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Title: Jesus & the Samaritan Woman

Text: John 4:9-11, NLT


The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. [b] She said to Jesus, You are a Jew,

and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?


Jesus replied, If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would

give you living water.


But sir, you dont have a rope or a bucket, she said, and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water?

FCF (Fallen Condition Focus): Thirst for the Living Water

Subject: Exclusivity of Salvation
Theme: Breaking the Barrier
Proposition: God loves us in spite of our bankrupt lives.
Interrogative adverb: Does God loves us in spite of our bankrupt lives?
Propositional Transition: God loves us and He offers His riches freely to everybody; but no one can have any part in them
except as he receives Christ. This is perfectly fair, since Christ is given to all if they will but
have Him_ this is what His Grace is all about.
Key Words: Grace
I. God loves us (John 3.16)
a. He gave us His Son
b. He gave us the Holy Spirit to take care of us


We have to receive Christ (John 6:53)

a. We have to confess our sins
b. We have to respond to Him by spreading the good news

The Samaritan Woman is not given a name. This is common in Johns gospel - there are several people who are unnamed.
Among these are the Mother of Jesus, the Beloved Disciple, the Paralyzed Man at the Pool, the Man Born Blind, and the Royal
Official. These were real people with real names, identities and stories, but making them nameless made the stories applicable
to all people.
Main themes of the story
The Samaritan woman was a foreigner from a despised religious group, but her story made a clear statement about the role of
women in the early Christian communities.

The woman was not silent, nor was she limited to the private world of women. She had a voice, and she moved out
into the public arena, into male space
She entered into debate with Jesus about issues and questions that interested her
She did not wait for permission to speak, but took the initiative
She experienced the progressive stages of faith in Jesus:
she met Jesus
she learnt about him

she came to believe in him she went and told other people about him

Body: ---

God is no respecter of persons: He offers His riches freely to everybody; but no one can have any part in them except as he
receives Christ. This is perfectly fair, since Christ is given to all if they will but have Him. And we as His long lost sons and
daughters, we barely havent taste what does the Living Water really taste so now as we are thirsty for it, let us do all what we
can to make the most of what it is to be satisfied by drinking, receiving Jesus Christ, our Salvation, our Merciful, and our Loving


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