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A short guide to human space and its governing bodies

The Galactic Confederation

Formed in the wake of the Last Human War (colloquially known as Operation EDENFALL), the
galactic confederation is an alliance between the major powers of human space ruled over by a
president elected by a majority of representatives of the five charters. As the name suggests, the
Galactic Confederation is itself a confederation of charters; while it acts officially as a
government body, the power rests more with the charters whereas the Galactic Confederation
functions more to impose fair regulations that each charter agrees on and act as a neutral force,
its own army supplied by the charters themselves.
The GC has earned a fair amount of power by resting on its laurels; they are the only thing
ensuring that EDENFALL and the nightmarish war it spawned never happens again. The charters
are subject to inspection, and the GC has its own agents, the enigmatic inquisitors who wear
black robes and masks that hide their identity, to ensure every charter follows Galactic Code.
Contradicting or refuting the will of the president and GC personnel is easily framed as a power
grab, and whenever one faction rises against the GC the other four will side with it the GC and
force the enemy to either retreat or risk fighting four wars at once. Through this awkward
balance, the GC has managed to wrangle the smaller factions and keep troops on the front of the
Council War.

The Original Five

Before the Galactic Confederation was formed, there were six charters squabbling for space.
After EDEN was destroyed, the faith in the charter system was shaken and some left for NCOs,
but the original five charters are still the only major players in human-controlled space. The
charters are defined mostly by how they inspire patriotism in their people, and how they deal
with the fallout of the Last Human War.

The Orion Charter

First in flight, last to fall.
The first charter formed and originating from NATO on Earth, the Orion Charter deals with the
past trauma by glorifying their war heroes. The Orion Charter resembles nothing more than
1980s America on the brink of a cold war; full of propaganda both supporting themselves and
putting down other charters. Orion is no longer the former glory it was but still owns several
patents on goods crucial for maintaining morale, including Orion Jeans (blue jeans), Orion Cola
(Coca Cola), and other things considered facets of the old world. Orions citizens tend to be
very patriotic, but their glorification of the old world when Orion was still number one
prevents them from adapting to the changes that have come after EDENFALL.

Ad Victoriam. Cum Honore.
Formed by an overthrow of the original charter by military takeover, NautiCorp is characterized
by strict discipline. Even the infrastructure is integrated into the military-industrial complex that
rules the charter, and rank determines everything. NautiCorp looks boring on its face, most
buildings bland grey rectangles with little difference between them besides the plain white text
near the entrance. NautiCorp epitomizes function over form, and everything adheres to strict
regulations to avoid any waste. Rank determines everything, and while externally everything
appears similar, higher ranking officials have a greater amount of free time and greater access to
what few luxuries NautiCorp affords its citizens. NautiCorp citizens adhere to a strict legal code,
and cope with the past trauma of EDENFALL by merely ignoring it. Dissidence is not tolerated
and is grounds for permanent expulsion from the charter.

Prosperitie Unlimited
Bringing humanity together, one trade route at a
Most of the original five are suspicious of one another, doing anything to get a leg up on one
another. The problem is each charter has its some resources it needs but also some it produces in
excess. The charters cannot prosper without one anothers resources, and so Prosperitie sprung
up from a simple trading company that dealt anonymously and grew exponentially as they
provided each charter with much needed resources while buying excess for pennies on the dollar.
Prosperitie is ruled by an oligarchy of seven rules, owners of the seven trading guilds
(Engineering, Military, Mining, Laborers, Mercenaries, Food & Drink, and Drug & Alcohol),
and ultimately all property is owned by one of the seven guilds. People are the property of
guilds, it is John Lockes dream; unfettered capitalism. Guilds are motivated to keep living
conditions good however, as the worst guild will lose precious trade personnel. They cope with
EDENs fall and gain new members by their sheer offer of lawless luxuries; the lack of
regulation leads to a large drug market, many vacation worlds covered in casinos, and the
legalization of prostitution in far worlds where GC eyes cannot pry.

Eutopia Labs Incorporated

Better living through science.
The least conventional charter, Eutopia Labs was formed by an independent research initiative.
They are vehement deniers that biochemical warfare was behind EDEN and the Last Human War
was a result of overpatriotism and an unfortunate chemical leak. Eutopia pushes ahead with
scientific advancement, but are the most strictly patrolled by GC inquisitors for fear they will
become the next EDEN. Eutopia Labs is ruled by a meritocracy and settles exclusively on
swamp worlds where alien bacteria are prevalent and new research can be most easily effected.

The entire charter is a meritocracy; the best scientist rules the others. Rank is indicated by the
height of the laboratory in which they work, underappreciated scientists living at sea level while
high ranking scientists tower above them in more advanced laboratories. They earn most of their
income from Prosperitie Unlimited, who sells their new medications for insane profit.

The Glorious Republic

Ignorance is Strength. Subjugation is Liberation.
War is Peace. These are the truths of the world.
The Glorious Republic is the epitome of totalitarian socialism. People are separated into the five
districts, distinguished by their lighting. Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, and Blue light districts are
the separate districts of each city. The citizens are monitored and occasionally evaluated for
patriotism. This charter most closely resembles the dystopia of 1984, but the people are happy
and free to leave if they feel the need to rebel against their society. There is strength in their
uniformity, and they are a good hybrid of Orions nationalism and NautiCorps discipline and
uniformity. The Glorious Republic acknowledges the EDEN crisis as a conflict caused by a lack
of moral character, and any who wish to leave are welcome to it. Rank and societal position is
determined by career, and those in the blue light district live decadent lives of luxury.\

Non-Charter Organizations
In any situation there are rogue elements
Splinter VII
Splinter VII formed from several soldiers and citizens who went rogue after EDEN turned its
people into mindless zombies. Becoming disillusioned with the Charter system, Splinter VII is a
terrorist group that launches attacks on the Charters. They seek to bring down the charters and
destroy government, they are violent anarchists devoted specifically to destroying the GC and
removing blind trust towards charters. They want humans to break from the charters and think
independently, fearing EDEN and similar catastrophes caused by continued trust of the original

The Black Sun Empire

While the original five where the first in space, the Black Sun Empire was a joint venture from
Taiwan and Japan that never gained the same success the other charters did. It was meant to be
solar powered and economic but instead crashed on a system with a dim and dying sun, earning
their name. Black Sun never left their original system, but they developed unconventional
weapons and stealth technology. Black Sun is not currently relevant but they are large enough
and successful enough to maintain successful assassination guilds and sell enough tech to have

some success. They will never be as strong as one of the original five but they grow at a healthy
enough rate to maintain sovereignty and garner some respect, even if the GC does not
acknowledge their authority.

The Gobi Raiders

The Gobi Raiders were a result of a crashed colonization ship due to an EM storm around a
desert world, but now are an enigmatic race of space barbarians who rarely venture off world.
The GC prohibits hunting or attacking them, preferring to let Eutopia Labs study their society
built around the remnant of the biochemical weapon left on a planet by EDEN. The Gobi Raiders
occasionally knock another civilian ship down to join them, but are largely constricted to their
own planet. They show little interest in galactic affairs, and are harmless enough to attract little
attention from anybody outside of the GC or Eutopia Labs Inc.

The Blackjacks
Also known as the Privateers guild, the Blackjacks are a secret subsidiary of Prosperitie
Unlimited devoted to violent industrial espionage via raiding trade ships. While the Blackjacks
are technically a guild they are treated as a separate entity to avoid legal trouble within
Prosperitie Unlimited. Blackjacks are known both for their ferocity and their showmanship,
winning their battles through a combination of cunning and ruthlessness to rival the strength of
NautiCorps elite troops. Blackjacks have their own secret base, and wage full on war on Splinter
VII personnel and the Black Sun Empire, successfully thanks to their covert funding by
Prosperitie Unlimited.

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