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- Trecutul perfect continuu se forneaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to have la trecutul simplu (past tense
simple) + to be la participiul trecut (past participle forma a 3-a) + verbul de conjugat la infinitiv +
sufixul -ing
Forma lunga
had + to be la past participle (forma a III-a) + vb la infinitiv + -ing = had + been + vb la infinitiv + -ing
Forma scurta
d + to be la past participle (forma a III-a) + vb la infinitiv + -ing = d + been + vb la infinitiv + -ing

- Forma negativa se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to have la trecutul simplu (past tense
simple) + not + to be la participiul trecut (past participle forma a 3-a) + verbul de conjugat la infinitiv
+ sufixul -ing
had + not + to be la past participle (forma a III-a) + vb la infinitiv + -ing = had + not + been + vb la
infinitiv + -ing
Ex.: I had not been taking the book = I hadnt been taking the book = Eu nu am luat cartea
He had not been repairing the TV = He hadnt been repairing the TV = El nu a reparat TV.

- Forma interogativa se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have la trecutul simplu care se pune inaintea
subiectului + to be la participiul trecut (past participle forma a 3-a) + verbul de conjugat la infinitiv +
sufixul ing
had + subiect + been + verbul de conjugat la infinitiv + sufixul ing
Ex.: Had you been reading the book? = Tu ai citit cartea?
Had he been buying flowers? = El a cumparat flori?

I had been going = Id been going = eu am mers
You had been going = Youd been going = tu ai mers
He had been going = Hed been going = el a mers
She had been going = Shed been going = ea a mers
It had been going = Itd been going = el/ea a mers
We had been going = Wed been going = noi am mers
You had been going = Youd been going = voi ati mers
They had been going = Theyd been going = ei au mers
I had not been going = I hadnt been going = Eu nu am mers
You had not been going = You hadnt been going = tu nu ai mers
He had not been going = He hadnt been going = el nu a mers
She had not been going = She hadnt been going = ea nu a mers
It had not been going = It hadnt been going = el/ea nu a mers
We had not been going = We hadnt been going = noi nu am mers
You had not been going = You hadnt been going = voi nu ati mers
They had not been going = They hadnt been going = ei nu au mers
Had I been going? = eu am mers?
Had you been going? = tu ai mers?
Had he been going? = el a mers?
Had she been going? = ea a mers?
Had it been going? = el/ea a mers?
Had we been going? = noi am mers?
Had you been going? = voi ati mers?
Had they been going? = ei au mers?

Trecutul perfect continuu se foloseste:
- ca echivalentul trecut al lui present perfect continuu. Past perfect continuous pune accentul pe
durata unei actiuni care a inceput si s-a terminat in trecut, in timp ce present perfect continuous pune
accentul pe durata unei actiuni care a inceput in trecut si continua pana in prezent.
Ex.: He had been waiting for the bus for half an hour before it came = El a asteptat autobuzul (timp de) o
jumatate de ora pana a venit. (El nu mai asteapta acum autobuzul)
He has been waiting for the bus for half an hour. = El asteapta autobuzul de o jumatate de ora. (El inca
mai asteapta autobuzul)

- pentru a arata ca rezultatul unei actiuni care s-a intamplat in trecut pentru o anumita perioada de
timp a fost evident in trecut, in timp ce present perfect continuous se foloseste pentru a arata ca
rezultatul unei actiuni care a inceput in trecut este evident in prezent.
Ex.: She was tired. She had been working hard all day yesterday. = Ea era obosita. Ea a muncit mult ieri
toata ziua. (Se poate observa ca ea a fost obosita. Rezultatul a fost evident in trecut)
She is tired. She has been working hard all day. = Ea este obosita. Ea a muncit mult toata ziua. (Se poate
observa ca ea este obosita. Rezultatul este evident in trecut)


- before = inainte
- for = de, pentru (arata durata, de exp.:de doua zile, de trei ani etc.)
- since = de cand, din (arata momentul de inceput, de exp: din 1980, din aprilie, de cand eram mici etc.)
- how long = de cat timp
- till/until = pana cand, pana la, pana ce

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