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Abhishek Singh


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: (415)-745-6473

Masters of Science in Analytics (MSAN)
University of San Francisco | <2015 2016 (Pursuing) >
Interests: Machine Learning, Time series, SQL & NOSQL databases, Distributed computing
Python, R, SAS, Cassandra, MsSQL, Postgresql, HIVE & Hadoop, MongoDB, Shiny studio, D3.js
Apache Drill, AWS (S3, EMR, EC2, RDS), h2o, Pyspark (Mlib, Streaming & SQL), SSH, Git & Bash

Indian School of Mines, India

Bachelor of Technology: Electrical Engineering | <2008 2012>
Forecasted electricity consumptions of University hostels using weighted forecasting in Excel
Worked on MATLAB, Ms. Office Kit, Statistics problems & Differential Equations

WORK EXPERIENCE | <Sep12 Present>

Sunrun | Data Science Intern | (Tools used: R, Plotly, AWS-Machine Learning, OmniGraffle)

Produced insights & visualization patterns to identify installation bottlenecks & faulty data patterns

Created a AWS-ML based UI to help Sunrun predict & track Project installation times

Hansa Cequity (Tools used: R, MS-SQL & Tableau) |INDIA

Business Analyst (Customer analytics: Direct to Home vertical)
Increased products sales for client by using logistic regression (82% accuracy)
Built an Ethnicity mapping framework to enable customer segmentation (88% accuracy)
Clustered customers based on Lifetime value for targeted marketing (86% purity)
Mu Sigma (Tools used: R, HADOOP, HIVE, OLAP) | INDIA

Business Analyst (Cross industry analytics)

Regressed Restaurant attractiveness for an online food services client (R2 = .87)
Pre-Sales: RFP, RFI, PoC, PoV, Proposal slides for clients from 4 different industries
Developed Sales optimization solutions for the product team of a Top tech client

PROJECTS | <Jul15 - Present>

Document Classification (Tools used: Python, Bash, Spark)

Performed stemming & Stop word removal on 100k movie reviews from Stanford database
Fitted a Naive Bayes Classifiers in both Spark and Python and got 83% accuracy

RESTful Web Services on AWS (Tools used: Python, Flask, EC2, RDS)

Parsed JSON files (1.5 GB) on Product sales and loaded them in AWS-RDS
Analyzed the 5 biggest drivers of sales and hosted the results online (backed by an EC2)

Web Scraping (Tools used: Python, Postgresql)

Crawled OMDB & Box Office Mojo to pull movie data for predicting movie success
Identified the 3 biggest drivers of revenues for movies released between (1980 2015)

Audio Clip Classification (Tools used: IPython notebook, Python, OpenCV, R, h2o)

Processed audio files, derived features and transferred data to h2o environment
Fitted & tuned a Gradient boosting classifier to get a test AUC of .997

Predicting Quote Conversion (Tools used: R, h2o)

Employed missing value substitution, Outlier treatment & feature engineering for an insurer
Tuned a Gradient boosting classifier to get a Kaggle test AUC of .964

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