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Study the rocks and minerals cross section by using a microscope is the
main objective of the experiment. Cross sections are useful for the identification
of rocks, minerals, and ores. The experiment starts by cutting four sample of rock
about 4 mm thick by using rock cutting machine. The sample was undergo the
thinning process by geoform thin sectioning lapping machine to make it thinner
after cementing the rock sample onto plate. This is to make sure it is thin enough
to use microscope later. The rock cross section sample are observed under the
microscope with different lens magnification of X4, X10, X20 and X40. The result
obtained is in terms of the picture that contained the surface structure, shape
and colour of each rock samples with different lenses magnification. Thin
sections are useful for the identification of rocks minerals and ores in the study
of the rocks and minerals. Polarizing microscope is a very impressive apparatus
used in order to achieve this objective.

Based on the experiment, the result shows that the grain of the rocks was made
up of several types of minerals, pore, matrix and cements. The samples are cut
until it reaches the 0.01mm thickness that light can passes through the sample.
Observation of these components have been made and four types of
magnification used were 4x, 10x, 20x and 4x by the microscope.
Images that captured are compared with the images captured by
geoscientist via the internet. There are differences between their image, grains,
matrices and cements could not be distinguished and the colour quietly similar
with grains. Only pore can be distinguished clearly.
The first rock sample show light blue at X4 magnificient show and also
grey at X40 magnificient show that the sample was gypsum. The colour was grey
due to the impurities. The grain size is larger due to the solubility of the gypsum
with water.
The second rock is marble. Based on the result the sample show blue
glycolorin at X4 magnificient and also pinkish at X40 magnificient indicated that
the sample was marble. For the texture, the sample also show the flat sized
crystal which is one of the characteristic of the marble.
Besides, the third rock sample showed light graycolorin at X10
magnificient show and the texture were were fine to crystalline. Based on the
color and texture, the sample of the rock was limestone. It also showed the fossil
based on the feature of the sample rock by using the microscope. In term of
surface structure, third rock sample have smoother surface rather than rock one
and two.
The forth sample of the rock showed it is oolotic limestone. The texture of
the rock is sand sized spheres (ooids) which is also thelimestone.

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