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Appendix B Deconstruction Worksheet (Includes answer)

Activity 1 P.E.E.L. activity

Introduction paragraph:
Radiata Pine is a very versatile timber. It is widely used for the full range of structural and decorative
applications including framing, lining, glue laminated beams, veneer and plywood. When appropriately
treated, it can be used for many exposed structural and non- structural applications. Radiata Pine plays a
significant role in meeting the ever-increasing demand for sawn timber. As a well-managed plantation
tree, it can provide a renewable resource providing dependable supply for generations to come.
Body paragraph:
Please rearrange the following sentences into one body paragraph in the correct order and
also indicate the P.E.E.L. (Pointer, Elaboration, Evidence, Link) level at the start of each

The physical growth properties of the Radiata tree enable it to be used widely in plantations as a
renewable resource continually.
Radiata pine has a positive environmental impact due to its inherent nature.


By widely making use of the radiata tree in plantations it allows for access to an extremely
renewable and useful timber resource.

For example its properties such as easily raised/planted, grows quickly compared to other species
and provides a larger yield of usable timber, roughly 20 times greater, than many native species

Concluding paragraph:
Therefore despite the issues that can arise from working with the radiata pines knotty structure and resin
canals the use of this timber in the timber box project was quite suitable as the other aspects of the
timber allow for a well put together project with minimal issues. The associated environmental aspects of
the timber also make it a suitable choice as the primary timber in the project.

Answer P.E.E.L. activity

P. Radiata pine has a positive environmental impact due to its inherent nature. E. The physical
growth properties of the Radiata tree enable it to be used widely in plantations as a renewable
resource continually. E. For example its properties such as easily raised/planted, grows quickly
compared to other species and provides a larger yield of usable timber, roughly 20 times greater,
than many native species. L. By widely making use of the radiata tree in plantations it allows for
access to an extremely renewable and useful timber resource.

Comment [p1]: P.E.E.L. Activity sheet to

guide students through process of using the
P.E.E.L. method to structure arguments,
especially useful in TAS subject areas.

Comment [p2]: Students successfully

arranging paragraph in order shows
understanding of the PEEL format

Activity 3 - Word bank

When writing an evaluative text, it is important to use language related to the field of study. This enables
you to present a clear and comprehensive evaluation that demonstrates the knowledge you have gained
throughout your studies.
Complete the conversion chart below to change everyday language to language used within the TAS
curriculum by using the provided word bank. Fill in the blanks to define each term.

Comment [p4]: Literacy concept of

metalanguage to allow students to use
subject specific terms competently.

Terms use in TAS Curriculum

Everyday Language

Use again

Word Bank
producing , sustainable , design , evaluate , recycle , deplete , functional

1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________

Comment [p3]: Word bank activity to

introduce terms to students to assist with
literacy competence in the subject area.

- able to be maintained at constant levels e.g. forests

- collective term for the reprocessing and reuse of waste materials.
- make or manufacture from components or raw materials.
- the process of assessment or appraisal to determine whether a design meets the
criteria, or meets the design brief.
5. ______________ - Reduce the amount of non-renewable resources
6. ______________ - a process that seeks to solve a problem in the best possible way.
7. ______________ - be practical and useful

The problem for the lesson

Students will be given a real life scenario at the start of the lesson to solve and is as follows. They, as a
provider of services, have been contracted by a client to plan and constructed the furnishing of a
living room in the space of 12 weeks and to a set budget. The room's dimension's are set and students
will be limited to that area, students can plan out items using diagram provided. They will be given a
costing table with materials and furniture items that can be used in the room with each accompanying
construction time. E.g. calculating the cost per m and amount needed while keeping within budget.
Students will then have to fill out the time management table according their calculations as to what
items can be fitted into the living room as well has taking into account construction times and
materials costing within budget.

Comment [p5]: Problem presented to

students to solve using numeracy.

Comment [p6]: Examples of numeracy tools

for students to use, Gannt chart and costing

An example of a simple time

management plan. (Gantt Charts
Planning and Scheduling Team
Projects. 2016)



m of material

Cost Per m















An example of a simple costing table.

Examples of working out

Room dimensions, Place items according to size and fit within room
Students will scale on items with rulers.

Required materials for Item "Table" (Calculations for each item)

1m = $15.40
Need 9m of materials, therefore required materials calculation is
9 x 15.4 = $138.60

E.g. Budget Calculation

Total Budget of $430.00
Table + 4 x chairs + Coffee Table
$138.60 + $200 + $62.50 = $401.10
Therefore Plan is within budget

Comment [p7]: What students will

construct during the lesson according to the
previously set out specifications. Solve
problem with mathematical processes.

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