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Digital Role-Play
Curriculum standard:

in Drama, students role-play situations and events, sustaining role/character throughout their
group or solo performance. (The Arts)
Students research, improvise, practise and rehearse skills, techniques and processes, using a
range of media, materials, equipment and technologies. (The Arts)
With some guidance, they maintain a record of their planning and development (for example,
in a visual diary or multimedia journal) noting when they are achieving their aim. (The Arts)
They reflect on the implicit messages received through body language and begin to
understand that verbal and non-verbal messages do not always correspond. (Communication)
Students experience a variety of aural, written and visual communication forms in both formal
and informal settings; for example electronic communication, performance and oral
presentations. (Communication)
Students develop their skills in organising ideas and information logically and clearly to suit
their purpose and the needs of their audience. For formal presentations they begin to select
appropriate forms for sharing knowledge and influencing others; for example, adding sound to
presentation software. (Communication)
They increasingly use information and communications technology tools and techniques to
research, develop and communicate ideas. ( Design, Creativity and Technology)
Last lesson we focused on what makes us happy, sad and angry.
Today we are extending on that and looking at more in depth emotions.
On the Interactive whiteboard have written up three columns labelled; Happy, Sad, Angry.
Students are to extend on these words and think of synonyms that describe deep feelings.
If they get stuck:
Happy: excited, joy, love
Sad: depressed, upset, lonely
Angry: Frustrated, anxious, fuming
Students will then be sorted into 3 groups. The teacher will highlight the words that best describe
the first word (These can be decided as a class, with majority votes rule). There should be one
word from each category highlighted. The words should be drawn into a hat and randomly given
to each group (to make it fair). Unless each group has a different preference.
Activity 1:
Students brainstorm ideas about the given word. They will have to create a written plan about
how they are going to address the word. On their plan they should have clearly written what their
word is, and the meaning of the word.

Web links:

Activity 2: This will be across more than one lesson; until the students have authentic work to
show. This may be 2 or 3 lessons where they work on this.
The next activity, students are creating a role play which they will video record. For this role play
they will need to create a story board that clearly describes what they will be doing in their role
play. This should be done through one-note so the teacher and other members of the group will
all have copies.
The role play is about is about self-awareness; if you are feeling over-happy what can you do to
calm yourself down? What are things that make you happy? If you are feeling depressed, show us
what that looks like, and then role play how to overcome that emotion.
The role play is video based, therefore students should be incorporating all forms of media. The
groups may want to elect specific people to do specific roles because everyone should be doing
something. The roles may include; actors, sound technicians (who source sounds and music),
script writers, video recorder. These roles may be shared amongst each other. I do not have a
requirement that all students must act, because as long as everyone is doing something important
then I believe that a student should not be forced to be in front of the camera. If a student/s are
the sound technicians and are working really hard to research and source sounds to incorporate,
then they are doing their fair share effort.
The video could be made using Adobe Premiere Pro. It is a paid software, however they have
cheaper packages for teachers and schools. It is a fantastic software that is very simple to use.
Web links:

Extension activity:
Students create a play, song or dance demonstrating their knowledge of the word given. They will
then present this to a younger year level. The use of technology would be through music or sound
wave, eg. Clapping hands, or laughter that would be played through the computer.
Before presenting the videos, the group will talk about who did what exactly, and inform the class
about the process in making their video. As a class we view each of the videos, and the students
should then give each other feedback about the videos.

Detailed Reference:
A form of document where the students can collaborate their ideas. You can type, draw, add photos,
videos, web link; the ideas are limitless. The groups can have individual documents everyone in the
group can see (including the teacher), or a main group page that everyone can edit. You can pull up
your content anywhere; laptop, tablet, phone, online or offline.
A software which allows you to create a video simplistically but also very detailed. The end result is
very professional. You can edit using a variety of formats and applications. You can use it on any
form of technological device, online or offline.
The Sound Bible is a free downloading sound board website which is very simple to use with
thousands of choices. The best part about this website is that the site clearly states that there are 3
categories of the sounds which explain the licence types of the sounds, that way there are no issues
surrounding copyright infringement.

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