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Present: Cllrs H Hewston (Chair), P Myles, J McGuirk
Clerk: Mrs S Woods
6 members of the public
The Chairman welcomed Sally Duckworth to the meeting and she gave a very interesting and
informative talk on West Wight Timebank.
Sally explained there were currently 300 Time Banks through the UK (originated in Japan) and
confirmed it was a Community Interest Group. She had been fortunate in gaining a grant through
the Lottery Fund. At present 45 members aged 23 83, who had banked over 400 hours. She
explained the credit system and how the scheme worked.
The Clerk reported that a letter asking for a grant from the PC to WW Timebank had been received
and would go on a future Agenda, although mentioned the PC had agreed for their grant funding to
go to WW Sports & Community Centre.
The Chairman thanked Sally Duckworth for attending; she gave the PC leaflets and other
information and left the meeting.
WW Coastal Flood and Erosion risk Management Strategy Val Gwynn spoke to the meeting
giving details of the response made by Yarmouth Coastal Defence Working Group, for which she is
the PC representative (notes given to Clerk). She reminded Cllrs that a response had to be in by the
end of the month and urged the PC to support the key points Cllrs resolved to do this.
Action: Clerk
Fleetway Val Ching said she had serious objections to a goal post being position on Fleetway.
She was aware the PC had taken over responsibility for grass cutting but the green had been used
for 30 years for impromptu recreation and she was against anything being installed. The Clerk
asked it be noted this was an Agenda item.
Southern Water Mr Tyrell reminded Cllrs that lorries go to Shalfleet Pumping Station day and
night for pump outs very busy over the IW Festival period. He felt flooding in Shalfleet was
Broadband Mr Glanville had been appointed by Wellow Residents Group as Broadband
representative to determine whether an alternative broadband service could be provided. He would
like to hear from anyone in the vicinity that has poor Broadband and happy for his details to be sent
to people in order for them to contact him. Cllr McGuirk declared an interest in this item, as an
employee of BT and agreed to speak to Mr Glanville after the meeting.
County Cllr S Hutchinson

Cllrs S French, P Broadhead, B Baxandall,


be given as and when required. Cllr McGuirk regarding BT discussion, as an employee.


HELD 11TH MAY 2016:
The Clerk asked for the word Annual to be added to the heading of these Minutes and the Cllrs
agreed this, as well as an amendment to page 3 - 26/16-17 should read a building called Grey
Cllr McGuirk proposed, that these Minutes (as well as the confidential Minute,) be agreed,
seconded Cllr Hewston - resolved.
The above Minutes, having been agreed, were signed by the Chairman as a true record.
37/16-17 PLANNING:
a. Updates and Decisions:
Planning Permission given by IWC:
P/00317/16 Heathercot, Cranmore Avenue, Cranmore Demolition of lean-to; alterations;
single storey rear extension to provide lounge and kitchen to include additional living
accommodation within roofspace and inset balcony on rear elevation.
P/00312/16 Guyers, 1 St Michaels Close, Shalfleet Single storey rear extension to provide
kitchen, replacement windows; alterations (revised description)(re-advertised).
Planning Refused by IWC:
P/00465/16 Land adjacent Meadow View, Main Road, Bouldnor Proposed detached dwelling;
detached garage and parking.
WW Alpacas various emails circulated regarding the proposed pizza oven. Member of the public
confirmed approval had been given today for this application.
b. To Agree comment on application (for each application 5 minutes are allowed for

applicant/objector/supporter etc. to comment):

P/00614/16 The Ashlar, Main Road, Ningwood: Lawful Development Certificate for continued
use of vehicular access. The Parish Council had no objections to this application.
P/00066/15 OS Parcel 0013, Bartons Corner, Main Road, Shalfleet: Temporary re-siting of 3
metal containers, retention of and alterations to existing sheds to use as feed & hay store and
tools/equipment store; retention of log store and alpaca shelter; removal of spoil heaps and section
of shed; retention of reduced-sized hardstanding for parking of vehicles; change of use of land for
vermiculture (worm farming) construction of 10 worm composting beds; retention of horse
trailer/box (revised layout to vermiculture beds, additional information)(readvertised).
The Clerk asked it to be noted that the PC discussed the original application at their June 2015
meeting Cllrs were in favour of permission being given with conditions:
1. Odour ensure that the operation is conducted in a way to minimise any odour that may

2. That the barn be constructed within 18 months.
3. Drainage that the current hardstanding have a significant reduction and that if a

hardstanding is reinstated i.e. for under/access to the worm beds, that it have proper
drainage installed to prevent future flooding of the road at Barton Corner.
4. Caravan ensure this is also removed along with the horse box vehicle.

5. Screening this be installed along the road facing boundary for the benefit of the property

6. Alpacas ensure the site is not about breeding and the alpacas have no other use than as

The Parish Councillors resolved they were in favour of the application but with their previous
conditions being attached. They agreed the work should be time bound and all other work
completed before the worm farming commenced.
P/00662/16 Brook Cottage, Main Road, Shalfleet: Alterations and replacement roof to
conservatory. The Parish Council had no objections to, and were in favour of, this application.
P/00663/16 - Brook Cottage, Main Road, Shalfleet: LBC for alterations and replacement roof to
conservatory. The Parish Council had no objections to, and were in favour of, this application.
Parish Office Intercom new system fitted 18th May 2016.
Internal Audit/help with Annual Return Auditor came 18th & 19th May 2016 report Agenda
Withyfields Grass Cutting Brighstone Landscaping Health & Safety Officer called to Mr &
Mrs Tyrell Clerk had advised when he was coming they were not in they had forgotten he
found them in later that afternoon and he carried out a safety check on the lawnmower and hand
tools and would be sending through a Risk Assessment.
Mr & Mrs Tyrell also came to the office on several matters including a smelly bin at Withyfields
which the Clerk reported to Island Roads and informed by them that this is emptied:
Summer Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Winter Monday and Thursday. Since established this was a litter bin, not dog bin they were
reporting and should be the responsibility of IWC. Clerk has now contacted IWC and awaiting a
response. Mrs Tyrell said the litter bin was not being emptied. Cllr McGuirk asked her to take a
photograph of the litter bin and send it to the Clerk and Cllrs will look at this and decide whether to
have it removed or not. Cllr Myles agreed to take the photograph.
Action: PM
Dog Fouling IWALC confirmed we cannot make use of the Dog Warden as not contributed
towards this. Secretary had contacted NALC to see what councils do in these circumstances.
Response received and circulated to Cllrs. Noted PC have no statutory powers relating to dog
Tree Survey booked with Ben Riches for September 2016. Cllrs asked to let Clerk know it they
wish to meet him on site.
Shalfleet Junior Rover Mal Butler is doing a short story for the County Press.
Clerk had asked Southern Vectis to amend the poster to add Mondays. Spoken to Manager at the
WW Sports & Community Centre and she will put up the amended posters once we have them (she
already has copies of the Tuesdays ones up). Arranged for information to go on News page of PC
website. Southern Vectis have said it is their intention to put something on their website.
Station Road chased date for drainage works/carriageway repairs and email from Kevin Burton
confirmed these due to be done in August problem Cllr Hutchinson brought to their attention is
Southern Water need to put in a new mains in Station Road. IWC have asked Southern Water for
clarification on when this is planned (believe to be in their 2017 2020 programme). Cllr
Hutchinson suggesting if the later end, then works in Station Road be carried out, if the beginning,
then road works be done afterwards. Clerk reported water leak today and Southern Water contacted
her to say works programmed for 16th June.
Recycling Centre - Flytipping sign ordered see financial reports. Mobile CCTV requested.

Bouldnor Viewpoint Liaised with Mr Pickard - he will let Clerk have a photograph to put on the
PC website.
Homestead Farm Solar Park Clerk liaising with Rights of Way, Planners and others to ensure
the Bridleway work, which is part of the planning conditions, is completed.
Guest speakers Clerk arranged for Kevin Newton from The Bus Shelter IOW to attend the July
meeting, Jenny Boulton, Local Area Co-ordinator for EasySpeak has cancelled the September
meeting (apparently we are not in her area) and David Howarth, IW Ramblers to attend the October
The Gouldings Clerk attended a meeting held 1st June 2016 to discuss the future of The
Gouldings. Funding had been secured for 2016/17 but after that unclear. Other representatives from
Totland, Brighstone, Yarmouth and Freshwater were unanimous that The Gouldings was a precious
WW resource they wanted to keep. Clerk suggested a WW Council meeting be called and this go on
the Agenda. Mr Peter Smith, IWC Officer, was asked for more information and guidance on how
Parish Council can help. Clerk agreed to speak to Mal Butler to get him on side.
Email Issues spoke with Wight Computers and they are arranging to upgrade the storage capacity
from 1 to 50 gb at a cost of 37.20 p.a. May have to change email address. Cllr McGuirk proposed
PC pay for this, seconded Cllr Hewston resolved.
Shalfleet School Leaver Bibles Clerk confirmed these have been delivered and Chairman and
Vice-Chair will present these at the assembly on 19th July 2016. Clerk has asked School if happy for
her to arrange some press coverage.
Maintenance Clerk liaising with Mark-One-Maintenance over sign cleaning and seat painting.
Playgrounds RoSPA annual safety inspection report received Clerk will circulate to Cllrs.
Wellow Post Office Clerk informed the meeting that Wellow Institute may be applying for
funding towards this.
Church Wall No progress on this. Rev Bevington recommending to the PCC that works should
now go ahead.
Cllr Myles Attended an Amey meeting and gave Cllrs a copy of her report (attached to Minutes).
She commented most people had lots of complaints to raise at the meeting, whilst she had none.
Clerk thought Cllr Hutchinson received these agreed Clerk inform him Cllr Myles happy to take
Cllr McGuirk New Broadband cabinet at Lucketts will have power supplied to it on 8th July. It
will be some time after that before it is ready for use.
Cllr Hewston Reported she had attended an IWALC meeting. Two properties on The Island;
Yarmouth Station and Briddlesford Hop Kilns had received conservation awards.
She would be attending a public meeting to be held on 18th June 2016 on the Financial Future of the
She queried the progress of Homestead Bridleway. Clerk reported this was being completed and
she would continue to chase for news.
Cllr Hutchinson Asked it be noted the Secretary of States visit had been deferred. Treasury civil
servants met with officers last week to exchange information.
Cross-party meeting held to discuss the best way to present their very strong case for a deal which
recognises the economic disadvantages of being an Island.
40/16-17 FINANCE:
To Approve and sign statement of accounts and Annual Return for 2015/16:
Resolved to approve and sign the statement of accounts and Annual Return. Chairman duly signed
and dated.
To Note and discuss Internal Audit Report, reviewing internal controls and
outcome of review:

Cllrs noted the Internal Auditor reported there were no serious matters to report to the Council and
there was a healthy balance at the end of the year. There were some spreadsheet issues which had
been highlighted whilst undertaking his audit. Clerk able to co-operate to sort this but asked PC to
consider discussing with her some extra training or additional staff support.
Clerk said she was looking into someone helping to amalgamate the two spreadsheets, to save time
and duplicate of input.
Action: Clerk
To Agree to pay 88 plus VAT for supply and fit of Fly tipping sign:
Resolved this be agreed.
To approve list of payments (circulated to Cllrs and copy available at the meeting).
Cllr McGuirk proposed the accounts be agreed, seconded Cllr Myles resolved:
Sally Woods May Salary
1773 Val Taylor
Locum Clerk cover 168 + Mileage 84.60
1774 Iggy ElectricalSupply & Fit new Intercom system
1775 Sally Woods Remainder Salary 94.49 + Mileage 5.40
1776 The Island Copier Co Ltd Quarterly Rental 50 + usage charge
1777 Barry Townsend Internal Audit for year ended 31/03/16

41/16-17 Fleetway To Discuss email from PCSO Quinn regarding boys playing football, their
request for grass cuttings to be collect and possible goal posts being installed:
Cllr McGuirk said he was minded to help the youngsters, that grass could be cut shorter and posts
and nets installed. Cllr Myles suggested one post being put in. Clerk queried if PC could find out
what residents feel and suggested a small survey in Shalfleet Stores.
Cllr Hewston was in favour of a shop petition. All agreed to holding a meeting to take forward.
Action: Cllrs/Clerk
42/16-17 CORRESPONDENCE details of correspondence received tabled.
1. Village News June 2016
2. Civic Voice A to Z booklet
3. West Wight Coastal Floor and Erosion Risk Management Strategy

Public Consultation Spring 2016 comments to be in by end of June. Agreed Chairman and
Clerk to put forward PC comments.
4. IW Best Kept Village Awards Presentation Island Innovation VI Form Campus, Newport,

Thursday 15th September at 7.30 pm. Cllr Hewston to attend plus guest.
5. Fields in Trust information
6. IWC Tree Preservation Order Notice made for Byways, Marine Drive, Bouldnor
7. Glasdon leaflet
8. HAGS Play equipment brochure
9. Clerks & Councils Direct magazine
10. Island Business May 2016

i) Isle of Wight Day To Discuss letter from Robin Courage, High Sheriff, asking for towns and villages to
take part and whether Shalfleet PC wishes to.
Cllr McGuirk felt this was false construction but if Millennium Green wanted to take part that was fine. Cllr
Hewston said Cllrs could support if wish. Resolved to defer a decision until the next meeting. Action: Clerk
ii) Celebrating Age Week To Note any Age Friendly events, as per email from Age Friendly Development
Support Officer.
Clerk asked Cllrs to let her have any information they may have and she would forward it on.


The Cllrs resolved the Standing Orders did not need any amendments. They then went through
Section 13. Orders and Contracts for work, goods and services and resolved to agree additions
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and confirmed the next meeting - would be held on
Wednesday 13th July 2016 at Shalfleet Hall at 10 am.
The meeting closed at 9.10 pm


Report by Cllr Myles:

Amey contact is Community Engagement and Communications Manager Simon Butler on 07841
866586. He will act on any PC concerns.
Points to note:
From past experience Amey expect it to be 8 to 12 weeks before the new system beds in.
Mobile collection bins for batteries, bikes, etc are being introduced by the end of July. There will
be one in Yarmouth car park twice a month which should be very useful for local residents.
Amey have had 10,500 households wanting re-assessment or more containers and are working flat
out to deal with these so the problems should be resolved soon.
Households without a bin have been missed by the distribution team or the house hasn't been found.
They have a 91% success rate. Again this should be resolved soon.
Hundreds of households are wanting a smaller bin or larger food caddy - this should be sorted by
the end of June.
Good news is that recycling rates are already above the 55% target.
Re garden waste sacks. Thicker ones are being introduced (the initial ones tore) and the Council are
distributing to libraries, community and mobile libraries should also get them. Parish Councils can
hold them if desired. They cost the householder 1.30p each and are biodegradable.

Points residents should remember: Clothes/textiles can be bagged and left beside bins. Excess
newspaper should be bagged and left beside bins.

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