
need more practice and assistance with the lesson and it
will also allow me to analyze my teaching techniques to
better serve my students on future lessons.
Students will also be given credit for participation and
cooperation during their group activities.

Frequent comprehension checks will
help me measure the pace of the lesson
and determine how well the students
are mastering the concepts. Knowing
this information can allow me to adjust
the pace or include additional exercises
to practice any grammar point
mentioned above.
My lower level and ELL students will
be carefully partnered with respectful
and caring classmates.

The length of the activities and assignments could be

adjusted for students who work at a slower pace or
additional time could be given if needed.
10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

Students will be writing a half a page in their notebooks

about the changes in the art because of technology.
Students will be encouraged to provide as much
examples as they possibly can.

The writing activity will allow me to
know if the students understood the
lesson of not. Students will have to
express their opinions based on the
readings, how technology has changed
the art of music, literature, and their
social life.

Revised: 10/23/2008
Note: An electronic copy of the Lesson Plan Design may be found on the Nu-Fast website: . Links: Fileshare - SOE TED TED 629 Student/Faculty

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