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anniversary NOUN













(plural anniversaries)
1 The date on which an event took place or an institution was founded in a previous
1.1 The date on which a couple were married in a previous year:
1 A signature, especially that of a celebrity written as a memento for an admirer:
2 A manuscript or musical score in an authors or musicians own handwriting:
2.1 [MASS NOUN] A persons handwriting:
1 [MASS NOUN] An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to
remain upright and steady:
1.1 Sailing The ability of a boat to stay on course without adjustment of the
2 [MASS NOUN] A situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct
2.1 Mental or emotional stability:
2.2 The relative volume of various sources of sound:
2.3 Art Harmony of design and proportion.
3 An apparatus for weighing, especially one with a central pivot, beam, and two scales.
3.1 (the Balance) The zodiacal sign or constellation Libra.
4 A counteracting weight or force.
4.1 (also balance wheel) The regulating device in a clock or watch.
5 [MASS NOUN] A predominating amount; a preponderance:
6 A figure representing the difference between credits and debits in an account; the
amount of money held in an account:
6.1 The difference between an amount due and an amount paid:
6.2 [IN SINGULAR] An amount left over.
1 Write (something) on a card, especially for indexing.
1.1 informal (In golf and other sports) score (a certain number of points on a
1.2 (Of the referee in soccer and some other games) show a yellow or red card
to (a player who is being cautioned or sent off):
2 North American Check the identity card of (someone), in particular as evidence of
legal drinking age:
3 (be carded) Canadian (Of an amateur athlete) be in receipt of government funding to
pursue training:
1 A mechanical or electrical device for measuring time, indicating hours, minutes, and
sometimes seconds by hands on a round dial or by displayed figures:
1.1 (the clock) Time taken as a factor in an activity, especially in competitive
1.2 informal A measuring device such as a speedometer, taximeter, or
1.3 Computing An electronic device used to initiate and synchronize internal
2 British A downy spherical seed head, especially that of a dandelion.
3 British informal A persons face:
1 Change the content or appearance of (a document or picture) in order to deceive;
1.1 Alter the content of (food or drink) by adding strong or harmful
1.2 Crickets & Baseball Tamper with (a ball) so as to affect its flight when
bowled or pitched:
2 (usually as noun doctoring) informal Treat (someone) medically:
2.1 Remove the sexual organs of (an animal) so that it cannot reproduce:
2.2 Repair (a machine):
1 Make or be an exact copy of:




1.1 Multiple by two; double:

1.2 Do (something) again unnecessarily:
1 In a wretchedly unhappy manner:
1.1 In a way that causes unhappiness or pain:
2 In a pitiable or contemptible manner; terribly:
ADJECTIVE 1 In good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased:
1.1 Financially secure:
1.2 British informal Excellent:
2 Based on valid reason or good judgement:
2.1 Competent, reliable, or holding acceptable view:
3 (Of sleep) deep and undisturbed:
3.1 (Of a person) tending to sleep deeply:
4 (Of a beating) severe:
1 A word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a
particular kind of language or branch of study:
1.1 (terms) Language used on a particular occasion; a way of expressing
1.2 Logic A word or words that may be the subject or predicate of a
2 A fixed or limited period for which something, for example office, imprisonment, or
investment, lasts or is intended to last:
2.1 (also term day) (Especially in Scotland) a fixed day of the year appointed for
the making of payments, the start or end of tenancies, etc.
2.2 (also full term) [MASS NOUN] The completion of a normal length of
2.3 (British also term of years or US term for years) Law A tenancy of a fixed
2.4 archaic The duration of a persons life.
2.5 archaic A boundary or limit, especially of time.
3 Each of the periods in the year, alternating with holiday or vacation, during which
instruction is given in a school, college, or university, or during which a law court holds
4 (terms) Conditions under which an action may be undertaken or agreement reached:
stipulated or agreed requirements:
4.1 Conditions with regard to payment for something; stated charges:
4.2 Agreed conditions under which a war or other dispute is brought to an end:
5 Mathematics Each of the quantities in a ratio, series, or mathematical expression.
6 Architecture another term for terminus.


Familiar with or knowledgeable about something
dependent ADJECTIVE 1 (dependent on/upon) Contingent on or determined by:
2 Requiring someone or something for financial or other support:
2.1 Unable to do without:
3 Grammar (Of a clause, phrase, or word) subordinate to another clause, phrase or
emergency NOUN
(plural emergencies)
1 A serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action:
1.1 [AS MODIFIER] Arising from or used in an emergency:
1.2 A person with a medical condition requiring immediate treatment:
1.3 North American The department in a hospital which provides immediate
2 (the Emergency) Irish historical The Second World War.
3 Australian/NZ A reserve runner in horse racing.
ADJECTIVE 1 Marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail:
1.1 (Of a person) exact, accurate, and careful about details:
1.2 [ATTRIBUTIVE] Used to emphasize that one is referring to an exact and
particular thing:
ADJECTIVE 1 Arranged in or constituting a constant or define pattern, especially with the same
space between individual instances:
1.1 (Of a structure or arrangement) arranged in or constituting a symmetrical or
harmonious pattern:
1.2 Botany (Of a flower) having radial symmetry.
2 Recurring at uniform intervals:
2.1 Done or happening frequently:
2.2 Doing the same thing often or at uniform intervals:
2.3 Defecating or menstruating at predictable times or intervals:
3 Conforming to or governed by an accepted standard of procedure or convention:
3.1 [ATTRIBUTIVE] Of or belonging to the permanent professional armed forces
of a country:
3.2 Properly trained or qualified and pursuing a full-time occupation:
3.3 Christian Church Subject to or bound by religious rule; belonging to a
religious or monastic order:
3.4 informal, dated Rightly so called; complete; absolute (used for emphasis):
4 Used, done, or happening on a habitual basis; usual:
4.1 chiefly North American Of a normal or ordinary kind:
4.2 North American Not pretentious or arrogant; ordinary and friendly:
4.3 Denoting merchandise, especially food or clothing, of average or standard
4.4 (In surfing and other board sports) with the left leg in front of the right on
the board:
5 Grammar (Of a word) following the normal pattern of inflection:
6 Geometry (Of a figure) having all sides and all angles equal:
6.1 (Of a solid) bounded by a number of equal figures.
ADJECTIVE Not revealing ones thoughts or feelings readily:
1 [MASS NOUN] A tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of a tropical
plant or synthetically:
2 British A piece of rubber used for erasing pencil or ink marks:
3 (rubbers) North American Rubber boots; galoshes.
4 North American informal A condom.
1 (Of a product or type of product) usually kept in stock and thus regularly available for
2 (Of a phrase or expression) so regularly used as to be automatic or hackneyed:



2.1 Denoting a conventional character type or situation that recurs in a

particular genre of literature, theatre, or film:
2.2 Denoting or relating to cinematic footage that can be regularly used in
different productions, typically that of outdoors scenes used to add realism to a
production shot in an indoor set.
ADJECTIVE 1 Complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial:
1.1 Performed or written with great care and completeness:
1.2 Taking pains to do something carefully and completely:
1.3 [ATTRIBUTIVE] British Absolute (used to emphasize the degree of
something, typically something unwelcome or unpleasant):
ADJECTIVE 1 Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways:
1.1 British informal Very able or competent in a particular area:

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