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Factor Analysis
Brand Awareness

Perceived Quality

Brand Loyalty

Price Deals


Distribution Intensity

Store Image


Brand Equity

Brand Attributes

H o :Sample not adequate define the construct

Since the KMO value is greater than 0.7 for all the constructs except Price which is 0.664 which
is less than 0.7 but is still in acceptable range. Also all the sig. values are less than 0.05 so we
will reject the null hypothesis. Which means the sample is adequate to define the construct.


Brand awareness

Perceived Quality

Brand Loyalty

Price Deals


Distribution Intensity

Store Image

Brand Equity

Brand Attributes


For a scale to be reliable the Cronbachs Alpha value should be greater than 0.7. If we look at
value of our constructs, all the values are greater than 0.7 except Price. So all scales are reliable
except price which is -0.569.

Total Variance Explained

Brand Loyalty

Perceived Quality

Price Deals


Distribution Intensity

Store Image


Brand Equity

Brand Attributes

If we look at the Initial Eigenvalues, only one component in each construct (except perceived
quality) is greater than one so it means all the constructs are one dimensional, whereas perceived
quality is two dimensional.

Factor Analysis
Brand Awareness

Brand Loyalty

Brand Equity

Price Deals

Store Image

Perceived Quality

Advertising Spend


H o :Sample not adequate define the construct

KMO value is greater than 0.7 for Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Brand Equity, Perceived
Quality and Price Deals except Price, Store Image and Advertising Spend which is 0.647, 0.693
and 0.672 respectively; which are less than 0.7 but are still in acceptable range. Also all the sig.
values are less than 0.05 so we will reject the null hypothesis. Which means the sample is
adequate to define the construct.

Brand Awareness

Brand Loyalty

Perceived Quality

Price Deals

Store Image

Brand Equity

Advertising Spend


For a scale to be reliable the Cronbachs Alpha value should be greater than 0.7. If we look at
values of our constructs, all the values are greater than 0.7 except Brand Awareness and
Perceived Quality which are 0.666 and 0.562 respectively. So all scales are reliable except these

As Cronbachs Alpha value was lower than 0.7 for Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality, so

we removed the last component of each construct and the scale became reliable as shown below.
Brand Awareness

Perceived Quality

Total Variance Explained

Brand Awareness

Brand Loyalty

Brand Equity

Perceived Quality

Price Deals

Advertising Spend

Store Image


If we look at the Initial Eigen values, only one component in each construct is greater than one
so it means all the constructs are one dimensional.

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