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C.D. Avram

A Calling to Elucidate the Truth. Aliens and the Holy Bible

All misfortunes unchain at their time,
they attack and destroy the man unable to reject them.
- The authors -

Viaa Ardean publishing house, 2000

Table of contents
1. Foreword
Chapter I. The fundamental principles of truth within research
Chapter II. The general method of research of the Creationist Theory of the Universe
Chapter III. Matter and the Great Project of Creation and Existence of the Universe
Chapter IV. Elementary particles. The nature of heat, light, electricity, gravity, smell, taste
and magnetism
Chapter V. Instruments of matter structuration
Chapter VI. The Unique Absolute Spirit
Chapter VII. Force and self propagation of bodies in space
7.1 Force, energy and movement
7.2 Self propagation of bodies in space
7.2.1 Mechanical work at the level of elementary particles
7.2.2 Levels of planetary matter structuration
7.2.3 The process of forming simple structures
7.2.4 The orbits of elementary particles. The forming of force within the bodies
7.2.5 The force axle and the mechanical work of the force; self propagation of bodies in
7.2.6 Speed
7.2.7 Frequency in speed forming and frequency in speed recurrence
7.2.8 Force cycles
7.2.9 The relation between force, length and time
7.2.10 Measure units of phenomena used within the Creationist Theory of the Universe
7.2.11 Kinetic energy of the force axle. Its formula.
7.2.12 Kinetic energy of the force axle and mass
7.2.13 Calculation of force at mass level or of a moving body
7.2.14 Enigmatic phenomena that allow unconventional speculations.
a. Ec=m*c
b. The galloping growth of kinetic energy
c. The total energy of an isolated system in motion: w=m* c
7.2.15 Conclusions on the existence of the force axle.
a. The force axle in the vision of Gallilei and Newton
b. Force as a physical reality
c. The role of the force axle in self propagation of bodies
d. The formula Ecaf/s=Ls*V*F and the information contained by it.
e. The relations between the terms of the formula Ecaf/s=Ls*V*F. The standard
mechanical work and the real mechanical work of the force axle
Chapter VIII. Emission of light by the hydrogen atom
8.1 The structure of the atom
8.2 Extra nuclear atomic space and the emission of light by hydrogen, the secret of
Rydbergs constant.
8.3 The structure-electron. Completing the Copenhagen Interpretations.
Chapter IX. Inexistence of Evolution
Chapter X. Diversification of Species
Chapter XI. Scientific Proof about Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
11.1 Preparations of the arrival of Christ

11.2 Proving Jesus Christ as the Son of God

11.3 Revealing of the great mysteries by Jesus Christ
11.4 Conclusions
Chapter XII. A calling to elucidate the truth
Chapter XIII. A project of conclusions regarding knowledge of creation

The content of the present volume expresses the synthesis of the major themes
published in 10 books appeared under the generic Fundamental Theory of the Creation of
the Universe, written and published together with Mr. C.D. Avram, master energetician,
engineer. Our works differ from anything else written until today on the theme of origin,
existence and structuration of matter, spirit and life. This theory integrates all phenomena
or processes in nature, known or unknown by man. On the other hand, the conclusions of
our research are totally compatible with the Bible. Thus, through the Bible one can
explain all our conclusions, and through the Creationist Theory of the Universe one can
explain the information passed through the Bible directly, allegorically, metaphorically or
as a commandment, without the Bible having to reflect the process and the causes of these
commandments. In this way, from this moment on, the Bible doesnt fight alone science
and other philosophies that deform the truth, its content being scientifically confirmed by
the Creationist Theory of the Universe. Furthermore, the phenomena and causes reflected
by the Bible, unknown, ignored and unexplainable for scientists, become intelligible,
explained by the new theory of universal creation. For instance: the nature of electricity,
heat, light, smell, taste a.s.o. on which many scientists debated, become known through
the Creationist Theory of the Universe as nature of the substance which the elementary
particles responsible of these phenomena are made of, created in this way and found
before the structure of matter in the big pile of water, mentioned in the Genesis, chapter
When developing the Creationist Theory of the Universe, we have searched the traces
of creation within the creations result, the natural processes and phenomena, the
production processes, the experiments conducted by the greatest scientists of the world
when making great scientific discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, geology,
astronomy, biology, a.s.o. As soon as we have discovered these traces, we tracked and
found them in the Bible. Thus, we have ascertained that theories and philosophies based
on observation and experiments, completely torn from the biblical creation or solely based
on interpretations of the Bible or myths turned to be wrong, after polluting the human
spirit some hundreds of years.
The Creationist Theory of the Universe transmits two types of information:
a. Information accepted by the Christian theological traditions, described clearly in the
b. Information found in the Bible that was omitted or not spread by the Christian
theological traditions. In this volume, the last mentioned type of information are
excluded because it still needs to be profoundly studied by scientists and theologs
(generally speaking, the information regards the cosmic wars among spirits, the
existence of the native cosmos where the Creator of the Sky and Earth has His throne).
Given the different opinions of people in regard of the spirit and Creation (universal
religions, Christian cults, atheist societies, the atheist or partially atheist content of school
books in several countries), the situation of most people who do not know what to believe,
who seek for explanations regarding the existence of Creation and the process of
structuration of matter, but find no answers see chapter 41 of Isaiah, about the physical
contact between human beings and conscious beings the aliens from space that rebelled
against God the situation of these persons determined us to publish this volume, that will
be sent to great personalities of our time, to religious and research institutions with the
request to urgently organize an international conference formed of theologs and scientists
in order to elucidate all things that concern the knowledge of God, the Holy Ghost, Jesus
Christ and the existence of the world as a result of Biblical Creation. In addition, the

conference would also debate the measures to be taken in order to strengthen faith and the
Christian behavior. Having this in mind, we have developed a Project of Conclusions that
will be sent to the conference to be debated and completed. For a successful conference,
we suggest that copies of the present volume, of Spirits and Matter. The Beginning and
the End, Mysteries of Creation. Native Cosmos. Creation of Universe and the Structure
of Matter, Light and Sources of Light in the Universe would be sent to all participants
at the conference, so they come prepared and bring valid decisions. In the second phase,
we recommend the organization of several meetings between the leaders of Christian
religions and the representatives of other religions to debate the Conclusions and the Proof
provided by the mentioned International Conference. We will ask the ones that have
different opinions than us to present their best and strongest Proof supporting their
theories and based on that Proof to explain, in an unitary and coherent way, the origin of
spirits and the existence of phenomena and processes in nature, as they are studied within
the Creationist Theory of the Universe. In this manner the spirits will be cleaned, the Bible
will become the first and most important book and mankind will understand that Jacobs
God is the only God!
Regarding the volume A Calling to Elucidate the Truth. Aliens and the Holy Bible,
we wish to mention that the presented Proof are completed with the Proof described in the
rest of the volumes that we have published, with the remark: EXPLANATIONS FROM
in the rest of our published work. Even us, we havent understood until recently how does
the force and kinetic energy unchain at mass level, how the force propagates itself in
space as a monolith and why all the radiation of the hydrogen atom are found in the light
waves. Concretely: 0,1524*10-7m-1 equals 656,2 milimicrons.
Will our proposals be accepted? Will the Creationist Theory of the Universe be
officially acknowledged? We do not know! If yes, its OK! If not, its OK anyway! We
consider that we have completed our mission regarding this subject: we have: we have
pulled the alarm signal, we have shouted, we have written the script, we have described
the consequences, we have shown the way to be followed Beyond this point, its in
other peoples hands!

Zrand Arad,
25th of March 2000
Teodor Ardelean


The principles that the basis of finding the truth are:
1. All that exists has been created by God. At the Creation have participated: the
Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
2. All that is good for life comes from the action of the Unique Absolute Spirit.
Whatever is destructive comes from the action of Lucifers spirit.
3. All structures appear, exist and disappear on the basis of instruments created
before the structure of matter in the Universe.
4. All discoveries are made in accordance with the application of the Great
Project of Creation and Existence of Cosmos.
5. The processes of matter structuration are extremely simple.


The Creationist Theory of the Universe sees the phenomena as an effect of causes preestablished by the Unique Absolute Spirit. They appear and disappear in accordance with the
application of the Great Project of Creation and Existence of Cosmos. In order to know the
truth, one studies a phenomenon under the aspect of origin, existence, development and
destruction, accepting that:
1. Matter and spirit exist as a result of the creative action accomplished by the Unique
Absolute Spirit through the pronunciation of a limited number of words that express
His will. let there be
2. All matter structures are obtained through the interaction of force fields of structural
nature, created and dimensioned for any structure in the Universe.
3. Structural force fields are pre-established and affirm theirselves in relation with an
environment that is also pre-established how to be and when to produce itself.
4. The environment results from the mix of elementary particles and force fields that
accompany them.
5. Man cannot built elementary particles, nor can he dimension force fields. Man cannot
create any kind of structure.
6. Events, phenomena, geniuses appear in accordance with the application of the Great
Project of Creation and Existence of Cosmos. In this process, spirits enjoy absolute
freedom, but will be held responsible for disturbing the freedom of the others, for
polluting anothers spirit and for contesting the Unique Absolute Spirit.
7. All processes, phenomena and causes involved in their existence can be known by
8. Final conclusions in any field of research that contest the existence of the Unique
Absolute Spirit and admits that matter and spirits exist without it are wrong. The
results are incomplete and require new investigation.

Chapter III. Matter and the Great Project of Creation and

Existence of the Universe
Matter is a physical reality, a combination of several types of elementary particles,
matter powder of very small sizes and unconceivable for the human mind, inside and outside
of which the properties of the substance affirm through force fields. Associated successively
through the instruments of matter structuration, all structures and Cosmos exist. Matter in this
form has been created by the Unique Absolute Spirit. It had first appeared concentrated as
water (when the Spirit had said: let there be, Genesis, chapter 1).
On the basis of creation stands the Great Project of Creation and Existence of the
Universe, made by the Unique Absolute Spirit, known entirely only by Him.
1. The existence of matter as elementary particles, substance and force fields (electric,
thermic, shiny, a.s.o.)
2. Limitation of structure types in the Universe (atoms, colors a.s.o.)
3. Integration of matters definition in the coherent and general context of the Creationist
Theory of the Universe.
4. Compatibility of our explanations with chapter 1, verse 1 from the Genesis.

Chapter IV. Elementary particles. The nature of heat, light,

electricity, gravity, smell, taste and magnetism
The elementary particles are the bricks that the Universe is built of. They are
different than the photon, the neutron, quark, a.s.o. They have been created and are of
different types: physical, thermic, luminous, electric, gravitational, of smell, of taste,
magnetic, structural or constructive, of connection, of essence a.s.o. Each particle has only
one property that is identical to the one of the substance. The property affirms itself inside and
outside the substance as a specific force field (of the substance). In consequence, what we
ascertain is the substance of the elementary particle and the force field through which the
substance affirms itself. The particle and the property do not divide and cannot be
transformed. The specific fields (or properties) affirm their selves and mix around the
structures, depending on the vibration of the substances within the structures. The vibration
under a certain barrier cannot be sensed by any machine or apparatus made by man until
today. On the other hand, the vibrations depend on the environment, thus fields appear and
disappear in space. Some types of particles are created in subtypes also. For example, the
sparkling particles that form light are of 4 subtypes (colors): red, yellow, green and blue.
Being incorporated in structures in pre-established relations and vibrating, they give birth to
light of all shades.
The elementary particles affirm their selves as mass-substance and force field. As
substance, the particle occupies a place that cannot be occupied by any other particle. As a
force field, the particle can occupy a place superior to the body or substance. This zone is

called force field or the force field zone. In the same place (space) there can exist all
types of force fields.
The dimension of the force field zone is variable, depending on the particles
In consequence, light is not of electromagnetic nature, it is not a combination of
electric and magnetic substance, but it is a shiny field produced by the vibration of the light
particle. Gravity, electricity, heat, smell, magnetism, a.s.o. are determined by the nature of the
elementary particles substance which these particles are made of. We underline: the
elementary particles of essence can be found in all the structures of the Universe. They are
the particles of ether, incorporated in structures inferred by Newton and producing the
Universal Energy or the Universal Harmony. (see page 65 from Spirits and Matter)
1. The reality of specific force fields as properties of substance made of these particles
2. The existence of these fields within all the structures from the Universe
3. The integration of our ascertains into a coherent theory: the Creationist Theory of the
Universe and chapter 1 of the Genesis (Bible) the earth was formless and empty,,
and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters meaning unstructured
elementary particles. In those piles of water there had been all the elementary particles
with dimensioned force fields for the structures that would have appeared in the
Universe. So, all that comes to existence after this moment is actually determined by
the patterns which the force fields are dimensioned for.
4. The elementary particles are confirmed by the conclusions of Hebrews 11/3: so that
what is seen was not made out of what is visible.

Chapter V. Instruments of matter structuration

In the pile of water there had been a special type of elementary particles, designed to
promote the structuration of matter in cosmic bodies and to form planetary structures. They
are called the structure and connection particles The force fields of these particles have the
same frequency and give birth to the skeleton-heart, of what would be the cosmic body and
the planetary structure. Their force fields are much more stronger than the force fields of other
types of elementary particles. Through these fields, the elementary particles and later the
formed structures are attracted and placed in the scheme or pattern of the structure. Thanks to
these special fields, there cannot be other types of structure in the Universe, the structures
being limited as number and construction. For example: there are 104 types of atom, 23 types
of amino acid. Since these fields are dimensioned, there cannot be other types of particles in
the structure. The particles cannot be on other positions, nor can they affirm their selves in a
different environment except the one they were designed for, pre-established for. The
associate particles form the heart of each structure.
The discovery of these particles, with their force fields dimensioned for the future
structure, proves the inexistence of evolution and the errors contained in all theories and
philosophies that explain matter structuration otherwise than the Bible (Let there be).
Therefore, the matter structuration instrument anywhere in the Universe is the structural force
field, unique, present, created and dimensioned for any possible structure that may appear
throughout the history of the Universe.
1. The limitation of structure types in the Universe.
2. The necessity of structural dimensioned force fields for the birth of structures.
3. The existence of connections between body components of any nature.

4. The possibility of understanding the forming, existence and decay of all structures
through these instruments
5. The integration of our ascertains within the Creationist Theory of the Universe and
within the creation process described in the Bible: Let there be.
6. The rejection in theory and praxis of the decomposition of God into sparks or particles
that chase each other, mix or split, affirm their selves diversely in the light fields,
electricity, heat, smell, power

Chapter VI. The Unique Absolute Spirit

Many people ask: what is, where and how did appear the One we worship, the One we
call God, Jehovah, Allah, to Whom many people pray? Is it a rock? Is it a lake? Is it a river?
A spirit? Where from and how did He get His features that we imagine to be identical or not
to the ones of human beings or spirits?
Based on the traces of Creation and on the information passed on by Jesus Christ, we
have succeeded in answering these questions. God is a real Being structured of an immaterial
and unique substance, called ghost or spirit, having, among others, the following properties: it
is alive, it has authentic and complete knowledge about everything, it affirms itself as a
creation force beyond imagination. In this vision, God is:
a) A real Being as the substance of Its structure is real.
b) A living Being as the substance of Its structure affirms itself as Life.
c) A rational Being as the substance of Its structure knows what existed, exists and will
exist. Its wisdom is authentic, complete, independent of any experience and prior to
it. A simple beginning of a thought of a being or spirit anywhere is known by Him
before it even appears.
d) A creative Being as the substance of Its structure has the property of creation. It is
enough that He wants something and says Let there be, without taking anything
from His substance and what He has said comes to existence in the tiniest structure, in
other words, from nothing and instantaneous. Through His substance He has created
matter and spirits and also through His substance He can destroy everything He has
e) A Being of morality and supreme truth, of justice and love as the substance of Its
structure promotes these actions.
His substance cannot be found in any other spirit because all spirits have been created by
Him. (With the exception of the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ, who had existed before the
creation of elementary particles). In consequence, the properties of God are not evolutive acts,
but His Substance or Spirit Itself in action. Through this Substance God can only be what He
is: the Unique Absolute God (the theories that consider His spirit is spread as energy or
substance, associating atoms into molecules a.s.o. are false, denied by the reality of matter
structuration and the thesis of Biblical creation, which states that all creation was
accomplished through the words: Let there be). No spirit or matter type can transform their
selves into the Being of God, cannot create God, while the Unique Absolute Spirit as
described and proved by the structuration of matter and the traces of creation could and can
create spirits and matter. When it comes to His form, He is alike the human being. (See
Spirits and Matter. The Beginning and the End, pages 17-22 and 33-36).

1. The reality of matter and spirits that claim an act of creation done by a Spirit with
intrinsic properties related to His substance.
2. The information passed on by Jesus Christ when He spoke about the structure of His
Spirit or Substance, saying: I am light! I am life! I am truth!
3. Scientific logic: only a Unique Absolute Spirit could have created the spirits and
matter, the structure and the elementary particles, thus creating bodies of all kinds.
4. Integration of our explanations in the Creationist Theory of the Universe and Biblical

Chapter VII. Force and self propagation of bodies in space

7.1. Force, energy and movement
a). Force is the way of affirmation and vehicle of substance. There are two kinds of force:
specific to the elementary particles as a way of affirmation of substance, heat, light, electricity
and also vehicle of substance as force of the movement that allows bodies to fly in space.
- The specific force is a field that affirms the properties of the elementary particles
substance: light, heat, electricity, It exists because the substance itself exists. As
range of affirmation it is dependent on the vibration of the substance the elementary
particle is made of. (This can be especially ascertained in the case of heat, smell,
light). The source of the specific force is found in the property of the elementary
particles substance (to get warm, to attract or reject in the case of electricity a.s.o.).
Physically, the specific force is the property of the substance that affirms itself as a
specific field.
- The movement force or the field that provides the substance self propagation in space
also has its source in the vibration of the elementary particle. Through this field, the
particle as substance obtains self propagation in space. Thus, the source of the
movement force is found in the vibration of the elementary particle. The movement
force exists as a result of the creation of the elementary particles applying a
constructive principle insufficiently known. (Among others, its about a bust with two
wings of unequal length). Physically, the movement force is the field that accompanies
the elementary particle while moving in space (produced by itself).
b). Energy. Through energy one can understand the action of the specific and movement
force, the action that allows affirmation in space, attracting or rejecting the other elementary
particles that have reverse axial movements, or in the case of kinetic energy, of movement,
when it rejects or occupies another space than the initial one. In consequence, there are two
kinds of energy: a specific one, determined by the specific force and a kinetic one, determined
by the movement force.
The specific energy affirms itself in space as a specific field, changing the situation of
space through light, heat, electricity, gravity, a.s.o., or attracting elementary particles or
rejecting them, depending on their axial movements of rotation, both of them belonging to the
same substance type (electricity, magnetism, gravity).
Energy does not separate of the substance, being actually the substance in action.
Kinetic energy is the force used by a elementary particle in order to remove and
replace another in space. It does not separate of the substance. Physically, it is a field that
allows self propagation of the substance. In space, force and energy never separate of the


c). Movement is the physical phenomenon of the elementary particles vibration or the change
of its place in space.
Movement or propagation of elementary particles takes place in the form of a spiral.
Through a complete vibration of the wings, leaving from point A, passing through point B and
then returning to point A, the particle moves as a spiral, occupying a new space equal in
length with the spiral or itself.
1. Real phenomena found in nature: light, heat, electricity a.s.o., produced by an intrinsic
cause, related to this cause, which is the substance of the elementary particle.
2. Self propagation of atomic and subatomic structures, as being generated by a real
cause incorporated in their structure.
3. The existence of the phenomenon proves the existence of the cause. In the cases of
heat, electricity, gravity, a.s.o., the elementary particles are found, thus exist no matter
how far, deep we study and follow decomposition using the latest technology. The
conclusion is: the substance that produces them is beyond, building up what we call
the elementary particle.
4. The integration of our explanations within the Creationist Theory of the Universe and
the possibility to explain the creation process described in the Bible: Let there be.

7.2 Self propagation of bodies in space

Our research regarding self propagation of bodies are limited at tracking down the
phenomenon and the causes that lead to it, excluding problems related to density, environment
changes, purity of space Our ascertains are as follows:

7.2.1 Mechanical work at the level of elementary particles

The vibration of the elementary particle determines its movement and its relocation.
The elementary particles substance is transported with the help of the movement force.
Referring to size, the force is co-related with the length of the particle (or spiral). A
movement along the spiral autopropels the particle on a distance equal to the length of the
spiral (in other words, a particle moves from the initial space and takes a new space of the
same length with itself. Considering that the particle is 2 milimicrons long, at a full vibration,
it produces a force that moves it in space on a distance of 2 milimicrons. The force that
provides this transport is 2 units big, equal to the length of the particle (or the space taken by
it). The length of the particle is symbolized by Ls1 (the length of the spiral) and the involved
force is symbolized by Ls2. Through self propagation of the particle in space, the force
realizes a mechanical work equal to the result of the force in action and the distance, as shown
in the formula: Ls1 * Ls2 or Ls2. In the previous example, the mechanical work reaches the
value of 4 units (2Ls1 * 2Ls2 = 4). As the vibration of the particle varies in the same time
frame, the particle can move on unconceivable distances, depending on these vibrations.
Proof of the mechanical work at subatomic levels:
1. Propagation of structures in space (radiations, light waves, electrons) vehicled by
2. Tremors felt when bodies begin or stop moving, as a product of the forces ignited at
subatomic levels, concretely at the level of elementary particles.
3. The integration of our ascertains within the Creationist Theory of the Universe, as an
unitary theory.


4. The existence of force and movement as an effect of the words: Let there be.
7.2.2 Levels of planetary matter structuration
There are seven levels of planetary matter structuration with individual structuration
techniques: Simple Structures, Complex Structures, Groups of Complex Structures,
Subatomic Formations, Atoms, Molecules and Bodies.
All phenomena related to the structures of any level are generated by the movement of the
elementary particles within them.
7.2.3 The process of forming simple structures
When proper environment for the existence of simple structures appeared, the structural
particles of these formations built up the skeleton of simple structures, acting as a heart. Not
more or different structural particles can form this heart, other than the ones pre-established
through dimensioning the force fields that can connect. Once the heart is formed, the groups
of structural particles within it, using a fraction of force, attract and impose to the elementary
particles from space, called of essence, the entry and remaining in the system of the future
simple structure. Thus, orbits are formed, made of essential particles that roam around the
heart (connected to it by the structural particles that have attracted them into the system).
Next, the rest of the remaining force of these groups is used to create a force field that
interacts with the movement force field of different elementary particles such as:
gravitational, physical, light (of different colors), thermic, electric particles a.s.o., imposing to
them the entry in the system where to follow a revolving motion on the orbits formed by
essential particles. In other words, the structural particles attract essence particles and
elementary particles of different types: thermic, electric, a.s.o. (the factors involved in setting
up of these orbits, as well as what stops these particles from crashing on the heart havent
been studied by us). Not more or different elementary particles can form a simple structure,
other than the pre-established ones. This is the way all types of structures are born: thermic,
electric, luminous, odorous, with a positive or negative axial movement.
7.2.4 The orbits of elementary particles. The forming of force within the bodies
All bodies are build from simple structures. Around their heart, the attracted elementary
particles, both essential and master particles move along the orbit (the master elementary
particles of the orbit have priority and roam over the essential elementary particles).
This system resembles the system of the hydrogen atom, where we find a heart that coordinates the atomic components, a nucleus made of protons, an extra nuclear space made of
radiation (similar to the orbits inhabited with essential particles in the simple structure) over
which the electron roams in its revolving movement around the nucleus (also see The
structure of the atom).
At the slightest collision or temperature variation, coming from any side, the orbits
inhabited with particles of essence deform, giving birth to a loop on the opposite side of the
collision. When the master elementary particles reach the margin of the loop, they push
with great power the particles of essence inside the loop and continue their movement on the
orbit. Under the pressure of the essential particles within the loop, the structure shakens and,
depending on the amount of pressure, starts self propagation in space. After this, the particles
of essence come out of the loop and continue their movement along the orbit. Then, the
master particle arrives again near the loop and pushes other essential particles, found there,
inside the loop. The structure shakens and continues self propagation in space. The process


continues on and on, until the structure collides with another structure (or enters a different
thermic environment), when the loop vanishes and another one appears on the opposite side of
the collision point. The higher is the speed of the elementary particles found on the orbit, the
bigger is the force of the essential particles stuck in the loop, generating more pressure, and
thus the body, respectively the structure, move in space with higher speed.
1. The reality of vibration in bodies, as products of a cause, and self propagation of
inferior structures (photons, radio waves, electrons, elementary particles like
2. Similar processes of forming loops can be observed in day to day life. For example:
the change of the flow direction of a water current by another current, flowing in the
same direction; all the floating bodies are pushed towards the river bank by the rivers
stream; when the trains wheels press with superior force the railway tracks in a curve;
the way the sand is thrown by the cars tires when it drives through a curve
3. Conservation of force in both bodies that have collided (after the collision each body
remains with the same force, prior the collision).
4. The integration of our ascertains within the Creationist Theory of the Universe and
within the creation process Let there be.

7.2.5 The force axle and the mechanical work of the force; self propagation of bodies in
The collision with another body produces within the hit body (and the body that hits) a
deformation of the orbits which the elementary particles roam on, in the frame of simple
structures. A line of deformed orbits is formed, from the contact point to its opposite side. The
orbits found at a reasonable distance from the collision point keep their existing loops in the
initial state. Contrary forces appear inside the body, sustained by the row of deformed orbits
on the same direction. The body shakens. When the number of the deformed orbits in a
direction exceeds the force developed by the orbits having loops deformed on the opposite
direction, the body jumps and flies into space. Rows of deformed orbits on the same direction
are formed inside the body. Among these rows, one or two differentiate, having the length or
loops more stressed. This row is called the main force axle (Af). The length of this axle is
determinable and given as Ls1 (length of the main force axle). The length of the force axle is
equal to the length of the side in the case of regular geometrical bodies, such as the cube. The
force of this axle is the association of forces developed by each elementary particle within the
force axle. Billions and billions of tiny forces generated by the elementary particles (the
process has been described) synchronize their movements on the orbits and build up an
unitary force that crosses the body to the opposite side of the contact point with the colliding
body. The axle force is expressed by the symbol Ls2.
The force axle resembles to the mechanical work in physics. The value of the mechanical
work of the force axle equals the length of the axle, multiplied by the force that moves it in
space, on an equal distance with its length, as shown in the formula: Af=Ls1 * Ls2, or Af=Ls2.
The force axle crosses a precisely determined distance in a period of time. The axle force
affirms itself in space before mass. This phenomenon has been observed in many fields. For
example: a) the forming of germs when obtaining crystals out of melted matter, b) before the
plant roots materialize when seed comes up, the scientists have discovered some successive
radiation in the exact place where roots are to be developed.
The direction of moving bodies in space is determined by the force of the main axle. The
simple structures where the main axle of force is formed (as a result of a collision) determines


the deformation of elementary particles orbits within simple structures found at great
distance of the force axle (there can be more main force axle in a body, depending on the
prominences found on the surface of the colliding body). The propagation direction of the
body in space is determined by the main force axle that has superior power of the moving
force field over the other axle. The simple structures where the main force axle is formed
attract the deformation on the same direction of all the elementary particles orbits of the
body. A monolith force is formed inside the body, that flies into space, transporting the whole
mass (the outer impulse doesnt do anything else, but deforms and establishes the propagation
direction of the body in space. The bodys propagation is the job of the elementary particles).
Proof of force axles existence:
1. We hammer a nail in a board sideways. The nail bends. Why? Because the force axle
forms obliquely and not vertically, along the nail.
2. After collision, each body remains with its force intact, proving that the force didnt
3. Force doesnt exist as an entity in space and doesnt detach of the mass, therefore
bodies move in space through their own force.
4. If a main force axle didnt exist and force in motion moved chaotically, man couldnt
send any mass at the desired place.
5. All gears, all force economies from the Golden Laws of Mathematics (pulley, lever,
a.s.o.) are based on the force ignited in the wheels and these devices as an effect of the
elementary particles moving along their deformed orbits.
6. Speed variation of the subatomic structures, radio waves, light photons a.s.o. when
moving in space proves that the engine of their movement is found in their own
elementary particles that deform successively and in different proportions when in
contact with space structures and environment changes.
7. The reality of the described phenomena integrates within the Creationist Theory of the
Universe and Chapter 1 of the Genesis: Let there be.
7.2.6 Speed
Speed is the physical phenomenon where the force axle formed in a body transports
the mass in space in parallel with the Earths surface in a period of time on a distance equal to
the square root of the distance gone through. The elements of speed are: the length of the
force axle, the frequency when forming the speed and the period of time when the distance is
gone through. The formula of speed is: V=Ls1*F, where:
V=speed; Ls1=length of the main force axle; F=frequency or recurrence of the force
axle length when forming the speed, as a result of the revolving movement of the elementary
particles on the deformed orbits within the axle. Speed expresses the speed used to come
through a distance in a period of time by the main force axle accompanied by mass, or
substance. The period of time is calculated by division of the time needed that the body comes
through the distance between the starting point and the arrival point, to the number of speeds
reflected by the square root of the crossed distance. So, the distance crossed in a period of
time doesnt reflect speed, but the number of speeds realized. For example: a body 10 meters
long crosses the distance of 1000 meters in one second. What is its speed? 1000 m/s? No! The
square root says: the body moved with a speed of 31.62 m, and it repeated 31.62 times. The
speed of 31.62 meters is formed of the force axle equal to the length of the body, that is 10 m,
multiplied by the frequency when forming the speed of 3.162 times (10m * 3.162 = 31.62).
According to the square root, this speed repeats itself 31.62 times. The time needed for one
speed is given by the period of time calculated at 1 second divided to 31.62 speeds, becoming
0.031 seconds/speed (0.031 * 31.62 = 1 second).


7.2.7 Frequency in speed forming and frequency in speed recurrence

The square root of the crossed distance within a period of time expresses speed and
speed recurrence. Speed is given directly by the square root of the crossed distance, and so is
the numbers of its recurrence. Speed is formed of the force axle length multiplied by its
recurrences or frequency (in the previous example, frequency is 3.162). The distance crossed
by speed is expressed by the frequency when crossing the speed distance, according to the
square root of the crossed distance. The two frequencies when crossing the distance proves
1) The bodies move in space through the sliding of mass and not through the overturning
of their length. When the force axle doesnt pass through the gravity center of the
body, it begins to rotate, as an effect of the force differences existing within it (The
difference between the force axle that tends to move the body in its direction and the
other forces generated by the deformed orbits of the elementary particles in another
direction). Again, the square root of the crossed distance shows the length of a speed
and the number of speed recurrences, only that the speed length can be inferior to the
body length. In consequence, the trajectory of the body in space is an interrupted
trajectory, built on recurrence of speed, and speed on recurrence of the force axle
2) We cannot find propagation of mass or substance in space, but of the force that
vehicles the substance.
3) In our calculations, speed is real, realized by the force axle through the square root of
the crossed distance. (The possible changes of speed when crossing the distance are
already regulated by considering the distance already crossed).
4) The effectively occupied space when moving by the force axle related to the real
length is variable and depends on the force developed by the elementary particles on
their deformed orbits and on the pressure force applied on the particles of essence
found in the existing loops. (Using our technique, this process can be known and
measured). For example: The light wave 656.2 milimicrons long crosses 300000 km in
one second. According to the square root, the distance has been crossed with a speed
of 547000000 milimicrons that repeated itself 547000000 times. The wave having the
length of 656.2 milimicrons has realized a speed of 547 milimicrons based on the
force developed by the elementary particles within it when taking action on the
particles of essence, and the particles of essence have propelled the wave on a distance
of 1000000 milimicrons for each space occupied by the 547 milimicrons (547 *
1000000 = 547000000 milimicrons/speed). In consequence, the elementary particles
in the given example were not able to propel the wave on a distance of 656.2
milimicrons, its real length, because of the weak vibration, and propelled it on a
distance of 547 milimicrons.
5) The maximum speed of bodies in space, depending on the elementary particles
vibration, is unconceivable. In this way, we understand that the piles of water from
chapter 1, Genesis, had divided into two Cosmoses, and our Cosmos had divided in
cosmic bodies in a few fractions of a second, at Gods order: Let there be (Genesis,
Proof on speed:
1. The reality of the speed phenomenon calculated as the square root of the
crossed distance.


2. The integration of our explanations within the coherent Creationist Theory of

the Universe.
3. The speed forming in this way is in harmony with the Bible.
7.2.8 Force cycles
The synchronized revolving movement of the elementary particles on the deformed
orbits is uninterrupted. Whenever pressure is applied on the particles of essence found in the
loops, the body self propagates in space, crossing a distance. When pressure is repeated, the
body self propagates in cycles. One cycle is corresponding to one speed and can be calculated
as the square root of the crossed distance as speed. At the level of one second, the realized
speeds can be calculated as the square root of crossed distance/second.
Proof on the force cycles:
1. The reality of speed and its recurrence, calculated as the square root of crossed
2. Relations between speeds, cycles and recurrence of speed/second, written in the square
root of the crossed distance cannot be calculated by man or by the evolution of matter,
but by the One who had said Let there be. Thus, chapter 1 of the Genesis confirms
the existence of the cycles, originating in the same time as the elementary particles.
3. The integration of these ascertains within the coherent Creationist Theory of the
7.2.9 The relation between force, length and time
At the level at our Cosmos, force is the propagation cause of the bodies in space,
meaning the realization of the length of a distance corresponding to a speed and the period of
time needed to realize it.
Length is the distance crossed by the force, accompanied by substance, between the
starting and arriving points.
Time expresses a period of action of the force.
If force lacks, length and time do not exist. The relation between these elements isnt
determined by humans, nor by the evolution of matter or spirits. The relation originates from
the same time as the elementary particles in the pile of waters, when the Unique Absolute
Spirit said Let there be.
It is worth mentioning that for the crossed distance there cannot be another speed,
another period of time or another force in action. Another force can affirm itself only by
changing the vibration of the elementary particles within the force axle, as a source of force in
the world of matter.
7.2.10 Measure units of phenomena used within the Creationist Theory of the Universe
These are part of the measure units system used in physics (C.G.S.)
7.2.11 Kinetic energy of the force axle. Its formula.
Through the kinetic energy of the force axle we understand the field of the moving
force in action (or in reserve) that changes the reference state of a system, completely or
partially. The kinetic energy is equal to the mechanical work that can be created by the force
until it stops its action. This energy can be expressed by the following formula:
Ecaf/s = Ls2 * V * F, where:
Ecaf/s = kinetic energy of the force axle at the level of one second


Ls2 = length of the force axle multiplied by the force that propels it on a distance equal to its
V = speed of the force axle
F = frequency in speed recurrence.
(In this formula we take in consideration only the force axle or group of force axles with equal
lengths that act as one main force axle. The rest of the secondary force axles are ignored when
realizing the crossed distance). For example: the length of the force axle on the direction of
body propagation is 2 m long. The crossed distance/s is 36 m long. According to the square
root of the crossed distance, the axle has realized a speed of 6 m that repeated in one second
six times. In this case, the kinetic energy of the axle is of 144 units (144 = 22 * 6 * 6) which
corresponds to 24 units of energy per cycle or per speed (22 * 6 * 1 = 24) and to 144 units of
energy for 6 cycles, or speeds (24 * 6 = 144).
The kinetic energy of the force axle can also be determined by the following formula:
Ec/s = m * V2 , where:
Ec/s = the kinetic energy of the force axle;
m = mechanical work of the force created from Ls2 and
V2 = square speed, that includes speed multiplied by speed recurrence/s (data given by the
square root of the crossed distance). Concretely: 144 = 22 * 62.
Analyzing the process of kinetic energy of the force axle, we ascertain that it tries to
remove any structure found on its way with a determined force, equal to its mechanical work
multiplied by the distance crossed until the impact with those structures, at the level of
second. The mechanical work leaves with the respective force in the starting moment and
increases as it moves in space with given speed and speed recurrence/second. In the moment
of impact with another structure, lets call it a barrier, the axle force is that which results out
of the mentioned formula (Ecaf/s = Ls2 * V * F). From this moment on, the axle force
decreases by the disappearance of the elementary particles orbits that propelled the body and
by the generation of loops in the opposite side of the collision with the barrier body. The
moving body continues to make pressure on the barrier through the force developed bz the
rest of the axles that are still left with their orbits deformed in the initial propelling direction.
When their loops disappear in a pre-established percent, the body stops making pressure (in
some situations it realizes a rejection-recoil through the force developed in the loops formed
in the opposite way of the initial).
We underline that force or kinetic energy of the force axle is directly influenced by the
axle length, by the density of the elementary particles within the axle and the size of the
vibration of the elementary particles. We illustrate our theory with the following examples:
We have a parallelepiped rectangle with the main force axle 10 meters long when propelled
on its length and 3 meters long when propelled on its width. In both situations, the distance
crossed in a second is 36 m, so with a speed of 6 m and 6 recurrences per second. We put
these figures in the Ecaf formula and we obtain:
a) 3600 = 102 * 6 * 6 and
b) 324 = 32 * 6 * 6. We can observe:
1. The value of the force axle kinetic energy (and that of the bodys) is
influenced by the length of the force axle in the propelling direction.
2. Ecaf can be calculated avoiding speed and speed recurrences, by multiplying
the mechanical work of the force axle by distance crossed/s (in the examples
above we have: 3600 = 102 * 36 and 324 = 32 * 36).
7.2.12 Kinetic energy of the force axle and mass


According to some theories, the kinetic energy/second equals to mass multiplied by

square speed of the body (Ec = m * v2). We see the following flaws:
1) Mass is not force, but substance and, thus, cannot be the cause of propagation of
bodies in space, of replacing a body by another body.
2) Mass is expressed by kgm, and force is expressed by kgf. At the equator, 1 kgm
contains more force than at the poles.
3) If action between bodies is realized by force, one must know the value of this force in
order to evaluate it, not to substitute it with substance.
4) Inside the bodies there are elementary particles that participate at forming the force
axle and, thus, at the value of the force (for example, the constructive particles and
even the elementary and essential particles when they find themselves in the opposite
side of the loops formed in the orbits which they roam on around the heart of a simple
structure. Well, they take part in the forming of mass and they are active factors of
In consequence, by mixing the speed of the force with substance or mass , the above
mentioned formula doesnt reflect the natural reality and the process of body propagation.
7.2.13 Calculation of force at mass level or of a moving body
The movement force is determined by all the elementary particles within mass. We
dont have the possibility to physically determine the number or density of the elementary
particles in a body and also the number of axle rows formed of these in order to determine
force or kinetic energy at the level of a body, therefore we use this method:
1. We determine the number of force axles by measuring in reality the length of the body
in the movement direction. For example: we have 3 axles with different lengths, 2 cm,
3 cm and 4 cm long. The main force axle crosses through the gravity center of the
body. (when it doesnt, calculation becomes complicated)
2. The standard mechanical work of the force axles is 22, 32, 42 summing 29 units. The
average standard mechanical work results from dividing the total by the 3 axles = 9.66
3. Crossed distance/s is 15 cm long for each force axle because the body propels in space
as a monolith, each axle comes through the same distance in the same period of time,
as the others.
4. Mass effectively measured is 27g.
5. Force or kinetic energy of the body Ecm/s results from multiplying the average
standard mechanical work of the force axles/cm2 by the crossed distance/s, multiplied
by the surface in cm2 of the body in the movement direction.
For example:


work / axle
Ls1 Ls2 Total

Distance / s

Ecaf / axle

Surface /

Ecm / axle




















Testing at the level of a body:

-Ecaf average 435 (col. 4) / 3 (3 axles from col. 1) = 145 units;
(or 29 (col.2) / 3 axles = 9.66 units per average axle, multiplied by the crossed distance of 15
cm/s = 145 units)
-Ecm = 145 units (average Ecaf) multiplied by 4 cm2 (the bodys surface on the direction of
movement) = 580 units at the level of body (or mass).
6. The bodys surface on the direction of movement per axle = the total surface of 4 cm2
divided by 3 force axles = 1.333 cm2.
7. The force of the body that collides with another body without actually moving in
space, as the nail hammered into wood, is established by determining the distance that
could have been crossed per second in relation with the released force.
8. When force collides with an obstacle, it is called kinetic energy.
9. On the margins of moving bodies when the force axle rows have different values, the
force axles that pass through the margins of the body have inferior values than the
ones passing through the gravity center. (This is why logs crack easier when hit with
an ax at the edge than in the middle).
10. If the number of rotations/s of the elementary particles is the same, bodies with greater
density cross a bigger distance/s than the ones with less density (because there are
more tiny forces on the axle).
This is why a body with less density of elementary particles, but higher speed on the
deformed orbits crosses the same distance/s as a body with greater density, but lower
speed of the elementary particles on the deformed orbits.
Thus is why the pressure/cm2 of two bodies with different mass is identical if the
crossed distance/s is identical. When speed increases, not mass, but force also
11. In the given example, the mass of 27 g is transported by a total force of 435 units
(point 5, column 4), thus a unit of force carries approximately 0.06206 grams (27 / 435
= 0.06206) which corresponds per force axle = 3.723 units for Ecaf of 60 units
(0.062056 * 60 = 3.723); 8.378 g for Ecaf of 135 units and 14.894 g for Ecaf of 240
12. When the main force axle collides with another body, the rotation speed of the
elementary particles within the secondary force axles begin to decrease as an effect of
the simple structures, they are part of, connecting to the structures of the main force
axle, although they continue to propel themselves on the initial direction. (If collision
is very violent, all movements are shocked: the recoil effect).


In consequence, force axles propagate themselves in space as a monolith associated in a

single force. Despite this, each axle has its own force. By colliding with a barrier body, the
kinetic energy of each force axle or group of force axles affirms itself independently and
as it encounters the surface of the barrier body (possibly with a reduction as an effect of the
forming of new loops on the opposite side of the elementary particles within the axles that
collided priorly with the barrier body). Distance and speed of each force axle from mass/s are
equal to the ones of the main force axle since starting and arriving points are the same for all
force axles.
7.2.14 Enigmatic phenomena that allow unconventional speculations.
a. We have the expression: Ec = m * v2 (per second) where:
Ec = kinetic energy;
V2 = square speed.
Excluding mass (m), we are left with speed. Why square speed? The mystery is solved by the
formula Ecaf = Ls2 * V * F. Indeed V2 cumulates speed and speed recurrences as it results
from the square root of the crossed distance/s. The expression allows wrong conclusions, as
these: energy is produced by moving mass, or even moving mass. Square speed is
inexplicable or it is borrowed from an outer impulse, born out of nothing and by itself,
independent of mass. Mass moves in space as a result of an outer impulse. This idea is
infirmed by the propagation of structures that move in space without an outer impulse, as
b. The galloping growth of kinetic energy. It is said that energy grows at the square
speed/s. For example: at a speed of 2 m/s, the energy accounts 16 units, at a speed of 3
m/s it grows to 36 units (mass is constant). Why this anomaly? Because of the
ignorance regarding the process of propelling and propagation in space! In the
mentioned formula Ec = m * v2 corresponding to the expression E0 = m * v2 we find
again the speed and speed recurrences concentrated. Maintaining mass constant (m),
we can observe that whenever speed increases, the energy grows exponentially based
on the concentration of speed and its recurrences and on the force axle formed within
the moving body. Speed being determined for the same distance and different period
of time, through the growth of the force which is unknown, a man of good faith is left
with the feeling that energy grows out of nothing!
d. The total energy of an isolated system in motion: W = m* c, where W = energy; m =
mass; c2 = square speed of light. This expression contains a series of flaws, such as the
1) This expression is significant regarding a particular case of body
movement, not a universal one. Instead of square speed of light we
should be able to introduce any other speed. So c2 doesnt express the
maximum speed of bodies in space, nor the maximum speed of
elementary particles.
2) Mass, being a substance composed of elementary particles, does not
transform into energy or force.
3) Energy and force as a substance cannot be found in nature, substance
cannot become, transform into an elementary particle of electricity,
light, heat, gravitation, a.s.o. and, even less, into life or feelings.
4) The specific energy (force fields produced by the vibration and by the
existence of a substance with such properties) does not transform into
and does not associate with the kinetic energy of the moving
elementary particles (electric, thermic, a.s.o.).


5) This formula does not show how does mass get to move at square
light speed. If an impulse is responsible for that (which is not true),
who produces this impulse?
6) Being determined by the vibration of the elementary particles and
their movement around the simple structures incorporated in mass,
the kinetic energy also grows or decreases depending on the number
of elementary particles within the main force axle and, of course,
7) Energy is not independent of mass, it cannot be absorbed by bodies,
nor can it separate from them.
8) The formula W = m * c2 does not reflect the cause and the process of
substance propagation in space. It is replaced by us with the
following formula: Ecm = Ecafenvironment * surface of the body on the
movement direction (in cm2).
7.2.15 CONCLUSIONS on the existence of the force axle.
a. The force axle in the vision of Gallilei and Newton
The force axle is a reality. It reflects the organized force that the substance uses to achieve
self propagation in space. This force has been discovered by man centuries ago. It was
ascertained and proved by Gallilei (1564-1642) and I. Newton (1642-1727). If there is
something that produces acceleration, does this something disappear in the case of body
movement in space? If movement and movement changes in nature exist as a result of force,
shouldnt scientists try to find out what exactly triggers or produces force? Isnt this a
fundamental problem in physics and the existence of matter? Isnt changing the reference
state of a body by another body actually the result of force taking action on another force? Or
is it admissible to substitute force with substance? Is it right to say that mass multiplied by
square speed results energy? The theories and formulas avoid an answer! An outer impulse?
Who produces it in the case of cosmic radiation? What is it: mass or force? How is it
produced in such size that it can promote the movement of a matter fraction at the speed of
light? Doesnt the force proved by Gallilei and Newton in the case of acceleration play a role
in the body propagation process? Does it exist? We say: propelling and propagation of mass at
square speed of light is realized through the force, incorporated in mass and Gallilei and
Newton stand on our side! They have proved the existence of force, independent of the
substance and the impulse.
It has been said: energy is not created,, nor does it disappear. What is physical and where
does it hide within the molecule, atom, electron, photon, neutrino? If synchronized with the
movement of the body, the outer impulse increases its speed. What is the cause that hits the
substance and why does it increase its speed? Is it force or is it energy moving from body to
body, from substance to substance? Yes, it is force, but it doesnt pass from a mass to another.
As proof, both bodies remain with their forces intact after collision, except that the hit body
affirms itsself with something extra. This something is not a different substance, but the
force of the substance!
b. Force as a physical reality
1. Force is a reality, a moving force field. It generates the movement of
substance, of mass. It is the engine of the mass. It is generated by the vibration
of the elementary particles incorporated in the structure. The collision of two
entities is realized by two forces.


2. Collision deforms the elementary particles orbits on the opposite direction of

the contact point. A main force axle forms within the body, sustained by all the
surrounding elementary particles (the rest organizes in secondary axles). When
the total force generated by these elementary particles reaches a preestablished percent (related to the substance), it jumps and self propels on the
direction given by the main force axle as a front force line.
3. The force axle is actually the organized force discovered by Gallilei and
Newton in the case of acceleration, that requires its own formula! (See Ecaf =
Ls2 * V * F).
c. The role of the force axle in self propagation of bodies
1. Reality and all experiments prove that mass is substance and specific force
fields as properties of the elementary particles light, heat, electricity - and
movement force fields. Movement of substance cannot be achieved without a
vehicle that would transport it. This vehicle is the movement force. In
consequence, whet we see during the flight, the pressure of a body over
another is not substance, but force transporting substance!
2. Propelling and sustaining propagation of bodies is physically determined by
the force of elementary particles at the level of simple structures.
d. The formula Ecaf/s=Ls*V*F and the information contained by it.
The Ecaf formula expresses the process of propelling and self propagation of bodies as
mass with its basic factors. It expresses the real value or size of force and kinetic energy in
case of collision. Force is developed by the elementary particles, organized on speed cycles,
each cycle is expressed by a revolving movement of the elementary particles on the deformed
orbits, yet this force cannot be put in evidence at the level of one cycle because of the
incredible speed.
Because of this, at the level of time on Earth, force expresses itself as a linear, permanent
and uninterrupted phenomenon. Because of this, anytime and anywhere on the track of the
force axle, the value of force and speed can be calculated independently, as if starting from
zero, including as pressure on the body that stops the movement (see The relations between
the terms of the formula Ecaf/s=Ls*V*F. The standard mechanical work and the real
mechanical work of the force axle).
We focus on the following information contained by the Ecaf formula:
- The length of the force axle as length that is different than the shape of the body, that
can propel on length, width, a.s.o. (Ls1).
- The length of the force axle and standard force involved in body propagation (Ls1 and
- The standard mechanical work of the force axle (Ls2)
- The real speed realized by the force axle by Ls1 * F, when forming speed
- The real mechanical work of the force axle by Ecaf = Ls2 * V * F.
- Speed recurrences when coming through the distance F
- The distance crossed by the force axle: speed multiplied by frequency in speed
recurrences (F).
- The period of time needed to realize speed by dividing the period of time needed to
cross the distance by number of speeds.
- The value of kinetic energy in the phases of body propagation and removing the
blocked space by successive action of the kinetic energy (energy at the level of one
speed and at the level of realized speeds, expressed by F).


Force, as a vehicle of the substance within the formula Ecm = (Ls2 * V * F) * (surface
of the body on the movement direction)
The source and affirmation of force by the formula Ecaf = Ls2 * V * F
The shape of the trajectory interrupted by speed recurrences (F)
The length of space occupied by the main force axle compared to the real length of the
body on the movement direction (by comparing the real length of Ls1 to the distance
occupied in space by one speed).

e. The relations between the terms of the formula Ecaf/s=Ls*V*F. The standard
mechanical work and the real mechanical work of the force axle
The relations between the terms of the Ecaf formula have been presented in the previous
chapters with the exception of the standard and real mechanical work of the force axle.
The formula Ecaf = Ls2 * V * F shows that Kinetic energy of the force axle comes from
the standard Mechanical work. The elements of the standard mechanical work are: the real
length of the force axle and the force that moves it in space, on an equal distance with its
length (the value of this force always corresponds to the force axle crossing a distance equal
to its length). Ls1 symbolizes the length of the force axle, Ls2 symbolizes the value of the
force, both are calculated in measure units used in physics. Ls2 symbolizes the standard
mechanical work. (In the formula Ecaf = Ls2 * V * F, Ls2 is the standard mechanical work).
In this phase, the distance that will be crossed by the force axle and the force that will be
developed are still unknown, but can be determined by the square root of crossed distance/s.
The real value of the distance that will be crossed depends on the force that will be developed
by the elementary particles on the deformed orbits. In this phase, we notice that force or the
standard kinetic energy of the force axle is determined when the body is still.
The real mechanical work that will be realized by the force axle is generated when it
leaves the space occupied by the still body and moves in space as a product of the result got
by multiplying standard mechanical work by crossed speed (per speed and speed recurrences
in one second). For example: We have Ls1 = 3 m; Ls2 = force necessary to cross 3 m, equal to
the length of the force axle. Standard mechanical work is equal to 9 units (3 * 3 = 9), in other
words, the square length of the force axle. The effectively crossed distance is 9 m long, a
speed of 3 m repeated 3 times in 1 second (according to the square root of crossed distance).
In this case, the real mechanical work of the force axle/s is equal to 81 units (9 units, the
standard mechanical work, multiplied by 9 m, the crossed distance, = 81 units).
To be remembered:
a) The standard mechanical work is generated by speed and speed recurrences on the whole
distance crossed by the force axle
b) The value of the standard mechanical work is equal to the length of the force axle on the
movement direction multiplied by the corresponding force (equal to the length of this axle),
being determined from the start. The slightest move of the force axle takes action on another
force within the barrier body using a force which is equal to the standard mechanical work
multiplied by the crossed distance (at the level of speed and speed recurrences, namely on the
whole distance). The source of this phenomenon is the movement of the elementary particles
within the force axle, by pressing the essential particles in the existent loops (in a free state,
through vibration, these particles move in space on a distance equal to their length or spiral,
rupturing the space they will occupy with a force equal to the length of the spiral, that is with
the mechanical work of the elementary particle). Thus, the elementary particle takes a new
place in space by pushing another particle away with the pressure of the mechanical work.
c) The value of the pressure force is constant at the level of second or fraction of second,
repeating itself as a real kinetic energy, expressed by the formula Ecaf = Ls2 * V * F, as long


as the percent of the elementary particles with deformed orbits existing at the moment of
impact with another body remain at a superior level, propelling on the force axle.
d) When two force axles collide, the number of speed recurrences drastically drop in the
collision moment, immediately orbits with loops on the opposite side of the contact point are
formed. Thus appears the recoil phenomenon (or stopping the movement). In consequence, all
phenomena present when a body presses another body by speed and speed recurrence vary,
depending on the value of the force axles and the density of elementary particles within the
force axles, and also on the force developed by the elementary particles that roam on the
orbits with different speeds.
e) When at rest, the force axles have a force in reserve equal to the result of axles lengths
multiplied by the force equal to the movement on the distance equal to this length. This force
starts moving in the same time with the body and remains constant in any point of the
effectively crossed distance.
f) Force and energy are connected by the elementary particles. They are not independent and
do not exist in space without the elementary particles. All actions between bodies based on
force and kinetic energy are the result of building the Universe of elementary particles with
permanent vibrations. The revolving movement of the elementary particles of a mobile body
increases with the same value that decreases in another mobile body, when these bodies
g) The building technology of the sky-scrapers in America with water tanks and metal bars
with different shapes as a measure to temper the force of hurricanes that hit the building,
aplicable also in the case of earthquakes, is based on the force of the elementary particles
found in the structures of molecules that move against the aggressive force. Hitting the tank
walls, these ricochet and oppose to the movement of the building found under the pressure of
wind or earthquake waves.

Chapter VIII. Emission of light by the hydrogen atom

8.1 The structure of the atom
Each atom is divided in three visible compartments: the nucleus is occupied by
protons and neutrons, the extra nuclear space is occupied by complex structures radiation
where there are mostly different elementary particles such as light particles and electronic
space, occupied by electrons. The atoms are created in pre-established environment conditions
by association of the atom-building particles in what is called the atoms heart. The heart is
made of two parts: positive and negative, for each formation that the atom is composed of.
The positive part attracts within the atoms system formations that affirm their selves as
hydrogen, carbon, oxygen atoms a.s.o. and the negative part attracts formations that exceed
the pre-established number of each type of atom. In the positive part, in the case of neutrons
and electrons, the structural particles lay on the heart of the atom in layers corresponding in
number with the electron layers. (The situation of electron layers is mentioned in physics
treaties, respectively in the Mendeleev System).
In the negative part, the number of layers is identical with the one within the positive
part, but the number of constructive particles groups is higher in the first and in the last layer,
being equal to eight, that is the number of elements group in the Mendeleev System.
Through the groups of constructive particles from the negative part, the atom captures
protons, neutrons and electrons, thus transforming into a different type of atom. For example,
the Lithium atom has three electrons set into two layers. On the first layer there are two
electrons and on the second layer there is one electron. Inside the atoms heart, the

constructive particles of the positive part form similar layers for protons, neutrons and
electrons. Two layers are formed in the negative part, but each layer has eight groups of
constructive particles. (Separately, inside the atoms heart there are reserve constructive
particles that ensure association of atoms into molecules and molecules into bodies formed of
two or more molecules).
We wish to illustrate the forming of the hydrogen atom. A good environment
determines the association of the constructive particles of the hydrogen atom system into its
heart. The heart is formed as shown above. After that, the constructive particles groups from
the positive part send a fascicle of the force field in space that interact with force fields of
similar frequency, emitted by the connection particles found in the clouds of a proton,
electron and the complex structures radiation which are attracted in the atom system,
placing them on pre-established locations, apparently, as told before, depending on the value
of the attraction force and on the size of the storm that takes action at this level. In
consequence, out of billions of formations from space, only those pre-established and in a preestablished number will take part of the atoms system. Lets suppose the environment
changes again, becoming favorable for the existence of the Lithium atom. In consequence, the
constructive particles of this type of atom form the atoms heart following the known process.
After that, they begin to attract from space by threes protons, electrons, neutrons and complex
structures radiation , which are put in the system on their pre-established locations. The
value of the force developed by the fascicles of the Lithiums heart are proper only to this
type of atom.
Transformation of atoms. We take in consideration the experiment performed by
Rutherford when bombing the Nitrogen atom with Helium nuclei. The Nitrogen atom has
captured one proton and two neutrons out of the Helium nuclei, thus transforming into a
Oxygen isotope. Here is the reaction: 7N14 + 2He4 resulted into 8O17 + 1H1. Who captured 1
proton and 2 neutrons from the Helium nuclei? Every group of constructive particles from the
negative part of the Nitrogen atom! Very similar to the process just described is the capturing
of one neutron by Hydrogen, thus transforming into Deuterium by releasing a gamma photon
(when bombed with electrically neutral neutrons). The same process is used by the negative
part of the atom when capturing electrons, transforming them into negative ions. All captures
are done by the instruments created for structuration of matter, called constructive or
structural particles with the distinction that the value of force for a single vibration and the
number of vibrations per second differ from one structure to another. Do we have evolution
then? Where are the hardly perceptible matter accumulations without the action of a force
field, the connection of matter powder by chance, through natural selection, adjustment of
structures to the environment? Where is the process of matter self-evolution without a
Creator? Where are the spirits that have built a shell of atoms or their components? Chapter
44/24 of Isaiah says: I am the Lord who has made all things. Do we have proof to contest
this information? No!
Proof on atom building as described:
1. The reality of the components within the atom structure and
inexistence of another coherent explanation that would integrate in a
unitary theory of existence and matter structuration in the Universe.
2. The integration of our explanations within the Creationist Theory of
the Universe and chapter 1 of the Genesis (Bible).
3. The reality of phenomena that claim the existence of dimensioned
force fields for what would be any type of atom.


8.2 Extra nuclear atomic space and the emission of light by hydrogen, the secret of
Rydbergs constant.
Space outside the atoms nucleus is inhabited by different complex structures, among
them structures similar to light particles. Here is our proof:
1. Space is extremely wide, it cannot be unused.
2. Atoms emit and absorb radiation or spectral lines, caloric rays, U.V. radiation.
3. Through the atoms, bodies change their colors, fading when exposed to sunlight.
These phenomena are produced by absorbing or emitting complex structures, surrounded
by force fields specific to the elementary particles that compose the structures. They are
captured and placed in the extra nuclear atomic space where they form radiation segments.
One segment corresponds to the size of Rydbergs constant: 1.097373 * 107 m-1. The atom
emits radiation, structures similar to light particles through a multiphasal process. We
a) The electron is attracted in the atomic system through the interaction of a force
field fascicle emitted by the constructive particles groups found in the atoms
heart and the force fields emitted on the same frequency by the connection
particles found in the electrons clouds.
b) The constructive particles groups move permanently inside the atoms heart,
releasing or bringing back the electron in the system. Every time an electron
has been brought back, another group of constructive particles takes action,
emitting force fields on a different frequency, thus attracting the electron from
different distances and placing it in the extra nuclear atomic space on the
beltways of the complex structures.
c) The distances between beltways and the atoms heart are fractions of a distance
equal to one unit (to 1). Thus, the distances between beltways and the atoms
heart are expressed by 2, 2, a.s.o. Whenever its disconnected from the
atoms heart, the electron , through the vibration of its own elementary
particles, jumps in order to escape from the connection with the heart, but
doesnt move far enough and it is reached by another fascicle of a force field
emitted by another group of constructive particles from the atoms heart.
Through the force field of the connection particles, on the same frequency with
the group of the constructive particles, it is attracted again in the system,
falling over a segment of extra nuclear atomic space, being equal to Rydbergs
The distances between the point where the constructive particles groups meet and the
connection particles found in the electrons clouds are also fractions of the whole distance
equal to one unit. The two distances beltway atoms heart and meeting point
atoms heart are not equal. In consequence, in order to determine the distance crossed by
the electron to the beltway, we need to substract the beltway atoms heart distance
from the meeting point atoms heart. For example, the meeting has occurred at the
level 1/32 and the electron has been attracted until the 1/22 beltway. After substraction we
obtain 5/36 parts. That is, the distance has been split into 36 parts out of which only 5
were crossed by the electron. (1/32 1/22 = 5/36). The kinetic energy of the electron on
the distance of 5/36 is a fraction of the whole energy, (considering that the whole distance
is crossed, equal to one unit), that is 5/36 units of kinetic energy. (1 * 5/36 = 5/36).
Therefore, the force developed by an electron on a distance of 5/36 units has the value of
5/36 units. When the electron falls over the beltway, equal to Rydbergs constant, that is
1.097373 * 107 m-1 , it destroys a fraction of 5/36 from it, concretely 0.1524 * 107 m-1 .
This quantity of radiation forms a light wave of 656.2 milimicrons. The rest of radiation


from Rydbergs constant, that is 0.9450 * 107 m-1 , remains attracted in the extranuclear
atomic space (1.097373 * 107 m-1 - 0.1524 * 107 m-1 = 0.9450 * 107 m-1 ). The expelled
radiation, released from the attraction of the constructive particles groups is completed by
the atom by attracting other radiation from space, following to the known process.
We underline:
1. In the process of radiation emission by the atom when the electron falls over the
radiation on the beltway equal to Rydbergs constant, there are two force that
a) The specific energy of spontaneous nature that attracts the electron in the
system through the constructive particles groups found in the atoms heart,
generating energy equal to one unit, and
b) The kinetic energy of the electron equal to a fraction of the whole energy
(corresponding to the crossed distance). With this energy, the electron hits the
radiation layer on the beltway segment equal to Rydbergs constant (1.097373
* 107 m-1), out of which it destroys a determined quantity, corresponding to the
developed kinetic energy.
2. The crossed distance and the electrons kinetic energy are fractions of the distance
equal to one unit and of the energy equal to one unit, being calculated as fractions of a
number (1 * 5/36 = 5/36 and 1.097373 * 107 m-1 * 5/36 = 0.152413 * 107 m-1).
3. The quantity of destroyed radiation (0.152413 * 107 m-1) forms a 656.2 milimicrons
long light wave ( dividing 1m by the quantity of destroyed radiation 0.1252413 * 107
m-1 after transforming these values in milimicrons; 1 m = 1000000000 / 1524130 =
1. The existence of the phenomena proves the existence of the causes.
2. The integration of our explanations within the Creationist Theory of the Universe and
the Creation process described in chapter 1 of the Genesis (Let there be). That is, the
Creator has created from the beginning the instruments that allow emission and
absorption of light by the hydrogen atom.
3. The inexistence of another theory that would explain coherently all the phenomena
related to light: when melting minerals, when burning plants or bones, in the light
radiation emission by the fish in the depth of the ocean, in glow worms that fly at
night, in the roots of some plants.
4. Based on this theory, we have the possibility to explain the black holes in the Universe
(as a result of the environment which determins the light particles to decrease their
vibration beneath human light perception level and even beneath the light perception
level of machines built by man).
5. The possibility to understand how Rydbergs constant is formed.
6. Determining equality of radiation expressed in different measure units, of Rydbergs
constant in m and of light waves in milimicrons. If we use the same measure unit
(milimicrons), we get: 0.152413 * 107 m-1 = 656.2 milimicrons.
8.3 The structure-electron. Completing the Copenhagen Interpretations.
In the 1920s, the idea of matters ondulatory nature. The atoms, electrons, neutrons,
protons would have associated one or more waves. This hypothesis has been corrected by
The Copenhagen interpretations of the great physicists of the time in the sense that the
corpuscle and the wave are unique elements, affirming alternatively. To this interpretation, the
Creationist Theory of the Universe adds the following: a) the electron is a structure made of
components (complex structures of inferior degree) connected through connection forces with


the electrons heart made of structural particles, proper only to the electron. Depending on
environment and experiments, the electron presents itself as a monolith-corpuscle, keeping its
components. In other cases, a part of its components detach for good, thus the electron is left
without them and transforms into another type of structure. In some cases, the components
detach, but stay connected to the system by the interaction of force fields between the
electrons heart and the connection particles in the components clouds. In this situation, the
electron presents itself as having waves tied to it or as having a tail. In bombing experiments
of the electron, different components detach from its structure, collide, are attracted again in
the atoms system or associate and propel in space as structures, entities (comparison with
principal and secondary waves on the surface of a lake is wrong. The components detached
from the system are not waves and associate in structures as entities, according to the matter
structuration process). b) All components of the electron are kept in its system through the
interaction of structural and connection force fields (the heart = connection particles from
the components clouds). c) the negative electric field surrounding the electron is determined
by the elementary particles, electrically negative, found in superior quantities than the
electrically positive from its construction.
It is worth remarking the construction technique: the electron becomes a electrically
negative structure, including in its componence a superior number of electrically negative
particles (or difference between negative and positive charge). In the case of protons, we find
the opposite situation. The positive charge is superior to the negative charge. In the
componence of neutrons, atoms and molecules, the positive charge is equal to the negative
charge. Why? How did these differences appear? By adjustment to the environment? Whose
environment? By the fight of contraries? By necessity? By natural selection? (factors that do
not really exist as physical substance in nature). Isnt it actually the creative act of the
Conscious Being, called God, that has elaborated and realized this technique in order to obtain
matter structuration?

Chapter IX. Inexistence of Evolution

The evolution theory, that is thought in schools worldwide, contests any form of spirit.
Information and knowledge become an active factor of pollution of the spirit. The subject
rejects any contrary information about spirit and creation. The subject cannot imagine a
different situation, other than the one resulting from the explanations recorded in the
subconscious. According to the dictionaries, evolution means substance accumulations that
change the bodies componence and shape (and not accumulations of knowledge, disease
evolution, position towards God). By studying nature phenomena, inorganic matter
structuration, diversification of individuals within species, in this century and throughout
mankind history, we conclude that the evolution theory has no ground. Inexistence of
evolution results from a series of phenomena and processes that should prove it, yet they do
not. We underline the following:
1. The physical factors evolution is based on do not really exist. According to the
evolution theory, these factors are: environment adjustment, hazard, necessity, fight of
contraries, natural selection. None of these has been identified physically. Earlier we
have established that elementary particles, protons, electrons, atoms do not adjust to
the environment. They have nothing to do with the environment. Further on, hazard
and necessity do not affect any structure. Environment is realized by themselves,
hazard by moving in space. Necessity for these formations is a dead idea. Fight for
existence? Elementary particles and structures of any level do not fight for existence.








Natural selection doesnt exist and even if it existed, there wouldnt be any reason, a
criterion that determined which proton is better than the other. Protons are the same
anywhere in the Universe. The fight for existence of the inorganic matter structures is
pure fiction. All are the same now as they were at the beginning of the Universe and
anywhere in the Universe. Evolution has never touched these structures.
One cannot conciliate the idea of matter and species evolution with the
acknowledgement of the Unique Absolute Spirit that has created the world. Therefore,
you have two options: you accept evolution, thus denying the Bible or you accept the
Bible and world creation as described in it, thus rejecting the idea of evolution, as
being fake!
The force fields that put together matter structures, automatically affirming themselves
as soon as the structures meet an adequate environment prove that they are created
before the existence of these structures.
Limitation of structure types in the Universe proves that only structures corelated to
force fields (especially designed for them) can exist, even though their number could
be much higher, given the large quantity of existing matter.
Among all the fossils recovered from distant geological eras, none is a link sample or
transitory sample between two species.
All species, even the ones that had disappeared a very long time ago have a physical
body and a psychic body. Consciousness produced authentic knowledge of reality, the
living substance generated life, the energetic structure produced muscular force and
movement of the individual.
The quality of food is pre-established for each species. Illness of beings, whenever,
was determined by disturbing the activity of the psychic body by polluted food, air and
environment. The atoms, molecules, protons incorporated in the beings body do not
fall ill, as if they were found incorporated in inorganic matter. Thus, the cause of
illness affects the psychic body, which is contested by the evolution theory.
The evolution of species means descendents having different organs than their parents,
organs made of different cells, cells made of different atoms and molecules, or
arranged in formation differently. So, the cells from the parents body should produce
proteins, lipids, glucides a.s.o. in other quantities and qualities than those which are
produced for the cells and organs of the individual. Well, proteins of other nature than
the species own are toxic when they get in the blood. The evolution theory ignores
this truth. The blood produced in this way by the mothers body if produced mixes
with its own blood and has no effect on the life of the mother or the fetus. From a
biological point of view, these phenomena are excluded and so is the whole evolution
The individuals do not live through their physical body, but through their psychic
body, which is denied by the evolution theory. When an individual dies, its physical
body remains on Earth, doesnt move and doesnt think, because the body that had
produced life phenomena has separated from it.

Chapter X. Diversification of Species

By subduing plant seed to radiation and other hybridization techniques, one obtains
special products that have greater resistance to some diseases, productivity on certain lines,
leaf color a.s.o. In a similar way, through adequate techniques, one can obtain special

products also with animals. How to achieve these changes? By replacing some genes with
other genes from the same genetic program, included in cells through handling of cell matter
by the same energetic pantries of the energetic psychic structure. After some generations,
living in the same environment as the one before the changes in the physical structure
occurred, the hybrid plants and animals return to their ancestors state. The cause: other genes
from the genetic program take action, responding to environment and polluted matter, and the
genes in action are put to reserve. (In some situations, new genes affirm than the ones prior to
the experiment.) The individual fully affected by changed environment, such as radiation,
doesnt succeed to change its genes in action and dies before giving birth to altered
descendents. Hypothetically, in order to save life, the psychic body of descendents affected by
environment changes change their genes before birth. When born, the individual has other
genes in action. The cells with affected genes are handled by the previous energetic
pantries. Variations of the genetic program take action, not natural selection or other
evolution factors! Therefore, the genetic program is built in correlation with the energetic
pantries and the environment the individual will live in. Thus, each species search for their
pre-established food even in the desert.
The major result of changing the genes in action is diversification of species. (Biology
has identified within the chromosomes genes in action and genes in reserve, hundreds of copy
genes and gene segments, that will contained undetermined characteristics, thus, genes in
white, such as the so called introns, genes that move from a chromosome to another, that
change their position within chromosomes, are active or inactive, break and re-build, such as
the so called exons. Further more, characteristics are sometimes determined by more than
one gene. Each type of gene is activated in pre-established environments).
There are as many genes as the characteristics an individual can have. The genes
written in the genetic program have been created and incorporated in the genetic program of
the first individual, head of the species. When God has blown on the individual the life
breath, of all the psychic mechanisms and genes, only those adequate to the environment
began their function. The individuals descendents will choose from the genes bank,
through their psychic body, the genes that correspond to the environment when forming the
gametes (these genes will be multiplied as the fetus is formed and, later on, after birth, as the
body develops).
Considering these facts, the Creationist theory of the Universe removes the Evolution
theory of matter and species as lacking ground. Instead, we introduce the theory of
diversification. The energetic body of the individual takes from the genes bank of its
species, the genes corresponding to the environment it lives in and the genes destined for its
being, written in its own psychic body.
1. The reality of the above described phenomena.
2. Integration of the theory within chapter 1 of Genesis.

Chapter XI. Scientific Proof about Jesus Christ as the Son of

Because Jesus Christ declared that He is the Son of God and many reject this
statement we asked ourselves: Which is the truth? To find out, we made combined research
form the Bible, origin and structuration of matter, existence of living bodies and life. This is
the result:


11.1 Preparations of the arrival of Christ

When Lucifer rebelled against God, a part of the creation was disturbed. What was
there to do? Salvation or destruction of all that had been created? God stopped on the last
option, but this meant preaching the truth in a world influenced by negative forces; presenting
hard proof to those rebelled showing that God loves the world up to sacrifice. Who will furfil
this task? Who will go to the place where beings have fallen and preach the truth about God?
Who will give up his properties of Superior Spirit for a while and become man? This act
would be tantamount in the posture of man (Phillipians 2/7) to direct confrontation of Lucifer,
to destruction of this preacher or to alliance with the evil one. Then Jesus said: Here I am, I
have come, , I desire to do your will, O my God (Psalm 40/7-8). To accomplish the plan,
He had to be born from a pure race. This race was the Jewish one (Genesis 12/1-3).
11.2 Proving Jesus Christ as the Son of God
a) Biblical prophecies.
b) Confessions of Jesus Christ. When asked by the high priest: I charge you
under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.
Yes, it is as you say, Jesus replied. (Matthew 26/63-64).
c) Deeds of Jesus Christ. His special behavior: without lies, selfishness, envy,
hatred, hypocrisy He informed people about creation and God, cured
incurable diseases, resurrected the dead, pulled evil spirits out of men.

11.3 Revealing of the great mysteries by Jesus Christ (proved as scientific realities)
In some cases, He presented realities by examples, sometimes directly. Because
knowledge was insufficient, some werent understood or were misunderstood. We stopped
at four words: the way, the life, the truth and the light. By correlating the content of these
words with the Unique Absolute Spirit and construction of man, we find three types of
proof: a) the godhead of Jesus Christs Being; b) construction of man and c) the
relationship between God and man. Regarding the godhead of His Being, He says: I am
the way and the truth and the life (John 14/6), I am the light of the world (John 8/12).
We underline: He didnt say: I will show you or I will teach you what is the way, the truth,
the life or the light, so we would understand that he is a simple preacher that
Teaches people. He stated loud and clear: I am. In consequence, these four words give
us partial information on: 1) the structure and components of His spirit, similar to the one
of the Unique Absolute Spirit, 2) partial structure of the human being and 3) relationship
between the Unique Absolute Spirit and man. Lets analyze these revealings:
Light. Jesus means by light authentic knowledge of things, wisdom, knowledge of
God. As psychical reality, light or knowledge exists as ghost or substance and is found
within all human beings. So that light affirmed in all humans in different degrees, it is
absolutely necessary to exist as a measurable reality and as a source where it comes
differently from. Where is this source? Jesus says: I am the light. Thus the source-ghost
is identified. It is Him. How is it possible? Simple! By accepting the existence of the
Unique Absolute Spirit or Ghost having, among others, the intrinsic property to
understand everything authentically and absolutely. How and when did It appear in the
Universe? Its always been there!
Knowledge comes from this source and affirms itsself visibly within man when he is
born through psychic mechanisms of the ghost with such properties, layered in the


structure of knowledge. See what is transmitted on this theme by 2 Corinthians 3/5: Not
that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence
comes from God (by God we understand the Unique Absolute Spirit). But how does this
competence come? What is the relationship between man and Jesus Christ? The answer
came just today, when through scientific research we ascertain that man is double:
physical body and psychic body. The physical body made of atoms and molecules does
not produce authentic knowledge. Any machine is made of molecules, yet doesnt
understand what process it realizes, nor does it understand its existence. Therefore, light is
transmitted to man through the ghost or the psychic structure of knowledge. This ghost
has the property to know authentically the reality. Knowledge is obtained by gathering
information from nature by the psychic body and by understanding them by the psychic
substance of knowledge and also by receptioning information on the psychic way from the
positive center of ideas in the Universe, namely Jesus Christ, by these mechanisms. The
knowledge structure is created as a ghost, but isnt a part of the knowledge Ghost of the
Unique Absolute Spirit.
Life. By life, Jesus Christ means something special. This is the living substance (living
ghost) found in anything that lives. So that life existed, the ghost must also come from a
source in the Universe. This source has been identified: it is within the Unique Absolute
Spirit as Its intrinsic property. Thus, life has always existed within God and through Him
within Jesus Christ. See what He has stated: a) I am the bread of life (John, 6/48); b) I
tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have
no life in you (John, 6/53); c) For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink
(John 6/55); d) Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in
him; He, being a living ghost, gives life to the one He enters; e) On hearing it, many of
his disciples said, This is hard teaching. Who can accept it? (John, 6/60). In
consequence, He speaks to the other disciples without denying what he has said: Does
this offend you? What if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! (John
6/61-62). Considering our published works, one can conclude that ,indeed, life as a ghost
exists in the world by Gods will, who said: Let there be!. This way Jesus reveals a part
of His Spirits structure as being of same essence with His Fathers. If he spoke one lie
only, we would reject His statements. As he said no lies and today we discover that life is
a ghost, the living substance that is part of the psychic body of everything that exists in
nature, we are obliged to admit that what He has said is true: I am the life, the source,
the spring, the cause of the living. The discovery of the living substance, of the cause of
life scientifically certifies His godhead and the truth of His statements! Life as a substance
within everything alive has also been created in a similar way to the one of God, but it is
not a part of it.
Truth. The truth as a phenomenon is the authentic reality of all that exists, has existed
and will exist. As source or cause, it is found in the ghost-substance with this property. As
source, it begins and exists within the Unique Absolute Spirit, as an intrinsic property of
Its Substance. It is concentrated in only one Being, the Father and the Son considered as
of the same Being and Spirit. Proof: a) the real existence of truth in the Universe; b) the
necessity of a single source (found within the Absolute Spirit); c) mans thrist of
knowledge; d) the Bible underlines the existence of truth: All your words are true
(Psalm 119/160); The Spirit of Truth lives with you and will be in you (John 14/17).
When Pilate asked him, He replied: For this reason I was born and for this I came into
the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me. To such
answer, Pilate asked: What is truth?. Jesus did not answer this question. Pilate could not
have possibly understood that he was in the face of the Unique Absolute Truth. For the
affirmation and placing man on the side of truth, God has built within the psychic body,


within the conscious substance, psychic mechanisms with such functions. This substance
within man is created and not taken from the Unique Absolute Spirit. Thus, through the
mechanisms of truth, all ideas, attitudes and also the mans activity based on truth are
expressed. Through these mechanisms also affirms itself the Ghost of Truth, especially
sent by Jesus Christ.
Way. In His sayings, Jesus Christ refers to the existence of a mean that allows man to
contact, know and ask for forgiveness from God. This mean has been called the Way. It
reflects the relationship between Jesus, God and human beings. At the level of the Unique
Absolute Spirit it presents itself as an intrinsic property of this spirit and in humans as the
substance of knowledge, created, but not taken from God, formed of the psychic
mechanisms that promote the search of God. Because this way is unique, there is no other
way of salvation, another way to know God. He said: I am the way No one comes to
the Father except through me (John, 14/6), I am the gate for the sheep, I am the gate;
whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture
(John, 10/7-9). Again, He states: I am, as he has also stated in the case of the other
mysteries. He leaves no doubt that He is not what He states to be. What proof can be
presented to sustain the way? a) the necessity of a way that allows man to reach his
Creator; b) the necessity of a Being that would listen to peoples prayers and then have
access to the Father-God; c) mans thirst for contact with God; d) mans seeking of a true
way; e) existence of ways that, instead of taking man to God, lead him to actions against
God. In order to reach these objectives, God has created psychic mechanisms within
mans conscious structure that seek for Him.

11.4 Conclusions
a) Ghosts of knowledge, life, truth and of the way within mans spirit are created and
excited by the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Separately of these, within the Spirit of Jesus
Christ there are other ghosts, identical to the ones of God (Revelation 5/6).
b) For some people it is hard to believe that Jesus Christ is of same Being as the FatherGod and the Holy Ghost. Others even contest His existence. These people justify their
adversity by sustaining that the Christian religion is the imagination of theologs or
some scientists. If so, how can one explain the 2000 years existence of the words read
by millions without knowing who said them: I am the light of the world, the life, the
truth, the way? Who said these words? Why did He say that? Why are these words
attributed to someone that didnt exist? The author, anonymous, that has attributed
these words to someone that didnt exist, obviously did not know the truth these words
express. How is it possible for an anonymous to express the greatest truth in the
Universe through four words, words his mind could not understand their profound
meanings? Could this man really keep the secrecy of this truth towards family and
close friends? If he knew the meaning of the words, the question would pop: where
from? How did he find the truth about such a mystery? Or arent these facts proving
that the words were pronounced by the One that made all centuries? That the One is
identical with God, totally obeying to God? That He wasnt playing with words? He
said the truth, but people didnt understand!

Chapter XII. A calling to elucidate the truth


1. Pollution of life
Pollution affects matter and spirit. Matter pollution is realized through disturbing the
environment poisoning of air, soil and water, in general, by decomposition of some
substances at the level of somatic cell, by disturbing the balance of substances components
within the cell (water, food, air, a.s.o.). This way pain installs in the individual and,
eventually, the psychic body leaves the physical body, causing death. Matter pollution extends
from species to species by using the polluted physical body as food by the individuals of
another species. (In the past geological eras, this pollution led to the necessity of Divinity to
successively destroy all creatures brought on Earth from other parts of Cosmos.)
Spirit pollution is realized through false knowledge about phenomena, creation and
God. This knowledge is transmitted through mass-media and published works, to youth
especially through education in schools (physics, chemistry, medicine, astronomy, biology,
). The author that gives another meaning to the Bible or the teacher that combats or puts a
question mark over the problem of Gods existence and Creation, contributes to future
acceptance by the individual of information denying creation and God. The consequences of
this pollution are unconceivable. Men will have to give account on the day of judgment for
every careless word they have spoken (Matthew, 12/36).
2. Opinions. Biblical comments
According to Biblical information, the cosmic space is inhabited by conscious beings
called spirits (in a scientific sense, these beings can be called aliens). Peoples position
towards this information is ambiguous. Some dogmas avoid discussing about the sky and the
place where the positive and negative spirits are, together with their leaders: God and Lucifer.
Other consider that the home of spirits is in the Earths atmosphere or surrounding other
cosmic bodies.
According to some critics, the Bible transmits in very many cases just symbolical
information. For example: the events described as real, in metaphorical or allegorical style, do
not express the truth, because they refer to the spiritual world. For instance: the Beast nr. 666,
heaven and hell express contraries fighting within the soul. Through evolution, man exceeds
himself, defeating the hell within him.
3.The Creationist theory of the Universe and the opinions of Bible critics.
The Creationist theory of the Universe considers the biblical information as reality,
regardless of the form they are presented in (metaphors, allegories or communication without
symbols). Lets analyze briefly some information from the Bible:
a. Of cosmic bodies and beings
1. Creation of the Sky and Earth.
According to the Bible, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now
the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of
God was hovering over the waters (Genesis, 1/1-2). Today we ascertain that the whole
Cosmos is built of elementary particles with force fields and among them we find the
constructive ones, that build the cosmic bodies and the ones that synthesize the planetary
matter. In consequence, the creation of sky and earth has been done once and at once, when
the Unique Absolute Spirit said: Let there be. Then the distinct elementary particles for the
construction of sky and earth showed up out of nothing. In that moment, elementary particles


that will become matter used for building the earth appeared and associated in a structure
relatively similar with a globe that was formless outside and empty inside. It is the huge
planet that will be called Earth. From the other elementary particles the Sky was created,
where the throne of the Unique Absolute Spirit is found. Earth was still surrounded by
elementary particles, leaving the impression of a big pile of water. (The explanation is in
harmony with the creation process that continued. At Gods order, any kind of body appears,
having the elementary particles structured from the tiniest structure to the final configuration).
Afterwards, when the dry land, called Earth, was taken out of the waters, that is the
surrounding elementary particles, at Gods order, the elementary particles formed structures,
and the structures into superior structures, until bodies were formed planets, animals, fish,
birds with the spirits of each species. Out of the remaining pile of water, after Earth was
complete, by the same creation process, all cosmic bodies from our Cosmos and maybe other
Cosmoses appeared at once. (Also see Spirits and Matter. The Beginning and the End).
2. Cosmic bodies and beings
According to some Bible critics, cosmic bodies, stars and planets do not contain
structured matter. Spirits, as beings made of immaterial substance, ghosts can be found only
in Earths atmosphere, in its sky. The recent scientific researches prove that a part of the
cosmic bodies contain structured matter in a solid form, alike Earth. In this case, beings can
exist on those planets, that live similarly to humans. If we consider the facts that spirits are
dressed with atom-molecular matter on Earth, that the beings action is realized on the basis
of their spiritual componence and not on the basis of matter that covers them, we infer that,
similarly, conscious beings can exist on other planets, dressed with another type of atommolecular matter. These beings could have different forms of social organization, could have
knowledge superior to the one of man in all fields and in all forms of matter and spirit
b. Of real and symbolic information.
As said before, some Bible critics consider that many information express a state of spirit,
even dough they refer to real elements, to creation of bodies from matter.
The interpretation of the Bible texts, associated with the subjective interpretation of some
experiments lead to the pollution of the spirit and gradual destruction of faith in God and the
Bible. Our opinions regarding these comments are the following:
1) As long as the Bible doesnt point out that the event from the transmitted information is
symbolic, and, even more, that it comes from the sphere of physical matter and not of spirit, it
remains in the sphere of matter and cannot be transferred by these critics into the sphere of
spirit, qualifying the information from the Bible as being a simple symbol.
2) Since the information is not symbolic, the critic cannot answer to questions like these:
What is the basis of your interpretation, when you cannot find in the Bible any support? Who
allows you, a human being, to come with interpretations that are outside the general context of
creation and existence of the Universe, when you do not know what matter and spirits are?
3) How do you prove that Virgin Mary was a simple woman like any other and not the one
chosen by God as being above the other women in the world?
4) How do you prove that within all men, beings and plants there is a very small part of the
substance that the Unique Absolute Spirit is made of, either call it energy, or call it spark,
when the Bible says that all bodies and creatures have not appeared by God giving away a
part of His Self, but at His word: Let there be? Next, you should explain what is, really,
energy in nature, what is the spark you refer to, what is blowing life, the life breath.


The consequences of such interpretations of the Bible for some problems like the
existence of evil aliens in space are catastrophic, disarming man when facing contact with
aliens in the day of evil (the Apostle Paul, Ephesians 6/13).
4. Biblical proof on evil and positive spirits in Cosmos.
The Bible makes some references to the arrival of positive and negative spirits on
Earth, to their existence in space or to the meeting between them and humans: for example
Exodus 14/19, Genesis 6/1-6, Ezekiel 1/1-28, Luke 1/28, Revelation chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 10,
11, a.s.o. The evil spirits have embodied on Earth in the time of Atlantis and they will descend
on Earth at the end of the centuries, according to: Ecclesiastes 1/9, 3/15, Genesis 6/1-7 and
Revelation 18/2-3. Descending on Earth, they will commit terrible things in front of people.
They will say that God doesnt exist, that the idea of creation, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost
is without ground, that the Universe had been existing always, as a result of matter revolution.
Cosmos is inhabited by conscious beings, organized in countries, and these have reached
different levels of technology. Earth belongs to the cosmic space ruled by the x dynasty with
an extremely high development level. (See Matthew 4/8-9). Spiritual pollution and ignorance
of man regarding Cosmos, matter, phenomena and processes in nature, experiments
conducted by aliens, with the punishing of those who contest their authenticity will have
catastrophic effects for mankind! Is this script apocalyptic and pessimist? Yes! But it is not
fiction! It is written in the Bible. (See Daniel chapter 11 and 12, Ephesians 6/12 and
Revelation 12-13).

5. Material proof on spirits in Cosmos.

a. In the recent years, more scientists accept the population of Cosmos by conscious
beings. Some people claim they have been kidnapped by these beings and subdued to
experiments. Highly industrialized countries give considerable amounts of money in
order to establish contact with these beings, building sophisticated machines for this
purpose. There are rumors that leaders of state institutions have established physical
contact with them and, lately, that marks of megalithical works have been spotted on
cosmic bodies, once executed by conscious beings.
b. The Creationist theory of the Universe ascertains that there are positive and negative
conscious beings in the Universe (see Spirits and Matter).

6. The causes of the evil conscious beings arrival on Earth are:

a. The rebellion against God and the increasing number of the rebelled ones. (See Daniel
chapter 11 and 12)
b. Exhaustion of raw material on the planets they come from.
c. Using the peoples souls as free manpower.
7. Measures that are to be taken in order to keep the faith in God
No one is allowed to reveal when will the evil invasions take place (see 2 Corinthians
Facing these events, it is required to take measures of defense and rejection by man of
the proof that will be presented to him by these beings in order to undermine his faith in God.
Here are these measures:


a. Informing people of the possibility that there are planets in Cosmos that can support
life and that they are inhabited by conscious beings, rebelled against God.
b. Informing people that the evil beings will try to attract them on their side, as they have
remarkable technique and knowledge.
c. Informing people that matter is formed of elementary particles with force fields
wherever in the Universe, and structuration is realized by structural instruments
created by the Unique Absolute Spirit.
d. Proving the inexistence of evolution.
e. Proving Jesus Christ as being of same nature or substance, spirit or ghost with the
Father and the Holy Ghost. Proving that no other spirit is of same nature with the Holy
f. Explaining the process of matter structuration, of bodies movement; explaining what
is heat, electricity, light, smell, force, energy and how do the chemical reactions
happen. Explaining that superior beings can block the movement of matter structures
at the level of sima (the fluid matter from the layer beneath the continental blocks)
In case of spiritual pollution, of ignorance of most men regarding the existence and
structuration of matter, the negative conscious beings have unlimited and favorable field of
maneuver. People will easily fall into the traps set for them (Revelation chapter 13). Facing
these actions, man has weak chances to keep his faith in God and creation. Because of this,
we are ordered, in Ephesians chapter 6, to: Put on the full armor of God so that, when the
day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything,
to stand. stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the
breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes
from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can
extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one (Ephesians 6/14-16). What is the day of
It is the day of evil beings descent on Earth, the day proof will be presented to show the
inexistence of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. In consequence, before that day comes,
people must be prepared, armed with all that comes from understanding the essence of
experiments, from knowing truth from lie, from knowledge of facts shown above in letters a-f,
because they will have a great importance in order to prevent losing the faith. Armed with this
knowledge and, above all, faith in God, man will understand the process, experiments and the
obtained results as a result of matter creation, and not as a result of the action of these beings.
He will succeed rejecting new concepts on matter and life, on evolution, that these beings will
try to inoculate in his mind. The meeting with the aliens (evil beings) can happen at any time
(see Luke 12/35, Matthew 24/21 and 24/36), therefore we insistently address to personalities
invested with attributions and possibilities to convoke an international conference within
every religion that would gather scientists and theologs that would debate on the problems
found in this volume and the rest of our published work, in order to adopt a common line, to
rectify the dominant opinions within the cult which are not corresponding to reality and to the
Bible, and, in the end, a conference of all Christian and non-Christian religions in the world
that would adopt a calling to mankind, pointing out the knowledge that every man must have
in order to face the day of evil. We have elaborated a project of conclusions in this regard, a
project that will be improved with every conference.
Arming human individuals with solid knowledge will save many from falling into the
world of hell in the day of evil, the one the Apostle Paul refers to.

The prophecy or vision of the Apostle Paul and aliens


In his letter to the Ephesians, chapter 6/12, he wrote: For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark
world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It results from the
quoted text that negative spirits are hierarchically organized by their power: (Ruler, Authority,
Power and evil ghost). What are really the heavenly realms? Planets and planetary systems in
Cosmos! Indeed, by Sky we understand the space where matter exists and by heavenly
realms, cosmic bodies where clean and unclean spirits live, with their leaders. For each
cosmic body, the space in its outside represents a Sky. (These skies are different than the
one where the throne of God can be found. Isaiah 66/1).
In the context of todays knowledge, of matter structuration, the Letter of Apostle Paul
to the Ephesians, written approximately 2000 years ago, when man knew nothing about the
stars and the sky, that there are places in the sky where evil beings live, organized as empires
and vassal states, asking people to arm with all of Gods armor, in which we see knowledge
and faith in the Unique Absolute Spirit, so they would be able to reject the proof that will be
presented by these beings in the day of evil, is absolutely amazing! Where did he get this
information on Cosmos from, that will be entirely comprehended almost 2000 years after?!
The answer to this question comes from the Apostle Paul himself in 2 Corinthians chapter
12/1-4, when he says he had been kidnapped to the third sky, where he had heard words that
cannot be told and that no man is allowed to say.
The Bible has all the answers! This is the reason why we consider the Bible a
monumental work. Why we consider the Christian religion as expressing the knowledge of
God and creation, a prolongation of information from the Old Testament transmitted by the
action of the Holy Ghost to the authors of the New Testament! In some versions of the Bible,
the heavenly realms from chapter 6/12 Ephesians are replaced with airs. What are the
airs? The air the gas layer that surrounds the Earth. We stick to the mentioned version
a. It allows us to understand better that aliens live not only in the atmosphere of Earth
like birds in the sky, but also on the planets that lack the air humans need.
b. As shown above, it has been established that on many planets matter is solid, as on
Earth, thus allowing the aliens to live and work in a similar way with man.
c. In our thinking, positive or negative aliens live on the soil of the planets and not in the
air (in many chapters of the Bible it is said that positive hierarchies live on the soil of
the planet first appeared as dry land from the waters).

Chapter XIII. A project of conclusions regarding knowledge of

The undersigned . rallied in the International Conference, organized
by . and held in . on ., after we have studied and
debated on the content of the volume THE CREATIONIST THEORY OF THE
UNIVERSE, presented by Mr. T.I. Ardelean, researcher and coauthor of this theory,
launched and published in Romania, as well as in other countries, we have reached to the
following CONCLUSIONS:
1. The principles of truth within research and the general method of research
applied and proposed by the authors of the Creationist Theory of the Universe

are able to lead to the knowledge of truth. (If other principles or methods are
applied, the researcher risks to block the research and never find truth.
Theories with dogma and taboo doctrines rise from incomplete or false
knowledge and mankind lives in lies for hundreds of years).
2. There is no acceptable explanation on the existence of matter and spirits other
than their creation by a Unique Absolute Spirit whose Being is made of an
immaterial, unique substance, spirit or ghost, that cannot be found anywhere
3. All that exists, exists as a result of the Unique Absolute Spirits creation,
called: God, Jehovah, Allah.
4. Matter is a combination, a mixture of elementary particles with force fields the
property of the substance affirms in.
5. Heat, light, electricity, smells, tastes, magnetism, gravity are of the nature of
the elementary particles substance, that affirms itself this way.
6. Matter structuration is realized through instruments and structuration
techniques created and pre-established in the moment of creation with force
fields dimensioned for each type that will ever appear in the Universe.
7. The property of the elementary particles incorporated as specific force fields
(proper to the elementary particles) affirms itself around the systems.
8. Structures appear and disappear according to the Great Project of Creation and
Existence of the Universe.
9. The elementary particle and its property doesnt divide, nor multiply. As
affirmation way, it varies depending on the vibration of the elementary
10. Force and kinetic energy are fields that allow self propagation of the particles
substance in space. It doesnt detach from the substance.
11. The movement of bodies is based on the constructive principle of the
elementary particle, known insufficiently. Movement is permanent and cannot
be stopped.
12. Bodies are propelled in space by their own force, developed by the elementary
particles found in their componence.
13. By self propagation, bodies realize mechanical work.
14. Speed is expressed by the swiftness needed to cross a distance is crossed in a
period of time through the force developed by elementary particles
incorporated within the structure. Speed and speed recurrences when crossing a
distance are the square root of the distance crossed in one second (or other time
measure units). Thus, the trajectory is an uninterrupted line, composed of
15. The crossed distance by a body is composed of the value of the speed and the
number of speeds repeated within the time unit (second, a.s.o.).
16. Mass is vehicled in space by the force developed by the elementary particles
within mass.
17. When crossing a distance, force axles form in the bodies, from the collision
point with another body on an opposite direction, until it gets out of the body.
These axles are formed out of the force of the elementary particles, as an effect
of deforming the orbits which they roam on around the heart of simple
structures. Associated, these forces look like a moving meteor in space.
18. Organized force in the main axle is expressed by Ecaf/s = Ls2 * V * F, where
Ecaf/s = kinetic energy of the main force axle; Ls2 = mechanical work formed


by length of the force axle multiplied by the force that propels it on a distance
equal to its length; V = speed; F = frequency in speed recurrence.
19. Force or kinetic energy of mass (Ecm/s) results from multiplying
Ecafenvironment/cm2 by the surface of the body on the movement direction, in cm2.
(See chapter VII/13)
20. Force, as a vehicle of mass, can be determined by the formula: Ecaf/s = Ls2 *
21. Structures (protons, electrons, photons, neutrons, atoms, ) are made of a
heart formed by the structures constructive particles, that attract in the system
inferior structures by interaction of the force fields emitted by the elementary
particles groups within the heart and forcer fields emitted by connection
particles within the clouds of those structures.
22. Rydbergs constant (1.097373 * 107 m-1) is made of complex structures of
different degrees attracted in the atoms system and placed in the atomic extra
nuclear space as segments of beltways the electron roams on around the heart
of the atom, namely around the nucleus.
23. When the electron is attracted by the constructive particles groups of the
electric system of the atom, it falls over the layers of structures forming
Rydbergs constant and destroys a pre-established quantity related to the
distance it has been attracted from. The destroyed structures turn, ad hoc, into
light waves as an effect of forming the structures heart of this formation.
24. In the process of light emission by the hydrogen atom, two energies intervene:
a. The specific energy of spontaneous nature that attracts the electron in the
system through the constructive particles groups found in the atoms heart,
generating energy equal to one unit (1).
b. The kinetic energy of the electron equal to a fraction of the specific energy,
equal to 1, is determined by the distance crossed by the electron from the point
where it had met the force field fascicle of the atoms heart to the beltway it
falls over. In order to determine the distance crossed by the electron, we must
determine meeting point atoms heart distance as fraction of a distance
equal to one unit (for example 1/32) and the distance the beltway the electron
falls over and the atoms heart (for example 2). By subtracting the two
distances we obtain the distance crossed by the electron as a fraction from the
whole distance equal to one unit, that actually reflects the electrons kinetic
energy too (1/32 1/22 = 5/36 of the whole distance and 5/36 of the whole
25. The electron is a structure made of n inferior components. It propels in space
as an entity a monolith. In some circumstances, it loses a part of its
components, becoming another independent entity. In other circumstances, the
detached components remain connected to the heart by the interaction of the
structural force field. (These components tied to the electron leave the
impression that it has a tail attached to it.) When the electron decomposes into
its components and the process affects n electrons, the collisions between
these components lead to new decompositions and associations. There is a
crowd similar to the waves of a lake colliding. Because of its components, the
electron acts either as a corpuscle, or as a wave. Therefore, the Copenhagen
interpretations sustaining that the electron acts as described above are
explained by its componence.
26. There is no evolution in the Universe. Proof:


a. Light, heat, electricity, gravity, magnetism had never evolved during the existence of
the Cosmos
b. Structures are limited as types, dough with the existing raw material one can
imagine many more.
c. Links of transition between two species were never discovered among the fossils.
d. No proof was found to show that the individuals of a species can change their cells
and organs, to produce other substances in order to use them for building gonidia,
gametes, embryos, the descendants cells, such as proteins, lipides, glucides, necessary
for the individual of another species.
e. The evolution factors, like environment adjustment, necessity, fight of contraries,
natural selection do not really exist as physical structures with properties and
attributions. The elementary particles with specific or movement force fields do not
adjust, do not feel any necessity or the urge to realize a structure or another, do not
fight, nor do they make a selection of those that may or may not associate. Movement
and association of elementary particles and structures is determined by the vibration of
the elementary particles, through force fields, created and dimensioned for every type
of structure that will ever appear in the Universe. Because they do not have reason,
elementary particles do not have purposes and necessities, being created as means of
existence for matter.
f. Mixing and unmixing of the elementary particles are not determined by the fight of
contraries (they do not actually exist), but result from the affirmation of force fields
created and dimensioned for the structure when its components enter in a preestablished environment.
g. Environment is made of elementary particles with force fields (or structures made of
these particles).
h. Connecting or disconnecting of the components of any structure is realized by the
structural force field, created when these particles were created too and not according
to a plan followed by them or by any material physical factor that is irrational (such
plans do not exist in the Universe).
i. By accepting the existence of the Unique Absolute Spirit, evolution is denied, because
both cannot exist.
27. The conference acknowledges Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We wish to
mention the following proof:
a. The prophecies of the Old Testament.
b. Jesus Christs confessions.
c. His moral behavior as Son of the Father and the Technique of healing and
resurrecting the dead, that is very similar to the one used by God at creation:
Let there be.
d. Revealing of great mysteries that refers to the intrinsic property of His Spirits
Substance, identical to the Being of God. These revealings are composed of
four words: I am the light, I am the life, I am the truth, I am the way.
e. Accepting torture in order to save mans spirit from the slavery of the spirits.
28. The conference, debating on proof showed by the Creationist theory of the
Universe, about planetary matter structuration, admits that, beside Earth, there
are other planets having structured planetary matter, in some situations similar
to the one on Earth. It is possible that some planets are inhabited by conscious
beings, that physically resemble to man or not. Some of these beings obey to
God, some obey to Lucifer.
29. The beings obeying to Lucifer and rebelled against God will deny the existence
of God in case of contact with humans. The religious institutions will be


libeled and their organizations that worship the evil spirit called Lucifer will be
30. The conference requests people to reject all proof and experiments presented
by aliens in order to undermine faith in God, in Jesus Christ, in the Holy
Ghost, in the existence of positive superior hierarchies, in the existence of a
Cosmos of conscious beings still faithful to the Unique Absolute Spirit. The
conference ensures mankind that eventually all creatures rebelled against God,
no matter of what techniques they have, or how powerful their empires are,
will be punished and destroyed.
31. The doctrines and dogmas that explain the existence and matter structuration
contrary to the reality found in the experiments and sustained by the Bible
claim revisioning and restructuration. Therefore, a great number of laws, made
by man in centuries will have to be readjusted, according to reality. In this
a. New definitions will be realized in all fields of science, so that the Creationist
theory of the Universe would become the only applicable thinking
b. A revision of the philosophical concept of existence of life will be done,
making man more understanding in regard of his fellow beings and other
c. The scientific concept of cause will be introduced to calculation and existing
projects, restructuring creations in all fields of activity.
d. By replacing the empirical knowledge with the knowledge of the cause that
stands as a basis for the origin and vanishing of phenomena and processes in
nature, there will be a major change in applied techniques in all fields of
e. The Creationist theory of the Universe challenges all religions and scientific
concepts to debate on life, health, death, matter, creation and godhead, asking
them to coherently explain within the frame of their belief all phenomena and
processes that has been studied within this theory. Impossibility to explain
some phenomena is proof of errors existing within the sustained dogmas and
doctrines and need revision and approaching the truth. This leads directly to
the acknowledgement of the truth promoted by the Bible and revealed by the
Creationist theory of the Universe.
32. In their experiments, it is recommended to the researchers to be aware of:
a. The principles of truth within research and the method of research of the Creationist
Theory of the Universe.
b. To focus on research on that phenomenon that affirms itself in different fields in order
to strengthen and produce new proof of the truth promoted by the Creationist Theory
of the Universe.
c. To stop polluting the spirit with incomplete or false knowledge. It is recommended to
the Education Ministries world wide to introduce in their educational programs the
content of the Creationist theory of the Universe, asking for the authors approval
according to the I.S.B.N. conditions mentioned in the published books.
Concluded today,
1. .
2. .
3. .


We ask the readers of this message to help us, if they can, to publish the books that form the
Fundamental Theory of the Creation of the Universe collection in one of the major languages
by finding a publishing house to agree to our request.
We are waiting for a reply on the following address:
Ardelean Teodor, Arad, Iuliu Maniu avenue, nr. 17-21 Bl. D, sc. B ap. 15, 310169, Arad
Iuhas Cristian, Timioara, Lidia street, nr. 37 sc. A ap. 11
e-mail :


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