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COMENIUS 2009-11


Västervik: 8-6-10 al 20-6-10

Dimarts 8 juny 2010

(Cal portar entrepans per esmorzar i dinar)

07:00 Sortida de Berga, des de l’estació d’autobusos Alsa del Pg. de la Pau.

11:05 Sortida de l’aeroport de Girona, nº de vol 1936 Ryanair.

14:15 Arribada a l’aeroport Skavsta de Suècia i viatge en bus fins a Västervik.

18:30 Les famílies sueques recullen els berguedans a l’estació de Västervik.

Dimecres 9 juny 2010

08.00 – 10.00 Trobada a les aules i visita a l’escola sueca.

10.00 – 11.00 Passejada per la ciutat de Västervik amb una guia local.

11.00 – 12.00 Dinar.

12:00 – 16:00 Alumnes catalans i suecs treballaran per preparar la presentació del
projecte a l’aula Alan a l’escola Ellen Key.

Dijous 10 juny 2010

08.00 – 12:00 Els alumnes catalns treballaran amb els seus professors i faran l’exposició
oral del treball de síntesi.

12.00 – 13.00 Dinar.

13.00 – 16.00 Classes a l’escola Ellen Key.

17.00 Sopar amb les famílies.

19.00 Nit de ball al local juvenil de Mejereit

Divendres 11 juny 2010

08.00 Els alumnes catalans visitaran Gamleby i faran una activitat conjunta amb
alumnes de Gamleby en el bosc d’escultures.

13:00 Retorn en tren de Gamleby a Västervik.

14:00 Els alumnes catalans i suecs treballaran per preparar la presentació del projecte a
l’aula a l’escola Ellen Key. En acabar si fa bon temps, els alumnes podran participar en
jocs suecs.

Dissabte 12 juny 2010

Cap de setmana amb la família sueca.

Diumenge 13 juny 2010

Cap de setmana amb la família sueca.

Trobada de professors suecs i catalans a Merjeriet per preparar el projecte i la

presentació i la memòria.

Dilluns 14 juny 2010

08.00 Excursió conjunta a l’illa de Hasselö tots junts. Si fa bon temps es podran

13.30 Dinar.

16.00 Tornada.

Dimarts 15 juny 2010

08:00 Durant el dia els suecs i ctalans preparen la presentació de la nit.

19.00 Nit de presentacions del projecte a l’auditori de Mejeriet, amb pares i

autoritats de l’ajuntament de Västervik com a convidats.

Dimecres 16 juny 2010

08.00 Sortida en bus cap a Kalmar. Alumnes i professors visitarem l’antiga capital
sueca de Kalmar i el seu castell medieval que data del s.XII.

16.00 Retorn cap a Västervik.

Dijous 17 juny 2010

08:00 Activitats esportives conjuntes a Örbäcken, on podrem practicar tota mena

d’activitats de lleure.

17.30 Sopar de comiat a Mejeriet.

Divendres 18 de juny 2010

07.00 Sortida de Västervik cap a la capital sueca, Estocolm.

11.00 Arribada a Estocolm. Allotjament a l’alberg Hostel Zinkensdamm.

13.00 Dinar.

15.00 Visita al Museu Vasa d’Estocolm, on veurem la Nau Reial Vasa la més gran i
poderosa del món, amb 64 canons i capacitat per a 300 soldats, la qual va naufragar en
el seu viatge inaugural al s.XVII.

17.00 Visita al nucli medieval de Gamla Stan de la ciutat. Visitarem l’Ajuntament,

conegut per la celebració anual dels premis Nobel; la Catedral Storkyrkan del sXIII, i
els seus carrerons plens de botigues d’artesania típica sueca.

19.00 Sopar.
Dissabte 19 de juny 2010

09:00 Excursió en vaixell pels canals de les 14 illes de la ciutat.

11:00 Visita al Museu Alfred Nobel. Coneixerem la vida d’Alfred Nobel, inventor de la
dinamita, i la Fundació que porta el seu nom, la qual otorga un premi anual a celebritats
en reconeixement a la seva tasca en benefici a la humanitat. Si el temps ens ho permet
visitarem el museu a l’aire lliure Skansen.
13.00 Dinar.

15.00 Tarda lliure.

19.00 Sopar.

21.00 Sortida d’Estocolm cap a l’aeroport Skavsta.

Diumenge 20 de juny 2010

07:00 Sortida de Suècia cap a Girona, nº de vol 1935 Ryanair

10:10 Arribada a l’aeroport Girona.

Aprox. 12:00 Arribada a l’estació d’autobusos Alsa del Passeig de la Pau de Berga.

DNI i/o passaport.
Autorització del mossos/policia.
Targeta sanitària europea.
Recordem que aquest documentació ha de ser l’original i no pot estar caducada.
En cas de seguir un tractament mèdic, cal portar un justificant mèdic.

Per treballar
Càmera de fotos.
Llapis, bolígrafs, llibreta petita.
Pen drive.
Presentació de power point.

Us aconsellem que porteu roba còmoda que no sigui massa d’estiu. Penseu que pot
ploure, que pot fer calor però també fred.
Peces aconsellables: jaqueta, impermeable, vambes.
Necesser personal.

Regal per la família.
Esmorzar i dinar pel primer dia.
Medicaments que pugueu necessitar.

Recordeu les normes de seguretat de la UE als aeroports:

No es poden portar líquids a l’equipatge de mà, per tant, no hi poseu xarops,

cremes, perfums, rímels, gels, begudes, pastes de dents, espumes, etc.

Els ordinadors portàtils i altres dispositius elèctrics grans s’han de portar dins
l’equipatge de mà i s’examinaran per separat.

L’equipatge de mà no pot superar les mides de 55cmx40cmx20cm i només es pot

portar una bossa (no es pot portar “bolso” separat). No es pot portar res que talli o
punxi com tisores, navalles, ganivets, tallaungles, llimes de ferros, etc.

L’equipatge facturat només pot arribar a 15 Kg per persona. Cada quilo extra val
aproximadament 15 euros i s’ha de pagar amb targeta visa.


First, remember all the clues on how to produce a successful oral presentation. You did
that in the English class. Revise your notes from the course.

What must your oral presentation include?

a) Introduction of the group.

b) What is your magazine about?
c) Explain about the main articles and information in your magazine.
d) How did you organize your job?
e) Main problems or difficulties.
f) Others…
g) Conclusion. Was it interesting? What did you learn? What impacted you the

Prepare your presentation before leaving Berga. You can upload it to your blog
using slideshare.


Photo camera.
Pen, Pencil, notebook.
Pen drive.
Your power point presentation

ACTIVITY 1 (A student from Catalonia and a student from Sweden)

In pairs
You are going to write a blog diary of the activities you do and the cultural sites you
visit every day. Add pictures of that day. Every day some Catalan and Swedish students
will be in charge of writing about that day on the blog.

ACTIVITY 2 (A student from Catalonia and a student from Sweden)

In pairs
You are going to film the activities you do in Sweden. You will be the owner of the
video camera for one day and you will have to film the sites you visit talking about your
experiences. Filming for about 10 minutes a day will be enough.

ACTIVITY 3 (Catalan students)

Group work of four (the same group of the magazines!!!)
You are going to write a REPORT for our local newspaper. This report has to include
the activities you have done and the sites you have visited (add some pictures to make
your work more attractive and all the information you want to add). Then, the best
REPORTS will be published either in Regió 7 or Berguedà Actual or Panxing or
Catalonia Today. Thus, do it as carefully as you can. Use proficient grammar,
vocabulary, etc.
Deadline: 27th June. Send it to

ACTIVITY 4 (All the students)

Final survey in Sweden. You will find the link in the blog the last days of your trip.
You will also have to reflect in your blog (See next page). Do it together the last day!!!

– INTRODUCTION: Who are you? What are you going to talk about in this composition?
– COMENIUS ACTIVITIES done in Sweden. What do you think about your magazine? What
about your oral presentation? What about the diary blog? What about the final performance?
What about the songs? What about filming?
– VISITS IN SWEDEN. What did you like it? Why? What are you going to remember forever?
What was interesting? What trip didn’t you like it? What surprised you the most?
– SWEDISH HIGH SCHOOL. What did you like? Why? What surprised you the most?
– MY FAMILY. What about your family? Tell us something about them.
○ Did my English improve a little bit?
○ Did my English improve on reading, writing, speaking, listening?
○ What do I need to do to improve my English?
○ How can I improve my English?
○ Which other competences or skills have I improved in Sweden?

In conclusion, my English has/has not improved this year because …. . I think …

What have I learnt in Sweden?


– INTRODUCTION: Who are you? What are you going to talk about in this composition?
– COMENIUS ACTIVITIES were: Blogs, Personal presentation, Learning about others
experience in the library, Christmas songs, Christmas traditions, Radio programme, Recipes,
Favorite song, Different composition, General comments in the blog, oral presentation
○ The activity/activities I liked most was/were …………… because…….
○ The activity/activities I did not like was/were …………………. because….
○ I think the________ (task name)_________ was/were very difficult because …
○ I think the _________(task name)___ was/were very easy because…
○ The rest of the activities were ________ because_____________
○ What did I learn about him/her?
○ When did we have a lot of fun?
○ What was the best activity we did together?
○ What did I learn in the Spanish class?
○ Did my Spanish improve on reading, writing, speaking, listening?
○ What do I need to do to improve my Spanish?
○ How can I improve my Spanish?

In conclusion, my Spanish has/has not improved this year because …. . I think…

What are your expectations for the trip to Spain/Catalonia?

I will send your username and password during patum at your email!!!
TUEDAY 8 (write and film)
Laura Tomasa + Swedish students
Èlia Macià + Swedish students
Laura Fígols + Swedish students
WEDNESDAY 9 (write and film)
Eva Marceló + Swedish students
Joana Vidal + Swedish students
Anna Serradell + Swedish students
THRUSDAY 10(write and film)
Míriam Prat + Swedish students
Maria Boixader + Swedish students
Marta Lopez + Swedish students
FRIDAY 11 (write and film)
Cristina Prat + Swedish students
Júlia Soler + Swedish students
Clara Comellas + Swedish students
SATURDAY 12 (write)
Alba Perona + Swedish students
Laia Pla + Swedish students
SUNDAY 13 (write)
Alejandra Rodríguez + Swedish students
Queralt Bonet + Swedish students
MONDAY 14(write and film)
Joan Salas + Swedish students
Pau Xandri + Swedish students
Guillem Lladós + Swedish students
Jordi Nadeu + Swedish students
TUESDAY 15 (write and film)
Maria Vera + Swedish students
Clara Duarte + Swedish students
Sergi Montraveta + Swedish students
Júlia Lleida+ Swedish students
WEDNESDAY 16 (write and film)
Xavier Simon + Swedish students
Toni Molera + Swedish students
Adrià Sobrino+ Swedish students
Diego Reyes+ Swedish students
THRUSDAY 17 (write and film)
Nil Safont + Swedish students
Marc Borrellas+ Swedish students
Joan Saez + Swedish students
Ramon Balderich+ Swedish students
FRIDAY 18 (film)
Queralt Bonet
Laia Pla
SATURDAY 19 (film)
Alba Perona
Alejandra Rodríguez

1.- Some students say catalan words, others say swedish words and they don’t
understand each other. (2 Swedish + 2 Catalan)

2.- What is Comenius? What is a bilateral Comenius? (3 Swedish + 3 Catalan)

3.- What is Sweden? (2 Swedish + 2 Catalan)

4.- What is Catalonia? (2 Swedish + 2 Catalan)

5.- Our products
BLOG : (2 Swedish + 2 Catalan)
RECIPES: (2 Swedish + 2 Catalan)
DICTIONARY: (2 Swedish + 2 Catalan)
MAGAZINES: (8 Swedish + 8 Catalan)

6.- Song : (2 Swedish + 2 Catalan + Everybody)

7.- Exchange : (4 Swedish + 4 Catalan)

– I learnt …
– Aprendí (and so on)…
8.- In this Comenius : (4 Swedish + 4 Catalan)
– I learnt…
– Aprendí…
– I liked…
– Me gusto (and so on)…
9.- Song: Everybody sings
10.- Catalan and Swedish words and they understand each other at the end. ( The same
4 students from the beginning)

Uoh uoh!
There you go again, you will know new people.
Yeah you!
the Comenius...
got everybody star struck
We must enjoy the experience
Because it’s a big opportunity to learn a lot of E-English!

We fly over Europe, cause we hope need more freedom,

If you want, we will be friends dancing and singing.
We will travel to Västervik, we will travel to Berga.
cause we want to see your face another more t-i-ime. Yeeah.

Yeah Yeah!
We are working a lot, everything will go out well.
Oh sure!
Wanna see me, and soo-oon it was coming.
We must enjoy the experience
Because it’s a big opportunity to learn a lot of Spa-anish!

We fly over Europe, cause we hope need more freedom.

If you want, we will be friends dancing and singing.
We will travel to Vastervik, we will travel to Berga.
cause we want to see your face another more t-i-ime.

Wish I could tell you “It will be etern”

All this time hasn’t been one dream.
It’s a real thing that it has end.
I miss you.
Maybe, distance is a problem but I promise that we see-again.
I think it has been amazing

We fly over Europe, cause we hope need more freedom.

If you want, we will be friends dancing and singing.
We will travel to Västervik, we will travel to Berga.
cause we want see your face another more t-i-ime. ( BIS)

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