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Aaron Escalante

Kati Lewis
English 2010
April 20, 2016
Imaginative Journal

A Zombies Silver Lining

Starting Zombie 2010, I was excited; I like making hypothetical situations and then
seeing how they play out, yet I never imagined this one would become a reality. There had been
small incidents here and there, but I was so focused on passing the class that it had flown over
my head. Once I heard the national emergency broadcast on my phone, I went straight home and
gathered my family. The plan was to head south, the opposite direction of the outbreak, as it
seemed the most logical. There was only one problem though, my dad works up north in a Wells
Fargo, and he hadnt returned. I decided to go back and try to find him, which ended up being the
biggest mistake I made.
Packing light snacks/water and a machete my dad purchased a few weeks back (thank
God), I took my bicycle (Dad has the car, so I figured we can just throw the bike in the back and
then ditch the town) and rode up North, which took a little over an hour. However, the further
north I went, the more chaos and zombies I encountered. It got really bad once I actually got to
Salt Lake City though, the zombie hordes were only a half a mile north (I could tell by the loud
screams and what looked like an ocean of dead people). The Wells Fargo was still farther North,
but no amount of stealth/slashing was going to get me through that wall, it would be suicide. I

turned back feeling defeated, not realizing that I was biking into a zombie trap. I tried slashing
them with my machete, but it wasnt enough and one of them bit me on my right arm, a little less
than an inch away from the wrist. I thought I was a goner, but then all of a sudden, a bunch of
women come out with knives and even a gun; I thought I was saved until one of them takes my
machete and hacks my right arm off! I passed out before I could see anything else.
I awoke feeling dazed and not fully there, probably because Im missing my right hand
and half my right arm. It hurts like hell, but it was bandaged and taken care of so at least I dont
have to worry about infection, or at least, not the zombie causing kinds. Looking around, I see
that Im in a small room with not much in it outside of me and the bed Im lying in. I look over
and theres a glass of water and the snacks I packed. I drink the water, but it was a little tricky
trying to open the graham crackers with only one hand. I must have been making a lot of noise,
because I start hearing voices outside my room. I try to get up, but thats when I realize Ive been
handcuffed to the bed by my left ankle. Two women come in soon after, one that looked like a
nurse and one that looked like a cop, and the nurse comes carefully to me asking me how I feel.
Besides missing an arm and being tied down, I feel ok I replied.
Tying you down was just a safety precaution. Tabitha---
We shouldnt be telling him our names said the police woman in a slightly rude manner.
Sorry! Ummmm, some of our members saw you being attacked and well, you had supplies and
a weapon so they decided to grab you. They saw you were bit though, and one of them decided
to chop it off, saying she saw it stop the infection in a videogame once. We didnt want you to
turn though and then not be somewhat restrained replied the nurse.
Wellthanks, I guess I said as I looked at my arm.
She saved your life, boy. Dont be rude

sorry, that wasnt my intention. I really do appreciate you helping me. I say to the nurse.
Its no problem, its kind of my job to help people the nurse said, avoiding eye contact.
Well, lets go, its time for you to stand trial said the policewoman.
Wait what? What did I do? I said. She ignored me as she nudged the nurse to leave the room.
The nurse waved goodbye, and then left, leaving me alone with the cop. The cop then pointed at
her side, showing a gun, saying Dont try anything, and you wont get hurt while she uncuffed
me from the bed and led me out of the room and into a long hall. After a while, we ended up in
what felt like the main room, where I saw Yolanda & Aaron (M.) sitting in what looked like a
trial. The policewoman took me up to go sit with them, and when they saw me, Aaron was happy
to see me, while Yolanda just looked shocked as she exclaimed, Holy shit, youre alive! What
happened to your arm?! I was surprised to see them, but was wondering something. If you
guys are here, wheres Alex? They both looked at each other, but before they could say
anything, another woman stepped into our conversation and said, Your friend decided to go
fight the zombie horde. She took the sick from our Gandhi statue and starting whacking them,
however it wasnt much use and she was overtaken in seconds. Now as for your other friends, he
(pointing at Aaron) snuck in through the back door, and she (pointing at Yolanda) attacked one of
our fleeing staff and stole her key. All three of you are on trial along with Tabitha (pointing at a
brunette) for entering the safe house.
So we are in trouble solely for being in here? I replied in a solemn tone.
Dont look so mad, after all, this was the plan you made isnt it? Bunker down and dont let
anyone in. That was the plan, and were sticking with it whether you like it or not.
But were already here, youre just going to kick us out, essentially killing us? I respond, and
the crowd begins to whisper, as if in silent agreement with me. The woman looks around, also

noticing the whispers, and states, Lets get back to the trial. Well decide what to do with you
there. Shauna, continue with the trial please. Another woman who was sitting next to her stands
up and says, Thank you Anne, now as I was saying. The four individuals standing on trial are as
follows: Aaron Morgan being charged with breaking & entering, Yolanda Ortega with assault,
breaking, and entering, Tabitha Young being charged with bringing an outsider into the group,
and Aaron Escalante being charged with entering. Do any of you wish to dispute what youre
being charged with?
I do Shauna, I replied, How can I be charged with anything seeing how I was unconscious
upon being brought into the safe house? I didnt come in, I was brought in. Also, how can you
charge Tabitha for bringing me in? Its a zombie outbreak, but we dont need to lose our
humanity. She should be rewarded, not punished!
Can anyone vouch that Aaron was unconscious at the time of his arrival and not merely quiet or
pretending to be unconscious? stated Shauna. There was quiet for a while, until one quiet voice
came out. I can. Aaron passed out from fatigue and blood loss well before he was brought in. I
know this because I was holding the door open for the watch dogs, and told them to take him to
the ER. It was the nurse I met before. She looked at me, and I smiled at her. Shauna then
replied, Well, I guess there are no grounds upon which to challenge Aaron then. Should no one
have anything else to say, the jury will now issue their verdict and suggestions. The jury was led
out into what I assume to be a private room so that they may come up with their verdict. During
the recession, I went up to the nurse and thanked her for speaking on my behalf; I could tell that
there were some who wish she hadnt, so it was very appreciated. I turned to leave, but she then
stated, My name is Sarah. I was a little surprised, mainly due to how the policewoman
beforehand had been very against telling me names. My names Aaron, although I bet you

already knew that by now I replied with a joking manner. She giggled a little, but the jury came
out so we returned to our seats. Shauna, whom I assume to be the Exterior/Interior Manager at
this point, said, has the jury come to their conclusion?
Yes, we believe that Aaron Morgan & Yolanda Ortega are guilty of their crimes, while Aaron
Escalante and Tabitha Young are found not guilty for the charges presented by the Court. The
appropriate punishment for Yolanda is banishment from the group, Aaron M. is temporary
incarceration until proven either an asset or threat, while Aaron E. and Tabitha get community
service with 3 days of temporary incarceration. I can agree with that replied the
Exterior/Interior Manager, Now that this has been taken care of, the court has been dismissed.
Yolandas banishment will be later tonight; meanwhile, please vacate the main room as the
Managers and Executive Leader must review the Zombie Plan.
Yolanda was not at all happy, I cant believe this, we made them a plan, made it all
pretty, and now theyre kicking me out? What a load of bullshit!
Well, we did tell them to bunker down, and not let anyone in. Aaron M. replied.
You dont get to talk, theyre letting you and Aaron off easy! Yolanda replied very angrily.
Look, what can we do? We didnt assault someone to get in here. Head south; Saras group is
over at SLCC redwood campus remember? If you can get down there, youre home free! I
replied. Yeah, IF I can get down there. Yolanda replied sarcastically.
Well, anyways, long story short, Yolanda was banished and we dont know whatever
became of her. Aaron and I were eventually let into the group as trusted members and we both
became watch dogs! However, we eventually had to leave after running out of food, water, and
electricity. There was also a problem with Governor Herbert constantly threatening to plow us
over with his tank (see below)

The plan was to head south, just like we outlined in the proposal, and the watch dogs were to
cover the patients/civilians transport. Unfortunately, I died during the transport as zombies
rushed us out of nowhere. It happens, oh well.

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