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Did man really walk on the Moon?
Did man really walk on the Moon or was it the ultimate camera trick,
David Milne?
The great lunar lie. In the early hours of May 16, 1990, after a week
spent watching old video footage of man on the Moon, a thought was
into an obsession in the mind of Ralph Rene.
"How can the flag be fluttering," the 47 year old American kept asking
himself, "when there's no wind on the atmosphere free Moon?" That
was to be the beginning of an incredible Space odyssey for the self-
engineer from New Jersey.
He started investigating the Apollo Moon landings, scouring every NASA
film, photo and report with a growing sense of wonder, until finally
reaching an awesome conclusion: America had never put a man on the Moon.
The giant leap for mankind was fake. It is of course the conspiracy
to end all conspiracy theories. But Rene has now put all his findings
a startling book entitled NASA Mooned America.
Published by himself, it's being sold by mail order - and is a
The story lifts off in 1961 with Russia firing Yuri Gagarin into space,
leaving a panicked America trailing in the space race. At an emergency
meeting of Congress, President Kennedy proposed the ultimate face saver,
put a man on the Moon. With an impassioned speech he secured the plan
unbelievable 40 billion dollars.
And so, says Rene (and a growing number of astro-physicists are
to agree with him), the great Moon hoax was born.
Between 1969 and 1972, seven Apollo ships headed to the Moon. Six claim
have made it, with the ill fated Apollo 13 - whose oxygen tanks
exploded halfway - being the only casualties. But with the exception of
the known rocks, which could have been easily mocked up in a lab, the
photographs and film footage are the only proof that the Eagle ever
And Rene believes they're fake. For a start, he says, the TV footage
The world tuned in to watch what looked like two blurred white ghosts
gambol through rocks and dust. Part of the reason for the low quality
that, strangely, NASA provided no direct link up. So networks actually
to film "man's greatest achievement" from a TV screen in Houston -a
deliberate ploy, says Rene, so that nobody could properly examine it.
By contrast, the still photos were stunning. Yet that's just the
The astronauts took thousands of pictures, each one perfectly exposed
sharply focused. Not one was badly composed or even blurred. As Rene
points out, that's not all:
* The cameras had no white meters or view ponders. So the astronauts
achieved this feat without being able to see what they were doing.
* Their film stock was unaffected by the intense peaks and powerful
radiation on the Moon, conditions that should have made it useless.
* They managed to adjust their cameras, change film and swap filters in
pressurized clubs. It should have been almost impossible without the
of their fingers.
Award winning British photographer David Persey is convinced the
are fake. His astonishing findings are explained alongside the pictures
these pages, but the basic points are as follows:
* The shadows could only have been created with multiple light sources
and, in particular, powerful spotlights. But the only light source on
Moon was the sun.
* The American flag and the words "United States" are always brightly
even when everything around is in shadow.
* Not one still picture matches the film footage, yet NASA claims both
were shot at the same time.
* The pictures are so perfect each one would have taken a slick
advertising agency hours to put them together. But the astronauts
it repeatedly.
David Persey believes the mistakes were deliberate, left there by
blowers", who were keen for the truth to one day get out. If Persey is
right and the pictures are fake, then we've only NASA's word that man
went to the Moon. And, asks Rene, why would anyone fake pictures of an
event that actually happened?
The questions don't stop there. Outer space is awash with deadly
that emanates from solar flares firing out from the sun. Standard
astronauts orbiting Earth in near space, like those who recently fixed
Hubble telescope, are protected by the Earth's Van Allen belt. But the
Moon is to 240,000 miles distant, way outside this safe band. And,
the Apollo flights, astronomical data shows there were no less than
such flares.
John Mauldin, a physicist who works for NASA, once said shielding at
two meters thick would be needed. Yet the walls of the Lunar Landers,
which took astronauts from the spaceship to the moons surface were, said
NASA, "about the thickness of heavy duty aluminum foil". How could that
stop this deadly radiation?
And if the astronauts were protected by their space suits, why didn't
rescue workers use such protective gear at the Chernobyl meltdown, which
released only a fraction of the dose astronauts would encounter? Not
Apollo astronaut ever contracted cancer - not even the Apollo 16 crew
were on their way to the Moon when a big flare started.
"They should have been fried," says Rene.
Furthermore, every Apollo mission before number 11 (the first to the
was plagued with around 20,000 defects a-piece. Yet, with the exception
Apollo 13, NASA claims there wasn't one major technical problem on any
their Moon missions. Just one effect could have blown the whole thing.
"The odds against these are so unlikely that God must have been the
co-pilot," says Rene.
Several years after NASA claimed its first Moon landing, Buzz Aldrin
second man on the Moon" - was asked at a banquet what it felt like to
on to the lunar surface. Aldrin staggered to his feet and left the room
crying uncontrollably. It would not be the last time he did this. "It
strikes me he's suffering from trying to live out a very big lie," says
Aldrin may also fear for his life. Virgil Grissom, a NASA astronaut who
baited the Apollo program, was due to pilot Apollo 1 as part of the
landings build up. In January 1967, he hung a lemon on his Apollo
(in the US, unroadworthy cars are called lemons) and told his wife
"if there is ever a serious accident in the space program, it's likely
be me." Nobody knows what fueled his fears, but by the end of the month
and his two co-pilots were dead, burnt to death during a test run when
their capsule, pumped full of high pressure pure oxygen, exploded.
Scientists couldn't believe NASA's carelessness - even chemistry
in high school know high pressure oxygen is extremely explosive. In
before the first manned Apollo fight even cleared the launch pad, a
of 11 would-be astronauts were dead. Apart from the three who were
incinerated, seven died in plane crashes and one in a car smash. Now
is a spectacular accident rate. "One wonders if these 'accidents'
NASA's way of correcting mistakes," says Rene. "Of saying that some of
these men didn't have the sort of 'right stuff' they were looking for."
NASA won't respond to any of these claims, their press office will only
that the Moon landings happened and the pictures are real. But a NASA
public affairs officer called Julian Scheer once delighted 200 guests at
private party with footage of astronauts apparently on a landscape. It
been made on a mission film set and was identical to what NASA claimed
they real lunar landscape. "The purpose of this film," Scheer told the
enthralled group, "is to indicate that you really can fake things on
the ground, almost to the point of deception." He then invited his
audience to "come to your own decision about whether or not man actually
did walk on the Moon".
A sudden attack of honesty? You bet, says Rene, who claims the only
thing about the Apollo missions were the lift offs. The astronauts
have to be on board, he says, in case the rocket exploded. "It was the
easiest way to ensure NASA wasn't left with three astronauts who ought
be dead," he claims, adding that they came down a day or so later, out
the public eye (global surveillance wasn't what it is now) and into the
safe hands of NASA officials, who whisked them off to prepare for the
big day a week later.
And now NASA is planning another giant step - project Outreach, a 1
trillion dollar manned mission to Mars. "Think what they'll be able to
mock up with today's computer graphics," says Rene chillingly. "Special
effects was in its infancy in the 60s. This time round we will have no
of determining the truth."
Space oddities:
* Apollo 14 astronaut Allen Shepard played golf on the Moon. In front
a worldwide TV audience, Mission Control teased him about slicing the
to the right. Yet a slice is caused by uneven air flow over the ball.
Moon has no atmosphere and no air.
* A camera panned upwards to catch Apollo 16's Lunar Lander lifting off
the Moon. Who did the filming?
* One NASA picture from Apollo 11 is looking up at Neil Armstrong about
take his giant step for mankind. The photographer must have been lying
the planet surface. If Armstrong was the first man on the Moon, then
took the shot?
* The pressure inside a space suit was greater than inside a football.
astronauts should have been puffed out like the Michelin Man, but were
freely bending their joints.
* The Moon landings took place during the Cold War. Why didn't America
make a signal on the moon that could be seen from earth? The PR would
been phenomenal and it could have been easily done with magnesium
* Text from pictures in the article. Only two men walked on the Moon
during the Apollo 12 mission. Yet the astronaut reflected in the visor
no camera. Who took the shot?
* The flags shadow goes behind the rock but doesn't match the dark line
the foreground, which looks like a line cord. So the shadow to the
right of the spaceman must be the flag. Where is his shadow?
And why is the flag fluttering?



By Dr. Stanley Monteith

It has been said that "men become accomplices to those tragedies which they fail to
oppose". Nowhere is that truth more clearly demonstrated than in the apocalypse currently
unfolding across the world as the HIV epidemic continues its silent spread from land to
As of January 1, 1997 over 350,000 Americans will be dead, another 200,000 will be in
the terminal stages of their illness, and an additional six hundred thousand to a million
more will be HIV infected. Barring the possibility that protease inhibitors can
permanently block HIV-induced immunosuppression, almost all those currently infected
will progress to terminal-stage illness and death.
The enormity of the tragedy facing America today, however, is dwarfed by the tragedy
sweeping Asia and Africa. As of mid-1994, in the small landlocked nation of Malawi in
Southern Africa, 30% of high school students and 68% of college students tested were
found to be HIV infected. (1) Recent testing of soldiers throughout Africa revealed a 50%
HIV infection rate, while testing of military units in Zimbabwe revealed a 90% infection
rate. It is estimated that in Zimbabwe between one-quarter and one-third of President
Mugabe's Cabinet have already perished from AIDS. (2)
In the May, 1996 issue of Special Warfare, a magazine distributed primarily to members
of Special Operations (Military Intelligence) units, Dr. Brian Sullivan writes: "The
immediate future may present other daunting challenges...Because of complicated social
and cultural reasons, AIDS already infects a high proportion of the military and civilian
officials of Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and other central African countries. In some
or all of these countries government establishments may collapse in the next 10-15
years...civil rule may also erode or break down in parts of North Africa, the Middle East,
India and Southeast Asia." (3)

In Uganda, the average life span of men has fallen to 30 years, while the average life span
of women has fallen to 27 years. (4) A missionary friend living in Africa reports that there
are over nine million children in sub- Saharan Africa who have lost their mothers to
AIDS, and that one in every four miners working in South Africa are HIV positive. These
statistics were communicated to me by E-mail from Vern Tisdalle, a missionary stationed
in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is estimated that by the turn of the century the epicenter
of the epidemic will have shifted from Africa to Asia. Indian health authorities currently
estimate that "as many as 20 million or even 50 million Indians will be infected by the
year 2000, and that there will be more AIDS patients than hospital beds". (5) On June 1,
1996 Reuter's News Service reported that Dr. William Blattner of the Institute of Human
Virology at the University of Maryland estimated that 100 million people will be HIV
infected by the year 2000. (6) In both Asia and Africa, HIV infection (AIDS) is primarily
a heterosexual disease, while in Western nations the illness is found almost exclusively
among homosexuals, IV drug users, and more recently among heterosexual blacks. Why
is there such variance between the continents? There are several possible explanations.
Dr. Max Essex, Director of the Harvard AIDS Institute, has reported that the predominant
subtype of the virus found in Western nations is HIV-I: subtype B, whereas in both Asia
and Africa the predominant subtypes are C and E. Dr. Essex believes that the Langerhans
cells which line the vagina and oral cavities are the primary sites for HIV infection. In
laboratory experiments using Langerhans cell cultures, investigators have discovered that
HIV I: subtype B is only minimally infectious to LH cells, whereas subtypes C and E are
highly infectious. This study may explain why we find heterosexual spread of HIV
infection in Asia and Africa where subtypes HIV I: C and E predominate, but only rarely
in Western nations where subtype B is found. It is presumed that homosexuals and IV
drug users contract HIV I: subtype B readily because of their lifestyles involving needle
sharing and rectal sex. (7) Dr. Essex's work, however, does not explain the heterosexual
epidemic developing within black America today. This aberration may be explained by
studies which have found that certain genetic factors predispose blacks to HIV infection.
Researchers have recently identified two mutated genes in some whites that are not found
in blacks; these altered genes protect their hosts from HIV infection. There may well be
other yet unrecognized genetic factors which confer complete or partial immunity to
whites, but these factors have yet to be identified. (8,9)

Shortly after the year 2000 blacks will make up the majority of new HIV infections
occurring here in the United States. (10) That supposition is reflected in statistics released
by the Department of Health in Virginia in 1996. Because of the 10-year latency period
between HIV infection and immunodeficiency, AIDS statistics reflect the status of the
epidemic 10 years ago rather than what is happening today. Virginia's current AIDS
statistics suggest equal numbers of blacks and whites infected while HIV statistics reveal
that 64% of recent infections are among blacks while only 31.8% are among whites.
These figures become even more frightening when one reflects that blacks make up only
22.6% of Virginia's population. (11)
What most people do not realize is that all efforts to utilize public health measures to slow
spread of the HIV epidemic have been thwarted. Why?

(A) Because most people don't understand what is happening,

(B) Because many who do recognize the unfolding tragedy have been threatened and are
afraid to speak out, and,
(C) Because both public health officers and physicians have been effectively blocked
from introducing the public health measures needed to stop further spread of this modern-
day plague. (12)

(A) Randy Shilts, author of "And The Band Played On" recognized this fact when he
wrote: "The bitter truth was that AIDS did not just happen to America - It was allowed to
happen by an array of institutions, all of which failed to perform their appropriate tasks
to safeguard the public health ... There was no excuse, in this country and in this time, for
the spread of a deadly new epidemic." (13)
Why is this happening? Tragically, most Americans do not understand the magnitude of
the epidemic because our print and TV media have been selective in reporting matters
dealing with the epidemic. I know that from first-hand experience because I and many of
my cohorts have been thwarted in our efforts to disseminate the truth about the magnitude
of the epidemic. I have recorded that story in my book "AIDS: The Unnecessary
Epidemic", published in 1991 by Covenant House. An interesting study in thought control
in America today is to try to acquire my book via regular distribution channels.
In recent years several other books have been published which have, in my opinion,
presented misleading information about the epidemic. Tragically, that misinformation has
discouraged introduction of the public health measures needed to save human lives. In
1990 Regnery Gateway published Michael Fumento's "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS".
In that book, Fumento assured his readers that there was no possibility of heterosexual
spread of AIDS here in the United States. Noting that the epidemic had not exploded
within the white, heterosexual community as feared, Fumento crafted a convincing tale
belittling those of us who wanted to introduce public health measures to block further
spread of the disease. In his book, Fumento accused me of "iceberg-theory terrorism"
because during the early stages of the epidemic I expressed fear that HIV disease would
spread into the general heterosexual population. (14) As time has gone by I have publicly
modified my view, but to the best of my knowledge Michael Fumento has never recanted
his message that no public health measures were needed. During the early stages of the
epidemic, we were both wrong. I erred on the side of caution; Michael Fumento erred on
the side that insists that preventive health measures were not needed to stop the epidemic.

The tragedy unfolding in both Asia and Africa today reflects the apathy engendered by the
misinformation disseminated during the early 1990s. I sincerely believe that the lives of
hundreds of thousands of homosexuals, IV drug users, black heterosexuals and black
children could have been saved had public health measures been introduced at that time.
Had measures been introduced in Asia and Africa, hundreds of millions of lives could
have been saved. That, however, was not to be. (15). In 1994 Inside Story Publications
released "Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS" written by Brian Ellison and Dr.
Peter Duesberg. Dr. Duesberg insists that there is no AIDS epidemic, and that most of
those who are assumed to have died from AIDS have actually succumbed to the
complications of drug usage, sexual stimulants, and AZT. (16) An updated version of Dr.
Duesberg's book was republished by Regnery Publishing Inc. in 1996 under the title
"Inventing the AIDS Virus". Both books contended that:
[1] "in most individuals suffering from AIDS, no virus particles can be found anywhere in
the body" (17)
[2] "retroviruses do not kill cells" (18)
[3] There are no scientific studies to document any relationship between HIV infection
and immunodeficiency (19)
[4] Kimberly Bergalis was perfectly healthy before she was given AZT (20)
[5] HIV-infected hemophiliacs and transfusion recipients do not die from
immunodeficiency but rather from their hemophilia and other diseases. (21)
A number of other questionable arguments were presented in a clever and convincing
manner in Dr. Duesberg's book, and they swayed many people. After all, why would Dr.
Duesberg, a world-famous retrovirologist, make such statements if they weren't true? Let
me respond:
[1] Clinicians presently chart the course of HIV disease by measuring the numbers of viral
particles present in peripheral blood.
[2] Because the HIV retrovirus routinely kills normal T cells in the laboratory, special
resistant lines of T cells must be used to culture the retrovirus: This information was
confirmed by telephone conversation with Dr. Donald Francis in August 1996, and with
the chief of the CDC virology lab in Atlanta, Georgia, in February 1996.
[3] There have been a number of published studies documenting the relationship between
HIV infection and terminal-stage immuno- suppression: (22,23)
[4] Kimberly Bergalis was severely immuno- compromised, contracted pneumocystis
carinii pneumonia and had a CD4 count as low as 41 before she was started on AZT. This
information was obtained from Kimberly's college medical records which were graciously
provided to me by her father, George.
[5] Both Ellison and Dr. Duesberg ignore the fact that hemophiliacs and transfusion
recipients who have died have virtually all manifested the classic, clinical picture of
terminal- stage immunodeficiency. (24)

A detailed analysis of Dr.Duesberg's arguments and his agenda is beyond the scope of this
article. That subject is covered in my HIV-Watch newsletter, and in my monograph, "The
Population Control Agenda". Unfortunately, Dr. Duesberg's books have convinced many
otherwise sincere people that there is no reason to institute standard public health
measures to control further spread of the epidemic. (25)
(B) Why have people been afraid to speak out? I personally know of physicians, medical
personnel and politicians who have had their professions ruined simply because they
dared to comment publicly on the mishandling of the epidemic. On one occasion two
public health officers approached me stating: "We want you to know that we support you
and what you're doing, but we can't come out publicly because we've been threatened."
That pattern of intimidation has been commonplace since the inception of the epidemic.
The story of the threats and intimidation utilized to silence concerned professionals is also
covered in "AIDS:The Unnecessary Epidemic". (26)
(C) For centuries epidemics have been stopped by identifying the infected, and preventing
them from transmitting their illness to others. In the case of HIV disease it would have
been relatively simple to have blocked further spread of the epidemic in the mid-1980s
when the HIV blood test became available. That, however, was not to be. Even before the
blood test was released in May of 1985 there were forces organizing to block the
introduction of standard public health measures to control further spread of the epidemic.
Virtually all necessary public health measures have been precluded because of those
efforts. (27,28)

The precedent for public health management of a sexually transmitted disease epidemic
was established by Surgeon General Thomas Parren during the syphylis epidemic of the
1930s. Had physicians been allowed to introduce the public health measures needed in the
mid-1980s we could have stopped further spread of the plague. What should have been
[1] Physicians should have been instructed to carry out routine, non-mandatory,
confidential HIV testing on all office and hospital patients.
[2] Mandatory reportability of the names of the infected to public health officials should
have been instituted to facilitate contact tracing, compilation of accurate statistics, and
identification of those who were intentionally spreading their illness.
[3] Mandatory premarital, prenatal, and neonatal HIV testing should have been introduced
to save the lives of sexual partners, unborn and newborn children.
[4] Infected prostitutes should have been identified and removed from our streets.
[5] Houses of prostitution, gay sex clubs and bathhouses should have been closed.
[6] Nationwide treatment programs for drug addicts should have been introduced.
[7] Education should have stressed chastity and morality rather than instructing our youth
how to put on condoms and lecturing them on aberrant sexual activity.

Tragically, almost all efforts by concerned public health officers and physicians to address
the HIV epidemic have been thwarted. I know from personal experience because for over
a decade I led the battle within the House of Delegates of the California Medical
Association to introduce the public health measures needed to stop the epidemic. Year
after year the physicians voted to introduce effective public health measures, and year
after year those within the hierarchy and the bureaucracy of organized medicine worked to
block implementation of those policies. That tragic story is also chronicled in my book
"AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic".
Men and women of conscience are not relieved of their moral responsibility to speak out
concerning the manner in which this epidemic has been handled simply because it has
failed to involve the white heterosexual population of America. In my opinion, almost
everyone who acquires this disease today does so because of our nation's failure to
implement the public health measures necessary to block further spread of the illness. I
sincerely believe that men do become accomplices to those tragedies which they fail to
oppose. Failure to speak out in times of moral crises makes cowards of men, and these
days we live in are surely times of great moral crisis.

(1) Radio Interview. John Harris. 9/13/95. Radio Liberty, P.O. Box 13, Santa Cruz, CA
95063. Copies available.
(2) Radio Interview. Peter Hammond of Front Lines Ministry: 9/20/96. Radio Liberty.
Copies available.
(3) Sullivan Brian R. Special Operations and LIC in the 21st Century: The Joint Strategic
Perspective: Special Warfare. The John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
May 1996; 9(2):4. Contact Superintendent of Documents, US Publishing Office,
Washington D.C. 20402
(4) Life Expectancy Shortened in Uganda. Xinhua News Agency 8/18/96. (See also CDC
AIDS Daily Summary 8/19/96).
(5) Burns JF. Denial and Taboo Blind India to the Horror of the AIDS Scourge. New
York Times 9/22/96: 1. (See also CDC Daily Summary 9/23/96: 2.)
(6) Blattner W. More than 100 Million Worldwide Predicted to be HIV-Positive by Year
2000. Reuters News Service 6/17/96. (See also CDC AIDS Daily Summary 6/19/96: 2.)
(7) Soto KE et al. HIV-1 Langerhans' Cell Tropism Associated with Heterosexual
Transmission of HIV. Science 3/1/96; 271: 1291
(8) Kolata Gina. New AIDS Study Reveals Startling Immunity Data. New York Times
9/27/96: A13:
(9) Dean Michael. Genetic Restrictions of HIV-1 Infection and Progression of AIDS.
Science 9/27/96; 273: 1856.
(10) The Changing Face of AIDS. New York Times 11/04/96: A26
(11) Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Health: Division of STD/AIDS
Surveillance Quarterly; 4(2,3):1. Available from P.O. Box 2448,Room 112, Richmond,
VA 23218
(12) Monteith SK. AIDS:The Unnecessary Epidemic. Covenant House 1991. (See also
HIV-Watch; I-V.) P.O. Box 1835, Soquel, CA 95073.
(13) Shilts Randy. And the Band Played On. St. Martin's Press 1987: xxii.
(14) Fumento Michael. The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS. Regnery Gateway 1990: 303.
(15) Ibid: 178-184
(16) Ellison Brian., Duesberg Peter H. Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS. Inside
Story Communications. El Cerrito CA 1994 : v-viii.
(17) Duesberg Peter H. Inventing the AIDS Virus. Regnery Publishing Inc 1996: 175
(18) Ibid: 158
(19) Why We Will Never Win The War On AIDS. op cited: 250
(20) Inventing the AIDS Virus: op cited: 348-252
(21) Ibid: 4, 183-185, 286-288
(22) Asher MS. et al. Does Drug Use Cause AIDS. Nature 3/11/93; 362:103
(23) Schecter Martin T. et al. HIV-1 and the Aetiology of AIDS. Lancet 3/13/93; 341:
(24) Minimal Data Set for Risk Reduction,National Totals 1/1/93 - 12/31/93. 125
Hemophilia Treatment Centers Reporting to the CDC.
(25) Why We Will Never Win the War On AIDS; op cited: 122
(26) AIDS:The Unnecessary Epidemic; op cited.
(27) And the Band Played On; op cited: 539-560.
(28) AIDS:The Unnecessary Epidemic: op cited: 136, 161-66, 193, 342-43.


Satanism, Witchcraft and Church Feminists

According to the authoritative Encyclopedia of American Religions, there are two basic
types of overtly Satanist groups to be found operating in North America today. The first
of these is the "sickies," composed of "disconnected groups of occultists who employ
Satan worship to cover a variety of sexual, sadomasochistic, clandestine, psychopathic,
and illegal activities."[1] In this branch of Satanism, which is sometimes used to
rationalize paedophilia as well as the perversions cited above, one can expect to find
those individuals engaged in grave robbery, sexual assaults and the ritual blood letting
performed on animals and more rarely, human beings. According to the Encyclopedia,
the "sick" Satanists are not theological in their approach.

The other branch of Satanists is said to be the groups that "resemble liberal Christian
theologies with the addition of a powerful cultural symbol (Satan), radically
redefined."[2] These groups "take Satanism as a religion seriously," and should not be
confused with the "sickies" described above.[3]

Although Satanists are neatly compartmentalized, or some might say isolated by most of
the standard or official sources, it should be noted that there is overlap between the two
groups. Some followers of "theological Satanists" have been involved in horrific crimes.
In addition, Satanists who do break the law may actually be less dangerous than those
who are more theological in their approach. So, in a totally secular vein, a teenager who
spray-paints the side of a Church with a Satanic symbol is obviously less destructive or
dangerous than a devil worshipper who spends years writing articles and appearing on
talk shows.

Anton LaVey

From its earliest years, rock music has been permeated with impurity and egomania, both
highly symptomatic of Satanism. Aleister Crowley, for many of the younger generation
the most famous Satanist of all time, could be said to have a strong influence on various
rock-stars. But it is more certain that such a dubious honour can be attributed to Anton
LaVey. In 1966, in San Francisco, LaVey gained instant notoriety by declaring the dawn
of the Age of Satan, later compiling the Satanic Bible which has reportedly sold 600,000
copies. As would be expected, this "bible" simply takes the reverse stand to be found in
Christian Scripture, urging followers to indulge their carnal and other appetites and to
seek revenge instead of bestowing forgiveness on others.

Approximately ten years ago it was estimated that there were about 100,000 Satanists
living in the United States.[4] This figure has likely become larger in recent years
through the numerous Satanic websites now available on the Internet and the immense
notoriety of rock star Marilyn Manson who is believed to have been directly influenced
by LaVey.

Satanism & Witchcraft

Witches assert that Satan is a Christian, not an "old religion" concept. However, despite
the strong protests of many witches, Anton Lavey and other Satanists have claimed a
direct kinship with these practitioners of witchcraft and their beliefs. One of LaVey's
books entitled The Compleat Witch (sic) can be found in many occult shops. According
to the Encyclopedia of American Religions cited above, "Satanists do share in common
the magical world-view of witches."[5]

LaVey and his followers have declared themselves to be atheists with Satan and God seen
as mere symbols. Since his autobiographical assertions have been described as
falsehoods, this is most likely just more of the same, but in 1975 LaVey's "apostasy" led
to the formation of the Temple of Set, led by Michael Aquino, a former U.S. intelligence
army officer. The Temple bases its "theology" on Egyptian motifs and declares Satan to
be real, not symbolic.

When LaVey was at the height of his fame, he attracted famous entertainers like Sammy
Davis Jr. and Jayne Mansfield. He also attracted Susan Atkins, one of the Charles
Manson "family" which committed a series of atrocious murders in the late sixties in

The Power of Evil

Those who have attempted to laugh off Satanism as youthful rebellion or the harmless
buffoonery of crackpots have not bothered to investigate the evils that the direct
invocation and praise of the devil can bring into the world. Montague Summers'
exhaustive work, The History of Witchcraft, describes in detail the horrific evils
perpetrated by witches and worshippers of the Devil over many centuries. One only has
to read of the sexual perversion and widespread practice of the black mass in France to
understand that it was not just a desire for so-called liberty, equality and fraternity that
led to the enthronement of a prostitute as the goddess of "reason" in Notre Dame
Cathedral. When the French celebrate their "glorious" Revolution each year on Bastille
Day, it's doubtful many fully appreciate its Satanic and Masonic roots, or know of the
orgies of the Satanists that occurred on the night after their Catholic king, Louis XVI,
was murdered before the Paris mob.

By their very nature, deriving as they do from the Father of Lies, manifestations of
Satanism have always appeared disguised, far removed from their true source. In the late
nineteenth century few of the ardent followers of the "atheist" Karl Marx knew of the
terrible violence and bombastic praise of Satan that were to be found in the feverish
poetry which the founder of Communism wrote as an adolescent and a young man. When
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote The Anti-Christ in the late 1800s before going insane, who
would have believed that his praise of aristocratic supermen crushing what he saw as the
weak and the mediocre, would result in the occult-obsessed Nazis building a shrine one
day in his honour in Berlin? When the poet and Satanist Charles Swinburne wrote his
politically seductive and influential "Song of Italy" in 1867, how many of his readers
appreciated the fact that its hero, the arch-Mason Giuseppe Mazzini, played such a
central role in the destruction of hundreds of Italian churches and the eventual seizing of
the papal states?

New Evils Surpass The Old

Although manifestations of the diabolical have obviously been great in the past, there has
never been a time in human history when sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance have
been so widespread. Pope John Paul II in his great encyclical Gospel of Life has told us
that we are living in a "culture of death" where millions of unborn children are killed with
the consent of their mothers. Sodomy is being accepted both inside and outside the
Church as just another human variant, on a par with race, ethnic background and so on.
No faithful Catholic can fail to be concerned about where Modernists are taking us since
the ambiguities of Vatican II opened the way for the establishment of the "New Church."

The issues of abortion and homosexuality have only highlighted the widespread apostasy
of many Catholic women who in centuries past might have been relied on to play an
essential and central role in the Church as primary educators, mothers, wives and women
religious. For women, apostasy has gradually taken shape under the name of a new
religion based not on the teachings of Jesus, but on the foundation of the old lies of
Gnosticism and the new "matriarchal" heresy of modern witchcraft, or Wicca, which has
taken mere decades, not centuries to establish itself.

Every Catholic should be aware that no one over the past hundred and fifty years was
more influential in popularizing the "rituals" and laying the foundation for this new
demonic women's religion than the Satanist Aleister Crowley and his disciple Gerald

Aleister Crowley

Rebelling at the early age of eleven against his parents' strict Brethren Protestantism,
Crowley did not become an agnostic or atheist as many of the university educated men of
his generation did, but a direct worshipper of Satan. Even while still listening to his
devout mother reading the Bible in their comfortable English home, he admitted he had
taken a fancy to the "false prophet" and "the Beast whose number is 666."[6]

Attending Cambridge in the 1890s, Crowley joined the "magical" society known as the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which David Barrett's book on sects and cults
asserts, "clearly owed much to Freemasonry, with large elements of the Cabbala,
astrology, alchemy and related subjects."[7] (Freemasonry often figures in the founding
of heretical sects from the Rosicrusians to the Mormons). At around this time, Crowley
was rumoured to have been involved in nocturnal graveyard activities — and even
necrophilia — along with another soon-to-be-famous student, William Duranty. In the
early thirties, Duranty would become the honoured and world-famous New York Times
correspondent to the newly formed Soviet Union, spending a full ten years blatantly lying
to millions of people about what was really happening in Russia. He was rumoured to
have been blackmailed into supporting the Stalinists due to the discovery of his
necrophiliac tendencies by the Soviet secret police.

Besides being an obvious influence on perhaps the most influential liar of the twentieth
century, Crowley is credited with having popularized "Magick" in England and having
brought it to America at the turn of the century. He defined the word as "the science and
art of causing change to occur in conformity to the will."[8] His influence is so broad
amongst esoteric groups in the Western World today, that it would be impossible to
describe them all in the space of this article. However, his influence on laying the
foundation for Wicca, or the modern practice of witchcraft which so influences Catholic
feminists today, must be discussed in detail.

Crowley's Influence on Gerald Gardner & Wicca

Despite the fact that he engaged in disgusting acts like "baptizing" and crucifying frogs to
blaspheme Christ, and was also a liar, a physical coward, a homosexual and a morphine
addict, Crowley never lacked friends and fellow travellers in the world of "Magick." In
1912 he was visited by the German Freemason, Theodor Reuss, and together, along with
another Mason named Franz Hartmann, a companion of Theosophy leader Madame
Blavatsky, they founded the Order of the Templars of the East. This Order embodied
yoga teachings along with sexual rites, including homosexual ones instituted by Crowley.

The most important of the initiates to Crowley's new order was Gerald Gardner (1884-
1965), a Freemason who is credited with founding the Wiccan religion, which is
composed mostly of converts who came into the "craft" since the early 1960s. The entire
movement in fact, is not ancient at all but very new. The Encyclopedia of American
Religions states that "rather than being initiated into a pre-existing Wiccan religion, it
appears that Gardner created the new religion out of numerous pieces of Eastern religions
and Western occult and magical material."[9]

It was Crowley, however, not Gardner, who authored the central Wiccan creed: "Do what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."[10] Modern witches such as the late Robin
Skeleton have described the debt that witchcraft owes to Crowley. Again, the
authoritative Encyclopedia of American Religions puts Wicca into its proper perspective
stating that the "basic rituals were adapted from ritual texts such as the Greater Key of
Solomon, the writings of Aleister Crowley, and Freemasonry."[11]

By 1949 Gerald Gardner had published a novel about witchcraft and then, after the repeal
of the Witchcraft Laws in England in 1951, he published his highly influential Witchcraft
Today, a book based on the academic studies of English anthropologist Dr. Margaret
Murray, who argued that the medieval witches didn't worship the Devil, but were
followers of pagan, women-dominated religions that predated Christianity. She called
these forms of alleged religions "Dianic" after the goddess Diana. Murray's theories have
been immensely popular with feminists, particularly those with access to public money,
such as the producers of the Canadian National Film Board "documentaries" The Burning
Times and The Goddess Remembered. Eminent historians such as Richard Cavendish,
however, have described Murray's theories as "full of holes."[12]

Other scholars have found "no evidence whatsoever for a religion of one Goddess; early
Pagan religions were pantheist rather than female monotheist."[13] Even those deluded
followers of Gardner who have traced their ancestry to those accused of witchcraft in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, have not found evidence that the "craft" was
continued in the intervening centuries.

Wicca Explained

Wicca is actually polytheistic, its pantheon consisting of the Horned God which is viewed
as the consort of the Goddess, and the Triple Goddess herself, whose aspects are the
maiden, the mother, and the crone. The basic form of Wicca is the coven (or base
community), which consists ideally of 13 people who meet regularly to practice their so-
called craft. The number is significant; it is a mockery of the number 13 which composes
Jesus and his 12 apostles.

Covens cast spells which sometimes mock the Eucharist. They often worship in the nude.
Modern witches practice "psychic healing," dance, chant, lay hands on one another and
use storytelling in the coven to raise anger directed against the so-called patriarchy (i.e.,
the arch enemy, God the Father). In some spells they attempt to inflict harm on others,
although this is supposed to be done only on those who may have banned others first. In a
"banishing spell" published in Canadian witch Robin Skeleton's publicly-funded The
Practice of Witchcraft, the first words read as follows: "If this one has hurt this other one,
let him be racked with the same pain."[14]
Despite the commonly heard nonsense that Wiccans are life-affirming, Skeleton presents
in his book an even more appalling spell to "cause a natural miscarriage." This bit of
malevolent free verse begins with the lines "Take back this gift. Let the womb release the
human fish in its bubbled seas. Unclench the gut. Let the birth run out that none may be
hurt in flesh or heart. . . etc."[15] The caster of the spell used to ask the "goddess" to kill
an unborn child is told that it will be stronger magic if an egg is broken into a dish and
then buried in the earth.


Although founded by the male disciple of a male Satanist who died only fifty years ago,
the Wiccan faith has grown enormously amongst women across North America,
becoming a significant belief system for dedicated feminist leaders who are self-trained
and work cooperatively. Wiccans strongly deny any relationship to devil worshippers,
however, their faith, like that of the Satanists, appeals to those who detest the idea of
authority or order emanating from God the Father.

Gnosticism (based on the notion of a select few possessing superior "knowledge") is

central to understanding the witchcraft of medieval times and that of modern witches
today. According to Montague Summers, the witchcraft condemned by the medieval
popes was gnostic heresy. It "was not sorcery nor any cult of witches renewing and
keeping green some ancient rites and pagan creed, but a witch-cult that identified itself
with and was continually manifested in closest connection with Gnosticism in its most
degraded and vilest shapes."[16] In her book The Gnostic Gospels, author Elaine Pagels
makes the connection to Gnosticism when she described a feminist revolution of late
antiquity which referred to God as "the Mother,"[17] another name for the "goddess" that
is central to the beliefs of religious feminists.


"WomanChurch," which shares the general mindset of the Wiccans but doesn't describe
itself as witchcraft, uses feminist consciousness raising to achieve a level of knowledge
where one can be the equal of Christ. According to Cornelia Ferreira, who has studied
feminism and its relationship to Gnosticism extensively, WomanChurch groups celebrate
revelation as their "Word" obtained from dreams and fantasies according to the
psychology of the modern arch-Gnostic Carl Jung.[18] They forgive each other according
to their sacrament of Penance and celebrate their Eucharist, which "is not the
transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ," but in the words
of a WomanChurch leader, the transformation of the community "into the body of the
new humanity, infused with the blood of new life."[19] The Eucharist, which Catholics
know is the Real Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, is reduced by
feminist gnostics to the community of women made "holy" by the worship of themselves
in the group. The revelation of Christ is not fixed in time for these gnostics. Instead, in
the manner of thinking of Carl Jung or Karl Rahner, Christ develops in the consciousness
of the worshippers who gain understanding of themselves.
Rage Against God the Father

Both the old witches of the past and those of today are noted for their rage against God
the Father (or to use the modern term, "patriarchy") found in everything even remotely
authoritative, hierarchical or male-dominated.

This hatred of God the Father or the Yahweh of the Old Testament can be one of the
essential elements of Gnosticism and permeates the literature of the religious feminists.
Since God the Father is perceived as evil, to many gnostics so is His Son who abandoned
the world, leaving it in the hands of the Catholic Church, the chief symbol of worldly
oppression. The witches of the medieval times "looked to Satan for power and pleasure in
this world and for a happy future in the next, and they vilified Christ as a traitor and a
cheat, who had made promises which he did not keep, and who had gone away to live in
heaven while Satan remained with his faithful on earth."[20]

When God the Father is viewed as Satanic, so of course are the commandments which He
gave to Moses. In the gnostic world, Cain is a hero and so are the Sodomites whom God
the Father judged and destroyed. Matter itself, created by Yahweh at the beginning of the
world, is also considered by some extreme Gnostics, such as the immensely bizarre,
procreation-hating Albigensians, as a manifestation of what is not wholly spirit, and
therefore evil. Witches claim to worship or venerate the natural world, but only on their
own terms as worshippers of strange gods. These gods have nothing whatsoever to do
with the Creator of the Universe or His divine Son Jesus Christ. In fact, they are His

Wicca & The Catholic Church

Straightforward Wicca or the similar but theologically more ambiguous WomanChurch

have moved into many areas of the Catholic Church through feminist "theologians,"
feminist-inspired local activists and disgruntled nuns. These Church feminists prey on
weak or unorthodox bishops who in turn naively try to involve them in a Church they
despise. A good example of the product of this episcopal lack of orthodoxy or naivety,
coupled with succumbing to bullying, is the infamous "Green Kit" ("Women in the
Church Discussion Papers") issued by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
(CCCB) in 1985. If there were any doubts at that time that religious feminists had run
amok in the Church, they were dispelled when faithful Catholic women found items in
the kit's bibliography written by pro-abortion feminist nuns. Today almost every
conservative Catholic publication has featured a horror story of some form of witchcraft
or earth-goddess-inspired liturgy being performed in some Catholic Church in some large
North American city.

Two of the most influential "Catholic" Wiccan, or WomanChurch figures to be found

opposing the Church today are Mary Daly and Rosemary Radford Ruether.

Ex-nun Mary Daly teaches lesbian witchcraft. She has written several books, including
the anti-male and anti-Catholic Beyond God the Father and. Wickedary, a dictionary of
sorts for witches. In Wickedary Daly defines the Beatific Vision as: "the 'face to face'
vision of god in patriarchal heaven promised as a reward to good Christians; an afterlife
of perpetual Boredom: union/ copulation with the 'Divine Essence'; the final consummate
union of the Happy Dead Ones with the Supreme Dead One."[21]

Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether, an influential speaker and writer who authored Sexism
and God-Talk, was named to the overtly pro-abortion Catholics for Free Choice board
back in 1985.

In true gnostic style, Reuther has described the "patriarchal" Church as an "idol of
masculinity" to be broken up and ground into powder.[22]

Typical of most WomanChurch feminists, Ruether has no problem defying Church

teaching on homosexuality. In 1985, when promoting her soon-to-be-released Women-
Church: Theology and Practice of Feminist Liturgical Communities, Ruether promised a
feminist largely "Catholic" audience that one chapter would contain "liturgies for
healing" from painful experiences "such as coming out as a lesbian. Not that being a
lesbian is unnatural, but that the way we've been repressed by homophobia is
unnatural."[23] At this same gathering she urged participants to establish female "base
communities," "Women-Church groups," or "covens."


Another strong influence on Catholic women, but one who is less hypocritical than the
"Catholic" feminists, is Starhawk, a self-professed witch and author of the modern witch
tome The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess.
Starhawk calls witchcraft "a religion of ecology"[24] and urges, as most Wiccans do, the
replacement of the present (i.e., Judeo/Christian based) culture of Western society. In
gnostic fashion she omits the Creator from His Creation, stating that "the world is born,
not made, and not commanded into being."[25] In her book she quotes Mary Daly's
blasphemous depiction of God the Father as "spawned in the human imagination and
sustained as plausible by patriarchy" all for the "oppression of women."[26]

Starhawk leaves little ambiguity about where she is coming from when she says that the
"Horned God" was "deliberately perverted by the medieval Church into the image of the
Christian Devil."[27] "The God of the Witches is sexual"[28] she says. "Our God wears
horns" she continues, "but they are the waxing and waning crescents of the Goddess
Moon, and the symbol of animal vitality." Perhaps missing the irony of her words, she
overstates her case when she writes that the Horned God "is black, not because He is
dreadful or fearful, but because darkness and the night are times of power, and part of the
cycles of time."[29]

In Catholic circles, Starhawk gained notoriety through her association with former
Dominican priest Matthew Fox (now out of the Church) who once employed her to teach
ritual at his Holy Names Institute in California. Fox is a leading exponent of the gnostic-
inspired and ecology-based Creation Spirituality, a movement that has now lost much of
its novelty, but is still popular amongst many liberal Catholics. One of Fox's other major
associates is David Spangler, a New Age high priest who has claimed that "Lucifer works
within each of us to bring us to wholeness."[30] In her book The Hidden Dangers of The
Rainbow, Constance Cumbey states that Spangler has "uttered some of the most
outrageous blasphemies ever spoken against Jesus Christ and God the Father."[31]

The Lilith Phenomenon

A relatively new Satanic phenomenon, which shows the power that occult-based evil has
been gaining in the world, is the growing popularity of Lilith, a recently invented feminist
icon signifying rebellion against men and the patriarchal God. Just this summer. North
America was the scene of the Lilith Fair, a two-month, 37-city concert tour billed as a
celebration of women in music. The Fair raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for
various feminist causes, and managed to get its main performer, Vancouver singer Sarah
McLachlan, on the front page of Time magazine. In interviews, McLachlan has shown the
hostility typical of religious feminists towards Christianity. She has publicly used four
letter words to denounce Catholicism, which she describes as "backward."

The Lilith Fair performances featured Planned Parenthood booths where condoms were
handed out along with abortion information, the latter being particularly appropriate as
Lilith has been described as an ancient Hebrew infant-slaying demon. Like the Wiccan
religion which was largely created by two men, Aleister Crowley and Gerald Gardner,
the Lilith phenomenon has little basis in anything other than fevered imaginations. Unlike
the more sophisticated historical inaccuracies spawned by Margaret Murray, Lilith is a
facile pop theology pulled from Jewish lore, and refashioned completely by feminists
desperately looking for a new non-male spiritual focus.

The myth of Lilith seems to have first gained a significant foothold through "The Coming
of Lilith," penned by Judith Plaskow, not surprisingly a student of dissidents Rosemary
Radford Reuther and Mary Daly. Plaskow's essay on Lilith is a major staple of the
feminist essays to be found in Womanspirit Rising. According to the Plaskow version,
Lilith was supposed to be Adam's first wife fashioned like him out of dust. She fled from
Adam because he was too domineering. Like Lilith, Eve too became disenchanted with
God and Adam, so she jumped over the wall of the Garden of Eden, joined Lilith and
discovered the "bond of sisterhood."

In the Jewish Talmud of the 4th and 5th centuries, "Lilith appears simply as a female
demon based on an account of the Judgement found in Isaiah 34:14 "the satyrs will call to
one another, and there shall Lilith (the night hag) alight."[32] Satanist Anton LaVey lists
Lilith in his Satanic Bible as one of the names of the devil. Given her place in Jewish
lore, it is not surprising that for many hundreds of years Jewish mothers used amulets to
keep Lilith from banning their children.

Sister Mary Collins

Sister Mary Collins, O.S.B., of the Catholic University of America, put Lilith and
Christian feminists into proper perspective for Canadians when she discussed "The
Challenge of the Feminist Movement for the Transmission of Christian Faith" at an
August 1989 conference celebrating Ottawa's St. Paul University's centennial as a
Pontifically Chartered Institute. Collins opened by describing how Lilith confronts God
and Adam, and how she (Lilith) has captured the essence of the challenge of the feminist
movement to Christian faith. Collins continued by describing how Christian feminists
will change the structures, roles and ecclesial institutions of Christianity.

In a particularly illuminating passage that echoes Mary Daly and Starhawk's notion of the
Catholic Church as the enemy of women, Collins states: "What they (Christian feminists)
are voicing is their adult awareness that the Christian tradition which has formed and
nourished their life of faith is itself malformed and toxic for women."[33]

Important to Be Informed

Faithful Catholics are naturally repulsed by Satanism and witchcraft, so they tend to
avoid studying them in any detail. In general this is a good idea, as the world of the occult
is chaotic in the extreme and insufferably disgusting and illogical. This of course is to be
expected as its author, as previously said, is Satan, the Father of Lies. It is important,
however, that Catholics be wary of those who reject legitimate religious authority or who
appear to be obsessed with the "environment" and so-called women's rights while not
respecting the sanctity of unborn human life. Support for Satanism in the mainstream
media rarely comes directly, but is disguised as a plea for freedom of expression or
belief. Similarly, support for witchcraft appears as a plea for tolerance and understanding
of those who simply wish to return to a pre-industrial world where women could enjoy
"natural" well-being and spirituality without being "oppressed" by men. In recent years,
many high-school-girls and university women have become fascinated by Wicca because
they are attracted by its simple rituals, seductive emphasis on ecology, and supposed
sexual freedom.

Simon Magus

When the Acts of the Apostles was written, the Church was made aware of the evil of the
occult through St. Peter's strong condemnation of Simon Magus, an early gnostic. Early
Christians had no trouble understanding the fact that the practice of magic and the pagan
worship of idols was diabolical. In the eyes of the first saints and martyrs, all pagan
deities were of the devil, and had to be shunned immediately. Even death was preferable
to submitting to the worship of false gods. Nothing has changed over the past two
thousand years, except perhaps the high level of naivete and apostasy amongst so many

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