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Sols et Roches
Bulletin des laboratoires de mcanique des sols et des roches
Annexe au No 39 de septembre 2007


Bruines P. Laminar ground water flow through
stochastid channel networks in rock. Thse de
doctorat EPFL, no 2736 (2003), 129 p.
Cekerevac C. Thermal effects on the mechanical
behaviour of saturated soils : an experimental,
constitutive and numerical approach, Thse EPFL
no 2828 (2003), pp. 234
Grber R. Design of deep galleries in low
permeable saturated porous media. Thse de
doctorat EPFL, no 2721 (2003), 156 p. + annexes
Heidenreich B. Small-and half-scale experimental
studies of rockfall impacts on sandy slopes. Thse
de doctorat EPFL, no 3059 (2004), 231 p.

Livres et ditions de compte-rendus de

confrences internationales
Ammann W., Dannenmann S., Vulliet L. RISK21 Coping with Risk due to Natural Hazards in the
21st Century. Proceedings of the RISK21
Workshop. Monte Verita, Switzerland, Dec. 2004.
Eds W. Ammann, S. Dannenmann, L. Vulliet. Ed.
Taylor & Francis, 2006, ISBN 9780415401722
Bonnard Ch. Technical and human aspects of
historic rockslide dammed lakes and landslide dam
breaches. Chapter of a book "Italian Journal of
Engineering Geology and Environment, Special
Issue on Security of natural and artificial Rockslide
Dams", pp. 21-31. Ed. by L. Stedile, 2006, ISSN
Bonnard Ch., Forlati F., Scavia C. Identification
and mitigation of large landslide risks in Europe :
advances in risk assessment. IMIRILAND Project.
317 p. Ed. Balkema (2004), ISBN 90 5809 598 3

Franois B., Bonnard C., Laloui L., Triguero V.

Numerical modeling of the hydro-mechanical
behaviour of a large slope movement : the
Triesenberg landslide. Chapter of the book
"Numerics in geotechnics and structures", pp. 81102; Eds T. Zimmermann & A. Truty. Ed.
Elmepress Int., 2006, ISBN 2-940009-07-4
Laloui L., Charlier R., Pijaudier-Cabot G. Coupled
Multi-Physics Processes in Geomechanics. Special
issue, European Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.
9, no5-6 (2005), 280 p.
Laloui L., Nuth M., Vulliet L. Experimental and
numerical investigations of the behaviour of a heat
exchanger pile. A chapter of the book " Ground
Improvement - Case Histories", pp. 1065-1084, Ed.
B. Indraratna ...(et al.), Ed. Elsevier 2005, ISBN 0080-44633-7

Mandats et rapports de recherche

Labiouse V., Escoffier S., Mathier J. F., Gastaldo
L. Localised crack formation and self-sealing in
Boom and Opalinus clays with the LEGEP cells.
Contribution of LMR-EPFL to the SELFRAC EC
project : fractures and self-healing within the
excavation disturbed zone in clay (2005), 21 p. +
Mathier J.-F., Gruaz G. Essais croiss
interlaboratoires en mcanique des sols et des
roches = Cross-tests in soil and rock mechanics.
Mandats de recherche VSS, Dp. fd. de l'environn.
des transp., de l'nergie. Office fdral des routes.
No 1123, Mai 2005, 65 p.

Annexe au No 39 de septembre 2007

Bardou E., Ancey C., Bonnard C., Vulliet L.
Classification of debris-flow deposits for hazard
assessment in alpine areas. Proc. 3th Int. Conf. on
Debris-Flow hazards mitigation : mechanics,
prediction, and assessment. Davos, Switzerland,
Sept. 10-12, 2003. Ed. Millpress (2003), ISBN90
77017 78X , pp. 799-808
Bardou E., Bonnard Ch., Vulliet L. Methodology of
debris flows diagnosis on an alpine watershed.
Proc. Int. Conf. on Fast Slope Movements, ICFSM
2003, Naples, May 11-13, 2003, pp. 23-27
Boivin P. Schffer B., Temgoua E., Gratier M.,
Steinman G. Assessment of soil compaction using
soil shrinkage modelling : Experimental data and
perspectives. Soil & Tillage Research Journal, vol.
88(2006), pp. 65-79, ISSN 0167-1987
Bonnard C. Identification des mcanismes de
glissement, auscultation et modlisation de l'effet
des ouvrages d'assainissement. Publication de la
Soc. Suisse de Mcanique des Sols et des Roches,
no 153 (2006), pp. 43-52
Bonnard Ch. Technical and Human Aspects of
Historic Rockslide Dammed Lakes and Landslide
Dam Breaches. NATO Advanced Research
Workshop, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, June 2004.
Extended Abstract Volume, pp. 13-19
Bonnard Ch., Corominas J. Landslide hazard
management practices in the world. Journal of the
International Consortium on Landslides, vol. 2
(2005), no 4, pp. 245-246
Bonnard Ch., Derron M.-H., Moreno J., Pittet X.,
Tacher L., Turberg P., Parriaux A., Vulliet L.
Interactive computer-aided learning of landslide
identification and monitoring process. Proc. 16th
Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical
Eng. (16ICSMGE), Osaka , Sept.2005, pp. 2781-84
Bonnard Ch., Glastonbury J. Risk assessment for
very large natural rock slopes. Proc.of the Int.
Conf. on Landslide Risk Management, Vancouver,
31 May-3 June 2005, pp. 335-349. Ed. Balkema,
ISBN 04 1538 043 X
Carminati A., Kaestner A., Hassanein R., Koliji A.
Hydraulic properties of aggregate-aggregate
contacts. Proc. of Workshop "Advances in X-ray
Tomography for Geomaterials", pp. 325-331, eds.
Desrues...(et al.), ISTE, 2006

Page 2

Cascini L., Bonnard Ch., Corominas J., Jibson R.,

Montero-Olarte J. Landslide hazard and risk
zoning for urban planning and development. Proc.
of the Int. Conf. on Landslide Risk Management,
Vancouver, 31 May-3 June 2005, pp. 199-235. Ed.
Balkema, ISBN 04 1538 043 X
Cekerevac C. Comportement thermo-mcanique
des sols - tude exprimentale et modlisation
constitutive. Actes des 21mes Rencontres
Universitaire de Gnie Civil, Universit de la
Rochelle, 2-3 Juin 2003, vol. 2, pp. 89-97
Cekerevac C., Girardin S., Klubertanz G., Laloui L.
Calibration of an elastic-plastic constitutive model
by an unconstrained optimisation procedure.
Computer and Geotechnics Journal, vol. 33/8, pp.
432-443, 2006
Cekerevac C., Laloui L. Experimental study of
thermal effects on the mechanical behaviour of a
clay. Int. Journ. Numer. Anal. Mech. Geomech.
vol. 28 (2004), pp. 209-228
Cekerevac C., Laloui L. Thermo-mechanical
yielding of a clay. Proc. Int. Conf. on Coupled T-HM-C Processes in Geo-systems : Fundamentals,
Stockholm, 13-15 Oct. 2003, pp. 487-491
Cekerevac C., Laloui L., Vulliet L. A new
temperature controlled triaxial apparatus. Pro. 3rd
Int. Symp. on Deformation Character of
Geomaterials, Lyon 23-24 Sept. 2003, pp. 133-137.
Ed. Balkema (2003), ISBN 90 5809 604 1
Cekerevac C., Laloui L., Vulliet L. A Novel
Triaxial Apparatus for Thermo-Mechanical Testing
of Soils. Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 28
(2005), issue 2, pp. 161-170
Charlier R., Laloui L., Collin F. Numerical
modelling of coupled poromechanics processes.
REGC (European Journal of Civil Engineering),
vol. 10 (2006), no 6-7, pp. 669-702. ISSN 17747120
Chen Sheng-Hong, Ming-yi-Xu, Shahrour Isam,
Egger P. Analysis of Arch Dams Using Coupled
Trial Load and Block Element Methods. Journal of
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ,
vol. 129 (2003), no 11, pp. 977-986
Chen Sheng-Hong, Shahrour Isam, Egger Peter.
Study of hollow friction bolts in rock by a three
dimensional composite element method. Proc.of the
10th ISRM 2003 : Technology roadmap for rock
mechanics, South African 8-18 Sept.2003, pp 203206. ISBN 1-919783-52-0

Annexe au No 39 de septembre 2007

Collin F., Laloui L., Charlier R. Unified approach

of coupled constitutive laws. European Journal of
Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no 5-6, pp. 713-725,
Cuisinier O., Masrouri F. Compressibility and
Fabric of an Unsaturated Compacted Swelling
Soil. Bauhaus-Universitt. Proceedings of the Int.
Conf. "From Experimental Evidence towards
Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Soils,"
Weimar, Germany, September 18-19, 2003.
Springer Proceedings in Physics , Band 93 , 2004,
ISBN: 3-540-21121-7, pp. 147-158
Cuisinier O., Laloui L. Fabric evolution during
hydro-mechanical loading of compacted silt.
International Journal of Numerical and Analytical
Methods in Geomechanics, Vol 28, pp 483-499,
Cuisinier O., Laloui L. Fabric Evolution of an
Hydromechanical Loading. Proc. of the Int. Conf.
"From Experimental Evidence towards Numerical
Modeling of Unsaturated Soils," Weimar,
Germany, September 18-19, 2003. Springer
Proceedings in Physics, Band 93 , 2004, ISBN: 3540-21121-7
Descoeudres F, Dudt J.P., Sandrone F., Labiouse
V. Interpretation und Extrapolation der
gemessenen Konvergenzen in der Karbonzone des
Ltschberg-Basistunnels. Proc. Swiss Tunnel
Congress, June 2005, Lucern. Documentation SIA
0215, pp.39-43
Diserens E., Steinmann G. TASC - eine PCAnwendung
Schadverdichtungen. AGRARForschung 12(1),
2005, pp. 22-27
Dysli M. Scaling of supersaturation by a simple
test. Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Permafrost, July 2003,
Zrich, Switzerland, Ed. Balkema (2003), ISBN 90
5809 582 7, pp. 223-227
Dysli M., Ltscher M. Un phnomne peu connu :
Les glaciers du Jura. Journal des Alpes, 2003(7),
pp. 38-41
Fuchsschwanz M., Labiouse V., Mathier J. F.
Influence of a 90 - rotation of the loading axis on
acoustic emission behaviour of parallelepiped
specimens of granite. Proc. EUROCK 2005, May
2005, Brno, Czech Republic, Ed. Balkema ISBN
0415380421, pp141-146

Page 3

Gachet Ph., Klubertanz G., Laloui L., Vulliet L.

Interface behavior of unsaturated soil with smallscale models and use of image processing
techniques. Geotechnical Testing Journal, March
2003, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 12-21
Grber R., Labiouse V. Influence of pore water on
the design of deep galleries in low permeable
rocks. Proc.of the 10th ISRM 2003 : Technology
roadmap for rock mechanics, South African 8-18
Sept.2003, pp 347-350. ISBN 1-919783-52-0
Geiser F., Laloui L., Vulliet L. Elasto-plasticity of
unsaturated soils : laboratory test results on a
remoulded silt. Soils and Foundations Journal, vol.
46 (2006), no 5, pp. 545-556, ISSN 0038-0806
Gong Q. M., Zhao J., Hefny A. M. Numerical
simulation of rock fragmentation process induced
by two TBM cutters and cutter spacing
optimization. Tunnelling and Underground Space
Technology Journ., vol. 21, no 3-4, 2006, pp. 1-8
Gong Q.M., Jiao Y.Y., Zhao J. Numerical
modelling of the effects of joint spacing on rock
fragmentation by TBM cutters. Tunnelling and
Underground Space Technology Journal, vol.
21(2006), pp. 46-55
Gong Q.M., Zhao J., Hefny A.M. Numerical
simulation of rock fragmentation process induced
by two TBM cutters and cutter spacing
optimization. Tunnelling and Underground Space
Technology Journal, vol. 21(2006), p.263
Grasselli G., Egger P. Constitutive law for the
shear strength of rock joints based on threedimensional surface parameters. Int. Journ. of
Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 40
(2003), no 1, pp 25-40
Heidenreich B., Labiouse V. Etude exprimentale
du rebond de blocs rocheux. Actes de la journe
"Dveloppement et utilisation oprationnelle des
modles trajectographiques ", CETE , Lyon
26.03.2003, pp. 1-6
Heidenreich B., Labiouse V. Small scale laboratory
experiments of boulders bouncing on granular
slopes. Proc.of the 10th ISRM 2003 : Technology
roadmap for rock mechanics, South African 8-18
Sept.2003, pp. 519-522. ISBN 1-919783-52-0
Heidenreich B., Labiouse V. Small-scale
experimental study of rockfall impacts on granular
slopes. Rivista italiana di geotecnica , Anno
XXXVIII, no 2 (2004), pp 80-91

Annexe au No 39 de septembre 2007

Hu L., Pron H., Hueckel T., Laloui L. Numerical

and phenomenological study of desiccation of soil.
ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, no 148
(2006), Advances in unsaturated soil, seepage and
environmentals, pp. 166-173. Editors Lu (et al.)
Innaurato N., Oggeri C., Oreste P., Vinai R.,
Sandrone F. Numerical modelling of laboratory
tests for TBM cutter indentation process analysis.
Proc. MPES2006, 15th intern. sym. on mine
planning & Equipment Selection, Sept. 2006,
Torino, Italy, pp. 1339-1344
Jaboyedoff M., Dudt J.P., Labiouse V. An attempt
to refine rockfall hazard zoning based on the
kinetic energy, frequency and fragmentation
degree. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Journal, vol. 5 (2005), pp. 621-632, ISSB 15618633
Jaboyedoff M., Labiouse V. Preliminary
assessment of rockfall hazard based on GIS data.
Proc.of the 10th ISRM 2003 : Technology roadmap
for rock mechanics, South African 8-18 Sept.2003,
pp. 575-578. ISBN 1-919783-52-0
Kern M., Buser O., Peinke J., Siefert M., Vulliet L.
Stochastic analysis of single particle segregational
dynamics. Physic letters A 336(2005) 428-433
Kern M., Vulliet L., Ammann W., Bonnard Ch.
Sgrgation inverse dans les coulements
Naturgefahren FAN -Agenda no 2(2003), pp 24-26
Khalili N., Witt R., Laloui L., Koliji A. Effective
stress in double porous media with two immiscible
fluids. Geophysical research letters, vol. 32,
L15309, doi : 10.1029/2005GL023766, 2005, ISSN
Klubertanz G., Bouchelaghem F., Laloui L., Vulliet
L. Miscible and immiscible multiphase flow in
deformable porous media. Mathematical and
Computer Modelling Journal, vol. 37 (2003), pp.
Koliji A., Carminati A., Kaestner A., Vulliet L.,
Laloui L., Fluehle, H., Vontobel P., Hassanein R.
Experimental study of flow and deformation in
aggregated soils using neutron tomography. Proc.
of Workshop "Advances in X-ray Tomography for
Geomaterials" , pp. 341-348, Eds . Desrues...(et
al.), ISTE, 2006

Page 4

Koliji A., Laloui L., Cuisinier O., Vulliet L.

Modelling suction increase effects on the fabric of
a structured soil. Proc. of the 2nd International
Workshop on Unsaturated Soils: advances in
testing, modelling and engineering applications,
Naples, June 2004, pp. 83-94, Balkema, ISBN
Koliji A., Laloui L., Cuisinier O., Vulliet L.
Suction induced effects on the fabric of a structured
soil. Transport in Porous Media Journal (2006),
vol. 64, pp. 261-278, ISSN 0169-3913
Koliji A., Laloui L., Vulliet L. Mathematical
analysis of the hydric behaviour of structured soils.
Proc. of the 9th Symp. on Numerical Models in
Geomechanics- NUMOG IX, 25-27 August, 2004
Ottawa, pp. 31-36. Ed. Balkema (2004), ISBN 90
5809 636 X
Koliji A., Shariatmadari N. Effect of material
properties on the stability of solid waste landfills
and potential failure mechanisms. Proc. 57th
Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 24-27 Oct.
2004, pp. 9-14
Koliji A., Vulliet L, Laloui L. Structure
degradation of dry aggregated soils: experimental
evidence and model formulation. ASCE
Geotechnical Special Publication N 147, GeoInstitute, pp. 2174-2185, Editor Miller at al.,
Unsat06, 2006.
Labiouse V. Fragmental rockfall paths :
comparison of simulations on alpine sites and
experimental investigation of boulder impacts.
Proc. IX th Int. Symp. on Landslides, July, 2004,
Rio De Janeiro, pp. 457-466. Ed. Balkema (2004),
ISBN 04 1535 665 2
Labiouse V. Principes de modlisation numrique
en travaux de fondations. Publ. de la Socit Suisse
de Mcanique des Sols et des Roches "Les
programmes informatiques dans la gotechnique",
no 146 (2003), pp. 15-26.
Labiouse V., Fontana O. Considrations sur le
dimensionnement des pieux - Eurocode 7 et SIA
267. Journe d'tude : Fondations sur pieux :
Dimensionner, raliser, contrler. Socit Suisse de
Mcanique des Sols et des Roches, Berne, 28
Octobre 2005, Publ. de la SSMSR N 151, pp. 1334
Labiouse V., Heidenreich B. Studio sperimentale
del rimbalzo dei blocchi rocciosi. Atti del
convegno su Bonifica di versanti rocciosi per la
protezione del territorio. Trento, 11-12 Mars 2004,
pp. 67-75 Ed. GEAM, ISBN 88-901342-0-8

Annexe au No 39 de septembre 2007

Laloui L. , Cekerevac C. Thermo-plasticity of

clays : an isotropic yield mechanism. Journ.
Computer and Geotechnics vol. 30(2003), pp. 649660
Laloui L. Aspects constitutifs de la modlisation
numrique en gomcanique. Publication de la
Socit Suisse de Mcanique des Sols et des
Roches, no 146, pp. 1-13
Laloui L., Cekerevac C. Cyclic thermal disturbance
in the stress field of clays : experimental
characterisation and constitutive modelling.
Proceeding of 2nd intern. meeting ANDRA , march
14-18, 2005 Tours, pp.75-76
Laloui L., Cekerevac C. Fundamentals on thermomechanics of saturated clays. Proc. of the Int.
Symp. 2003 on Soil Ground Improvement and
Geosynthetics in waste Containment and Erosion
Control Applications, Dec. 2003, Asian Inst. of
Tech. Thailand, pp. 135-153
Laloui L., Cekerevac C., Franois B. Constitutive
modelling of the thermo-plastic behaviour of soils.
European Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no
5-6, pp. 635-650, 2005
Laloui L., Cekerevac C., Vulliet L. Non-isothermal
modelling of the cyclic mechanical behaviour of
MC clay. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. of IACMAG,
Torino, Italy 19-24 June 2005. Ed. Ptron Editore,
ISBN 88-555-2812-2, pp. pp. 377-383
Laloui L., Charlier R., Pijaudier-Cabot G. PrefaceCoupled
Geomechanics. European Journal of Civil
Engineering, vol. 9, no5-6 (2005), pp. 557-560
Laloui L., Klubertanz G., Vulliet L. Solid - air
coupling in multiphase porous media. Int. Journ.
for Numer. and Anal. Meth. in Geomech., vol.
27(2003), no 3, pp. 183-206
Laloui L., Moreni M., Vulliet L. Comportement
d'un pieu bi-fonction, fondation et changeur de
chaleur. Revue canadienne de gotechnique , vol.
40 (2003) , pp. 388-402
Laloui L., Nuth M. An introduction to the
constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils.
European Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no
5-6, pp. 651-670, 2005
Laloui L., Nuth M. Numerical Modeling of Some
Features of Heat Exchanger Pile. ASCE
Geotechnical Special Publication , no 153 (2006),
Foundation analysis and design-Innovative
methods, pp. 189-194. Editor Parsons...(et al.)

Page 5

Laloui L., Nuth M. Numerical modelling of the

behaviour of a heat exchanger pile. European
Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no 5-6, pp.
827-839, 2005
Laloui L., Nuth M., Vulliet L. Experimental and
numerical investigations of the behaviour of a heat
exchanger pile. Intern. Journal of Numerical and
Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol.
30(2006), pp. 763-781
Laloui L., Pron H., Geiser F., Rifai A., Vulliet L.
Advances in volume measurement in unsaturated
triaxial tests. Soils and Foundations Journal, Vol.
46 (2006), N 3, pp. 341-350
Laloui L., Tacher L., Moreni M., Bonnard Ch.
Hydro-mechanical modeling of crises of large
landslides : application to the La Frasse Landslide.
Proc. IX Int. Symp. on Landslides, June 2004, Rio
de Janeiro, pp. 1103-1110. Ed. Balkema (2004),
ISBN 04 1535 665 2
Laloui L., Vulliet L., Cekerevac C., Moreni M.
Heat exchanger pile : in situ testing and
constitutive modelling. Proc. Int. Conf. on GeoEnvironmental Engineering, Singapore, 9-10 Dec.
2003 , pp. 1-14
Lateltin O., Haemmig Ch., Raetzo H, Bonnard Ch.
Landside risk management in Switzerland. Journal
of the International Consortium on Landslides, vol.
2(2005), no 4, pp. 313-320
Laws S., Eberhardt E., Loew S., Descoeudres F.
Geomechanical properties of shear zones in the
eastern Aar massif, Switzerland and their
Implication on Tunnelling. Journ. Rock Mech. and
Rock Eng. (2003), vol. 36(4), pp. 271-303
Leroi E., Bonnard Ch., Fell R., McInnes R. Risk
assessment and management. Proc.of the Int. Conf.
on Landslide Risk Management , Vancouver, 31
May-3 June 2005, pp. 159-198. Ed. Balkema, ISBN
04 1538 043 X
Mathier J.-F., Gisiger J. P. Abrasivity of Icelandic
basalts. Proc.of the 10th ISRM 2003 : Technology
roadmap for rock mechanics, South African 8-18
Sept.2003, pp 809-811. ISBN 1-919783-52-0
Mayoraz F., Vulliet L., Laloui L. Attrition and
particle breakage under monotonic and cyclic
loading. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Eng.(16ICSMGE), Osaka ,
Sept.2005, pp. 409-412
Mayoraz F., Vulliet L., Laloui L. Attrition and
praticle breakage under monotonic and cyclic
loading. Comptes Rendus Acadmie des Sciences,
C. R. Mecanique Vol. 334, N. 1, pp. 1-7, 2006.

Annexe au No 39 de septembre 2007

Montani Stoffel S., Labiouse V., Descoeudres F.

Impatti di blocchi rocciosi su un modello di
galleria di protezione caduta massi. Atti del
convegno su Bonifica di versanti rocciosi per la
protezione del territorio . Trento, 11-12 Mars 2004,
pp. 279-293. Ed. GEAM, ISBN 88-901342-0-8
Nishimura T., Kiyama H., Egger P. Numerical
simulation for the stabilily of a stecked-drift-type
tunnel. Proc. of the 1st Kyoto Int. Sym. on
Underground Environment, March 17-18, 2003, pp.
Pron H., Laloui L., Hueckel T. An experimental
evidence in desiccation cracking in sandy silt. Proc.
Int. Symp. on Advanced Experimental Unsaturated
Soil Mechanics, Experus 05, pp. 475-481, Eds
Tarantino...(et al.) Balkema 2005, ISBN 0 415
38337 4
Pron H., Laloui L., Hueckel T., Hu L.
Experimental study of desiccation of soil. ASCE
Geotechnical Special Publication N 147, GeoInstitute, pp. 1073-1084, Editor Miller at al.,
Unsat06, 2006.
Poppei J., Schwarz R., Mattsson N., Steinmann G.,
Laloui L. Innovative Verbesserungen bei Thermal
Response Tests . Proc. 9th Geothermal trade
conference: More energy from the ground,
Karlsruhe, 15.-17. November 2006, pp. 281-292
Prina E., Bonnard C., Vulliet L. Vulnerability and
risk assessment of a mountain road crossing
landslides. Rivista italiana di geotecnica , Anno
XXXVIII, no 2 (2004), pp 67-79
Rojat F., Labiouse V., Descoeudres F., Kaiser P.K.
Ltschberg base tunnel : brittle failure phenomena
encountered during excavation of the Steg lateral
adi. Proc. of the 10th ISRM 2003 : Technology
roadmap for rock mechanics, South African 8-18
Sept.2003, pp. 973-976. ISBN 1-919783-52-0
Sandrone F., Dudt J.-P., Labiouse V., Descoeudres
F. Analysis of delayed convergences in a carbon
zone of the Ltschberg Tunnel. Proc. Eurock 2006,
Lige, Mai 2006, pp. 351-356. ISBN 0 415 41001 0
Steinmann G., Laloui L. Dtermination des
caractristiques thermiques des sols. Bulletin
Geothermie CH, no 38, Mars 2005, pp. 8-9
Steinmann G., Laloui L. Dtermination des
caractristiques thermiques des sols : Nouveau
dveloppement". Gothermie CH, No 40, pp. 14,
mars 2006
Steinmann G., Laloui L. Gothermie : la rponse
vient du sol. Journal Chantiers & Rnovation, no 8
sept. 2006, pp. 50-51

Page 6

Steinmann G., Laloui. L. Thermal response tests :

in situ determination of geothermal characteristics
of soils . IGA News (Newsletter of the International
Geothermal Association); N 62 (2005), pp. 7-10
Tacher L., Bonnard Ch., Laloui L., Parriaux A.
Modelling the behaviour of a large landslide with
respect to hydrogeological and geomechanical
parameter heterogeneity. Journal of the
International Consortium on Landslides, vol. 2
(2005), no 1, pp.3-14
Vulliet L. Point de vue : Une culture du risque face
aux forces de la nature. Revue Route et Trafic, no
1-2 (2005), pp. 10-11
Vulliet L., Bonnard Ch., Laloui L., F. Geiser
Numerical analysis of natural slopes. Proc. of the
11th Int. Conf. of IACMAG, Torino, Italy 19-24
June 2005. Ed. Ptron Editore, ISBN 88-555-28122, pp. 657-670
Vulliet L., Laloui L., Klubertanz G., Geiser F.,
Rifa'i A. Mechanik ungesttigter Bden und deren
Anwendung auf Hangbewegungen = Mechanics of
unsaturated soils and their application on slope
stability. BAW-Workshop : Boden-und SohlStabilitt-Betrachtungen an der Schnittstelle
zwischen Geotechnik und Wasserbau, Karlsruhe,
Sept. 2004, pp. 19-1 / 19-10
Vulliet L., Laloui L., Koliji A., Cuisinier O.
Unsaturated structured soil with multi-porosity =
Multi-porse Strukturen in teilgesttigten Bden.
BAW-Workshop : Boden-und Sohl-StabilittBetrachtungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen
Geotechnik und Wasserbau, Karlsruhe, Sept. 2004,
Zhao J., Cai J. G., Zhao X. B., Li H. B.
Experimental study of ultrasonic wave attenuation
across parallel fractures. Geomechanics and
Geoengineering : ISSN 1748-6025, vol. 1, no 2,
Zhao J., Gong Q.M. Keynote : Rock mechanics and
excavation by tunnel boring machine - issues and
challenges. Proc. 4th Asian Rock Mechanics
Symposium, Singapore, 2006, pp. 83-96
Zhao J., Zhao X. B., Cai J. G. A further study of Pwave attenuation across parallel fractures with
linear deformational behaviour. Int. J. Rock
Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 43(2006), pp.
776-788, ISSN 1365-1609

Annexe au No 39 de septembre 2007

Zhao J., Zhao X. B., Hefny A. M., Cai J. G.

Normal Transmission of S-Wave Across Parallel
Fractures with Coulomb Slip Behavior. Journ. of
Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, June 2006, pp.
641-650, ISSN 0733-9399
Zhao J., Zhao X.B., Ma G.W., Li H. B., Zhou Y. X.
Keynote : Recent Studies of Rock Dynamics for
Underground Development. Geotechnical special
publication no 155, ASCE Proc. GeoShanghai,
June 2006, pp. 1-25 Eds. H. Zhu...(et al.). ISBN 07844-0867-X
Zhao X. B., Zhao J., Cai J. G. P-wave transmission
across fractures with nonlinear deformational
behaviour. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech.,
2006, vol. 30, no 11, pp. 1097-1112, ISSN 03639061
Zhao, J. The challenge of TBM excavation in rock.
Tunnels and Tunnelling Int., Vol. 38, No 9, 2006,
pp. 27-29

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