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Human difference exist among members of the society on the basis of

age, sex or gender; intelligence and physical characteristics, such as bodybuild and appearance, race or ethnic group, birth or family name, education
and power and prestige. These differences resulted in social inequalities and
opportunities in the acquisition and allocation of material and abstract
rewards in the society. Such inequalities have been carried on from
generation to generation and shall persist in the society unless human
interventions are made to eliminate or somehow reduce them to effect a
more or less equal distribution of wealth, power or prestige.
All known societies evolve carried systems of classifying, categorizing
or ranking people into different social classes or strata reflecting dimensions
of abundance or deprivation, possession of power or powerlessness, prestige
or lack of it, dominance or inferiority, the haves and the have-nots of
The ranking of people is the essence of stratification: the division of
society into larger categories or strata of people who have unequal amounts
of scarce but desirable resources of rewards. (Light, 1985)
Panopio (1989) defines social stratification as the hierarchical
arrangement and establishment of social categories that may evolve into
social groups together with statuses and their corresponding roles. The
elements have varying ranks of superiority and inferiority.


There are three (3) components of social stratification: social class,
status and roles.
It refers to a stratum or category of persons who have similar socioeconomic privileges in the society. Commonly identified are the upper,
middle, and the lower class.
In the Philippines, the trend Is towards classifying people In the nine (9)
social classes


Upper-Upper class
Middle-Upper class
Lower-Upper class
Upper-Middle class
Middle-Middle class



Lower-Middle class
Upper-Lower class
Middle-Lower class
Lower-Lower class

a. UPPER CLASS. Refers to the elite families who are the most productive
and successful. Hence, they possess more wealth, power and prestige. It is
the smallest size and occupies top positions in the social hierarchy. They
resort to conspicuous consumption and indulgence in conspicuous giving.
The members upholds the highest standard of living, indulge in lavish
spending, manifest the lifestyle of the rich and the famous, are educated in
exclusive private schools here and abroad and live a life of glitz and glamour.
They give donations to worthy causes motivated by genuine interest, but
majority do so for vested interest.
The elite group consists of two general types: the new rich or noveau
riche and the traditional upper class.
b. MIDDLE CLASS. Refers to professionals, highly skilled worker, small
industry owners, farm owners, entertainers, overseas contract workers, and
small business entrepreneurs whose income provide a comfortable lifestyle.
They provide much of the leadership in organization, management and
operations. They view education as the main indicator of social status and
the primary means for upward social mobility.

c. LOWER CLASS. Comprises of farm employees, unskilled and skilled

artisans, service workers, lowly paid workers clerks and office workers, daily
paid-casuals and seasonal workers, underemployed and indigent families,
the mendicants, the rural and urban poor and those engage in the
underground economy. They compromise the largest segment of the society
and live in a subsistence level. They lack income, education and training and
personal gratification necessary for upward social mobility. They exhibit a
lifestyle described by William Ryan as the culture poverty . The poor have a
sharply decreased chance of reaching their first birthday, of getting an
education, of being able to afford adequate nutrition, decent housing and
health care and of living a life deprived of dignity and comfort.

It refers to the social standing of a person or group within a social class
or in the entire social stratification system. Certain rights, social
expectations, duties and privileges are attached to the social positions.
Social status can be either ascribed or achieved.
Ascribe Status are those which are assigned to the individual from birth
and involve little personal choice like age and sex. Ascriptions can also be
based on class, caste, ethnic and racial groupings.
Achieved Status is acquired by choice or through merit and individual
effort and is made possible through special abilities or talents, performance
or opportunities.

It refers to the expected or actual behavior pattern that correspond
with status. It refers to the dynamic functions attached to the status. It is
also made up of rights and privileges, obligations and responsibilities. A right
is an exemption from a burden or the special enjoyment of a benefit or
disadvantage. An obligation is what one is required to do or not to do in
accordance with the rules of the society.

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