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CS 161 Laboratory Exercise 7

Word Processor Productivity Tools: document revisions and mail merge

In this session you will revise a document and then will produce a mass letter using mail merge. When you
are done with both parts of the assignment please show your documents to the TAs and then upload the
required files to Blackboard Learn (see: What to Submit section at the end of this document).

Software needed
For this lab you will need to use:

Microsoft Word 2010. To find Word 2010 in the lab machines go to the Start Menu, select All
Programs, then select Microsoft Office, and then Microsoft Word 2010:

Setting up and downloading the files needed for this assignment

Create a folder on the desktop:
1) Right-click anywhere on the desktop
2) From the pop-up menu, pick New and then Folder
3) Name your folder CS161_Lab7
For this assignment you will need the following files which you should download from Bb Learn and save
them in the CS161_Lab7 folder:


Document Revisions and Research Papers

See attached document: collaborationAndResearch.pdf

Mail Merge
See attached document: MailMerge.pdf

What to submit
When you are done with this lab and you have shown your work to the TA, upload the final versions of
w03hc1tulip.docx, and w04plticketletter.docxw and 04plmoonletter.docx to
Learn and submit your lab.

Collaboration and Research

You are a member of the Horticulture Society and have been

asked to assist in the development of information packets
about a variety of flowers and plants. A report about tulips
has been started, and you are responsible for completing the
document so that it is ready for the fall meeting. You know of
many features in Word that you can use to finish and present
an easy-to-follow report.

Track Revisions
The document you receive has a few comments and shows the last
few changes by the author. You will accept or reject the changes, and
then make a few of your own. You will turn on track changes to differentiate between your changes and the author's.
a. Open w03cltulip and save it as w03cltulip_Lastname
b. Scroll through the document and review the comment.
Return to the third page and reject the insertion of a
sentence about squirrels.
c. Accept all other tracked changes in the document. Keep
all comments.

d. Change all headings that use Heading 3 style so they use

Heading I style, as per the comment left by the author
e. Click inside the author's comment, and then insert a new
comment. In the new comment, type a message indicating
you have made the style replacement. This new comment
will display Rl after your name in the balloon to indicate
it is a response to the previous comment.

Credit Sources
You are now ready to add the citations for resources that the author
used when assembling this report. The author sent some source citations as an external file, and she typed some of the source information at the end of the document. She did not format it appropriately
for use as a citation, nor did she insert citations in the appropriate
places in the document as a footnote or endnote.
a. Use the Source Manager tool to open the file tulips.xml,
and then copy the citations into the current list for this
b. Scroll to the end of the document to view a list of sources.
Use the Source Manager tool to create new citations for
each source. After you create the citations, delete the
Sources paragraph heading and each source below it.

c. Modify the source from the Gardenersnet Web site to

indicate the information was retrieved on June 7, 2012.
Modify the source only in your current list.
d. Create a bibliography using MLA style on a separate page
at the end of the document.
e. Insert an endnote on page 3, at the end of the third
paragraph in the Planting section, which ends with made
by the planter. Type the following for the endnote:

Swezey, Lauren Bonar, A Westerner's Guide to Tulips

(Sunset, October 1999). Change the number format for
endnotes to I, 2, 3 in the Footnotes dialog box launcher.

Figure References
The graphics in the document are quite informative, and you want to
add descriptive captions to them and to list them on a reference page.
a. Select the tulip picture on the left side of the first row,
and then assign the following caption below the photo:
Figure I. Angelique.
b. Assign captions to the remaining tulip photos on that
page using information in the comments fields. Delete
the comments after you create the captions.
c. Assign the caption Planting Depth Guide to the graphic
titled Planting Guide at a Glance.

d. Create a blank page following the cover page, and then

insert a table of figures, using the Distinctive format.
Type Table of Figures at the top, and then format with
the Heading I style.

Finish with Table of Contents and Index

To put the finishing touches on your document, you add a table of
contents and an index. The document is short, but you decide to
include both because they demonstrate a higher level of professionalism in your work.
a. Automatically generate a table of contents and display it
on a page between the cover page and the table of figures.
b. Mark the following words as index entries: Holland,
perennials, deadheading, soil, store. Create an index crossreference entry using the word storage in the index to
indicate where the word store is used in the document.
c. Add an index to the end of the document. Use the
Classic index format. Format the Index title using the
Heading I style.

d. Find the sentence See the depth chart in Figure 6, which

displays in the third paragraph in the Planting section.
Before the period and following the number 6, add the
following text: on page . Then insert a cross reference to
Figure 6. If correct, it informs the reader that the graphic
is found on page 5.
e. Display a page number in the footer of the document
using Accent Bar 4 format. Start numbering on the page
that contains the Table of Contents. Also, in the left side
of the footer, display the text Compiled by your name,
but use your first and last name.

Update all tables to reflect any changes made throughout

this project.

g. Save and dose the file, and submit based on your

instructor's directions.
Capstone Exercise Word 2010

Mail Merge

TROUBLESHOOTING: If you find it difficult to determine where to place the cursor, click
Show/Hide (iJ) on the Home tab to display formatting marks such as spaces.
Move the insertion point to the end of the last sentence of the second paragraph, just before
the ending period. Click Insert Merge Field arrow, and then click Date.
e. Click Preview Results. To correct the extra spacing around the address block, complete these steps:
Select the three lines that make up the address block.
Click the Page Layout tab.
Click the Spacing After arrow in the Paragraph group until 0 pt displays.
f. Finish the merge by completing these steps:
Click the Mailings tab, click Finish & Merge, and then click Edit Individual Documents.
Click From, type 1 in the first box, type 34 in the second box, and then click OK. There were four
records at the end of the list that did not contain addresses. You do not want to print those letters.
Save the new document as w04plticketletter_LastnameFirstname. Close the file.
g. Select w04p 1theatre_LastnameFirstname, and then save it as w04p 1theatre2_LastnameFirstname.
h. Filter the recipient list in preparation for creating letters to patrons attending the January production
by completing the following steps:
Click the Mailings tab, if necessary, and then click Edit Recipient List to display the Mail
Merge Recipients dialog box.
Click Filter to display the Filter and Sort dialog box. Click the Filter Records tab, if necessary.
Click the Field arrow, and then click Show.
Click the Comparison arrow, and then click Contains.
Type Moon in the Compare to box, and then click OK.
Click OK again to close the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box.
Click Last Record to determine how many pages yo ur merge will create. If the filter is set correctly,
your merge will create 12 letters.
J Click Finish & Merge, click Edit Individual Documents, click All, and then click OK.
k. Save the new document as w04plmoonletter_LastnameFirstname. Compare your letter to
Figure 4.35, and then close the document.
I. Save and close all documents, and submit based on your instructor's directions.

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