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Development options for the Dutch gas distribution

grid in a changing gas market

Taede Weidenaar, Sipke Hoekstra, Mannes Wolters
Engineering Technology
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

AbstractThe Dutch gas distribution grid faces several

in suitable development options for the distribution grid for a

changes in the near future. Currently, the grid handles only

given situation. This paper proposes a research that will inquire

one gas type, namely Groningen gas, however, the future grid is

development options for the gas distribution grid and will deliver

expected to handle multiple gas types. First of all, the share of

a tool that gives situation specific advice on suitable investment

renewable gas in the gas supply will increase from the current


share of 0.1% to 8 - 12% in 2020. This renewable gas can be

green gas, syngas, biogas, or hydrogen. Furthermore, due to


the decline of domestic gas production, the share of imported

After the discovery of the Groningen gas field in 1959,

natural gas will increase. Therefore, the distribution grid, which

with an initial volume of 2800 billion m3 one of the largest

currently is a monogas system, will transform in a multi-gas

system. The distribution grid, which currently is composed of

gas fields in the world, the Dutch gas sector was shaped and

solely pipelines, might be expanded with other components,

the foundation of the Dutch gas infrastructure was laid [1].

e.g. blending stations, gas storages, and compressors, in order

Four years after the discovery, the construction of the national

to facilitate the injection of renewable gas. The injection of

transport grid started. Now 50 years later, the entire Dutch

renewable gases and its corresponding additional components,

gas grid is composed of 133,000 kilometers of pipelines. In

and the different gas types requires the passive distribution

grid to transform into a grid which is actively controlled.

Fig. 1, the gas supply chain in the Netherlands is schematically

Furthermore, due to the increased share of Combined Heat and

depicted. The high-pressure transmission lines (HTL) grid

Power installations, the gas distribution grid will increasingly

transport the gas across the country. Gas produced from the

interact with the electricity grid and local heat distribution

Dutch gas fields is injected in the HTL grid and the imported

grids. This might provide opportunities for these networks to

or exported gas also enters or leaves the country through the

complement each other. On the other hand these grids also

compete with the gas grid as a means of transport for energy

pipelines of this grid. Furthermore, the Dutch gas storages

and as a facilitator of renewable energy. Due to the multitude

are connected to this grid. The grid also supplies gas to

of development options for the distribution grid, and the fact

electricity producers and large industrial customers. The HTL

that it is reaching the end of its technical and economic life, the

grid delivers gas to metering and regulating (M&R) stations,

need exist at the Distribution Service Operators to gain insight

which reduce the gas pressure to 40 bar and supply gas

to several regional transmission lines (RTL) grids. The RTL


grid transport the grid further into the country with a finer


High pressure transmission

lines (66 bar)


Power generation
Large industry

mesh of pipelines. The RTL grid delivers the gas to the

M&R station

gas receiving station (GRS), which reduces the gas pressure

Regional transmission lines
(40 bar)

to 8 bar and injects the gas in the distribution grid. The


distribution grid is composed of the high pressure distribution



grid and the low pressure distribution grid. The high pressure
High pressure distribution grid
(8 bar)

distribution grid transport the gas over longer distances and


feeds the gas to the low pressure distribution grid via a supply
Supply station

station, which reduces the gas pressure to 100 or 30 mbar.

The low pressure distribution grid supplies gas to households
and smaller industry. Transmission service operators (TSOs)
are responsible for the RTL and HTL grid and the M&R


Low pressure distribution grid

(100 or 30 mbar)

Fig. 1.


Gas grid supply chain

station and GRS. The distribution service operators (DSOs)

are responsible for the distribution grid and the supply station.

of an 8 - 12% green gas share in the gas supply by 2020 and

During the past 50 years the gas grid has proven to be a robust

a share of 15 - 20% by 2030 [4]. Currently, the green gas

system and customers could rely on a robust gas supply1 .

share is approximately 0.1% [5].

Currently, the gas market is changing, while at the same time

Furthermore, the Groningen field and other smaller Dutch gas

the distribution grid is reaching the end of its economic and

fields are in decline and therefore, the amount of imported

technical life.

natural gas will gradually increase. Increased volumes of

gas will be imported from Norway, Russia, and Algeria by

A. Changing gas market

pipeline and by LNG-tanker. Therefore, the gas distribution

The Dutch government wants to reduce CO2 emissions,

grid will transform from a mono-gas system to a multi-gas

increase the amount of renewable energy produced, and

system, which means that the gas distribution grid must be

become less dependent on imported energy. Since green gas,

able to handle multiple gas qualities.

which is gas with burning properties similar to natural gas but

In the past, every energy consumer was supplied energy by an

is produced from renewable sources, reduces CO2 emissions

electricity connection and a gas connection. Currently, other

by 70% in comparison with natural gas and can be produced

energy supply options are arising, e.g. solar-PVs, (micro-

domestically, the share of green gas in the Dutch gas supply

)CHPs, ground-source heat pumps, etcetera. Hence, the gas

is expected to increase. The New Gas Platform, a platform

grid will experience more competition from other energy

that promotes green gas among parties in the Dutch society

supply options, since a gas grid connection is no longer a

and initiated by several Dutch ministries, states the ambition

matter of course in new houses and buildings. Furthermore,

1 The yearly downtime of the gas supply for Dutch consumers was on
average 23 seconds in the year 2008 [2]. In comparison, the average downtime
for electricity was 22.1 minutes in the same period [3].

the gas grid will interact more with the electricity grid and
heat grids, due to the rise of gas-fired (micro-)CHPs which

generate electricity and heat simultaneously.

for the future gas distribution grid are listed. In section IV,

Gas Transport Services, the Dutch gas transport grid operator,

the approach of the proposed research on the gas grid of the

supplies the gas to the distribution grid at the GRSs at a

future is elaborated including the requirements of the to be

constant pressure of 8 bar. By means of passive valves,

developed decisions support tool. Finally, in section V, some

the GRSs maintain the gas pressure in the gas distribution

concluding remarks are given on this research.

grid within a certain range, which is necessary to provide


the desired service level to the customers. Hence, the

distribution grid can be considered as a passive grid. With
the introduction of green gas, gas storages, and multiple gas

Research has been done on several of the topics of required

adaptations for the Dutch gas distribution grid.

qualities in the distribution grid, the distribution grid can no

Wolters [6] performed a preliminary research on the re-

longer be passive. The grid needs monitoring and controlling.

quirements of future gas distribution grids and concluded that

Therefore, the distribution grid is expected to change from a

its current functionality is insufficient to comply with future

passive grid to an active grid. An active grid, is also referred

requirements from a technical, economic, and regulative point

to as smart grid.

of view. Among the most important and urgent requirements

Finally, the distribution grid has to face the liberalization

mentioned by Wolters are: decreased vulnerability to damage,

of the gas market. In order to introduce competition in the

increased economic efficiency, more intelligence built into

gas market, customers are given a free choice of supplier.

the networks in order, for example, to achieve optimum eco-

Free non-discriminatory (third party) access of suppliers to

nomic results for the end user, and flexibility of the distribution

the network was considered a pre-requisite and separation

infrastructure with regard to the use of various gases.

between the natural monopoly of the network and other

With regard to the multitude of possible energy supply op-

activities was considered the best way to safeguard this.

tions, at Kiwa Gastec the tool Integrale Infra was developed.

Therefore, since January 2009, in the Netherlands, gas

The tool determines the size of CHPs, solar PVs, electricity

transport and distribution activities are separated from

grid connections, gas grid connections, etcetera, for an energy

production and supply activities. The network companies

supply configuration. The configuration is determined based

remained 100% publicly owned.

on an optimization criterion, for instance minimal cost, and

The question now arising is: how can the design, maintenance,

several profiles, for instance heat demand of households or

and operational management of the future gas distribution

the wind profile from which the electricity production of a

system in the Netherlands be adapted, such that it can cope

windmill can be derived. So far, no detailed research has been

with the expected changes in the gas market?

performed with this tool (K. Pulles, personal communication,

June 1, 2010).

The remainder of this article is outlined as follows,

Concerning the introduction of green gas, Welink [8] as-

section II reviews available literature on the future Dutch gas

sessed the energy efficiency of four different biogas utilization

distribution grid. In section III, possible development options

routes. Biogas is produced from an anaerobic digestion process

of manure with optionally a co-substrate (for instance corncobs

or swill). In case of a co-substrate, the process is referred to

System of the EDGaR program.

as co-digestion. The four biogas utilization routes are ranked

according to their energy efficiency:
1) Produce heat and electricity


2) Produce heat
3) Upgrading to green gas and injection in the gas grid
4) Produce electricity

The gas distribution system can be composed of several

components. Several of these components are: combined
heat and power (CHP) in combination with a local heat

When at the biogas production location no demand exists for

grid, Micro-CHP, gas grid connection, local gas storage,

heat, the biogas could best be upgraded to natural gas quality

green gas/biogas plants, local biogas grid, gas compressor,

and be injected in the gas grid from an energy efficiency point

and blending station to deal with several types of gases.

of view.

To illustrate the possible development options, this section

Bekkering [9] reviewed the knowledge status of a co-digestion

elaborates on the development options for the introduction of

based biogas supply chain and future research options on this

green gas.

topic. Bekkering concluded that on a micro-level (installation

level) much practical knowledge is available, also on macro-

Two possible options for the generation of green gas

level much knowledge exists on the availability of biomass,

can be distinguished. The first option is to generate green

however on a meso-level (operations level of a green gas

gas from a gasification process. Green gas is produced

supply) very little research has been done. According to

by converting (mainly dry) biomass via gasification into a

Bekkering, research should be performed on operations level,

methane-rich product gas and, after cleaning, conversion of

i.e. questions should be answered as where to build digesters

the H2 and CO in the gas to CH4 by catalyc methanation [10].

based on availability of biomass. Such a model should also

The crude gas has to be upgraded to natural gas specification

advise on technology depending on scale factors. Furthermore,

by removal of CO2 and water. Currently, the gasification

it would be interesting to investigate mixing of biogas or partly

process is still under development and it is not expected

upgraded biogas with natural gas.

that it will be available for commercial application before

The Dutch DSOs funded several pilot green gas plants. That

2015 [5].

way, the DSOs gain insight in the green gas supply chain.

The second green gas production option digests wet biomass

In 2010, the research program Energy Delta Gas Research

to produce green gas. Commonly, manure is digested in

(EDGaR) [7] was launched in the Netherlands. The theme

combination with a co-substrate, e.g. agricultural crops,

on which the EDGaR program is focused is the changing

swill, or other waste products. This process is referred to as

Dutch gas market. Among the three subthemes of EDGaR,

co-digestion. In Fig. 2, the supply chain for green gas from

the subtheme Future Energy Systems is concerned with

co-digestion is shown. The feedstock for the co-digestion

how the gas grid infrastructure should be shaped in the future.

process is manure and co-substrate. The digestion process

Our research is embedded in the subtheme Future Energy

produces biogas, consisting of 50 - 65% methane [8] (for

comparison Dutch Groningen gas consist of 83% methane).

the gas in the transportation grid, since the costs for the

The upgrading process, removes unwanted components, e.g.

connection with the transportation pipeline and compression

hydrogen sulphide, hydro carbons, and ammonia, from the

are too high. Therefore, in order to reduce cost, the green gas

biogas and increases the methane content in order to obtain

will be injected in the distribution grid. The cost for injection

gas with burning properties similar to natural gas2 . Once the

of green gas in the distribution grid are lower since the length

gas is at the desired quality, the gas can be injected in the gas

of the connection will be smaller (the distribution grid has a

grid. The digestion and upgrading processes are available and

finer mesh and therefore, needs probably a shorter pipeline)

commercially proven technologies. Therefore, in the short

and compression costs are lower since the distribution grid is

term the main share of green gas will be produced by green

operated at a lower pressure than the transportation grid.

gas plants that use the digestion process to produce green

Injection of green gas in the distribution grid might lead to


problems in balancing the gas demand and (green) gas supply,

Several studies have investigated the potential of available

since the volume of the gas flow in the distribution grid is

domestic biomass in the Netherlands for the production of

significant lower than in the transportation grid and gas flow

green gas [8] [11]. According to Welink [8], the potential

in the gas grid is unidirectional, i.e. gas can only flow from

for co-digestion is 3 - 4% of the annual gas demand in the

a grid with a higher operating pressure to a grid with a lower

Netherlands and the potential for gasification is about 7%,

operating pressure (unless a compressor is installed in the

provided that all available biomass is used for the production

grid). Therefore, green gas can congest in the distribution grid.

of green gas. Biomass can also be used for the production of

Furthermore, green gas production often takes place in rural

biochemicals and for the generation of electricity by fueling

areas, where gas demand is lower than in urban areas. Finally,

a CHP with biogas.

due to seasonal fluctuations the gas demand in the summer is

lower than in the winter, the difference between summer and

Green gas installations using the digestion process to

winter demand is about a factor 10, if there are no industrial

generate biogas are small-scale (maximum approximately

customers connected to that distribution grid. Since the green

1000 m3 /h), therefore, it is economically not feasible to inject

gas production process is very inflexible, and therefore, the

volume of produced green gas can hardly be varied during

2 The

main characteristic for comparison of gas qualities is the Wobbe index,

which is defined as: W = VG
, with W the Wobbe index, Vc the calorific
value of the gas, and Gs the relative density of the gas. Dutch natural gas
has a Wobbe index that varies between 43.46 and 44.41 MJ/m3 (n)

the year, the gas demand in the summer becomes the limiting
factor. Therefore, it might occur that not all biomass potential
can be used in a certain area.
Taking into account the aforementiod issues, this results in


several options for the utilization of biomass, which are listed






Green gas

Fig. 2.

Green gas supply chain [9]

The first option is whether the available biomass is

utilized. From an economic, energetic, or technical per-

spective it might be unattractive to exploit the biomass

However, other utilization options of biogas exist. These

potential. The volume of the biomass might be too small

options might be more beneficial from an economical

to justify the investment in the appropriate equipment or

(with or without taking subsidy into account), technical,

the biomass is available at a too remote location.

or energy efficiency point of view. The available options

If the biomass will be exploited, the question arises

for biogas that is upgraded and for biogas that is not

where the collection of manure and co-substrate and the

upgraded, are listed below.

digestion process takes place. In this respect, two options

are possible:

If the biogas will be upgraded to natural gas specification,

a choice has to be made on were to locate the upgrading

The collection of manure and co-substrate and the

digestion process takes place at the farm site. The

The biogas can be upgraded at the same spot as

advantage of this option is that the manure and co-

where the digestion process occurs. Advantage of

substrate do not have to be transported over long

this method is that no costs are incurred for the

distances, which otherwise might result in a negative

transport of biogas to a different location.

energy efficiency of the supply chain. The disadvan-

The biogas can also be upgraded at a central location.

tage is that the process will be small-scale and no

The biogas of several biogas producers is collected

scale-advantages occur.

by means of a pipeline, which transport the biogas

The collection of manure and co-substrate and the

to the central location. At the central location the

digestion proces take place at a central location. The

biogas is upgraded. This solution is sometimes also

manure and co-substrate have to be transported to

referred to as biogas hub. The advantage of this is

this location by road transport, which costs energy.

that only one upgrade plant has to be acquired and

On the other hand, due to the large scale, scale

operated, and due to advantages of scale this will be

advantages occur. If collection and digestion process

cheaper than acquiring and operating several smaller

is done centrally, a choice on the optimal size and

upgrading plants. On the other hand, extra costs are

location of the plant has to be made.

incurred due to the required biogas pipeline. Due

to the larger scale of the upgrade plant, it becomes

Once the manure and co-substrate have been collected

economically more feasible to inject in gas grids
and digested, according to Fig. 2, the next step would
that operate at higher pressures. And therefore, more
be to upgrade the biogas to natural gas quality. This is,
gas offtake capacity is available, which is not only
if one wishes to inject the green gas in the gas grid,
caused by larger volumes of gas flow, but also by
since according to current Dutch gas legislation, gas
the reduced fluctuation in gas demand, due to the
injected in the gas grid requires natural gas quality. The
increased amount of industrial customers connected
advantage of injecting the biogas in the gas grid is that
to the gas grid.
one becomes eligible for subsidies, and this can transform
an economically unsound project into a profitable project.

A choice has to be made on were to inject the green gas.

First of all, one can inject it in the gas grid laying next to
the upgrade plant. However, the gas demand of that grid
might be too low, and therefore, it might be beneficial to

If the green gas is injected in the local grid and balancing

issues occur, several ways exist to solve this:

A gas storage is connected to the distribution grid in order

lay a gas pipeline that transports the gas to a location in

to flatten out fluctuations in the gas demand. In times of

the gas grid where gas demand is higher, consequently

green gas surplus, the gas storage takes up gas. When

the investment costs of this options are higher due to the

green gas production is insufficient to meet the local gas

required pipeline.

demand, it can be complemented by natural gas from the

If the biogas will not be upgraded to natural gas quality,

transport grid or green gas stored in the local gas storage.

the following options, among others, are available:

When the green gas production exceeds the local demand

for gas, the green gas can be compressed and fed to a

The first option is to inject the biogas into a dedicated

gas grid with a higher operating pressure, which also has

biogas grid. One or more customers are connected to

a higher gas flow. Logically, the compressor would be

this grid. These customers use gas equipment that is

placed in the GRS, which is used to connect a higher

adjusted to the specific gas quality of the biogas.

pressure grid with a lower pressure grid.

Instead of injecting the gas in the gas grid, use it

When the production of green gas exceeds local gas de-

as transportfuel. In [12] the author argues that the

mand, use a CHP to convert the surplus gas to electricity

use of biogas as a transport fuel in compariosn with

and feed it to the electricity grid.

injecting biogas in the gas grid, is more beneficial

When the green gas production exceeds local gas demand,

from an economic and energy efficiency point of

burn the green gas demand. This way. congestion of gas


in the local grid is prevented.

The biogas can be used to fuel a CHP, in order to

produce electricity and heat. As mentioned before, if
sufficient heat demand is available at the location of


A. Approach

the CHP, this is the preferred option from an energy

In order to determine how the gas grid of the future should

efficiency point of view. If the electricity is fed to

be shaped, first of all, the requirements of the gas grid of

the electricity grid, the producer becomes eligible

the future will be determined. In collaboration with Alliander,

for subsidy according to current Dutch legislation.

Stedin, and Enexis, the three largest Dutch distribution service

The biogas could be mixed with natural gas and

operators (DSOs), these requirements will be agreed upon. For

then injected in the gas grid. If the ratio biogas and

determining the requirements also other infrastructures - like

natural is sufficiently small the value of the Wobbe

water, internet, electricity, etcetera - will be investigated for

index, falls within the allowable Wobbe range. For

inspiration. A possible requirement for the gas grid, inspired

this option, relatively large gas flow volumes should

by the electricity grid, would be ease of green gas injection

be available at the point where the biogas is injected

in the gas grid, i.e. all a green gas producer needs is a gas

in the grid.

grid connection and the DSO ensures that all gas will be

consumed. For electricity this is already the case. Furthermore,

be delivered.

the reliability will be the most important performance feature

of the future gas grid.
Once the requirements are known, new infrastructure concepts

B. Decision Support Tool (DST)

will be developed. These infrastructure concepts are possible

solutions to future problems, for instance the use of biogas

For the development of the gas grid of the future, most of the

hubs to facilitate green gas producers to feed green gas in

available options are known and are partly listed in section III.

the grid with sufficient gas demand. One of the things to be

However, at this moment, projects involving green gas or other

inquired, is how the operational management, in case of a

novel energy types require sufficient efforts of engineers to

smart grid, should be designed such that the performance of

develop a solution for that situation. In order to reduce this

the distribution grid will be maximized.

research time of the engineer, we propose the development of

To minimize costs, the proposed solutions should be imple-

a DST. This DST provides insight in the available solutions

mentable with the minimum of extra costs and effort. There-

and shows the advantages and disadvantages of each solution

fore, in developing new infrastructure concepts, we will take

by means of performance indicators. This way the effort of

into account the existing infrastructure as much as possible.

engineers is reduced to make a choice between several pareto-

To asses the suitability of the developed concepts, appropriate

optimal solutions.

evaluation techniques will be developed. To develop these

The solutions generated by the DST have to comply with

evaluation techniques, we will collaborate with DSOs and pro-

several pre-conditions. For instance: local gas demand of the

ducers of gas grid components. Furthermore, data is required

households, spatial restrictions, available biomass, etcetera.

on for example: costs of components in the gas grid, cost of

The variables are the design of the system: presence and

laying pipelines, CO2 performance of the gas grid components,

type of blending stations, presence and type of gas storages,

reliability of the gas grid components, etcetera.

capacity of pipelines, biomass utilization options, etcetera.

The developed models and evaluation techniques will be

The performance indicators of the generated solutions can be

applied on several specific cases. For these cases several

determined by means of the parameters: cost of distribution

scenarios will be developed in cooperation with the involved

grid components, CO2 performance of components, energy

DSOs. Furthermore, a parallel PhD project is performed on

efficiency of components, available gas storages, available

the institutional aspects of the gas distribution grid of the

upgrade plants, gas types, etcetera.

future, where our research is focused on the technical aspects.

By means of multi-objective optimization [13], several optimal

Both research projects are interrelated and will cooperate

configurations will be generated. This way, the DSOs can base

intensively. Therefore, institutional aspects will be taken into

their investment decisions on a multiple of options. The output

account when developing scenarios and performing the case

of the DST will be several solutions that comply with the


pre-conditions. The performance indicators of the solutions

At the end of our research project, a decision support tool will

will be, among others, costs, CO2 performance, reliability, and



[4] J. Wempe, Lets give full gas! The role of green gas in the Dutch energy
management system, Senter Novem, 2007

The gas distribution grid, which is reaching its technical

[5] M. Dumont, Towards a mature green gas market - State of affairs and

and economic life, is facing a gas market which will undergo

point of action, New Gas Platform, Creative Energy - Energy Transition,

some significant changes in the near future. This will require

[6] M. Wolters, Requirements of future gas distribution networks, 23rd

decisions on investments and adaptations of the gas distribu-

World Gas Conference, Amsterdam, 2006


tion grid.
So far, insufficient research is performed on required invest-

[8] J-H. Welink, M. Dumont, K. Kwant, Gas van aardgaskwaliteit uit

biomassa - Update van de studie uit 2004, Senter Novem, 2007

ments and adaptations of the gas distribution grid. Therefore,

[9] J. Bekkering, A.A. Broekhuis, W.J.T. van Gemert, Optimisation of a

it is yet unclear which configuration provides the best solution

green gas supply chain - A review, Bioresource Technology 101(2):

for a certain situation. Although, the possible configurations

450-456, 2010
[10] R.W.R. Zwart, H. Boerrigter, E.P. Deurwaarder, C.M. van der Meijden,

are clear, and the technology is to a large extent available, each

S.V.B. van Paasen, Production of synthetic natural gas (SNG) from

new project involving green gas, biogas, or other novel energy

biomas - development and operation of an integrated bio-SNG system,

types, requires significant research efforts from engineers to

ECN, 2006
[11] J. Koppejan, W. Elbersen, M. Meeusen, et al. Beschikbaarheid van

determine which configuration to choose.

Nederlandse biomassa voor elektriciteit en warmte in 2020, Senter

Therefore, the need exists at the DSOs to ease the development

Novem, 2009

of the gas distribution grid by means of a DST which gives

[12] P. van der Gaag, Productie en inzetbaarheid van Bio-LNG in de

Nederlandse transportsector, Senter Novem, Holland Innovation Team,

insight in the available configurations and shows the advantages and disadvantages of these configurations. This paper
proposes the development of a DST that generates several
pareto-optimal solutions for a distribution grid and therefore,
will reduce the required efforts of the engineer.
Enexis, Liander, Stedin and the research program EDGaR
funded this research and they provide technical information
on gas distribution grids.

[1] J. Schenk, Groningen-gasveld 50 jaar, Boom, Amsterdam 2009
[2] A. Hendriks, Storingsrapportage gasdistributienetten 2008 - inclusief
gasonderbrekingen t.g.v. geplande werkzaamheden, Netbeheer Nederland, 2009
[3] F.M. Combrink, L. Verhees, G.A. Bloemhof, Betrouwbaarheid van
elektriciteitsnetten in Nederland in 2008, Netbeheer Nederland, 2009

[13] K. Deb, Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms,
Wiley, 2002

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