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PHI 7430

: 2609 7139

2. (17cCh. 14)
a. Wimsatt and Beardsley, The Intentional Fallacy (4pp. 293-306)
b. E. D. Hirsch, Validity in Interpretation (11pp. 341-58)
c. Gadamer, Truth and Method (2nd ed, pp. 294-99; 11pp. 377-89)
3. (17cCh. 16)
Freud, Wish Fulfillment and the Unconscious (8pp.124-36)
4. (17cCh. 11)
Dewitt H. Parker, The Problem of Esthetic Form (8pp. 250-66)
a. Goodman, Reality Remade (4pp. 225-48)
b. Gombrich, Art and the Stereotype (8pp. 35-49)
6. (17cChs. 17-18; 17 e)
Heidegger, The Origin of the Work of Art (11pp. 257-287)
Merleau-Ponty, Cezannes Doubt (5pp. 9-25)
Lukacs, The Ideology of Modernism (3pp. 277-307)
Lyotard, What is Postmodernism? (11pp. 592-96)
9. (17bCh. 1; 7Ch.1)
10. <> ()#
<> ()#
11. 22 (17bCh. 2)
12. Chekhov, The Sea Gull#
13. # ()

14. (: [ 138-41][
552-83]; 9112-30) #
*Reserved UL
1. Gaut, B. and Lopes, D. M. ed. The Routledge Company to Aesthetics*
2. Levinson, J. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics
3. Lukacs, G. Marxism and Human Liberation*
4. Margolis, J. ed. Philosophy Looks at the Arts, revised ed. *
5. McGinn, C. Ethics, Evil and Fiction
6. Merleau-Ponty, M. Sense and Nonsense*
7. Nussbaum, M.C. Loves Knowledge: Essays on Philosophy and Literature*
8. Rader, M. ed. A Modern Book of Aesthetics, 4 th ed. *
9. Ricoeur, P. Time and Narrative, Vol. 2, pp. 112-30.*
10. Rorty, R. Contingency, Irony and Solidarity
11. Ross, S. D. ed. Art and Its Significance, 2 nd ed.*
12. Said, E. Culture and Imperialism
13. Skilleas, O. M. Philosophy and Literature: An Introduction
14. ()*
15. a.
195-211; b.11
17. a. *; b. *; c.*
d. <>; e. <>

(; 0 ): 45%
: 10%
( 1000-1500 500 2-3 ): 45%
(2000-2500 500 4-5 )
2. a, b
a. 1, 9, 11, 12 1-2

1) James Joyce, The Dead (in Dubliners)
2) Arthur Miller, The Crucible

5. 5 16

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