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Int. J.

Production Economics 81–82 (2003) 153–162

Retailer’s pricing, credit and inventory policies

for deteriorating items in response to temporary
price/credit incentives
F.J. Arcelusa,*, Nita H. Shahb, G. Srinivasana
Faculty of Administration, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5A3, Canada
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, India


It is the purpose of this paper to model the retailer’s profit-maximizing retail promotion strategy, when confronted
with a vendor’s trade promotion offer of credit and/or price discount on the purchase of regular or perishable
merchandise. At issue is the determination of the three main elements of the retailer’s promotion strategy, namely (i) the
size of the special order to be placed from the vendor, under the different types of possible trade incentives offered;
(ii) the price and/or credit-terms incentives to be passed on to its own customers to stimulate demand on a temporary
basis; and (iii) the quantity to be sold under these one-time-only conditions.
r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Inventory; Special sales; Promotion incentives; Marketing/inventory interface

1. Introduction items purchased or, at the very least, with a much

reduced price discount offered (e.g. Blattberg and
Fear of retaliation from stronger competitors to Neslin, 1990). A retailer, in turn, can induce
temporary price changes designed to stimulate increases in the demand for its own products
demand often leads vendors to search for alternate among its own customer base, without necessarily
financial incentives to be used as substitutes or in having to encompass the vendor’s entire trade
conjunction with price discounts. A trade promo- offer. The marketing evidence is clear on this
tion policy that lessens the chance of attracting point. Profit-maximizing retailers seldom pass on
such competitive retaliation, at least in the short- all incentives to its customers (e.g. Ailawadi and
run, contemplates suppliers offering credit to their Farris, 1999; Blattberg et al., 1995; Kim and
retailers. This lengthens temporarily their repay- Staelin, 1999), nor do they have to incorporate in
ment cycle without reducing the price paid for the their retail promotions all the units included in the
vendor’s special offer (e.g. Arcelus and Srinivasan,
1998). This ability to alter demand is specially
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-506-453-4869; fax: +1-
salient in the case of perishable items, for which
E-mail addresses: (F.J. Arcelus), srini@ direct spoilage, physical depletion or deterioration (G. Srinivasan). over time shorten substantially the life expectancy

0925-5273/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 5 2 7 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 6 9 - 4
154 F.J. Arcelus et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 81–82 (2003) 153–162

of these items and, with it, their time span of trends. Promising efforts in the direction of
profitability. updating this model include the recent works of
It is the purpose of this paper to model the Chu et al. (1998), Hwang and Shinn (1997) and
retailer’s profit-maximizing retail promotion strat- Shinn (1997). A similar statement may be made
egy, when confronted with a vendor’s trade with respect to the literature on perishable items.
promotion of credit and/or price discount on the Here, cost-minimization models, with time-depen-
purchase of regular or perishable merchandise. It dent rather than price-induced demand, are the
is assumed that there already exists a regular rule. As a result, the effect of perishability on
credit/price policy between the retailer and the demand and especially on the retailer’s reaction to
vendor, for which the retailer has already devel- speed-up sales, so as to mitigate the effect of the
oped a profit-maximizing strategy. At issue in this larger order’s deterioration loss through tempor-
paper is the determination of the three main ary price and/or credit incentives, is ignored.
elements of the retailer’s promotion strategy, in Nahmias (1982), for the fixed-life perishable
response the vendor’s special one-time-only trade inventory problem and Raafat (1991), for con-
promotion, namely (i) the size of the special order tinuously deteriorating models, survey this litera-
to be placed from the vendor, under the different ture. Only recently have perishable models begun
types of possible trade incentives offered; (ii) the to treat some more modern concerns. Of direct
portions of the benefits to be passed on to its own relevance to the current paper are (i) Shah and
customers, in the form of new price and/or credit- Shah (1993), on the effect of temporary price
terms incentives intended to stimulate demand on discounts, but with constant demand; and (ii) Chu
a temporary basis; and (iii) the quantity to be sold et al. (1998) and Hwang and Shinn (1997), on the
under these one-time-only conditions. effect of permissible delay of payments, with price-
Until recently, the inventory literature has paid dependent demand.
scant notice to these marketing trends in the On the basis of these caveats related to the
modelling of the special-sale problem, since most existing literature, the paper is organized as
of the articles assume a constant demand. In fact, follows. Section 2 discusses the retailer’s strategic
not even a joint price/credit retailer regular policy decision as it applies to the case of non-perishable
in the absence of any incentives has been studied items. Joint credit/discount retailer strategies will
so far. Baker (1976) sets the stage for the modern be derived to handle regular and special incentive
formulations, with its deterministic, cost-minimiz- vendor–retailer interactions, neither of which has
ing, constant-demand model, which appears in been treated in the literature so far. The issue of
most textbooks on the subject (e.g. Silver et al., perishability is addressed in Section 3. As will be
1998; Tersine, 1994). Only in the last few years, an shown shortly, the need for two separate models
attempt has been made to reverse this trend. strives from the fact that the item–item model is
Arcelus and Srinivasan (1998) summarize most of not a trivial special case of its perishable counter-
this literature. Key articles for the purposes of this part, due to the special nature of the differential
paper include: (i) Lev and Weiss (1990), with its equations giving rise to the respective expressions
simultaneous multi-parameter changes and the for the inventory rate per unit of time. Special
development of finite horizon ordering policies; emphasis will be given to the managerial implica-
(ii) Luciano and Peccati (1999), with its adjusted- tions of the optimality conditions, which are fully
present-value approach; and (iii) Abad (1997), in accord with the tenets of economic theory.
Arcelus and Srinivasan (1998) and Ardalan (1991), Section 4 completes the paper.
with their price-dependent demand, thus opening
the way for the study of the optimal proportion of
trade discount to be passed on to the retailer’s own 2. The non-perishable case
customers. The one-time-only credit literature,
with its constant-demand assumption (e.g. Arcelus The basic characteristics of this case are
and Srinivasan, 1993), has largely ignored these summarized in Table 1. The remainder of this
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Table 1
The retailer’s inflows, outflows and benefits for the non-perishable case

The retailer RECEIVES regular (for s ¼ 0) credit of g0 or a special offer (for s ¼ 1; 2; 3) of a price of c1 oc0 and a credit of g1 > g0
Outflows per cycle for s ¼ 0 O0 ¼ c0 Q0 þ K þ c0 iQ0 Z0 ð1  g0 Þ
Outflows per cycle for Scenario s ¼ 1; 2; 3 Os ¼ c1 Qs þ K þ c1 iQs Zs ð1  g1 Þ;
with Zs ¼ the depletion time for s

The retailer OFFERS (per cycle)

Scenario(s) ðps ts Þ Zs Inflows, Is Decision var

Regular period ðp0 t0 Þ Q0 =R0 p0 Q0 þ p0 rQ0 Z0 ð1  t0 Þ=2 p0 Q0 t0

Special credit & price ðp1 t1 Þ ðQ1  q1 Þ=R1 þ q1 =R0 p1 ðQ1  q1 Þ þ p0 q1 p1 Q1 q1 t1
þ p1 rðQ1  q1 Þ2 ð1  t1 Þ=ð2R1 Þ
þ p0 rq21 ð1  t0 Þ=ð2R0 Þ

Special price only ðp1 t0 Þ ðQ1  q1 Þ=R1 þ q1 =R0 p1 ðQ1  q1 Þ þ p0 q1 þ p1 rðQ1  q1 Þ2 ð1  t0 Þ=ð2R1 Þ p1 Q1 q1
þ p0 rq21 ð1  t0 Þ=ð2R0 Þ

Special credit only ðp0 t1 Þ Q1 =R1 p0 Q1 þ p0 rðQ1  q1 Þ2 ð1  t1 Þ=ð2R1 Þ Q1 t1 q1

þ p0 rq21 ð1  t0 Þ=ð2R0 Þ

section is devoted to an explanation of this table. corresponding to a unit cost of cs , c1 pc0 , and a
The modelling process starts by describing the purchasing credit period, defined by a payment
basic properties of the vendor/buyer/consumer delay of length gs , g1 Xg0 X0:
interaction. This is followed by a detailed devel-
opment of the retailer’s decision process and of the
optimality conditions. Property 2.2. A retailer’s offer to its own customers
is characterized by a pair of values of ðps ; ts Þ,
2.1. Common properties s ¼ 0; 1, corresponding to a unit selling price of ps ,
p1p p0 and a selling credit period of length ts ,
Regardless of whether a particular price/credit t1 Xt0 X0:
offer is regular or special, the vendor/buyer/
consumer interaction exhibits some common Property 2.2 identifies the two extreme scenar-
properties embedded in the price/credit offers ios, each with different prices and credit periods.
made by the vendor to the retailer and by the The special offer s ¼ 1; involves both new price
retailer to the consumer or ultimate customer. and credit terms, different from those of the
Hence, both types are defined at the same time, regular policy. The other two possibilities men-
with the regular (special) offer identified by tioned earlier ðp1 ; t0 Þ and ðp0 ; t1 Þ; alter only one of
scenario s ¼ 0 (s ¼ 1). A vendor’s offer to the the incentives, be it price or credit, respectively.
retailer and a retailer’s offer to its own customers For comparability purposes both are listed in
are defined in the first two properties Table 1, but neither is considered any further,
since they are both encompassed in ðp1 ; t1 Þ: In any
Property 2.1. A vendor’s offer to the retailer is case, the demand for the retailer’s product depends
characterized by a pair of values of ðcs ; gs Þ, s ¼ 0; 1, upon the type of offer ðps ; ts Þ; made to its own
156 F.J. Arcelus et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 81–82 (2003) 153–162

customer base, as follows. Let Rs ðps ; ts Þ be the vendor’s offer of ðc0 ; g0 Þ and an ordering cost of
retailer’s demand for scenario s: Then, $K per order, in order to satisfy a yearly demand
Rs ðps ; ts Þ ¼ apbs tes ; of R0 units, sold at a unit price of $p0 per unit,
with payment due after a credit period of length t0 ,
for s ¼ 0; 1 and a > 0; bp0; eX0: ð1Þ for a yearly profit of B0 :
The power demand function in (1) uses the
standard constant-elasticity functional form ad- It should be observed that the vendor’s trade
vocated for this type of analysis, as it follows the credit promotion of Property 2.4 is but one, albeit
basic tenets of microeconomic theory (e.g. Arcelus widely used in practice, of the many possible
and Srinivasan, 1987). characterizations of the regular policy. Other
Furthermore, in modelling the profitability of examples from practical situations include no
the offers, the timing of the cash flows may not credit at all or standard trade credit terms, such
coincide with the time at which the corresponding as the (2/10, n=30), i.e. a discount of 2% if paid
costs and/or revenues are incurred, since a credit within 10 days or the entire amount is due within
period is one of the options. To resolve this 30 days from the purchase date. The no-credit case
problem, the model does not attempt to match is covered when g0 ¼ 0: The other can be easily
revenues with costs. Instead, it uses an equivalent incorporated into the model, as has been done
procedure, used elsewhere for related situations for related cases (e.g. Arcelus and Srinivasan,
(e.g. Arcelus and Srinivasan, 1995b) and defined 1995b).
by the third property. To derive the profit function for the regular
policy of Property 2.4, observe that B0 is simply
Property 2.3. All cash inflows are assumed to be the difference between the per-cycle inflows, I0 ;
immediately invested at the rate of r per dollar per from the retailer’s ðp0 ; t0 Þ offer and the per-cycle
year and all outflows represent cash borrowed at a outflows, O0 ; arising from the vendor’s offer, times
rate of i per dollar per year. the number of cycles, R0 =Q0 per year (¼ 1=Z0 ; the
inverse of the per-cycle depletion time). As shown
It should be emphasized that Property 2.3 is in Table 1, I0 is computed as the sum of two
used only to handle the timing mismatch between components: (i) the revenue inflows, p0 Q0 ; from
cost/revenues and cash flows. Obviously, an inflow the sale of the Q0 units demanded in each ordering
is reinvested not because it is an inflow, but cycle; plus (ii) the interest earned at the yearly rate
because, when it occurs, there is a liquidity excess. of rð1  t0 Þ or rð1  t0 ÞZ0 per cycle on the average
Likewise, an outflow is financed not because it is uniform stream of revenue flows, p0 Q0 =2; arriving
an outflow, but because at that time there is a during the per-cycle depletion time of length Z0 ¼
liquidity need. Nevertheless, it can be readily seen Q0 =R0 : Similarly, the expression for O0 reflects
that, when the revenue/costs match the inflows/ (i) each cycle’s purchasing, c0 Q0 ; and fixed
outflows, then both approaches yield identical ordering costs, K; plus (ii) the interest outflows
results. of the funds borrowed at the yearly rate of
rð1  g0 Þ or rð1  g0 ÞZ0 per cycle to pay for these
purchases. The end result is given by the following
2.2. The regular offer expression:

The day-to-day vendor/buyer interaction with- B0 ¼ ðI0  O0 Þ=Z0 ¼ ðp0  c0 ÞR0  KR0 =Q0
out any special trade or retail promotions results, þ Q0 ½p0 rð1  t0 Þ=2  c0 ið1  g0 Þ ð2Þ
from the retailer’s perspective, in the following
policy: with R0 as defined in (1). It should be observed
that the price/credit characterization of B0 ; as
Property 2.4. The retailer’s regular ordering policy given in (2) has not heretofore been treated in the
calls for purchasing orders of size Q0 , on a literature. The formulation is based upon the
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price-dependent demand model of Arcelus and Arcelus and Srinivasan (1995a) or Ardalan
Srinivasan (1987), to which the credit incentive has (1991) is straightforward. The final element of
been added. As a result inventory is evaluated as the model is the definition of the retailer’s ordering
any other asset in terms of its profit-making strategy throughout the planning horizon, given
capability. Thus, the interest inflows from these by the next property.
assets [first term in brackets from (2)] are
computed on the basis of their market value, p0 Property 2.7. A special order policy, s ¼ 1, char-
per unit, rather than at cost (Arcelus and acterized by the vector ðQ1 ; q1 ; p1 ; t1 Þ contemplates
Srinivasan, 1989). the following decisions on the part of the retailer:
(i) at the beginning of the planning horizon, place
2.3. The special offer an order of size Q1 , on the basis of the vendor’s
ðc1 ; g1 Þ offer; (ii) offer ðp1 ; t1 Þ for the sale of a
The special offer covers the depletion time of the portion, Q1  q1 , of the Q1 units, during the
retailer’s special order, placed in response to the promotional period lasting the first ½ðQ1  q1 Þ=R1 
vendor’s one-time-only promotion. Hence, an fraction of the planning horizon and ðp0 ; t0 Þ, for
evaluation period large enough to encompass such the remaining q1 units, to last the non-promotional
time span for all possible trade promotions is period comprising the next ðq1 =R0 Þ fraction of the
needed to compare the profitability of the various planning horizon; and (iii) resume the regular
options. Such period, hitherto referred to as ordering policy of Property 2.4 afterwards.
the ‘‘planning horizon’’, gives rise to the next
property. Observe also that, in accordance to the market-
ing practices discussed earlier, the structure of the
Property 2.5. The length of the planning horizon policy defined in Property 2.7 allows the retailer, if
is 1 year. its profit-maximization objectives consider it con-
venient, (i) to pass on only a portion of the benefits
Note that the 1-year length has been made to of the trade promotion to its own customers; and,
correspond to the usual definition of the rate further, (ii) to pass on such portion of the benefits
variables. In the unlikely event that a longer period not on the entire special purchase, but only on
is needed, these variables can be redefined accord- ðQ1  q1 Þ of them and thus being able to sell the
ingly. One consequence of using a common remaining, q1 ; units at the regular price and credit
planning horizon for all possible alternatives is conditions for s ¼ 0:
that, from the retailer’s perspective, the profit- The inflows, I1 ; and outflows, O1 ; associated
ability of each trade promotion is going to include, with the special order policies are obtained in a
in addition to that of the special period, another manner similar to those for the regular policy. The
component to account for the ‘‘regular’’ period functional form for O1 is akin to that for its s ¼ 0
within which the vendor’s extraordinary offer is counterpart, since both depend upon the vendor’s
not valid. Such period starts at the end of the offer, which consists of the same elements, the pair
special period and covers up to the end of the of ðc1 ; g1 Þ values characterizing each scenario. The
planning horizon. In such cases, the retailer must only differences are (i) both the revenues and the
resort back to its pre-special-promotion regular investment inflows are divided into two groups,
ordering policies. rather than being a single expression to reflect the
retailer’s special price and/or credit promotion;
Property 2.6. The beginning of the planning and (ii) the depletion time, Z1 ; which is a function
horizon coincides with a regular reordering point. of the portion of the special purchase which
qualifies for the retailer’s discount. The inflows
Observe that this property is made for exposi- take into consideration the nature of the retailer
tory convenience. Extending the models of this promotion, as characterized by the respective
paper to cover the various starting points of values of ðp1 ; t1 Þ: In addition, a third component
158 F.J. Arcelus et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 81–82 (2003) 153–162

is added to the special-order benefits to cover the following:

profits from Z1 to the end of the planning horizon B1 ðQ1 ; q1 ; p1 ; t0 Þ  B1 ðQ1 ; q1 ; p1 ; t1 Þo0
of 1 year, as given by Property 2.6. Using Naddor
(1966)’s assumption, the profit contribution of the or ðQ1  q1 Þ½1=R1 ðt0 Þ  1=R1 ðt1 Þ
regular policy to the retailer’s decision process is
estimated as a proportion ð1  Z1 Þ; of B0 in (1), f1  2c1 iQ1 =½p1 rðQ1 þ q1 Þgot1  t0 : ð4Þ
concordant to its time length within the planning In (4), it can be readily seen that, regardless of
horizon. Combining all three components, the the sign of the term in brackets of the second
benefit of each scenario to be maximized is given inequality’s LHS, there always exists a t1 at0 ;
by such that the inequality holds. A similar argument
B1 ¼ I1  O1 þ ð1  Z1 ÞB0 ; ð3Þ may be developed for the comparison between
ðQ1 ; p0 ; q1 ; t1 Þ and ðQ1 ; p1 ; q1 ; t1 Þ and hence the
where B0is the value of B0 which maximizes (2)
dominance of passing on at least a portion of the
and Z1 ; I1 and O1 ; as given in Table 1. The
special incentive package &.
decision variables are listed in Table 1. They
include the components of the retailer’s offer
which differ from the regular’s, i.e. p1 ; t1 ; plus
2.4. Managerial insights
the special order quantity, Q1 and that portion for
which no discount is passed on, q1 :
An examination of the optimality conditions
Implicit in the derivation of the model is the
reveals a very appealing economic interpretation,
assumption that the retailer’s optimal response
that clearly delineates the role of each decision
should include an incentive policy whereby at least
variable in decreasing/increasing the outflows/
part of the vendor’s price discount and/or
inflows of the benefits functions and hence in the
additional credit should be passed on to its
retailer’s decision process. It should be observed
own customers. Contrary to the situation in the
that these specific functional forms of the flow
constant demand case, this result can be readily
justified from an economic perspective, since the changes depend upon the power demand specifica-
tion in (1). However, the identification of the
retailer may manipulate the demand through the
various types of flows is general. These insights are
pricing/credit mechanism in response to the
discussed next.
vendor’s special incentive and thus be at least no
worse off than before. The following lemma
Property 2.8. First optimality condition (on Q1 ).
establishes such result.
Lemma 1. It is always beneficial for the retailer to B10 ðQ1 Þ ¼ 0
pass on to its own customers at least part of the p1 þ p1 rðQ1  q1 Þð1  t1 Þ=R1  B0 =R1
vendor’s financial incentives (discount and/or cred-
it) received in the special order. ¼ c1 þ c1 iZ1 ð1  g1 Þ
þ c1 iQ1 ð1  g1 Þ=R1 : ð5Þ
Proof. Assume first that the retailer does not Then, other things being equal,
choose to pass on any of the credit incentive to its
1. A one-unit increase in Q1 causes the following
own customers. Then, its optimal policy may be
direct increases in inflows:
described by the vector ðQ1 ; p1 ; q1 ; t0 Þ: Consider an
alternate strategy with ðQ1 ; p1 ; q1 ; t1 Þ; where t1 at0 (a) Extra sales receipts of $p1 , for the addi-
is not even optimal. The proof consists of showing tional unit sold.
the existence of at least one t1 at0 ; which yields a (b) Extra ‘‘reinvestment inflows’’ of $p1 rðQ1 
higher profit than the rejection alternative. q1 Þð1  t1 Þ=ð2R1 Þ from the invested revenue
Using (3), not passing the incentive implies the proceeds of the additional unit sold.
F.J. Arcelus et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 81–82 (2003) 153–162 159

2. A one-unit increase in Q1 causes the following 2. A one-unit increase in q1 causes the following
indirect changes in inflows: indirect changes in inflows:
(a) It increases the ‘‘reinvestment inflows’’ by (a) A change in ‘‘reinvested inflows’’ of
$p1 rðQ1  q1 Þð1  t1 Þ=ð2R1 Þ on the average ½p0 rq1 ð1  t0 Þ=ð2R0 Þ  p1 rðQ1  q1 Þð1  t1 Þ=
inventory, as a result of the increase of ð2R1 Þ, due to an increase in length of the
1=R1 in the discounted depletion time discount period by ½1=R0  1=R1 ¼ qZ1 =
ðqZ1 =qQ1 ¼ 1=R1 Þ: qq1 , during which 1=R1 represents the
(b) It decreases inflows by B0 =R1 , from the decrease in that portion of Z1 where the
revenue foregone by the decrease of 1=R1 discount is passed on to the retailer’s
in the length of the post discount period customers and 1=R0 , the increase in that
½qð1  Z1 Þ=qQ1 ¼ 1=R1 : portion of Z1 where the discount period is
not passed on to the retailer’s customers.
3. A one-unit increase in Q1 increases outflows as (b) A decrease in inflows by B0 ð1=R1  1=R0 Þ
follows: through the revenue foregone from the
decrease in length of the post discount
(a) Directly from the acquisition of the extra
period by ½1=R1  1=R0 ¼ qð1  Z1 Þ=qq1 :
unit through (i) the extra purchasing cost of
$c1 ; and (ii) the extra holding costs of
3. A one-unit increase in q1 causes an indirect
c1 iZ1 ð1  g1 Þ incurred by the additional
increase in outflows of ciQ1 ð1=R0  1=R1 Þ
unit purchased.
through the increase in holding costs to the
(b) Indirectly through the increase of 1=R1 in
entire order, caused by the increase in the
the length of the special depletion time, Z1 ;
special depletion period.
which causes an increase in the holding
costs of ciQ1 ð1  g1 Þ=R1 for the entire Property 2.10. Third optimality condition (on p1 ).
special order. Consider
B10 ðp1 Þ ¼ 0
Property 2.9. Second optimality condition (on q1 ). ðQ1  q1 Þ þ rð1  t1 ÞðQ1  q1 Þ2 ð1  bÞ=
ð2R1 Þ þ bp1 ðQ1  q1 ÞB0 =R1
B10 ðq1 Þ ¼ 0 þ c1 Q1 ið1  g1 Þbp1 ðQ1  q1 Þ=R1 ¼ 0:
ðp0  p1 Þ  p1 rðQ1  q1 Þð1  t1 Þ=R1 ð7Þ
þ p0 rq1 ð1  t0 Þ=R0  B0 ð1=R0  1=R1 Þ Then, other things being equal:
¼ c1 iZ1 ð1  g1 Þ 1. A one-unit increase in p1 causes the following
direct increases in the inflows:
þ c1 iQ1 ð1  g1 Þð1=R0  1=R1 Þ: ð6Þ
(a) Extra revenues of $ðQ1  q1 Þ from the
Then, other things being equal:
discounted sale, due to the increase in the
1. A one-unit increase in q1 causes the following selling price.
direct changes in the inflows: (b) Extra ‘‘reinvestment inflows’’ of rð1 
t1 ÞðQ1  q1 Þ2 =ð2R1 Þ on the entire sale, due
(a) An increase of $ðp0  p1 Þ in revenues due to
to the increase in the selling price.
the switch in the selling price from the
discounted to the regular.
2. A one-unit increase in p1 causes the following
(b) A change in ‘‘reinvested inflows’’ of
indirect changes in inflows:
½p0 rq1 ð1  t0 Þ=ð2R0 Þ  p1 rðQ1  q1 Þð1  t1 Þ=
ð2R1 Þ, due to the switch in the selling price (a) An increase in inflows on the entire sale of
from the discounted to the regular. brð1  t1 ÞðQ1  q1 Þ2 =ð2R1 Þ, through an
160 F.J. Arcelus et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 81–82 (2003) 153–162

increase in the length of the discounted sions for Bs arise out of (i) the need to distinguish
depletion period of qZ1 =qp1 ¼ bp1 ðQ1  the amount sold by the retailer to its customers
q1 Þ=R1 : from the larger order to be purchased from the
(b) An one-unit increase in p1 causes a decrease vendor; and out of (ii) the nature of the differential
in inflows of bp1 B0 ðQ1  q1 Þ=R1 , as a result equation which determines the level of inventory
of a decrease in the length of the post- on hand (see (10) below). The former (latter)
discount period of qð1  Z1 Þ=qp1 : affects the inflows (outflows). The revised expres-
sions for Is and Os ; along with the corresponding
3. An one-unit increase in p1 causes an indirect
optimality conditions are the subject of this
decrease in outflows of c1 iQ1 ð1  t1 Þbp1 ðQ1 
q1 Þ=R1 through an increase in the holding costs
With respect to the first modification, let
of the special order as a result of an increase of
Ts ½T0 ¼ 1=ðyZ0 Þ; s ¼ 0; 1; be the depletion time
qZ1 =qp1 in the length of the discounted deple-
of an order of size Qs ; and Ys ðY0 ¼ 0Þ; the length
tion period.
of time within Zs during which the retailer does
not pass on the trade promotion. Then, the inflows
Property 2.11. Fourth optimality condition (on t1 ).
may be written as follows:
B10 ðt1 Þ ¼ 0 Is ¼ ps Rs ðTs  Ys Þ
p1 rðQ1  q1 Þ =ð2R1 Þ þ p0 R0 Ys þ ps rRs ðTs þ Ys ÞðTs  Ys  ts Þ=2
 p1 reðQ1  q1 Þ ð1  t1 Þ=ð2R1 t1 Þ þ p0 rR0 Ys ðYs  t0 Þ=2; for s ¼ 0; 1: ð9Þ
þ B0 et1 ðQ1  q1 Þ=R1
The second modification affects the outflows,
þ c1 iQ1 ð1  t1 Þet1 ðQ1  q1 Þ=R1 ¼ 0: through changes in acquisition and inventory
ð8Þ holding costs. In addition to the inventory deple-
tion from sales, inventory is also reduced by
Then, other things being equal, a one-unit
deterioration, assumed for simplicity to occur at a
increase in t1 results in all indirect effects on the
constant rate, denoted by y: As a result, the rate of
flows, as follows:
change in inventory over time, dVs ðtÞ=dt; may be
1. A decrease in ‘‘reinvestment flows’’ on the written as
entire sale, due to the decrease in the non-credit
period and hence in the rate per year. dVs ðtÞ=dt ¼ yV0 ðtÞ  R0 ; s ¼ 0; 0ptpT0
2. An increase in ‘‘reinvestment flows’’ on the ¼ yV1 ðtÞ  R1 ; s ¼ 1; 0ptpT1  Y1
average investment, due to a decrease in the
¼ yV1 ðtÞ  R0 ; s ¼ 1; T1  Y1 ptpT1
discounted portion of the depletion period of
qZ1 =qt1 ¼ eðQ1  q1 Þ=ðt1 R1 Þ: with Vs ðTs Þ ¼ 0 and Vs ð0Þ ¼ Qs ;
3. An increase in the post-discount revenues, as a for s ¼ 0; 1: ð10Þ
result of the increase in the length of the post
discount period of qZ1 =qt1 , caused by the From (10), the inventory level at time t may be
corresponding decrease in the depletion period. expressed as
4. A decrease in the holding costs for the special
order as a result of the decrease of qZ1 =qt1 in Vs ðtÞ ¼ ðR0 =yÞfexp½yðT0  tÞ  1g; s ¼ 0; 0ptpT0
the depletion period. ¼ ðR1 =yÞfexp½yðT1  Y1  tÞ  1g
þ ðR0 =yÞ½expðyY1 Þ  1 exp½yðT1  Y1  tÞ;
3. The perishable case s ¼ 1; 0ptpT1  Y1
When perishability is included, the main mod- ¼ ðR0 =yÞfexp½yðT1  tÞ  1g;
ifications in the methodology to derive the expres- s ¼ 1; T1  Y1 ptpT1 : ð11Þ
F.J. Arcelus et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 81–82 (2003) 153–162 161

Using (10), the retailer’s order size, Qs ; s ¼ 0; 1; ultimate customer. The paper has also identified
is given by the sources of added profitability, when con-
Qs ¼ Vs ð0Þ ¼ ðRs =yÞfexp½yðTs  Ys Þ  1g fronted with possible fluctuations in the optimal
value of the decision variables. The managerial
þ ðR0 =yÞ½expðyYs Þ  1 implications of these results are clear and provide
exp½yðTs  Ys Þ; s ¼ 0; 1: ð12Þ a suitable framework to assess the relative profit-
From (12), the cumulative inventory, Ss ; s ¼ ability of various payment reduction schemes.
0; 1; is given by Suggestions for further research abound. On the
Z Ts Ys empirical side, estimation of the demand and
Ss ¼ ðRs =yÞ fexp½yðTs  Ys  tÞ  1g dt deterioration functions will provide the needed
0 information to numerically determine the relative
Z Ts
importance of the various policies the retailer may
þ ðR0 =yÞ fexp½yðTs  tÞ  1g dt wish to evaluate. The incorporation of other
Ts Ys
2 payment reduction modes will enrich the gamut
¼ ðRs =y Þfexp½yðTs  Ys Þ  yðTs  Ys Þ  1g of schemes available, while enhancing the rather
þ ðR0 =y2 Þ½expðyYs Þ  yYs  1; s ¼ 0; 1: scant knowledge existing today with respect to the
ð13Þ evaluation methodology and the magnitude of
these trade-offs. The study of these and other
Based on (10)–(13), the outflows, Os ; s ¼ 0; 1 for issues justifies additional research.
the perishable case are computed as the sum of the
acquisition and the inventory holding costs, i.e.
Os ¼ c0 Q0 þ KR0 =Q0 þ c0 iS0 ; for s ¼ 0 Acknowledgements
¼ c1 Q1 þ K þ c1 iS1 ; for s ¼ 1: ð14Þ
Financial assistance to the authors for the
The retailer’s objective for the perishable case is completion of this research from the Natural
similar to that for its non-perishable counterpart. Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
The expressions for Bs given in (3) for s ¼ 1 and in Canada is gratefully acknowledged.
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