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Water Management

Environmental Safety
and Health

Core Process



To provide guidance on the development and implementation of plans and procedures for
addressing water use, wastewater discharge, storm water management at a project site.


The scope of this E-CP includes:


Water resource use during construction

Wastewater discharge during construction

Storm water management during construction

Storm Water within the context of this E-CP, storm water means water that originated from
precipitation (e.g., rain, snow, hail, sleet) and is collected and managed through the storm water
management system on site. In some instances, regulations may further define storm water as
either contaminated or potentially contaminated.
Contaminated/Potentially Contaminated Storm Water within the context of this E-CP,
contaminated/potentially contaminated storm water means storm water that has come in direct
contact with process equipment or has been contaminated with pollutants to a degree beyond that
normally expected for rainfall or runoff (e.g., contains oil/grease, hazardous chemicals, heavy
metals). Storm water meeting this definition often can no longer be discharged along with
uncontaminated storm water and must be managed as wastewater.
Wastewater within the context of this E-CP, wastewater means water that has been used for
construction purposes. It includes, storm water from contaminated areas, equipment and vehicle
wash down water, sanitary wastewater, flushing and hydro test water, and chemical cleaning


Controls and limits for construction water use and wastewater discharge are often described in
regulations and permits/consents imposed upon the project during the permitting phase. The
project should identify what types of controls and limits are applicable to their construction activities
through a review of the project environmental requirements. Assistance from Qualified
Environmental Support is useful in determining what the specific controls and limits are and how
the project may best incorporate these controls into their work plans and procedures.

Water Use
Based on a review of the environmental requirements, the controls and limits on water use during
construction can be assessed. It is important that project Construction Management understand
the requirements for water use and incorporate them into their work plans and procedures.
Often projects will intend to use groundwater wells and nearby rivers and streams for potable
and/or process (e.g., concrete batching, wash downs, hydro testing) during construction. Project
Construction Management should identify all intended water uses and estimated quantities and
compare them to the applicable requirements. Where discrepancies are found between prescribed
limits and needed quantities, Construction Management should contact Qualified
Environmental Support to help assess options for increasing the available quantities and/or
identifying the permits needed for use of other water sources.
In some instances, project permits will not address construction water needs. In these cases,
project Construction Management should, as early as the condition is known, coordinate with
Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


Water Management
Environmental Safety
and Health

Core Process

Qualified Environmental Support to identify the needs and options for meeting them. Depending
on the quantities of water needed and the duration of water source use, permitting new water
sources can take considerable time and require significant assessment of the environmental
impacts. Project Construction Management should not assume that nearby water sources are or
will be available for their use without first consulting with Qualified Environmental Support.

Wastewater Discharge
Based on a review of the environmental requirements, the controls and limits on wastewater
discharge during construction can be assessed. It is important that project Construction
Management understand the requirements for wastewater discharge and incorporate them into
their work plans and procedures.
It is important to note that discharge of wastewater (e.g., hydro test water, flushing water,
vehicle/equipment wash down water, sanitary wastewater) into storm water basins or nearby
wetlands, rivers, or streams during construction is often regulated in some way (e.g., have
sampling and pollutant limits that need to be met prior to discharge) or may even be categorically
prohibited (e.g., no water except storm water in storm water basins). Project Construction
Management should investigate regulatory requirements and environmentally acceptable options
for discharging wastewater in coordination with Qualified Environmental Support as soon as the
sources and quantities of wastewater are known.
Project Construction Management should not assume that storm water basins or nearby water
bodies are or will be available for their use in discharging wastewater without first consulting with
Qualified Environmental Support and identifying the requirements for such discharge.

Storm Water
Based on a review of the environmental requirements, the features and controls of storm water
management during construction can be assessed. Storm water management system design will
typically be prepared and approved through the project permitting process. Bechtel Geotechnical
and Hydraulic Engineering Services, Civil Engineering, or similar disciplines may assist the
customer in the overall system design prepared and submitted as part of the permit application.
ES responsibilities are normally focused on helping construction site management assure that
construction storm water management features are installed in accordance with the design
specifications and are maintained in accordance with the regulatory and permit/consent
In some project locations, the discharge of construction storm water will require permits to be
obtained by Bechtel. Project Construction Management has primary responsibility for assuring
that all construction phase storm water permits and/or approvals are received and that required
plans (e.g., Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans) are prepared prior to commencement of earth
disturbance. Project Construction Management should coordinate with Qualified
Environmental Support to help identify any permitting requirements and to assist in the
preparation of the permit application support documentation.
During project construction, Construction Management has primary responsibility for assuring
that storm water management features are installed in accordance with the design specifications
and are maintained in accordance with the regulatory and permit/consent requirements. The
CECP, erosion and sediment control drawings and plans, and the Storm Water Pollution
Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


Water Management
Environmental Safety
and Health

Core Process

Prevention Plan (if applicable) should be consulted to help identify the necessary maintenance
practices and inspection requirements for the construction storm water management system.
Project Construction Management should coordinate with Qualified Environmental Support in
understanding how to apply the maintenance practices and inspection requirements. Qualified
Environmental Support may also be able to suggest improvements to existing practices and
other methodologies to help maintain the construction storm water management system.
The work process for addressing water use, wastewater discharge, and storm water management
issues is shown in Attachment A of this E-CP. Specific plans, procedures and activities should be
further defined on a project-specific basis through assistance from Qualified Environmental
Support and included in the projects CECP.


Standard Work Process Procedure No. 4MP-T81-01105: Construction Environmental Control

Plan (CECP) Development and Implementation, Attachment C


Bechtel Construction Environmental Practices Handbook: Toolkit G Storm Water Permitting

and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)


Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans:

This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


Core Process

Water Management


Environmental Safety
and Health

A tta c h m e n t A
E n viro n m e n ta l C o re P ro c e s s # 4 1 5
W a te r M a n a g e m e n t

Q u alifie d
E n viro n m e n ta l
S u pp o rt (P E L )

C o n struction /S ite
M a n ag e r

P roje ct E ng ine e r,
G e o te ch L e ad , C ivil


C o n ta ct Q ua lified E nviro nm e ntal

S up po rt (P E L) fo r id en tifica tio n of
e n viro nm e nta l req u ire m en ts fo r w a te r
us e, w as te w a te r d isch a rg e , a nd s to rm
w a te r m a na g em e nt

Id e ntify p ro je ct-sp ec ific en viro n m e n ta l

re qu ire m en ts

C o o rdin ate p roje ct-s pe cific re qu irem e nts fo r w ater us e, w as te w ater d is ch arg e a nd s to rm w a te r disc ha rge an d d eve lop pre lim ina ry w a ter
ba lan ce fo r site


C oo rd in a te w / C u stom e r re ga rd in g
ne e d fo r co ns tru ctio n p ha se w ate r
p erm its

B e ch te l re sp on sib le fo r
p e rm itting con st. w a te r us e,
w a te r d isch a rge , a nd /o r sto rm
w a ter?

Y es

P re p are pe rm it a p plica tio ns a nd

su pp o rting do cu m en ts

P re pa re e ro sio n a nd se dim en t
c on trol p la n an d s to rm w a te r
m a n ag e m e nt system d e sign in
a cc ord an ce w ith e n viro nm e nta l
re q uire m e n ts (se e E -C P #4 0 7)

D eve lop C E C P an d o th e r re qu ired

pla ns (e .g ., sto rm w a te r po llu tio n p rev.
p la n, w a ter us e p la n , w a ste w a te r
d isch arg e p lan )

C oo rdin ate w / c on struc tio n m an a ge m e n t (e.g ., P F E , s up e rin te n de n ts , su bc on tra cto rs ) o n

im ple m e n tin g w a te r u se a n d d is ch arg e re qu irem e nts an d sto rm w a te r m an a ge m en t
a ctiviities in th e C E C P an d o th e r p la n s/pro ce du re s

M o n ito r a nd as se ss effe ctiven e ss of m e as ure s

A re m ea su re s e ffe ctive ?

R e vis e C E C P o r d e ve lo p ne w pla ns /
p ro ce du res to im p ro ve w ate r
m a na g em e nt m e as ure s


Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


Water Management
Environmental Safety
and Health

Revision No. 00
Supercedes all previous
Date: 03/05/04

Core Process


This Core Process is based on Bechtel polices and standards and constitutes the minimum requirements that must be followed on any Bechtel project
or by any GBU, regardless of the country, worldwide. Projects and/or GBUs subject to this Core Process that desire to use less stringent requirements
than those contained herein may only do so with written approval of Bechtels Environmental Services Manager.

Copyright 2005. Bechtel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Contains confidential information proprietary to Bechtel not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Bechtel


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