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• Management have held frequent discussions with teaching staff to ensure pupils are on

HMIe FOLLOW THROUGH PROCEDURES track and that support is being targeted where needed
• The Head Teacher has provided support for the majority of classes to assist with testing for
Areas for Improvement – Evaluation of Progress: these levels.

The initial inspection report published in June 2008 identified three main points for action. This section
evaluates the progress made to date in addressing each of the action points and the resulting
improvements for pupils and other stakeholders.
Next Steps:
Area for improvement 1
Establish consistently high expectations of pupils’ achievements and attitudes to work • Use of SEEMIS to record predictions twice yearly
• Use of SEEMIS as a tool to closely monitor attainment of classes and genders
Evaluation of Progress and Impact:
• Teachers to be more involved in use of SEEMIS as a tool for tracking their class’s
• Improved behaviour in lines, corridors, playground, Assembly and class now that all staff • Linking of 5-14 levels to Curriculum for Excellence levels.
have discussed and agreed consistency in acceptable behaviour. A new 5 colour coded,
card behaviour chart, based on this agreement, was introduced to all classes. Area for improvement 3
• Introduction of the restorative behaviour model Being Cool in School to all classes. All
staff have undergone training and the “cool” message is reinforced in the playground. Ensure the School Improvement Plan contains a manageable number of priorities
• Parental workshops and leaflets on “Being Cool in School” plus Parent Council for improvement, and that these priorities are consistently implemented by all staff
consultation group on our Positive Behaviour/Anti Bullying Policy have ensured the
working together of school and community. Evaluation of Progress and Impact:
• More use of Cooperative Learning techniques which have increased motivation.
• Implementation of consistent learning and teaching methodologies by all teachers which • School Improvement Plans (2008-09 and 2009-10) contain less priorities
link learning to real life and contexts and is more stimulating and challenging. • Priority was given to HMIe follow up points
• Close monitoring of pupil jotters, folios and homework to ensure that the expected • Staff opportunities to peer monitor made possible on two occasions for all
standard for good presentation is established and maintained. staff
• Use of Assessment is for Learning strategies which ensure that praise is used effectively • Opportunities given for team teaching, modelling and professional dialogue
and to encourage pupils to identify and strive towards their next steps in their own throughout session
learning. • Less staff changes has meant a more manageable approach to carrying
• “Write to the Top” writing programme has been introduced to all classes to improve out priorities, as all staff were included in consultations which were carried out all
attainment in Writing and its impact is being monitored and evaluated. year
• Evaluation of all initiatives and priorities carried out to ensure full
Next Steps: understanding and agreement by all staff and less changes in staff team has
supported a shared focus on improvement.
• Embed Being Cool In School into all classes, with new staff and at all times in the school
day. Next Steps:
• Continue to discuss predictions and tracking with teachers each planning block
• Continue to closely monitor presentation of work to ensure high standards • The school would be challenged to ensure this; however there is a clear
• Ensure that support targeted to pupils, is both responsive and proportionate to identified and consistent message coming from management regarding ECS priorities
needs. • Monitor staff changes and support induction to ensure all staff know about
Area for improvement 2 • Embed professional dialogue into Collegiate Calendar and continue
Improve arrangements for using assessment and tracking of pupils’ attainment to help pupils make opportunities for peer monitoring, team teaching and transition discussions
appropriate progress • Ensure that all initiatives are evaluated by all staff
• Improve Self Evaluation by all staff to ensure it impacts on the identification
Evaluation of Progress and Impact: of future priorities.

• The new computerised Management Information System “SEEMIS” has been used to
record all levels of National Assessments for Maths, Reading and Writing.

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