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Neurofibromatosis hom 1 Neurofibromatosis

type 1 (English)
Neurofibromatosis hom 1 yog dab What is neurofibromatosis type 1?
Neurofibromatosis (nur-oh-fie-broe-mah-toe- Neurofibromatosis (nur-oh-fie-broe-mah-
sis) hom 1 (uas kuj muab hu ua NF1) yog ib toe-sis) type 1 (also called NF1) is a
qho uas ua tau rau tawv nqaij pauv thiab ua condition that causes skin changes as well
tau nqaij hlav raws cov leeg xa xov hauv lub as tumors along the nerves in the body. The
cev. Cov nqaij hlav no feem ntau tsis yog tumors are usually not cancer.
kab mob khees-xaws.

NF1 raug rau ib leej ntawm 3,000 mus rau NF1 affects one in every 3,000 to 4,000
4,000 leej menyuam mos. Kwv yees li babies. About 100,000 people in the United
100,000 leej tib neeg hauv teb chaws Meskas States have it. NF1 affects all races and
muaj hom no. NF1 raug rau txhua haiv neeg both sexes equally.
thiab poj niam thiab txiv neej sib npaug zos.

Dab tsi tsim muaj NF1? What causes NF1?

NF1 yog ib qho uas muaj raws caj ces. Qhov NF1 is a genetic condition. This means it is
no txhais tau hais tias nws yog tsim los caused by a mutation (change) in the NF1
ntawm ib qho kev sib faib (pauv) hauv lub gene. It is present at birth, and nothing can
NF1 gene (hu ua ntsees). Thaum yug los ces prevent it. See the education sheet,
yeej muaj lawm, thiab tsis muaj dab tsi yuav “Genetic conditions.”
los thaiv tau kom txhob muaj. Saib daim
ntawv cob qhia, sau ua “Tej yam muaj raws
caj ces.”

Kwv yees li ib nrab ntawm cov tib neeg uas About half of all people with NF1 have
muaj NF1 yog tau tus gene uas tsim hom no inherited the gene that causes it from a
los ntawm leej niam los sis leej txiv. Hos ib parent. The other half have it because of a
nrab muaj vim yog tias muaj kev pauv tshiab new change in the gene. There is a blood
nyob hauv tus gene. Muaj ib qho kev kuaj test to identify genetic changes that can
ntshav uas kuaj tau cov kev pauv raws caj ces cause NF1. See the education sheet,
uas yuav tsim tau NF1. Saib daim ntawv cob “Genetic conditions.”
qhia, sau ua “Tej yam muaj raws caj ces.”

Thaum ib tus neeg uas muaj NF1 yug ib tug When a person with NF1 has a child, there
menyuam, nws muaj kwv yees li 50% uas tus is a 50% chance that the baby will receive
menyuam ntawd yuav tau tus NF1 gene thiab. the NF1 gene.

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (Hmong/English)

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Nws yog ua li cas kuaj pom? How is it diagnosed?
Kom kuaj pom NF1, tus kws kho mob yuav To diagnose NF1, the doctor will do a
kuaj lub cev. Yuav tsum yog nrhiav tau ob physical exam. Two of the following must
yam ntawm cov nram qab no mas thiaj li be found in order to decide that someone
txiav txim tau tias ib tus neeg muaj NF1: has NF1:
• yam tsawg los 6 qhov ntaus cim xim kas- • at least 6 café-au-lait spots (brown
fes (ntaus cim xim av). Cov no feem ntau birthmarks). These are often seen on the
yog muaj rau ntawm daim tawv nqaij skin in young children, and may get
ntawm menyuam yaus, thiab tej zaum larger with age.
yuav loj zuj zus thaum lawv loj hlob.
• ob los sis ntau dua qhov neurofibromas • two or more small neurofibromas -
yau yau – ua qog rau ntawm daim tawv lumps on or under the skin. They may
los sis sab hauv daim tawv nqaij. Lawv appear just before puberty.
tshwm rau thaum tab tom yuav nto hluas.
• yam tsawg los ib qho plexiform • at least one plexiform neurofibroma -
neurofibroma – nqaij hlav loj zog, tob zog larger, deeper tumors around the nerves.
rau tej leeg xa xov. Tej thaum mas tsis Sometimes they cannot be seen or felt.
pom thiab mloog tsis tau li. Feem ntau They usually don’t cause a problem, but
lawv tsis ua teeb meem, tab sis qee qhov a few may develop into cancer.
tej zaum txawj hlav mus ua khees-xaws.
• tsuas tawv nqaij hauv lub qhov tsos los sis • freckles in the armpit or groin.
puab tais.
• sphenoid dysplasia – tus pob txha ncig lub • sphenoid dysplasia - abnormally shaped
qhov muag hlav tau tsis zoo. bone around the eye.
• tibial dysplasia – nkhaus hlaub • tibial dysplasia - curved lower leg bone.
• nqaij hlav rau leeg qhov muag los sis • optic pathway tumor or optic glioma -
optic glioma – nqaij hlav los sis tawv tuab tumor or thickening of the optic nerve in
ntawm txoj leeg xa xov rau qhov muag about 10 to 15% of affected children.
muaj rau ze 10 mus rau 15% ntawm cov
menyuam yaus uas raug.
• ob los sis ntau dua cov xim tsuas kheej • two or more iris Lisch nodules spots on
lam hauv lub ntsiab muag qhov muaj xim. the colored part of the eye.
• tus txheeb ze tshaj (niam, txiv, kwv-tij, • first degree relative (mother, father,
muam, tub, los sis ntxhais) uas muaj NF1. bother, sister, son, or daughter) who has

Qee hom tsos mob ntawm NF1 mas tsis pom Some of the signs of NF1 may not show up
muaj txog txij laus. Qhov no txhais tau tias until later in life. This means that NF1 may
tej zaum yuav kuaj tsis pom NF1 txog txij yav not be diagnosed until later in life,
laus, thiab haj yam nyuaj kuaj tau yog tias tsis especially if no one else in the family has it.
muaj lwm tus neeg hauv tsev neeg muaj li.

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (Hmong/English)

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Puas muaj taus lwm yam teeb Can other problems happen?
Cov teeb meem nram qab no yog cov nquag The following problems are more common
muaj dua hauv NF1 thiab yuav tsum ua zoo in NF1 and need to be watched for and
saib thiab mus rau kws kho mob los sis kws treated if necessary by the doctor or nurse
pab tu mob kho yog hais tias tsim nyog: practitioner:
• kawm tsis tau ntawv – qhov raug tau • learning disability - about a 50 %
muaj li 50 % chance
• mob tswm xeeb tsis tau zoo • attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD)
• taub hau loj zog li qhov sawv daws loj • larger head size than average
• qig taub dua li qhov sawv daws qis • shorter than average
• tiav hluas ntxov • early puberty
• muaj ntshav siab • high blood pressure
• scoliosis (khoov pob) • scoliosis (curved spine)
• mob taub hau • headaches
Qhov kev kho yog dab tsi? What is the treatment?
Tsis muaj ib txoj kev los qhia tau tom hau
There is no way to predict what problems a
ntej tias ib tus tib neeg uas muaj NF1 yuav
person with NF1 will have, or how serious
muaj cov teeb meem zoo li cas, thiab seb cov
those problems will be. The features of
teeb meem yuav txaus txhawj li cas. Tab
NF1 can be very different among people in
txawm yog tib tse neeg los tej tsos mob
the same family. Most people with NF1 do
ntawm NF1 yeej tseem sib txawv deb. Feem
not have many of the health problems listed
coob cov tib neeg uas muaj NF1 kuj tsis muaj
in this sheet, and live long, healthy lives.
cov mob uas sau rau hauv daim ntawv no,
thiab lawv nyob ntev, muaj kev noj qab nyob
There is no cure. Treatment depends on the
Tsis muaj ib yam tshuaj kho kiag tau. Kev
problems the person has.
kho yuav tsum tau xyuas seb tus tib neeg
muaj cov teeb meem li cas.
Café-au-lait spots and freckles are not a
Cov ntaus cim kas-fes thiab tsuas nqaij kuj
problem and need no treatment.
tsis yog teeb meem thiab tsis tas yuav tsum

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (Hmong/English)

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Menyuam yaus thiab neeg laus yuav tsum Children and adults should have their blood
mus kuaj ntshav siab/qis kom raws caij. Tej pressure checked regularly. High blood
zaum mas ntshav siab yog muaj vim cov pressure may be caused by these rare, but
nram no uas tsis nquag muaj thiab muaj kev treatable conditions:
kho tau:
• txoj leeg loj xa ntshav mus rau cov raum • narrowing of the artery to the kidney
pib txhaws zuj zus (renal artery stenosis) (renal artery stenosis)
• daim npog cov raum hlav nqaij • tumor of the adrenal gland
(pheochromocytoma) (pheochromocytoma)

Lwm txoj kev kho kuj muaj raws li: Other treatments may include:

Teeb meem Kev kho Problem Treatment

ADHD Tshuaj thiab kev cob qhia ADHD medicine and non-medicine
uas tsis siv tshuaj therapies
kawm tsis tau qhia ntawv tshwj xeeb learning special education
ntawv disability
scoliosis (khoov cia rau tus kws kho pob txha scoliosis early care by an orthopaedist
pob) pab thaum ntxov (ib tus kws (curved spine) (a doctor who specializes in
kho mob uas txawj kho pob bones)
nkhaus hlaub curved lower
neurofibromas yog tias mob los sis khaus, neurofibromas if painful or irritating, they can
mus kho hlais los tau be removed
plexiform ua zoo saib; yog tias loj plexiform watch carefully; if too large,
neurofibroma dhau, los sis hlav ua mob neurofibroma or becomes cancer, surgery or
khees-xaws, tej zaum yuav chemotherapy may be needed
tau mus phais los sis siv fais
fab tua mob
nqaij hlav rau leeg kuaj qhov muag raws caij; optic pathway regular eye exams; rarely need
qhov muag tsawg tsawg zaus thiaj li tumor chemotherapy
yuav tau siv fais fab tua

Kuv yuav tsum tu kuv tus menyuam How should I care for my child?
li cas?
Txhua tus neeg uas muaj NF1 yuav tsum mus All people with NF1 should be seen yearly
ntsib kws kho mob los sis kws tu mob uas by a doctor or nurse practitioner familiar
paub txog yam no ib zaug ib xyoos, thiab mus with the condition, as well as an
ntsib tus kws ophthalmologist (kws kho qhov ophthalmologist (eye doctor). Referrals to
muag). Tej zaum yuav muaj xa kom mus other specialists may be needed.
ntsib lwm tus kws kho mob.

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (Hmong/English)

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Kuv yuav tsum hu rau chaw kho When should I call the clinic?
mob thaum twg?

• yog muaj mob tshiab thiab tsis txawj zoo • any new and persistent pain
• txhawj txog tias tsis pom kev los sis mob • concerns about vision or headaches
taub hau
• txhawj txog kev kawm los sis coj cwj • learning or behavior concerns

Muaj lus nug? Questions?

Daim ntawv no tsis yog sau cob coos rau koj This sheet is not specific to your child, but
tus menyuam, tab tsis tsuas muab lus qhia dav provides general information. If you have
dav xwb. Yog tias koj muaj lus nug dab tsi, any questions, please call your clinic.
thov hu rau koj lub tsev kho mob.

Yog xav paub ntxiv txog neurofibromatosis, For more information about
mus saib: neurofibromatosis, visit:
• The Children’s Tumor Foundation • The Children’s Tumor Foundation
• Neurofibromatosis Inc. • Neurofibromatosis Inc.

Yog xav tau ntaub ntawv nyeem txog yam no For more reading material about this and
los sis lwm yam kho mob, thov hu los sis mus other health topics, please call or visit the
xyuas lub tsev qiv ntawv Family Resource Family Resource Center library, or visit our
Center, los sis mus xyuas peb daim Web site: Web site:

Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota

Patient/Family Education
2525 Chicago Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
12/07 ©Copyright, translated 12/07

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (Hmong/English)

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