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1. There will be 40 Multiple Choice Questions.
2. Each question carries two marks & there can be negative
3. Maximum Time allotted is 60 minutes.
Digital Electronics & Logic Design
Number systems and codes
Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra
Combinational Logic
Digital Arithmetic
Latches and Flip-flops
Counters and registers

Concepts of Programming(c/c++)

Data Type and Operators: Types and declarations, variables, user

defined data types; Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical, conditional
and assignment, Operator precedence and associativity.
Assignments and Statements: Type conversion, statements,
manipulators, Input and output statements, conditional expressions: if
then else clause; loops: for, while, do-while, switch case, arrays, structure,
Functions: Definition and Call, Scope Rules. Parameter Passing: by value,
by address and by reference, Functions returning references, Const
functions, recursion, function overloading, Default Arguments, Const
arguments, pre-processor directives
Pointers: Pointer Operations, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers and Arrays,
Multiple indirections, Pointer to functions..
Structure and Union Declaration, Initialization, structure within
structure, Array of structure, Enumerated data types, Union of structure,
Files Streams and file types, file operations, File I/O, Read ,Write and
Other file function

Complex Numbers: Quardratic equations. Algebraic properties of

complex numbers. Argand plane and polar representation of complex

numbers, Quadratic equations ,Square root of a complex number
Demoivers theorem.
Differential Calculus: Limits of functions, derivative of sum, difference,
product and quotient of functions. The derivative of polynomial and
trigonometric functions some application of Differentiation, tangent
Normal, rate of change, maxima and minima, error and approximation etc.

Introduction to Integral Calculus: Definite and indefinite Integration

by substitution, by partial fractions and by parts, Evaluation of simple
integrals of the following types and problems based on them.

Applications in finding the area under simple curves, especially

lines, circles/parabolas/ellipses Area between any of the two above
said curves.
Matrix and Determinants: Order, types of matrices, transposes of a
matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices. Operation on matrices:
Addition and multiplication and multiplication with a scalar. Concept of
elementary row and column operations. properties of determinants,
minors, co-factors and applications of determinants in finding the area of a
triangle. Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix. Consistency,
inconsistency and number of solutions of system of linear equations by
examples, solving system of linear equations in two or three variables
(having unique solution) using inverse of a matrix. Rank of Matrix.
Differential Equations: Definition, order and degree, general and
particular solutions of a differential equation. Formation of differential
equation Solution of differential equations by method of separation of
variables, solutions of homogeneous differential equations of first order
and first degree. Solutions of linear differential equation, exact differential
Vector Algebra: Direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector. Types
of vectors, position vector of a point, components of a vector, addition of
vectors, multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position vector of a point
dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Definition, Geometrical
Interpretation, properties and application of scalar (dot) product of
vectors, vector (cross) product of vectors, scalar triple product of vectors.


1. There will be 40 Multiple Choice Questions.
2. Each question carries two marks & there can be negative
3. Maximum Time allotted is 60 minutes.

Digital Electronics & Logic Design

Number systems and codes
Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra
Combinational Logic
Digital Arithmetic
Latches and Flip-flops
Counters and registers

Concepts of Programming(c/c++)

Data Type and Operators:Types and declarations, variables, user

defined data types; Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical, conditional
and assignment, Operator precedence and associativity
.Assignments and Statements: Type conversion, statements,
manipulators, Input and output statements, conditional expressions: if
then else clause; loops: for, while, do-while, switch case, arrays, structure,
Functions: Definition and Call, Scope Rules. Parameter Passing: by value,
by address and by reference, Functions returning references, Const
functions, recursion, function overloading, Default Arguments, Const
arguments, pre-processor directives
Pointers: Pointer Operations, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers and Arrays,
Multiple indirections, Pointer to functions..
Structure and Union Declaration, Initialization, structure within
structure, Array of structure, Enumerated data types, Union of structure,
Files Streams and file types, file operations, File I/O, Read ,Write and
Other file function


Set Theory: Sets, Type of sets, Set operations, subsets, Principle of

Inclusion-Exclusion, Cartesian product of sets, Partitions.
Logic: Propositions, Implications, Precedence of logical operators,
Translating English sentences into logical expressions, Propositional
Relations: Relations and diagraph, Types of relations, n-ary relations and
their applications, properties of relations, representing relations, closure of
relation, equivalence relation, operation on relations, partial ordering.

Functions: Functions, One-to-one, many- one Functions, Onto and Into

Functions, Inverse and Composition of Functions, Floor Function, Ceiling
Function, Domain and Range of Functions.
Graphs: Introduction to Graph, Graph terminology, Representing graphs
and Graph Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler Paths and Circuits,
Hamiltonian paths and circuits, Shortest Path Problems, Planar Graphs.

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