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, 8 2016



8 In conclusion, education is absolutely

beneficial for society on the whole. It is a

life-long process to each person that need to
be reinforced throughout life. However, we
need education system that may eradicate
illiteracy and may provide the common man
an access not only to basic education but
also to higher and technical education.
8 Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites

for Students
8 The popularity of the social networking sites

increased rapidly in the last decade. This is

probably due to the reason that college and
university students as well as teens used it
extensively to get global access. These social
networking sites such as Twitter and
Facebook have become a raging craze for
everyone nowadays.

how to write an essay..!

Author (LEARN

8 Writing an essay is a great art. It consists

of three parts. They are

1. The Introduction
2. The Body
3. The Conclusion
8 While writing an essay we have to include
all the sections which are related to the given
topic which means we apply the topic for
Science&Technology. Add some Quotations,
Universal truths, if you know the data
present it in figures. Essay should be simple
and lucid, do not use complex statements or
8 The Introduction: This is the beginning
part of an essay. In this section we have to
write in a nut shell which means whatever
you wanted to present your views or ideas
present them in a brief manner
approximately 5 to 6 sentences depends on
the nature of essay. If they asked us to write
an essay in 500 or 1000 words you should
plan accordingly
8 The Body: This section consists of
paragraphs. In this section present your
thoughts in an organized manner, write the
paragraphs structurally .According to the
nature of an essay either you to support
your views or contradict. You can elaborate
your ideas in this section.Write the
advantages, disadvantages and conseq uences followed by it.
8 The conclusion: In this section you have
to draw the conclusions. Conclusion either
it may be positive or negative depends on
the nature of the essay. Write it in 5 to 8
8 Always remember that there is no need
to remember the sentences, these are all
about your creativity, you can present as u
desired but the best will be awarded
maximum marks
8 So,while writing an essay include the
information which you fully aware of and
present the statistical data only if you are
sure of it.
8 Before writing an essay ,better write the
headlines in a nut shell,divide them into
paragraphs and
Elaborate it
8 To understand how to write an essay have
look on the following
Introduction Paragraph
8 An attention-grabbing
8 A thesis statement(introduction statements)
8 A preview of the three subtopics you will
discuss in the body paragraphs.
First Body Paragraph
8 Topic sentence which states the first
subtopic and opens with a transition
8 Supporting details or examples



8 An explanation of how this example proves

your thesis
Second Body Paragraph
8 Topic sentence which states the second
subtopic and opens with a transition
8 Supporting details or examples
8 An explanation of how this example proves
your thesis
Third Body Paragraph
8 Topic sentence which states the third
subtopic and opens with a transition
8 Supporting details or examples
8 An explanation of how this example proves
your thesis
Concluding Paragraph
8 Concluding Transition, Reverse and
restatement of thesis.
8 Rephrasing main topic and subtopics.
8 Global statement or call to action.
Essay on Role of Science and Technology
in Education
8 We live in age of science and technology.
Scientific inventions and modern day
technologies have completely changed the
human life and paving the way for our
future. Science and Technology has added
greatly to our material comforts. It has also
quickened the tempo of life. It has given
man an altogether new social and political
outlook. Hence in this age the study of
science is a necessity. Without such study
a modern man is is like a bullock cart
lumbering behind a motorized vehicle.
It should Begin at school with the
training of Observation
8 The study of science should begin early in
life. The first steps should be to teach boys
and girls the habit of observation. The child
is always interested in trees, in flowers, in
birds, in insects, in all the things that he
sees around him. His curiosity in this
regard should be fostered and developed.
This can be done easily and naturally if
teaching be related to those material
objects that he is always seeing.
8 Knowledge of Technology should be
imparted naturally in the form of answers
to intelligent questions. At the initial stage,
more can be taught in this way than
mechanically through books and

And pass on to experiments

8 After a kindergarten course of this kind,
books on science and technology should be
gradually introduced. Here also practice,
demonstration, actual experiments should
precede the study of theories. It is only
after the mind is well trained with the help
of examples and experiments that the
explanations of theories should be
attempted. In our country, the reverse
method is largely followed. It means
wastage of time. A student passes out by
mere memory work, and as memory
becomes faint, his knowledge becomes
nebular, leaving him in his original state of
Its influences on the Mind
8 The study of science and technology has an
educative influence on the mind, and is of
far-reaching importance. It makes one a
lover of truth. It creates realistic attitude to
life. It is also the enemy of superstition. A
scientist depends on his powers of
observation, reason for his knowledge of
truth. By applying his reason to observed
facts before believing in anything, he
acquires patience and diligence. He thus
lays the foundation of true knowledge.
8 The study of science and technology acts
as a perpetual urge to acquire knowledge.
It deepens our sense of the mystery of
creation. The more we know of the secrets
of nature, the more we realized how much
remains unknown. Today scientists speak
of the wonder of nature with a thrill of
emotion. We are learning as much of the
secrets of the atoms in space as of the
molecular cells in living organism.
8 So a modern curriculum of studies must
include the study of science and
technology, because the modern man needs
a scientific mind in approaching the
problems of life.
8 Education is essential for everyone. It is the
level of education that helps people earn
respect and recognition. In my opinion, it
is indispensable part of life both personally
and socially. However, the unequal

standard of education is still a major

problem that needs to be solved.
8 The importance of education is undeniable
for every single person. It goes without
saying that education has a positive effect
on human life. All people need to study.
Only with the advent of education can
people gain knowledge and enlarge their
view over the world. For example, learning
by watching TV or reading books gives
people a huge amount of information about
anything they are interested in such as
mathematics, current news, exchange rates,
other countries' cultures and so on.
Apparently, people may become more
useful and civilized if better educated. In
areas where residents are not able to
receive an appropriate education, life
cannot be as thriving and properous as
locations where there is a high standard for
8 Secondly, education plays such a rudimentary
role on our society that we cannot even
imagine a life without it. It is a determined
element for the civilization of human society.
Not only does It helps us develop healthy
surroundings but it also generates an advance
community. As a matter of fact, everything
we create today is based on the knowledge
that we obtain throughout our life by way of
education. This assists scientists in inventing
equipment and devices, resulting in a high
technology nowadays. The more developed
life becomes, the more necessary education
is for everyone.
8 Although education has a significant
influence on life, the average education is
not the same in different areas. As a result,
strategies are being made to resolve the
problems. Without education, life would be
disastrous and detrimental. Consequently,
to this day, we are trying or best to make
education global and accessible for
everyone particularly the poor and the
disabled. There are still some places where
the inhabitants are almost completely
uneducated, causing a serious lack of
knowledge. Additionally, every child
should should be given equal opportunities
to learn and study. Because the
development of a country depends vastly
on the standard of education, it must do
everything in its power to improve it.
Although the educational systems of
different countries are not similar but they
have to share a common goal which is to
provide its citizens a suitable and proper

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