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Champaign, Illinois March 10th , 2014

Planning your trip to London

Information about transportation and accommodation for BRASA XII is available at our
A total of 450 beds across the Stamford Street and Moonraker Point student residences have
been block-booked for BRASA delegates for the entire week starting Monday 18 August and
running through to and including Sunday 24 August, so any delegates wishing to arrive early or
stay a little later can take advantage of the group rate throughout.
BRASA Conference Hotel Deal at H10 Hotel London Waterloo and much more.
Please, check our website for more information.


Call for Papers, American Portuguese Studies Association

XI Congresso da AIL Mindelo 2014, Cabo Verde

Call for paper: The History and Culture journal

About the Digest: The BRASA Digest is a weekly

summary of information related to Brazilian Studies, and
announces academic events such as lectures, congresses,
book releases, job opportunities and other related
events. It currently exceeds 1,500 subscribers.

Sobre o Digest: O Digest um resumo semanal de

informaes da BRASA com o objetivo de divulgar
palestras, congressos, livros, concursos e eventos
relacionados aos estudos brasileiros. O Digest
distribuido para mais de 1.500 assinantes.


Balzac jornalista ou o laboratrio meditico da Comdia humana, RJ, Brasil

Brazil Institute: Why is Rousseff ahead in the polls when most voters say they want
change? The outlook of the October elections in Brazil

50th Anniversary Symposium of the Military Coup in Brazil, at UW-Madison

A Grande Mutao das cincias Sociais Contemporneas - Prof. Michel Wieviorka

IPEA - Oficina Internacional: Estatsticas tnicas e Raciais, Braslia, DF

Investment and Infrastructure: Policy and Development Opportunities in Brazil


Memria das Mulheres Operrias da CVI, Mrcio Ronaldo Rodrigues Vieira

Dicionrio critico das cincias sociais dos pases de fala portuguesa
Fifty Years of Research on Brazil - a Photographic Journey, by Mark Curran


The Jon M. Tolman Award

BRASA Elections/ Eleies da BRASA

Renew Your Membership

Am I a Current Member?

Congress Registration Fees

Prmio Jon M. Tolman

Hotels and Transportation, BRASA XII
Become a Member

Membership Benefits
Register to BRASA XII
BRASA on Facebook

Subscribe to BRASA-net bulletin

Send your submissions Envie seu anncio
Contact BRASA


Call for Papers, American Portuguese Studies Association
Ninth International Conference
October 2326, 2014
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Call for Papers
Deadline Extended: New Deadline March 15th, 2014
The Ninth International Conference of the AMERICAN PORTUGUESE STUDIES ASSOCIATION
(APSA) will take place at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, October 23 26, 2014.
The thematic concentration of the conference is Boundaries/Borders/Borderlands.
Prospective participants are encouraged to submit proposals for complete panels of 34 papers
in any area of Luso-African, Brazilian and Portuguese literatures, cultures and linguistics. Interdisciplinary and comparative approaches are also encouraged. Individual paper proposals will
also be considered. Participants are limited to one paper presentation but may contribute in as
many as two other capacities such as chair and/or round table participant.
Participants should submit panel proposals or individual paper proposals of approximately 100
200 words online at the APSA website: (Conferences)
All proposals are due by March 15th, 2014.
Papers may be presented in either Portuguese or English.
The Program Committee will announce final decisions by April 30, 2014.
PLEASE NOTE: Conference participants must be APSA members by the date of conference
registration. In order to be included in the conference program, participants must register by
September 1, 2014. Information on APSA membership can be obtained at:
Convocatria Para Envio de Propostas Individuais e de Mesas
ser realizado na University of New Mexico, em Albuquerque, NM, de 23 a 26 de outubro de

Nova Data Para Envio de Mesas e Propostas: 15 de Maro, 2014

A temtica do congresso ser Limites/Fronteiras/Espaos Fronteirios
Os interessados devero enviar propostas individuais ou para mesas (3-4 comunicaes) sobre
quaisquer aspectos das culturas e literaturas luso-africanas, brasileira e portuguesa, bem como
da lngua e lingustica portuguesa. Estudos interdisciplinares e comparativos tambm sero
Os congressistas devero apresentar somente um trabalho, mas podero contribuir para o
sucesso do evento em at duas capacidades adicionais, tais como organizador/a, presidente de
mesa, ou como participante de mesa redonda.
Propostas de mesa e individuais com 100-200 palavras devero ser submetidas online no site da
APSA: (Conferences).
O prazo para o envio de propostas at o 15 de maro de 2014. Sero aceitas propostas em
ingls ou portugus.
O comit organizador anunciar as decises finais at o dia 30 de abril de 2014.
NOTA: Todos os participantes do congresso devero ser membros da APSA quando se
registrarem para o congresso. Para serem includos no programa do congresso, participantes
tm que se registrar at o dia 01 de setembro de 2014. Para maiores informaes sobre a
afiliao na APSA, por favor vejam:

XI Congresso da AIL Mindelo 2014, Cabo Verde

O prximo XI Congresso da Associao Internacional de Lusitanistas, vai decorrer no Mindelo

entre 21 e 25 de julho, sob a responsabilidade da Universidade de Cabo Verde.
A pouco menos de seis meses da realizao do XI Congresso AIL, a acontecer em Mindelo de 21
25 de Julho, esta 3. Circular tem o propsito de: (i) informar sobre os voos companhias
areas com convnios especficos e (ii) prestar informaes sobre os procedimentos a ter para a
viagem. Para alm disso, (iii) relembrar a necessidade dese fazer a marcao do hotel com a
mxima urgncia e (iv) fazer o ponto da situao das Bolsas da AIL.
Confira na seguinte ligao a terceira circular do XI Congresso da AIL:

A Organizao da AIL conseguiu negociar com a TAP Portugal uma reduo no preo do voo,
sempre que a reserva for feita atravs da web da companhia, conforme o protocolo:

Call for paper: The History and Culture journal

The History and Culture journal (2238-6270), electronic publication edited by the students of
the Post-Graduate Program in History at Sao Paulo State Universitys Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences, opens a public call to receive papers related to the thematic dossier 'History and
International Relations'.
This interdisciplinary dossier focuses on presenting the historical processes as a way of
analyzing the international relations subjects. It is expected that the articles bring a discussion
not only on the perspective of macro policy and the role of states, but also clarify the direct and
indirect political actions of private institutions, civil society organizations, international
organizations and citizens.
Deadline to receive the articles: June 30th, 2014.
Articles should be sent exclusively to the email
(Subject: Dossier History and International Relations - Authors SURNAME)
After evaluation of the reading committee, authors will be notified and must provide their
articles corrected until December 1st, 2014.
Publication guidelines:

Memories of Dictatorship, Unicamp, SP, Brasil

Evento debater os 50 anos do Golpe de 64

O Instituto de Filosofia e Cincias Humanas (IFCH) da Unicamp, por meio do Departamento de

Histria e do Programa em Ps-graduao em Histria, promover nos dias 11 e 12 de maro o
seminrio 50 anos do Golpe Civil-Militar de 1964 Revisitando questes e debates. O evento,
aberto participao de toda a comunidade universitria, reunir pesquisadores jovens e
consagrados, que refletiro sobre temas como memria, trauma, gnero, espaos, transies e
sociedade. As atividades sero realizadas nos Auditrio I do prprio IFCH.
O seminrio organizado pelos professores Margareth Rago e Jos Alves de Freitas Neto. De
acordo com Jos Alves, o objetivo do evento discutir aspectos de um regime poltico que,
apesar de ter sido encerrado h quase 30 anos, ainda possui questes inconclusas que merecem
ser pensadas e que tornam esse passado recente um tema importante para a sociedade
brasileira e para pesquisadores de diversas reas do conhecimento. Buscamos, com essa
iniciativa, construir na Unicamp um espao de discusso sobre a ditadura civil-militar brasileira e
das outras experincias recentes latino-americanas, afirma o docente.

Durante os dois dias do seminrio sero realizadas cinco mesas-redondas, com a participao
de representantes de diversas universidades e instituies do pas. No encerramento do
primeiro dia de atividades, s 19h, ser exibido o filme Verdade 12.528, dirigido por Paula
Sacchetta e Peu Robles, seguido de debate. A mediao caber aos doutorandos Marcos
Tolentino e Pmela Resende, que tambm colaboraram com a organizao do evento.
Programao e maiores informao no site:


Balzac jornalista ou o laboratrio meditico da Comdia humana, RJ, Brasil

A Fundao Casa de Rui Barbosa e o Consulado da Frana no Rio de Janeiro convidam para a
conferncia "Balzac jornalista ou o laboratrio meditico da Comdia humana", ministrada por
Marie-ve Threnty, professora da Universidade de Montpellier III (Frana), professora convidada
da New York University e diretora do Centro de Pesquisas RIRRA21. O evento acontece no dia 10
de maro, segunda-feira, s 16 horas, na sala de cursos da FCRB. A entrada franca. A palestra
ser ministrada em francs e ter traduo simultnea.
Aps a conferncia, a professora Lucia Granja, da UNESP de So Jos do Rio Preto, apresentar a
obra organizada por Marie-ve Threnty e Dominique Kalifa, Philippe Rgnier e Alain Vaillant: La
Civilisation du journal. Histoire littraire et culturelle de la presse franaise au XIXe sicle,
Nouveau Monde ditions, 2011.
Sobre a conferencista
Marie-ve Threnty especialista em estudos sobre a relao entre imprensa e literatura,

potica dos suportes e imaginrios mediticos. Entre suas obras destacam-se: Mosaques, tre
crivain entre presse et roman (1829-1836), Champion, Paris, 2003; La Littrature au quotidien,
potiques journalistiques au XIXe sicle, Seuil, Paris, 2007; La invencion de la cultura mediatica,
Prensa, literatura y sociedad en Francia en el siglo XIX, Cuadernos sequncia, Mexico, 2014 et
Balzac journaliste, Garnier-Flammarion, Paris, 2014. Junto com Guillaume Pinson, responsvel
pela plataforma cientfica sobre a cultura da imprensa:
Dia 10 de maro 16h
Entrada franca
Rua So Clemente, 134 Botafogo Rio de Janeiro RJ tel: 21 3289-4600
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 21 3289-4600 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fonte: Casa de Rui Barbosa
Publicao: Ascom / MinC

A Grande Mutao das cincias Sociais Contemporneas - Prof. Michel

Com o tema "A grande mutao das Cincias Sociais contemporneas", Michel Wieviorka,
diretor de estudo da Escola de Altos Estudos em Cincia (Frana), far a palestra de abertura das
atividades da Comisso UnB.Futuro em 2014. A sesso ser realizada no Auditrio da Reitoria,
no dia 12 de maro, s 14h30 e tambm marcar a abertura do semestre do Programa de PsGraduao em Sociologia.
Doutor em Letras e em Cincias Humanas e diretor de estudo da Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales (Frana), Michel Wieviorka atualmente presidente da Fondation de la Maison
des Sciences de l'Homme e acaba de ser nomeado membro do Conselho Cientfico do European
Research Council, o nico pesquisador de cincias humanas e sociais nessa instncia.
Suas pesquisas tratam da noo de conflito, terrorismo, violncia, diferena cultural, racismo,
antissemitismo e movimentos sociais. O conferencista possui quase 50 livros publicados e
inmeros captulos em publicaes coletivas, artigos em revistas internacionais de relevo, alm
de ser co-editor de duas publicaes de relevncia internacional. A conferncia ser realizada
em francs com equipamentos de traduo simultnea para a lngua portuguesa.

IPEA - Oficina Internacional: Estatsticas tnicas e Raciais, Braslia, DF


Brazil Institute: Why is Rousseff ahead in the polls when most voters say
they want change? The outlook of the October elections in Brazil
President Dilma Rousseff seems well positioned to be reelected in October as Brazil embarks on
the seventh consecutive presidential election campaign since the reinstatement of democracy
three decades ago. Polls indicating she is the favorite among the three likely major candidates
come, however, with an important caveat: two thirds of the voters say they feel anxious about
the future and want change. Media reports suggest that former president Luiz Incio Lula da
Silva, a highly astute politician and Rousseffs mentor, worries about the possibility of popular
governor of Pernambuco Eduardo Campos, a former ally of the Workers Party-led coalition,
emerging as the challenger in a second round. A number of factors could indeed alter the
electoral outlook in the months ahead. Among those are the economic trends on growth,
employment and inflation, expected protests around the time of the World Cup, to be played in
twelve Brazilian cities from mid-June to mid-July, and the shape of regional electoral alliances.
New factors could weigh heavily in a close second round. One much speculated about is the
potential candidacy to the Federal Senate of justice Joaquim Barbosa, in Campos Socialist Party
ticket. The first black member of Brazils Supreme Court, Barbosa gained exposure and became
widely popular as the presiding judge of the recently concluded Mensalo trial of political
On Monday March 17th, the Brazil Institute will host the first of a series of seminars on this
years elections. Journalist Jos Roberto de Toledo, an expert on public opinion at daily Estado
de S.Paulo, will lead the discussion. Speakers include political science researcher Fernando
Guarnieri, of the Center for Metropolitan Studies at the University of So Paulos Comparative
and International Studies Research Center, currently a visiting scholar at the Department of
Government and Politics at the University of Maryland; Oscar Vilhena Vieira, dean of Fundao
Getulio Vargas Law School in So Paulo, and Paulo Sotero, director of the Wilson Center Brazil
Institute, who will also serve as moderator.
Monday, March 17, 2014 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm -

RSVP here

Sixth Floor Auditorium


Jos Roberto de Toledo

Journalist and expert in public opinion, O Estado de S. Paulo


Oscar Vilhena - Dean, Getulio Vargas Law School

Fernando Guarnieri - Political Science Researcher, University of So Paulo;
Visiting Scholar, University of Marlyand


Paulo Sotero - Director, Brazil Institute


50th Anniversary Symposium of the Military Coup in Brazil, at UW-Madison

April 3-4, 2014, Pyle Center

Brazil and Human Rights Reconsidered: Politics, Culture and Dictatorship, 50 Years after
the 1964 Coup, a Symposium at UW-Madison
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is hosting a two day symposium from April 3-4 to
commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1964 military coup in Brazil. The university's Brazil
Initiative has assembled a group of leading Brazilianists from the United States and abroad to
commemorate this departure from democracy and critically analyze its consequences in a larger
context and from diverse perspectives.
For more information, visit our website:

Investment and Infrastructure: Policy and Development Opportunities in

The Brazilian Studies Association at Harvard Law School invite you to a discussion with:
Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo
Partner at DAlmeida Cordeiro Law Firm in Brazil; former Deputy Minister of Cities. Mr. Macedo
will discuss the significant investments that have been made by the federalgovernment on
infrastructure, challenges and possible future paths.
March 11th, 12 p.m - 1.p.m
Pound Hall, room 101, Harvard Law School
Brazilian Food Will Be Served
Co-sponsored by the DRCLAS Brazil studies Program


Memria das Mulheres Operrias da CVI, Mrcio Ronaldo Rodrigues Vieira
Aconteceu na ltima Sexta-feira dia 07/03/2014 no Centro de
Cultura Olivia Barradas Carneiro, Bairro da Graa, Valena,BA,o
lanamento do livro Memria das Mulheres Operrias da CVI
do autor Mrcio Ronaldo Rodrigues Vieira, pela Editora PACO.
"Este livro pretende recontar a histria de mulheres operrias
da Companhia Valena Industrial CVI, uma das mais antigas
fbricas de tecelagem do pas ainda em funcionamento. Por
meio da narrativa e da histria oral, o autor discute o cotidiano
dessas operrias, que viveram a sua insero no mercado
formal de trabalho nos anos 1960 a 1970. Fruto de um trabalho
de pesquisa do Programa de Mestrado em Memria, Cultura e
Desenvolvimento Regional da Uneb, a obra traz tona a dura
rotina da fbrica, as greves, a importncia da famlia proletria, as festas e religiosidades,
manifestaes e embates polticos da poca e como estas mulheres se tornaram referncia para
uma gerao de luta. Assim, os dados aprofundados que Mrcio Vieira traz aqui vo de
encontro ao que se pode chamar de histria tradicional, pois se trata de resgatar a histria de
pessoas comuns, e a importncia da vida destas mulheres est justamente na lio que podem
dar s novas geraes sobre a busca por reconhecimento no espao de trabalho e fora dele."

Dicionrio critico das cincias sociais dos pases de fala portuguesa

Finalmente, o "Dicionrio critico das cincias sociais dos pases de fala portuguesa" ficou pronto.
A verso impressa comercializada pela EDUFBA e aquela digitalizada do dicionrio encontra-se
publicada no repositrio da EDUFBA no endereo Por
favor nos ajudem divulgar o dicionario em vossas redes.
O dicionario, que foi lanado no ISCTE em Lisboa no dia 26 de Fevereiro, faz parte da serie de
publicaes da ABA (Associao Brasileira de Antropologia) que o distribuir entre seus inscritos
e tambm vender junto a EDUFBA. O verbete Patrimnio de autoria de Antonio Motta.
Para ns o presente Dicionrio um processo, in progress. Da a ideia de se avanar com uma


verso lusopedia para uma dilogo interativo com os leitores permitindo um constante revisar
dos verbetes, elemento fundamental para uma futura edio.

Fifty Years of Research on Brazil - a Photographic Journey, by Mark Curran

MARK CURRAN Professor Emeritus da Arizona State University onde lecionava Espanhol e
Portugus e suas culturas respectivas. J fez treze livros editados no Brasil, na Espanha e nos
Estados Unidos sobre sua rea de pesquisa.
Este livro representa uma viagem fotogrfica de 50
anos de pesquisa sobre o Brasil e sua poesia
folclrica-popular, ou seja, a literatura de cordel. As
fotos tiradas pelo autor atravs destes 50 anos se
dividem em trs partes: 1. Os poetas e editores do
cordel. 2. Os intelectuais, informantes e amigos
associados com a pesquisa. 3. As feiras, os mercados
e cenrios de folclore relacionados pesquisa. Cada
foto vem acompanhada de uma descrio breve em
prosa sobre a imagem. Este arquivo inclui muitas
pessoas e cenrios que no existem mais no Brasil,
assim documentando a realidade daqueles anos. O
livro um companheiro a outro a estria completa
dos poemas da literatura de cordel e seus autores
vistos em Portrait of Brazil in the Twentieth Century
the Universe of the Literatura de Cordel (Trafford

Publishing, 2013) ou a verso mais completa em Portugus, Retrato do Brasil em Cordel

(Ateli, So Paulo, 2011).
O livro se consegue atravs de: or

The Jon M. Tolman Award
The Jon M. Tolman Award is designed to assist students with their travel expenses. This Award is
sponsored by BRASA and is intended for students who will present at BRASA XII Congress. Each
winner will receive an award of $ 500.
The deadline for submission is June 1st 2014.
The committee will provide 4 awards. Applicants are required to be BRASA members at the time
of submission. Applications should include the following items:

Cover page (download form from BRASA website );

Abstract of paper being presented at BRASA XII;
A short description of no more than 2 single-spaced pages of how the paper fits into the
applicants thesis or dissertation;
Curriculum Vita;
One recommendation, preferably from the applicants advisor (attached by the candidate in
the same email with application)

All documents must be submitted in a single email to

In the SUBJECT line, please write:
"Your full name + 2014 Tolman Award Application.
(e.g. Maria Smith 2014 Tolman Award Application).
Partial applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
Recipients will be notified by July 1, 2014 and will be recognized at the plenary session at


Prmio Jon M. Tolman

O Prmio Jon M. Tolman foi criado para auxiliar alunos com as suas despesas de viagem. Este
prmio patrocinado pela BRASA e destina-se a estudantes que iro apresentar seus trabalhos
no Congresso BRASA XII. Cada um dos vencedores receber uma bolsa no valor de US$ 500.
O prazo para submisso de propostas para o prmio 01 de Junho 2014.
O comit ir escolher 4 candidatos para o prmio. Todos os candidatos precisam ser membros
da BRASA, e as aplicaes devem incluir os seguintes documentos:

Cover page (download pode ser feito no nosso website );

O resumo do trabalho que ser apresentado no congresso BRASA XII;
Uma breve descrio, de no mais que 2 pginas de espaamento simples, de como o seu
trabalho se relaciona com a sua dissertao ou tese;
Curriculum Vitae;
Uma carta de recomendao, preferencialmente do orientador do candidato (deve ser
anexada pelo candidato no email com os demais documentos).

Favor enviar todos os domumentos em um nico email para

Na linha do assunto, por favor, escrever:
seu nome completo + Aplicao Tolman Award.
(e.g. Maria Smith 2014 Aplicao Tolman Award).
Aplicaes incompletas ou enviadas aps o prazo de inscrio no sero consideradas.
Os vencedores sero notificados at Julho 01, 2014 e sero reconhecidos na sesso plenria do

Hotels and Transportation, BRASA XII

The 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA) will be held in the
Kings College London, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS. Most of the hotels listed below are all within
walking distance of the Strand Campus.
More information can be found in our website:


Stamford Street Apartments

Moonraker Point Residence

BRASA Elections/ Eleies da BRASA

BRASA is conducting elections for the 2014-16 term now. BRASA members who are active
members and have paid their dues will be receiving an email with instructions about how to
vote. More information about the candidates may be found here:
If you are a current member and did not receive an invitation by email to vote, please contact
BRASA secretariat at
A eleio para eleger os novos memberos executivos da BRASA j teve incio. Membros da
BRASA em dia com a associao recebero um email com instrues sobre a votao. Para mais
infromaes sobre os candidatos visite a nossa pgina em:
Se voc da BRASA e no recebeu o e-mail convite para votar, por favor, contactar o
secretariado BRASA,

Become a Member
To become a member click here:
BRASA membership is valid for two calendar years, January - December. If you became a
member in our last conference (September, 2012) your membership expired in December 31
2013. If you joined BRASA in 2013 (regardless of enrollment date), your membership will expire
in December 31, 2014. If you join BRASA now, in 2014, (regardless of enrollment date), your
membership is valid until December 31, 2015.

Note: BRASA uses different system for the BRASA Website, BRASA Enrollment Portal, BRASA
Digest, and EasyChair. For each one of these systems you will have to create a new account.
For specific questions about registration and payment, please contact:
Nancy Simpson
OCE Conference Services at University of Illinois
Phone: 217-244-9687

Renew Your Membership

You can renew your BRASA membership in our website:
Follow the instruction and chose the option that best fits you (e.g., become a member; renew
membership, to pay the conference fees, etc).
Note: BRASA membership is valid for two calendar years, January - December. If you became a
member in our last conference (September, 2012) your membership expired in December 31
2013. If you joined BRASA in 2013 (regardless of enrollment date), your membership will expire
in December 31, 2014. If you join BRASA now, in 2014, (regardless of enrollment date), your
membership is valid until December 31, 2015.

Am I a Current Member?
To check if you are current member, Please do the following:
1) Create an account or try Register in our website:
2) You will receive a message either confirming your membership or asking you to update your
PS: Please, note that the BRASA website login is not automatically connected to your registration
membership system. You will need to create a new account.
If you have any problems with the system, please contact directly our IT Coordinator, Dan Bacon
at . For specific questions about Registration & Payment, please contact:
Nancy Simpson,
OCE Conference Services at University of Illinois
Phone: 217-244-9687


If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact BRASA secretariat at:

Membership Benefits
BRASA members have access to the Members Log in and take advantage of discounted
member registration fees (early registration rates).
*Members Log in: You can have access to an up-to-date list of all BRASA members.
Early registration rates: Early registration rates are for Members only and are valid through 14
June 2014. Regular rates begin 15 June. Nonmembers must pay the regular rate regardless of
when they register. If you have had a paper accepted, you must be a current member in order to
present it, and you must register for the Congress.
*How do I log in? After becoming a member, here what you have to do:
If this is the first time in our website,
1. First, create an account at
2. Wait until you receive an email approving your membership (that might take a while),
3. Then you can Login and have access to the BRASAs Brazilianists list
Note: The website log in is not automatically connected to your registration membership system.
You have to create a new account; otherwise the system will not recognize your email address
and password.
To become a member click here:


The 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA) will take place in
August 20-23, 2014 in London.
The Congress program will include academic panels, invited speakers, workshops, plenary
sessions, and cultural activities. Our partners will be Kings Brazil Institute at Kings College
London and the Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign.


Congress Registration Fees

To check the Congress Registration Fees please visit the BRASA Enrollment page:

Register to BRASA XII

To register as a member and/or participant of the BRASA XII Congress please visit the BRASA
Enrollment Portal at
Follow the instruction and chose the option that best fits you (e.g., become a member, renew
membership, to pay the conference fees, etc).
Specific questions about registration & payment, please contact:
Nancy Simpson,
OCE Conference Services at University of Illinois
Phone: 217-244-9687
Note: Dear Members, BRASA uses different system for the BRASA Website, BRASA Enrollment
Portal, and BRASA Digest, and EasyChair. For each one of these systems you will have to create a
new account.
Do you have a questions? Email us at

BRASA on Facebook
Join us on Facebook:


Subscribe to BRASA-net bulletin

Do you want to subscribe to BRASA-NET bulletin?
Send a message to with the subject "subscribe brasa-net".
Voc quer receber o boletim BRASA-NET?
Mande uma mensagem para com o assunto: "subscribe brasa-net"

Send your submissions Envie seu anncio

Send your submission to, in the subject line write "Digest Submission.
The Digest is distributed on Mondays, please send your submissions until Friday.
Envie seu anncio para Na linha do assunto escreva Digest Submission".
O Digest distribuido s segunda-feiras, favor enviar os anncios at a sexta-feira anterior.

Contact BRASA
Phone Fax:

223 International Studies Building

910 South Fifth Street, Champaign, IL 61820

BRASA Research Assistants:

Renato Vieira:

Doctoral Student
College of ACES, Agricultural and Consumer Economics
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Vivian Felicio:

Ph.D. Candidate
College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dan Bacon:

Technology Coordinator and Website Support

O Digest um servio oferecido comunidade acadmica, e no reflete necessariamente a opinio da Brasilian Studies Association.
The Digest is a service provided to the scholarly community, and does not necessarily reflect official positions of the Brazilian Studies


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