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The Love of Three Oranges 35 (The SERVANTS reenter with shoes obviously improvised from household objects such as an iron and a pot. TARTAGLIA is quite pleased by them. TRUFFALDINO thinks they are hysterical but tries to hide it.) Ah! Wonderful! (He puts them on and begins to tramp about the stage. The shoes are very heavy so his walking is labored and they make a lot of noise.) Truff, old boy, let's get our bags! We are off! (Just as they begin to exit, the KING, PANTALONE, and GUARDS enter.) KING. (Mock tragedy style. Sappy music.) Stay, my son. I beseech you, for you will surely die on such a long journey. Do not leave the court. This is a false love that you feel! It is only the curse of that witch Morgana and this path does not lead to happiness but rather to your death and my despair. I understand how you must feel. I was young once and fancied myself in love. But there are other fish in the sea, other produce in the great supermarket of life. Oh, for all the love that any son ever had for his father, please do not go to your death! TARTAGLIA. Whatever, Dad. You never understood me anyway. The oranges and I are meant to be together. Get out of my way, for I must rescue them. KING. How much sharper than a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful child! You give them an inch and they beat you with the yardstick. PANTALONE. (To TRUFFALDINO;) I really don't get this whole or- anges thing. It’s like, does he want to eat them or go out with them? TARTAGLIA. (Big moment of defiance) Come, Truffaldino, we must go. KING. (Dives on the floor and grabs his son’s leg.) No. Stay. Stop. PANTALONE. (After a moment of reluctance dives on the floor and grabs the other leg.) What about some tangerines? They're pretty much just like oranges... TARTAGLIA. I knew you wouldn't understand how I feel. I'm sor- ry, Father, but my destiny calls me! Farewell! (TARTAGLIA tires to leave but they have him too tightly. He snaps for TRUFFALDINO who tries to pry them offand eventually decides to lift him out of it. The KING faints. TRUFFALDINO carries TARTAGLIA off. TARTAGLIA blows a kiss on the way out. The KING jumps up to see this and then faints again. PANTALONE fans him. CLARICE, LEANDRO, and BRIGHELLA hurry on fo the stage.)

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