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International Journal of Computer Systems (ISSN: 2394-1065), Volume 03 Issue 01, January, 2016

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Towards Security and Authorization Based Data Deduplication Using Hybrid

Tushar Bhimrao Meshram , Prof. Sujata Deshmukh

Computer Engineering Department, University of Mumbai, India

Computer Engineering Department, University of Mumbai, India

Cloud computing is mostly used technology these days, it allows users to share and store the data, online utilization
of services and resources on various types of devices. One of the important challenge of cloud computing is the
management of the increasing volume of data stored at the cloud servers. To look at this problem data deduplication
technique is being applied. To save bandwidth and storage area in cloud Data Deduplication is an important technique
to reduce repeated data.
Although deduplication has lots of benefits but it also adds concerns to privacy and security of data as it can lead to
insiders and outsiders attacks. To have secure data deduplication in cloud environment makes it more difficult. To have
protection and condentiality of sensitive data along with supporting data deduplication, the technique called
convergent encryption has been proposed to encrypt the data before sending it to the storage servers. To protect
security of data better, this paper makes an attempt to address the authorized data deduplication. Other than traditional
data deduplication systems differential privileges of the users are also being taken into knowledge while duplicate check
besides the data itself. Here we also provides several traditional deduplication system and addressed their problem using
our hybrid cloud approach.
Keywords: Deduplication, Convergent encryption, Authorized duplicate detection, Condentiality, Hybrid cloud

Cloud computing technology is the more highly popular
technology in these days. Every computer user
knowingly or unknowingly regularly uses cloud services
in its day to day life, it could be during using social
networking sites or mailing sites or many others.
Network giants such as Facebook, Google ,Gmail,
Amazon etc. are using these cloud resources to stored
there huge amount of data. As cloud computing
becoming popular these day, the amount of data is being
stored in the cloud and shared by users is also increased.
One important challenge of cloud space
is the
management of the ultimate-increasing volume of data
To handle the data in the cloud, data deduplication[18]
technique is being applied. Data deduplication[5][9] is a
special data minimizing technique for eliminating
matching copies of repeated data in the cloud storage. So
this type of process is being used to increase the storage
usage and could be used for network data transfers to
decrease the number of bytes that are to be sent by the
network cables, inspite of having the many such copies
with the similar contents, data deduplication technique
eliminates matching data by keeping only one copy set
and then referring other similar data to that file.
Deduplication of Data occur at file level or block level.
In case of deduplication at files level[20], a
complete file is used for checking for if any other file

with similar data is present or not. If the same data copy

is found then another copy of same file will not be
stored. Advantages of file level deduplication is that it
just need less metadata knowledge and is comparatively
extremely easy to implement and handle it. In the case of
deduplication at the block level [19], file is divided into
chunk of same sizes or of at different sizes. At the time
of deduplication, each chunk is being used for
verification. In case similar chunk of same or other data
is caught then the data deduplication stores only a
reference to this chunk in spite of its all

Fig. 1. Deduplication of Data File at File and Block

However data deduplication provides lots of
benefits but privacy and security problems arise as
sensitive data of users are susceptible to the attack of the
both of the insiders and outsiders of cloud infrastructure
system. To cope up with situation traditional data
encryption techniques will not work as by using these

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Tushar Bhimrao Meshram et al

Towards Security and Authorization Based Data Deduplication Using Hybrid Cloud

techniques different users will generate different

ciphertext for the same data which is not feasible for the
deduplication to occur. To overcome these problem
convergent encryption techniques is being used.

M. To verify the ownership of the data M, the user will

have to send to the verier so that the = (M).

It performs decryption and encryption of a file with

an convergent key which is found by applying
cryptographic hash value of the content of the file . After
generation of the encrypted data user keeps the key and
send the ciphertext to cloud server. As the operation of
encrypting data file is deterministic and is extracted from
the data contents itself, same data copies will present the
exactly same convergent key and the same ciphertext
which makes deduplication feasible, if no duplicate is
found the encrypted file will be going to uploaded to the
server, and if duplicate is found a pointer to the stored file
is provided to the user to retrieve that file later without
storing it, to avoid unauthorized access a secured proof of
ownership protocol [3] is applied to provide the proof that
the user has the same le. To further enhance the security
to have a differential authorized deduplicate check a
hybrid cloud approach[21] is applied in which every user
is provided with the set of privileges at the initialization
of the system. Each and every les uploaded to the cloud
storage server is also being bounded by a set of
privileges[6] to point what kind of users is allowed to
perform the duplicate check and access the les. The user
of the file is only able to nd the duplicate for his le if
and only if there is a copy of that le and a matching
privilege already stored in cloud. To upload or access the
file the user first need to contact the private cloud if it
authorizes the user then only user can do further checks
for the duplicate.

A identication protocol can be used described with two

terms: Proof and Verify. In the stage of Proof , user U
can provide his identity to the verier by doing some of
the identication proof which are related to the users
identity. The Input from the user is his private key skU
which is a crucial information's like private key of a
public key in the certicate or credit card number of him
which he do not want to share with the different other
users. Then the verier does the verication with input
of public information pkU which are related to the skU.
In the end of the protocol the verier may accept or
reject to see whether the proof is passed or failed. There
are too many identication protocols in the literature,
identication etc. [7][8].


To understand this paper well we placed some key
concepts here as follows
A. Convergent Encryption
Convergent encryption [1], [2] is used to provide data
condentiality in data deduplication process. The data
owner retrieves the convergent key from original data
then encrypts it with convergent key. In addition to it
users also creates a tag for the data file, such that the tag
will be used to find duplicate copy of the data file. Here
it is assumed that tag correctness property [4] is being
hold, means if two data are same, then their tags are
also going to be the same. To find duplicate data, user
initially send tag to server to check whether similar copy
has been stored already or not. Now the convergent key
and the its tag value for the file both of them are
retrieved independently, and the tag could not be used to
find the convergent key and decrease condentiality of
the data file. The data which is encrypted and its tag are
going to be stored at server side.

C. Identification Protocol

D. Token Generation
For having authorized deduplication, the tag of the le F
will be obtained by applying hash like SHA-1 to le F
and the privilege . And to generate token from this tag a
secret key kp will be attached with a privilege p and the
file tag is being associated and then applied hash like
HMAC-SHA-1 to create the file token. Let Fp =
TagGen(Fkp) denote the file token of file F which is
only permitted to be accessed by the user with privilege
p. As a result of this, suppose a le has been uploaded by
a user which is having a token F,p and which is
duplicate, then the duplicate check of the file sent from
another user be successful if he has the le F with the
privilege p.


As we have discussed Deduplication is the technique to
manage the ever increasing data in the cloud servers, but
as deduplication provides lots of benefits it also has
some security issues which are implemented by the
external or internal advisories of the cloud infrastructure.
To look up into these issues some deduplication
techniques[20] were developed.
A. Encryption with client specific key
As by using Traditional encryption i.e. client specific
technique of data different users will generate different
ciphertext even if they are encrypting the same data, this
has leads to the data deduplication infeasible by using
traditional encryption technique.

B. Proof of Ownership
Proof of ownership (PoW) [3] makes users to verify their
ownership over the data file to the cloud server provider.
Actually, PoW is performed as an interactive algorithm
run by a
user i.e. prover and a storage server i.e.
verifier. The verier gets a short value (M) from a data
61 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 01, January, 2016

Tushar Bhimrao Meshram et al

Towards Security and Authorization Based Data Deduplication Using Hybrid Cloud

Fig. 2. Tradition Encryption not supporting

B. Encryption with Convergent key
To support confidentiality while deduplication
convergent encryption is found to be useful. At the time
of convergent key encryption same key is being utilized
to encrypt and decrypt the data copy as key is obtained
by using cryptographic hash value of the data
copy[11][12]. As the convergent key is obtained from
data it generates same ciphertext for identical data. It
helps to have data deduplication on cloud storage. But
the limitation of convergent encryption technique is that
it is compromised by the brute force attack for data or
files falling into known sets. In the typical storage
systems with deduplication enabled the client will first
only send the hash value of the file, then cloud server
will check whether its hash value of the file is already
being present in its database or not. If file is present
already on the server it will asks the client not to send
the file again and marks client additional other owner of
the file, the attacker monitors the network flow and
determines nothing is transfer from the client side and
can predict data is already stored or owned by the other
user. So as seen above client side deduplication leads to
security issues and could reveal other client has same
file. This problem can be taken into the consideration by
the proof of ownership protocol (PoW)[3].

Till now other above deduplication systems does

not support differential authorization duplicate check,
which is very important in many applications. In the
system which is having authorization and deduplication,
user is being assigned a set of privileges when user are
added. The data file which is being added to the cloud
server is also assigned a set of privileges which specify
that which kind of users are permitted to the perform the
duplicate check and allowed to access the data. At the
time of duplicate check user required to take his file and
privileges as inputs. The duplicate check happens only if
copy of file and privileges that matches the user
privileges is stored in cloud storage. This system works
as follows.
Here Initially user is required to obtain the file
token TagGen(F,kp) of the file as described in the
section above. The main idea of this basic system is to
provide corresponding privilege keys to every user, who
will be going to compute the le tokens and do the
duplicate check based on the privilege keys and les. In
details, if there are N users within the system and the
privileges in universe is dened as P = {p1,...,ps}. The
set of keys {kpi}piPU will also be assigned to the User
U with the privileges set PU.
To uploading a file if a data owner has a privilege U
with privilege set PU and wants to upload and share the
le F with users who have the privilege set PF = {pj}.
The user executes and sends the Cloud server Provider
the token Fp = TagGen(Fkp) for all
p PF.
If duplicate is found by the Cloud Provider then
the user will performs proof of ownership of this data le
with the Cloud Storage Provider. Suppose the proof is
passed, the user will be provided with a pointer, which
allows him to have the access to the le.
On the other hand if no duplicate is found, the
user compute the encrypted le Cf = EncCE(kf,F) with
the convergent key kf = KeyGenCE(F) and then uploads
(CF,{F,p}) to the cloud server. Convergent key kf
which is generated from the file is stored locally by the
For accessing and downloading the file F It rst send a
request and the le name to the cloud storage provider.
After receiving the request and le name, the cloud
storage provider will check whether the user is eligible
to download F or not. If not or he fails, the storage
provider sends an cancel signal to the user to indicate
unsuccessful in downloading. Otherwise, then the cloud
provider will return the corresponding ciphertext Cf.
After receiving the encrypted data from the cloud storage
provider, the user uses the key kf which is stored locally
to recover the original le F.

Fig. 3. Convergent Encryption supporting Deduplication

C. Secure deduplication technique for Single cloud

Although this technique is improved over above

techniques but it also has some problems associated with
1) This system is inherently prone to brute-force attacks
which can recover the les falling into a known set,
which means the deduplication system cannot be able

62 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 01, January, 2016

Tushar Bhimrao Meshram et al

Towards Security and Authorization Based Data Deduplication Using Hybrid Cloud

protect the security of predictable data les. One of the

crutial reasons is that the traditional convergent
encryption technique can only protect the semantic
security of unpredictable les.
2) Every user is going to be provided with the private
keys {kpi}piPU for their respective privileges, which is
being denoted by PU in the above construction. These
private keys {kpi} piPU can be provided by the user to
creaate the token of the file for duplicate check of the
data. As during le uploading, the user required to
compute le tokens for sharing with other different users
with privileges PF. For computing the token of the file,
the user is also required to get know the private keys for
the PF, which can be considered that PF could only be
chosen from the set PU.
3) The above deduplication technique cannot prevent
the privilege private key sharing which is done among
the users of the files. The users will also be provided
with the similar private key for the same privilege in this
technique. As a result of this the users may collude and
generate privilege private keys for a new privilege set P
which does not belong to any colluded user. Consider an
example, a user with the set of privilege P'U1 may be
collude with the another user with the set of privilege
P'U2 to get a privilege set P=P'U1P'U2.
D. DupLess: Deduplicated storage by Server-aided

Fig. 5. ClouDedup Architecture

This technique works on block level, it consists of four
main components - Client, Key server, Metadata manger
and Cloud storage provider. This technique includes an
addtional layer of the deterministic and symmetric
encryption on the top of the convergent encryption. This
extra encryption would be included by component
placed between user and the cloud space provider such
as a local server or gateway. This component will going
to take care of the encrypting or decrypting of the data
from or to the users. For permiting the cloud provider
for finding the duplicates, encryption and decryption
are being performed with one of the unique set of secret
keys. This set of the secret keys is being securely stored
by the component and would not be shared with anyone
for any of the reason it may be. Here one more additional
component is introduced called Metadata manager. The
main aim of this extra component is to store the
encrypted block keys (key management) and to perform
data deduplication on this encrypted blocks[22].
Considering all everything at once, the structure of the
system is as follows:

Fig. 4. Dupless Architecture

To handle the problem of convergent encryption to some
extent The DupLESS system introduces a Key Server,
here client first generates the hash of the data file and
instead of using this as the key for encryption as in the
case of traditional convergent encryption, this hash value
is send to the key server. Using this hash value the key
server generate the key to encrypt the file and send it to
the client, which then encrypt the file using this key, and
send it to the storage provider along with the key which
also encrypted by the users secret key. Drawback is If an
attacker get to know the secret, the whole of the system
is compromised and the condentiality of unpredictable
les is no longer guaranteed. Also, this technique is
limited to le-level deduplication and is not scalable in
the case of block-level deduplication, which provides
higher space savings.

E. ClouDedup: Cloud Storage

Deduplication using Encrypted Data



The number of users who, before uploading

data files to the Cloud, split data into blocks,
encrypt blocks with convergent encryption and
send to the server (or gateway) the encrypted
blocks together with their associated encrypted
A server which then further encrypts the blocks
and keys with a set of the unique and the secret
keys. The metadata manager which updates the
metadata (in order to again the structure of the
each file) , which stores encrypted block of keys
and then performs deduplication on encrypted
blocks of data. Here those blocks can be stored
that are already not there.
A layer of storage which stores single blocks,
that can be seen as files/objects of the similar
size. Since this system is completely storage
agnostic, it can implement the storage layer
with any of the storage system/provider. Here
we can use a cloud storage provider which can
be a distributed storage, and a local file system,

63 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 01, January, 2016

Tushar Bhimrao Meshram et al

Towards Security and Authorization Based Data Deduplication Using Hybrid Cloud


To address the problem of the above construction Hybrid
cloud approach[17][24] is being considered as secure
and authorized deduplication[23]. This system uses
multiple cloud architecture which contains public and
private cloud. Here now the private cloud is a proxy
cloud which permites data owners and users to securely
perform check on the duplicate data using differential
privileges[14]. Here Users stores data on the public
cloud and data operation will be managed by private
cloud. The user will be allowed to perform duplicate
check for all those files with user privileges[13].
A. Goals to achieve

Fig. 6. Authorized Deduplication Architecture

To support preserving privacy in the deduplication

following things are to be achieved in this system
Differential Authorization. Every authorized user is
being able to get his file token to do the duplicate check
of the data by looking to his privileges. Because of this
the other user cannot be able obtain a token of the file
for the duplicate check of the data out of his privileges or
without any of the help of the private cloud.
Authorized Data Duplicate verification.
Authorized user is able to use his private keys to
provide the query for the certain le and the privileges
he owned with the aid of private cloud, on the other hand
if any duplicate data is found the private cloud will
notify which checks duplicate data.
File token Unforgeability. Users without appropriate
privileges or le should be prevented from getting the
le tokens for duplicate check of les stored at the
Cloud storage provider. The users are not permitted to
collude with the public cloud server to breach the
unforgeability of le tokens. The provider of Cloud in
this system will faithfully perform the duplicate check
on getting any duplicate request found from the users
side. Duplicate check token of the users has to be
provided from private cloud server in this scheme.
File token Indistinguishability. Any user without
querying or requesting the private cloud server for some
le token, cannot get any useful information from the
file token, which has the le and privilege information.
Data Condentiality. Unauthorized users without
having the appropriate privileges and the les should be
prevented from the access to the underlying plaintext
stored at the Cloud Storage Provider. In another word the
main aim of the adversary is that to obtain the les that
do not belong to them. In this system a higher level
condentiality is dened and achieved.

B. Elements of the System

There are three important entities in this approach which
are important for secure authorized deduplication they
are as follows
a) User: In this system the user is considered as an
entity who wants to store data on cloud server. Every
user is being given a set of privileges consider an
example, we may define a role based privilege [4] or
according to job positions (for example. The The
Director and the technical lead and the engineer), or
time-based privileges which indicate validity of the time
period. A user lets Ramesh be assigned two privileges
technical lead & access right valid till "2016-08-08,
so that Ramesh can access any file whose access role is
a technical lead which is accessible till "2016-08-08".
The system with the data deduplication technique will
not upload any of the duplicate data to the server in order
to the save bandwidth.
b) Private Cloud: This is a new entity for permitting
the users for secure use of cloud services. Private keys
for the privileges are being maintained by the private
cloud servers , the role of it is to provide the token of the
files to the users The interface offered by the private
cloud server allow users to publish files and query to be
securely stored and computed it accordingly.

c) Public cloud: This entity provides data storage

service. To decrease storage cost in the system it try
reduces redundant data by performing deduplication.
In this approach of the Hybrid cloud [15][16] the access
right to a the le is being provided based on the privilege
set. Here the private keys for privileges are directly not
provided to users, which will be kept as well as
maintained by private cloud. Like this the users cannot
share their privileges for the private keys in this
construction, showing that it can prevent the privilege
key sharing among users in the above construction. For
getting a token of the file, the users are required to send
a request to the private cloud. The private cloud server

64 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 01, January, 2016

Tushar Bhimrao Meshram et al

Towards Security and Authorization Based Data Deduplication Using Hybrid Cloud

going to check and verify the identity of the user's before

giving the corresponding token of the files to the user.
This authorized data duplicate check for this data le is
also performed by the user with the public cloud server
before uploading of this le. On the basis of the results
of duplicate check, the user either uploads this le or
runs Proof of ownership.
At this system one binary relation R = {((p,p)} is being
given for the two privileges p and p, p matches with the
p if R(p,p) = 1.In the case of the hierarchical relation, if
p is at higher-level privilege then p matches with the p.
If in a enterprise , there are three hierarchical privilege
levels are given as for Director, Project leader, and
Engineer there Director would be at the high level and
the Engineer is at the below level. In this example, the
privilege of the Director matches with the privileges of
the Project lead and the Engineer.
Setup. At this system P is considered as privilege
universe and kpi as symmetric key for every pi P will
be defined and the {kpi}piP keys set will be sent to
the server of private cloud. A protocol =
(Proof,Verify) is considered as identication protocol is
dened, where Proof and Verify are the proof and
verication algorithms respectively. Each user U is
considered to be having a secret key skU for performing
the identication verification with the cloud servers.
Consider that the user U has the set of the privilege PU.
It also used initializes a proof of ownership protocol, it is
for the le ownership proof. The private cloud manage a
table which is going to store every user's public
information pkU and also its related privilege set PU.

{F,p = TagGen(Fk,p )} for all p while satisfying

R(p,p) = 1 and also p PF. At the end, user then
computes the encrypted le Cf = EncCE(kF,F) with the
convergent key kF = KeyGenCE(F) and then uploads
{Cf,{Fp}} with privilege PF.
Retrieving File. If a user wants to download le F. It
initially Required to login into the system with all its
credentials and privilege key and send a request and the
le name to the Cloud Storage Provider. On receiving
the request and le name, the Cloud Storage Provider
checks whether the user is eligible to download F. If the
user fails, the Cloud Storage Provider will send an cancel
signal to user to indicate that the download is not
completed. Otherwise, the Cloud Provider returns the
related ciphertext Cf. After receiving encrypted data
from the Cloud Provider, user use the key kF in oreder to
recover the original le F.
C. Advantages of System
1) Users are permitted to perform check for the
duplicate files marked with the related privileges.
2) It also handles the challenge of cloud storage
services to maintenance of the increasing volume of data
in the storage server.
3) This technique provides a complex way to have
support for stronger security to the files by encrypting it
with differential privilege keys.
4) It Allows Deduplication to be done by only
Authorized users.

File Uploading. In case owner of the data wants to

upload or wants to share a file F . The owner required
to contact with the private cloud before performing
check for with the public cloud. The owner of the data
file proves its identity with skU the private key. After
passing the private cloud server will going to find out its
respective PU privileges set of the user from its list of
the stored table. User or the owner of the data file
computes and then it sends the F = TagGen(F) tag of
the file to private server which then returns FpT =
TagGen(F kpT ) to the user for all the values of pT .
Then the user going to contact and send token { F pT }
of the file to public cloud.
If in case a replicated data is found then the user is
required to run the Proof of Ownership protocol along
with public cloud to prove the ownership of its file.
Suppose in case if the proof provided is passed then the
user will be given a pointer to the file.
On the other hand suppose if no duplicate is found, a
proof from cloud provider is returned, which will be a
signature on {F,p}, pkU and time stamp. The
privilege set PF of the file and the proof send by the
user to private server. After receiving request private
cloud veries the proof from the Cloud Storage
Provider. When it is passed private cloud computes

5) Since Deduplication is performed it increases Storage

capacity of the servers and reduces bandwidth to transfer
6) Confidentiality is provided to data in the cloud.
V. Future Work
Applying Block Level Deduplication- The above given
system uses file level deduplication to deduplicate data,
According to the survey from the other different system
block level deduplication provides higher level extra
storage capacity since each chunk of data is being
verified and being checked for the duplicate since even
chunks/blocks from the different data can be identical
this results in higher level of deduplication.
Deduplication is to be performed at the source- In the
above construct of hybrid cloud deduplication is taken
place at target means at the public cloud which means in
order to check whether similar data is present in the
storage or not we need to send whole data or if
duplication is found then whole bandwidth of sending
the data would get wasted, means it acquires network
bandwidth unnecessarily. So to handle this we can use

65 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 01, January, 2016

Tushar Bhimrao Meshram et al

Towards Security and Authorization Based Data Deduplication Using Hybrid Cloud

source based duplicate at the client or the user side, if

duplicate is found then no data will be send and pointer
will get provided and if no duplicate is found then data is
transferred this way will can save network bandwidth.
Sending fake data to avoid network monitoring attackAs questions may arise that deduplication at the source
may leads to network monitoring attacks as attackers
regularity monitors the networks whether data is being
sent or not through network channels. if no data is sent
then they can predict that the users data is already
present in the storage server. To avoid this a face data
can be sent through a automated program at the
user/client side if the duplicate is found and after
reaching at the destination it will get automatically
deleted using some automated deletion program of the
fake data at the server side. this keep attacker in the
misconception that some data is being sent from the
server which means its data its data is not already stored
in the server it is new data. This method can avoid
network monitoring attack and removes drawback from
the source based deduplication and improves the

Fig. 8. Screenshot of Private cloud Login Page


In this paper we have addressed the ever

increasing data over the cloud storage infrastructure and
showed how to manage this by using Deduplication
Technique. We also addressed varies Deduplication
techniques their drawbacks and some confidentiality
problems in that. Here in this paper we are presenting a
hybrid cloud approach which is more secure than the
previous ones, using this twin cloud approach we are
able to provide authorized and secured data

Fig. 9. Private cloud Activate or Deactivate users


Fig. 10. Provide cloud provides Access rights to the


Fig. 7. Screenshot of Public cloud/Admin Login Page

Fig. 11. Users registration

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Tushar Bhimrao Meshram et al

Towards Security and Authorization Based Data Deduplication Using Hybrid Cloud
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67 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 01, January, 2016

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