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Biology 1615

Article summary
Kevin Lynch
June 28th 2016

Occupational Injuries related to Sleepiness in Indian Traditional Industries.

There are many Americans with many sleeping problems. This isnt
something that has recently happened but has impacted the way Americans
are working and living. The lack of sleep does many things to the human
body including: reduces peoples performance, slows our information
processing, increased time of non-responding or delayed responding while
doing attention based things, and even our short term memory is affected by
lack of sleep. With all the risks at hand this will cause for some safety issues
at the job site, This leads to human error and potentially increases the risk
for accidents.. (Bedard et al1991) Obviously this is something we call relate
to, as we all have jobs, and all need sleep, to work, but how much stress are
we really putting on our bodies?
To start this project, they need to know how many hours of sleep people were
getting every night, how long they were sleeping, and how good they were
sleeping as well. They asked many questions for example: how many hours
do you get a night, how long does it take for you to fall asleep, and how
many times do you wake up in the night. All these and more to understand
their sleep patterns and cycles. This experiment was conducted by handing
our surveys to people in the same factory, all with similar jobs to keep the
results accurate. These surveys would show how much the sleep a person
gets and how many work injures they have can and are related. This is
important for many business owners include factory owners this way they
now how much sleep each employee needs each night to bring down the risk
they could be causing on the work site.

As mentioned above, the data was found in a survey that each employee to
filled out and answer multiple questions based on their sleeping habits. The
survey was based on things from how much sleep they get to how many
times are you waking up at night. Not only were surveys handed out the
employees, but they also looked up many different studies that have been
done about work site injuries. The other studies had results that underlined
why and when worksite accidents happen and by who. The surveys were the
only testing that was done. Due to the testing being surveys almost all of the
experimental side of the process was analyzing the data to come up with a
conclusion. After the tests and analyzing were over they then compared it to
their conclusion.
As they had assumed, they were correct. Their results matched what they
had thought about work related accidents. They had a about 264 workers
that had an occupational injury in the last year, it was around 39 percent
where males and 20.2 were females. When they received the surveys back
they found that about 39 percent of 264 had about 6 or less hours of sleep.
Nearly a quarter of them had insomnia symptoms and nearly a quarter of
them of had a really hard time getting up in the morning. While about 15
percent would sleep poorly, by waking up in the night and so on.

What does this all mean? We see the worse we sleep, lack of sleep we have,
and the more we get up in the night are all linked and correlated to work
related injuries. Which is what they were setting out t0 discover. All of their
results were consistent with the others experiments about sleep studies and
work related injuries However, this is just a small 264 workers the number
may change if the same experiment was done on a larger scale. However,
they did do a very good job at getting the proper elements involved such as:
getting a job with occupational injuries, and having factory workers, allowing
them to have credit and proof. On their experiment. Therefore the concluded
work related injuries are related the amount of sleep one receives.

Ajeet Jaiswal Dr. Ajeet Jaiswal, Assistant Professor,
OccupationalInjuriesrelated to Sleepiness in Indian Traditional Industries,
Department of Anthropology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.

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